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Everything posted by Galvatron

  1. I was wondering when she going to get updated Thanks Muirtower. You did a good job on Klarissa with her intros and cosplays.
  2. Sorry I'm late. Tryed out Potpourri she pretty good, I didn't see any serious problems. However her Hit-recoveries are a bit slow (makes her more vulnerable for get hit multible times) other then that she pretty solid character Toshio.
  3. I see May haven't changed that much. but I always like her how she is in the GG series.
  4. Do you think your Firewall could be the cause... Some firewalls can prevent you from accessing to sudden websites.
  5. I think I forgot to do something...... I don't know.......... @_@ ??????

    1. Galvatron


      Never mind I remember now. LOL

  6. Awsome! Is the download link is the same...
  7. Hmm! looks like Luigi taunt attack has a more smash effect now!!
  8. Oh man! today could be the time the full version of Touhou 14 comes out. I can't what. XD I really like to here Sekibanki's theme which someone uploaded on youtube : ZUN is one cool game Artist.
  9. All I know is Baggy's characters AI Are very Hard with no let up when they start their Combos But Hopefully he will Think about Making Beatrice next that be Awesome.
  10. Hopefully they make "Parental Bond" limited to (not all) but to some attacks other wise it will be kind of unfair to get hit with double Giga impacts or hyper beams. To be honest I was expecting a pre-evolution of Kangaskhan around this generation but instead they have it fight along side its mother in mega-form which its kind of crazy to me.
  11. Harmir updated by Teaf - 8/10/2013 (download link is the same) It seems her AI is more balance and some of her moves been fix a little (like her Eagle dive) (Edit post) More art works from Teaf (maybe potential mugen characters for future reference) : A magic girl: A little warrior, viking or princess ( I guess :P) : A Android : A singer or miko girl (?) :
  12. Hmm! interesting. It seems the Baby Kangashkan grows a little and jumps out of the mother Kangashkan to battle plus it has the ability "Parental Bond" where any move the mother Kangashkan do the baby does too causing a double hit effect. I wonder do they have mega-evolution for Charizard
  13. Yes it will. If Teaf comes up with new art work or Characters/Stages I'll post an update on the Topic. You can make GIFs. by using Fighter Factory 3 (or Classic, Ultimate edition) in the Animation part of the program.
  14. Well its not really a game, more like his Original work base off his art. :P But Fantail could become a game eventually if Teaf creates more characters and stages. =) Well Keeva that nothing to be concern about now. Let just keep our debates moderate and cool. So we won't have Topics getting deleted.
  15. Oh yes I remember thanks. I said their are other characters that maybe on the works corresponding to Teaf's art work: Teaf (Tifu): Tephanis: Leafia: Effy: Aerie: Elthia: So we may expect more characters from him in the future. (Personally It be cool If he makes Elthia . She be an interesting Character in mugen )
  16. (off topic) The whole factor that Ryon is trying to get across to all of us in this forum is not to take things to seriously to a point people are chowing each other out. Yes i understand we have our agreements and disagreements about many things but that dosnt mean go to extremes on threatening each other to a point everybody hate each other in the Forum (unless its a form of joke) which can cause negative vibes about MFFA. =I (Back on topic) Diffbok did you ask me something about Teaf's Characters before this Topic was deleted yesterday?
  17. Hmm! I see. but their stats will change drastically when they used the mega hold-item and some of the pokemon's abilities and types will change while in the battle. which will make up for the lack of using support holding Items. This also will make things interesting too when battling trainers (especially Ace an Veterans) in the game where you thinking you are battling a regular evolved pokemon but it turns out to be a mege-form by surprise.
  18. OK I got ya MugoUrth. Thanks. The Gold mode can be disabled by typing out or removing the last three Pal.s of the character in the Definition file Example from Ferir DEF. file : Pal1 = ACT/1.act ;‚` Pal2 = ACT/2.act ;‚a Pal3 = ACT/3.act ;‚b Pal4 = ACT/4.act ;‚w Pal5 = ACT/5.act ;‚x Pal6 = ACT/6.act ;‚y Pal7 = ACT/7.act ;‚r‰Ÿ‚µ‚È‚ª‚ç‚` Pal8 = ACT/8.act ;‚r‰Ÿ‚µ‚È‚ª‚ç‚a Pal9 = ACT/9.act ;‚r‰Ÿ‚µ‚È‚ª‚ç‚b ; Pal10= ACT/10.act ;‚r‰Ÿ‚µ‚È‚ª‚ç‚w(or remove it) Pal11= ACT/11.act ;‚r‰Ÿ‚µ‚È‚ª‚ç‚x(or remove it) Pal12= ACT/12.act ;‚r‰Ÿ‚µ‚È‚ª‚ç‚y(or remove it) Usually characters that has Pal 10,11,12 when selected triggers those Gold mode. Disabling it or Remove it will prevent the player and CPU(AI) from selecting it in Mugen Hope this helps solve the problem.
  19. Exactly the same goes with Luna Himeki from "Vanguard Princess" when she do her poses and her high kicks she is not wearing any pants or pretty much her whole body is not clothed but she is not "Nude" or doing any sexual explicit stuff. (Edit post) Anyways back on topic. From the last post Topic yesterday Before it was deleted who asked about the Cheapness factor about Ferir?
  20. Some people find some characters inappropriate on how they look and what they wear. But they are not "Nude" or "explicit" they are just normal fighters that are made that way by the author.
  21. Thanks Ryon for letting everybody know. Update: - Topic is restored - Rephrasing the "Note" so every body can understand. Update from yesterday on Topic: - Fix image problems - add link for Voice patches by Wood for all Fanatail characters - fix links for the stages (go to the mugen section of the website and scroll down for the download) - fix link for ft fight fx - Highlighted "Note" so everyone can see it If anyone has any problems with this collection topic just P.M me and we can talk. As Ryon said their should be no arguements about the characters if they are NSFW. As I noted these Characters are Not hentai characters they are okay to play Normally on Mugen.
  22. I'm not worry about Red as long you get rid of his Pikachu (strong/speedy for some odd reason) and his Snorlax, its no problem. Speaking of Snorlax can you imagine this pokemon having a mega-evolution. His defence stats will be freaking Crazy.
  23. FanaTail by TEAF (http://fanatail.com/) (In case Author's main site goes down :https://onedrive.live.com/?id=38BCFF7FD90ABBB2!122&cid=38BCFF7FD90ABBB2 ) Characters: Shartel by Teaf : http://fanatail.com/mugen/shartel.html Ferir by Teaf : http://fanatail.com/mugen/ferir.html Rucheca by Teaf : http://fanatail.com/mugen/rucheca.html Grizela by Teaf : http://fanatail.com/mugen/grizela.html Harmir by Teaf : http://fanatail.com/mugen/harmir.html Note: Characters: Rucheca, Grizela, & Harmir are not hentai (NSFW) characters. Stages: FanaTail Forest (win./1.0/1.1) by Teaf: http://fanatail.com/mugen.html FanaTail Academy (win/1.0/1.1 ) by Teaf: http://fanatail.com/mugen.html Add-On : Spark Effects: https://onedrive.live.com/?id=38BCFF7FD90ABBB2!122&cid=38BCFF7FD90ABBB2 Fight Effects: http://fanatail.com/mugen.html Voice Patches by Wood : https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=C72E9F7073C84A19&id=C72E9F7073C84A19!244
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