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Everything posted by Galvatron

  1. Man that awesome! Toshio Are you going to let your characters fight the other Castlevania bosses?
  2. Its all good seravy. Just keep doing your thing For mugen and it be all right.
  3. yeah! that might be the case but we will see in a month when it comes out. =P LOL! Somtimes we get off track on the subject knowing we suppose to be on Pokemon X/Y game. I can't what till it comes out. I mean it looks like Nintendo/Gamefreak is really putting alot to it. The online battles are going to be intense and other things they might add to the game. Hopefully they bring back another World Tournament I will love to battle the Champions again in 3D especially Cynthia.
  4. Man!! she can be a potential Touhou Character the way the story tells about her.
  5. I agree. At least it can boost its speed stat to give it an edge in battle. but something tells me it will become a Flying/Fairy type the fact it has wings.
  6. Hahaha! those are good ones It sould be ok to post them like that since its Ryoucchi's topic
  7. Yay! I Noob and now became a Noobie...[que pokemon fanfare]... I rank up as a MFFA-ER Cool :D but since I'm a busy man working two jobs and starting making and editing characters my move list change...

    1. Galvatron


      1.)Meditate (forget yawn) 2.)Bulk up (forget snore) 3.)Hypervoice (forget sleeptalk) 4.) Rest (still keeping)

    2. FlipSide


      You Beat Me Too It ! >_<

    3. FlipSide


      Congrats Though !

  8. Waoh something happening to me!!???........[Que pokemon evolution music]................

  9. LoL! Even though I'm not a SpongeBob fan but thats funny
  10. To be honest the only thing I see thats a flaw in the pokemon series Are fighter-types super effective towards other types (normal, ice, rock, dark, steel). Personally they sould change the effectiveness on steel-types where fighting types dosn't cause alot of damage on them because if you think about in reality how can you as a fighter (karate,judo, etc.) punch through metal elements? Thats practicaly impossible if you think about. I understand you can break ice,and rock. You can fight against darkness ("Fist of Justice" comes in mind) and beat up things that are Normal, but I just can't see how a fighter can go against steel. =P
  11. Some more crossover art with touhou characters: [i have to admit, the Morrigan/Remilia one is pretty nice ]
  12. Even though I'm not in to MLP but I amit these pony's are pretty good characters. Good Job! tld828
  13. Cool! keep it up. This character looks like going to have potential Tetsu.
  14. Well, you made a couple of characters that pretty well to study coding plus I read some of yours, the other MFFA staff , and creators Topics on mugen "Tutorials" to understand the basics, which I don't have to ask about learning around this Forum. (Also you learned me how to be cool in the chat room )
  15. Well All i can say if Suigin keeps this up will have the whole roster before the end of the year.
  16. I know some of you might saw her use this motion in the vid but here is her ground projectile attack: and the projectile spark I am using. (from CVS Rock) I will do another video of Shinku while playing her in mugen to showcase what she dose. and at that time i will release her to get some feedback. so i can improve her while finishing her supers.
  17. Cool!! now we have the Iori's team complete downloading......
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