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Everything posted by Galvatron

  1. Man! I need to catch up on upcoming animes. :P Waoh!! this looks interesting: [Kyoukai no Kanata]

    Awesome!! XD
    1. Toshio Tenma

      Toshio Tenma

      Long time no see, how things went?

  2. I will post a video on her playthrough from my mugen game soon so stay-tune everyone.
  3. Wow! I didn't know you were doing Beatrice Borewood. (Man I need to catch up you guys! =P)
  4. Cool! I was hoping he update this guy. downloading.......
  5. Thanks Kanbei! Just a reminder that I release the first version of her just now: [edit] Made another Vid on her vs. Comet (by Toshio) [CPU vs. CPU] It was a good fight this time. Its a honor to see our characters fight each other Toshio ^_^.
  6. Shinku by "Noob" Credits: Ryochi(My Bro & Beta tester) for introducing me to mugen. Toshio (Sensie & Beta tester) for teaching me about coding.(Also for the sounds) Ryon & Phantom Blood for having me as a member on MFFA. Dorwin for the sounds from his old shinku character. And others: Ryoucchi Night RicePigeon Garchompmatt Rozalyne Larharl Muirtower The Magic Toaster ZombieBrock ...for your inspirations. :) Shinku is my first character converted for mugen from the Doujin game "Rozen Maiden Battle Royal" Her moves are based off the game + custom play. She pretty much plays like combination of Ryu (from SF) and Terry Bogard (SNK) in her own style. These are moves she can do: Speacial moves: "Spark" (you can used in the AIR) ~D, DF, F, x "Fire spark"(you can used in the AIR) ~D, DF, F, y "Cane Strike" ~D, DF, F, z "Dash Punch short range" ~D, DB, B, x "Dash Punch long range" ~D, DB, B, y "Fire Dash Punch" ~D, DB, B, z "Flying Rose" ~F, D, DF, a "Flying Rose mid" ~F, D, DF, b "Flying Rose High" ~F, D, DF, c "Flying Cane Attack" ~F, D, DF, x "Flying Cane Attack mid" ~F, D, DF, y "Flying Cane Attack high" ~F, D, DF, z "Cane Air Strike"(AIR only) ~D, x "Cane Air Strike mid"(AIR only) ~D, y "Cane Air Strike high"(AIR only) ~D, z "Petal Daze normel" ~D, DB, B, a "Petal Daze strong" ~D, DB, B, b "Petal Daze trap" ~D, DB, B, c "Spark wave" ~D, DF, F, a "Spark wave mid" ~D, DF, F, b "Spark wave strong" ~D, DF, F, c Super moves: "Super Spark"LV1 (you can used in the AIR) ~D, DF, F, D, DF, F, x or y ~D, DF, F, x+y "Super Fire Spark"LV1 (you can used in the AIR) ~D, DF, F, D, DF, F, z ~D, DF, F, y+z "Cane Assult combo"LV1 ~D, DB, B, D, DB, B, x or y ~D, DB, B, x+y "Buster Rose Spark"LV2 ~D, DB, B, D, DB, B, z ~D, DB, B, y+z "Spark Geyser"LV1 ~D, DF, F, D, DF, F, a ~D, DF, F, a+b "Super Spark Wave"LV2 ~D,DF,F,D,DF,F,c ~D,DF,F,b+c "Super Flying Rose"LV1 (you can used in the AIR) ~D, DB, B, D, DB, B, a or b ~D, DB, B, a+b "Super Petal Trap"LV1 ("beta" still working some kinks on it :P ) ~D, DB, B, D, DB, B, c ~D, DB, B, b+c .....more to come as I update her. ^_^ Sorry to keep everyone waiting. Enjoy! (Any Feedbacks are welcome. thank you. ) Download here: https://skydrive.live.com/redir?resid=342B51F57D03C623!107
  7. I'm uploading Shinku at the moment so stay tune everyone =)

    1. Shinzaki


      Where were you?

    2. Galvatron


      Been pretty busy working both jobs the bast few weeks plus my internet was down for a while. but i back now I missed you guys. =)

  8. Man look at all these spoilers I'd missed but its cool I'm hyped up and ready for this game to come out. I will like to challenge some of you guys online when the game released Especially Adam, Kanbei, and you Garchompmatt. LOL!!
  9. Woah! I didn't know yuyu-star past away. ;_: RIP : yuyustar

  10. Wow!! I havn't been online in a month and look at all these Surprises. O_O Well I did expect princess peach to come back so she can rival against the Wii-fit chick. Alot of us wasn't expecting Toon-Link to return (guess I owe you an apology Adam ) I was sure that Sonic would return the fact saga has their connections with Nintendo anyways. I just hope they add another character from the sonic series like Tails, Shadow, or Knuckles. But I'm happy Princess Peach is in: LET THE FUN BEGIN...... LOL!!
  11. Man! Life can be a b**** somtimes! >:( I tell ya working two jobs just to make a living these days is just torcher. ....[sigh].... =( well you got to do what you got to. =I Anyways sorry everyone for delaying Shinku's release but hopfully by tonight or tomarrow she be available. =)

    1. Kazagami


      Life is always being a bitch, man.

  12. Thanks Bjay!! Yeah her dizzy effect is comical as well as some of her get-hits animations. Hmm! I might consider it in future updates
  13. Yeah! sounds like a good idea. Thanks Toshio. ^_^
  14. The only thing I can say about mega-blastiose that it might not uses its cannons unless it uses powerful moves Like "Hydro-Cannon" or "Hyper-beam" or other powerful Launcher moves in pokemon X/Y Well Aster I guess thats how Nintendo/Gamefreak set it up because they know many people are going to get very Hyped-up about this game. Theirs always a catch you know. =I
  15. LOL! you know in a funny way that makes since
  16. Wow! awesome though one thing I notice that in the game you have to get a key item called Mega ring (braclet) in order to activate the mega-stone your pokemon holds. that interesting. Sadly Mega-Charizard type is still the same: Flying/Fire =( But hopfully his defence stat gets boosted. (Judging from the vid dose anyone gets that "Its Morphing time"(Power Ranger) and Digimon feeling when the Protagonists uses the Mega rings. LOL!)
  17. Thanks for the heads up Ryochi. I tryed Mature myself and she really needs to be fixed plus she has Iori's KO cry and I felt like what the..?!!
  18. Alright Suigin!! downloding.......... I think we almost got the whole roster.
  19. you can PM him from his profile on the forum: http://mugenfreeforall.com/index.php?/user/576-garchompmatt/
  20. Thanks! Shinobu. Well almost ready to release her, I just have to change her portrait to look better for Mugen
  21. LOL! did they actrully said that or that was something you came up with GarchompMatt.
  22. Yeah! Toshio I have no problem for you making vids on her ^_^ . Thanks! Ryochi
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