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Everything posted by Galvatron

  1. I don't know but my gut feeling tells me its going to be "Grandpa Simpson" the fact he have not appeared in many episodes in the last few seasons so something tells me he going to be the one to get killed or die by Sickness or old age. In my opinion.
  2. The Drawing looks pretty good to me since they are sketch art. Keep it up man.
  3. Same with me unfortunitly since I have a busy work schedrule for the rest of the week. more likly get the game next monday. =P
  4. A good chance they will be in. Doe one of them will be an unlockable character.
  5. Good point!! ^_^ The epic battle of sonic VS. Megaman. This is going to be awesome. And something tells me their might be an Event challenge where you have to fight Mario,Sonic, Mega-man in a showdown.
  6. Cool! Maybe ZSM is probly going to make the whole cast,
  7. Thanks Borewood. That would be a good idea so I can show everyone my progress on him. Thanks for the encouragement This is his walking but I might need to adjust a couple of sprites alittle more and slow down the animation to make it smooth. Then the next thing I would do is show a video of his progress entirely for people to see
  8. I think we are cool with the third party characters unless Nintendo gives us a surprise, but having Nintendo/Saga/Capcom characters in one game is so awesome! in my perspective.
  9. Their has been an annoucement About the "Pokeman Bank"[reported on Serebii.net] : "It has been announced that the storage app, Pokémon Bank, is due for release in North America on December 27th. With it comes a 30 day free pass if you download and play the application before February 1st. From then on, if you wish to use the services, including Poke Transporter, you will need to pay a yearly fee of $4.99. It also confirms that you cannot have items on your Pokémon when you send it to Bank, with the items returning to your bag. It was previously announced that this facility would be available in Japan from December 25th for 500¥ a year and in Europe from December 27th for an unannounced fee." Hmm..... I guess it will work out for those 30 days, but do we really have to wait a few months more to get some of our pokemon from the previous games to get transfered to the new pokemon X/Y?!! That crazy!!!
  10. Cool!! At first I thought it was a bonus stage.
  11. Thanks Bro!! Looking in to MFG I see some one gave feedback on Shinku: Feed back by Moop from MFG [Qoute]: "as far as shinkus goes, this could be the best so far. definately better than some of the others... but still a little unbalenced. -her lvl 1 hypers are a little too strong and it's even worse for her lvl 2 and 3 hypers as well. if the damage on the supers were toned down a little... -sometimes her petel projectile does this to eins. though, it really only happens to eins, the author should still look through shinkus code to see if something on that end could fix the problem. other than that, there wasn't much else wrong i could find with it. she has no ai, so it doesnt take advantage of the damage dampener flaws. i havent looked t her clsns yet, so i'll return once i look at em." Hmmm.. I guess have to tone down her Super moves a little. And also check the Victim state in her "Petal Daze" moves if it glitches other characters. But all in all this is great getting feedback like this. Gives me more Motivated.
  12. Awesome! Borewood ! I deffinitly going to try her out. Waiting for some one to do Beatrice for awhile. downloading....
  13. Thanks Toshio! going to show more Gifs of his basics I done soon...
  14. Good Idea Darkwolf13 since we have about 8 more days before the games come out, best not to show to much spoilers around. Thanks Garchompmatt ! Doe these types might have a bunch of weaknesses but at least its reasonable.
  15. Well all I can say tell the games are released then we can find out about those new pokemon techs (moves). But one thing I'm curious about is the new starters types when their in their final evolutions.
  16. Cool! XD I be sure to impliment this coding for her Intro. Thanks Toshio you Teaching me alot man. Wow! pretty good match you did with Her. Even though she has no AI she can be quite a handfull to fight against.
  17. Thanks everyone!! I'll keep that in mind. Though working with Sagats sprites its self in Fighter Factory 3 is a bit challenging if I get the alignment right. Maybe I should Zoom-out the screen on the program to get better visual. that should work out.
  18. I think so too the fact they already gave us newcomers to look forward to when the game comes out next year. And maybe Nintendo might sneak another 3rd-party character to make things more interesting (even in doubt). But I still hoping they Have a "Fire Emblem" character for the starting Roster before they decide not to show no more spoilers.
  19. Thats cool! Unless Nintendo makes them one of the unlockable characters in this SSB I guess we have to wait and see
  20. Now that we have a good number of characters in the SSB WiiU/3ds roster I might as well redo my list of who i want, may or not want to comeback: Who I (still) want to come back (revised): + Captain Falcon (YEEEESSSS!!!) + Mr Game & Watch (he's a uniqe Character on his own 2D way.) + Roy ( I played him alot in SSB melee) + King Dedede ( of course someone needs to go after Kirby) + Meta Knight( He still wants to prove Kirby he's more of a warrior then him) + Mewtwo ( could be making a comback with his Altered Forms from Pokemon X/Y) + Zelda (If peach is in it so should Her. Though i still think their going to cut her "Sheik" form ) + Diddy Kong (Donkey Kong still needs a partner) + Ganondorf( since Toon-Link is in it might be the Ganondorf from "Wind Waker" this time) The ones I expect not to comeback (in my opinion) [revised] : - Solid Snake ( High chance he is not coming back) - R.O.B.(nothing more than a maintenace Bot) - Wolf (Like I said before: pretty much a Fox clone) - Marth (chrome might take his place) - pokemon trainer (He can be replaced with another trainer or other pokemon) Characters that may or not comeback [revised]: / Wario (Indeed he's the arch rival of mario, but Bowser will always take upon that title, though he has his own style of fighting.) / Lucario (Even though he wasn't too popular in SSBB but he's still one of the popular pokemon in the game series) / Jigglypuff (So far she/he/it been around all the SSB, but their are other pokemon that is willing to join the fun) / Falco (You might as well say he is another clone but than again Fox needs a partner) / Yoshi (He been in all SSB as well but other friends of Mario will like to jump in the fun) / Ness,or Lucas( One or the other must step down the Fact that they have similar moves) / Ice climbers (They may be back)
  21. wouldn't you two like to know. LOL!!: So I see. thanks you so much Toshio I will definitly use your advice to update her. I also see that RicePigeon post my released at MFG Thank you very much Man By the way Toshio cool videos on her going against those boss character . and every body else thank you for trying my character. If you anybody else have more feedback for me that wiil be awesome. XD
  22. I think I have his stance down pack. But I think I need to aline some of the sprites alittle to give him a smoother animation.
  23. As some of you predicted when I released Shinku. I am doing SSF2T Sagat as my next WIP. Now so far his basics are done but its going to take me time to to get his sprites and animations done the fact his sprites are huge!!!!!! . but I can deal with it as I go along. Plus he is going to have some moves base from SF Alpha. He will be also my first character I create using a "base" character. Who I am using Old SSF2 sagat By Fido. So wish me Luck.
  24. So we got our selfs a black Charizard (Fire/dragon type) eh? I wonder well it have the move "Blue Flare" that be awesome Plus I might name it Oni - Charizard since it has the same coloration as Oni-Akuma from SSF4 : LOL! GarchompMatt! XD
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