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Everything posted by Galvatron

  1. What the ......... o_O !!!!! Well hopfully its backwards compatible to all the games from DS, DSi. I wonder if it plays old GBA games?
  2. Well its about almost time for me to show my first character i'm working on. I studied mugen coding enough to do so but if I want to learn to make my characters better I have get feed back from thr Pros.

  3. I see they have the demo of pokemon X/Y available.
  4. Your right on that one. One character I would like to see remade by Nemnin is Rumia.
  5. You know Akira your prediction of Benben, Yatsuhashi and Raiko having a Concerto could be coming true: It looks like the Prismrivers are starting to adore Tsukumo sisters music.
  6. ...And it looks like 4Koma is jumping in on this too. http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1487312?tags=sukuna_shinmyoumaru LOL! I guess Reimu realize turning big will be more expensive.
  7. I see fan-art is starting taking it seriously on Sukuna Shinmyoumaru's Mallet LOL! http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1486415?tags=sukuna_shinmyoumaru
  8. I guess you can say they are so-so characters in a way. =P
  9. ALLLLLL!!!...ABOARRRRRRRRD!!!............HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!. XD .........[que music]..............

    1. MugoUrth


      Crazy! But that's how it goes. Millions of people leaving this world. ...Or something like that.

  10. Oh! My bad. I just realize it. Thats a nice Lifebar Portrait for Kokoro. hope she gets updated.
  11. Update: - All Fanatail characters by Teaf updated 8/24/2013 (download links are still the same) More AI fixes for Balance play and bug fixes. Plus all his characters are now Mugen 1.1 compatible. He also updated ft_acadamy stage to work on Mugen 1.1. which is now linked here: https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=38bcff7fd90abbb2&id=38BCFF7FD90ABBB2!234&authkey=!AP0f1w66PEa0Tk4 It seems Teaf decided to do upgrades on his creations. expect more to come from him soon.
  12. That will be awesome as well as other Fossil pokemon if giving mega evolutions.
  13. AHHHH! and I was getting hyped up about it too. =(
  14. Nice! Another Final Boss Touhou character converted to mugen. downloading....... (edit post) For those who having trouble finding the Link: http://page.freett.com/nenmintei/index.html
  15. ......zzzzzzz......[sNORE!!!]......zzzzzzz.....[sNORE!!!!!]....zzzzzzz........[sNORE!!!!!].....zzzzzzz....

  16. Pokken??! Sound like a rip of off of Tekken
  17. Well its about time for pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald to get a remake anyways. Hopfully they will have it in all 3D environment if they do. ( Its been awhile seeing Haruka/May in action in the game series )
  18. Still sticking with Megashock100 Mewtwo.
  19. Cool! Minds Favs are Sekibanki And Seija Kijin (Off Topic) The views of this topic is over "90,000"!!!!
  20. Well, all I can say in retrospect that some Artist have there own "doujin-style" drawings of their creations. Tifu and Tephanis are Dudes who are probly guardians of their village in Fanatail Forest. (If I recall Tifu is a striker for Ferir when she calls him in mugen) LOL! Kanbei XD Anyway Thanks! We not sure if Teaf is planning on making them as characters for mugen but at least it be a reference of what he might do in the future.
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