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A person

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Posts posted by A person

  1. 11 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:



    Jude: Let's bury him elsewhere...He deserves better...

    Idealis nodded in agreement.



    Idealis: He was the most reasonable one of his group, so it'd fit...


    Hera smiled, trying to brighten the mood.



    Hera: Do not fret; I am certain he was returned to the world which he belongs to, and has most certainly been greeted with joy! Now, let us move on.


    Hera turned away, carrying the body in the orb in front of herself and started to move on.



    Hera: (Unless the Oracle used another spell...if he is the one responsible for these events; I doubt he would be so willing to steal from the populations of other realms, even in a seemingly hopeless situation...)


    Idealis suddenly spoke up, a serious look upon her face.



    Idealis: Wait...where's Percival? 


    She looked around, growling.



    Idealis: How could he run off at a time like this...dammit!


    She was tempted to yell for him, but seeing as how the fighting might've done enough to give their position away already, it wasn't a very good idea at this point. She started to follow behind Hera, looking around on occasion to see if she could spot Shovel Knight as they made their way to Verve. Hopefully he would turn up soon, otherwise, it was safe to assume that he was dead as well.

  2. 39 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Audience Team


    They listened to the complaints. While Seraph remained quiet, Magnum explained awkwardly.



    Magnum: Uh... well, that's normal for me. I always spoke up like that and I never minded. If it bothers you, I'll stay quiet...


    Lize: I'll stay speaking them. It's part of me as an Idol.

    Idealis shook her head quickly.



    Idealis: You don't have to stop if it's like a second nature to you! I was just curious about it, since we never did it in our world. Although, there were chants for spells...

  3. 17 hours ago, Mister Fael said:



    Yui: Pleased to meet you...


        Even though she knew that Muireann's true self couldn't hear her, Yui decided to say it anyway. Then, she decided to run away from the area. Her new resolve being to find this "witch" who put a seemly kind woman into a emtionless machine of destruction.

    As she ran off, the knight would throw her spear straight at her back, aiming to pick her off from a distance as opposed to pursuing.

  4. 15 hours ago, Mister Fael said:



    Jude: Alright, NOW!!!



        Jude used his Snap Pivot in order to quickly get behind the monster.



    Jude: My fists will open the heavens! Final Fury!!!


        Then, he unleashes a barrage of punches and kicks, with the last attack being a charged punch that would send the opponent away.


    15 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Audience Team


    Magnum and Elizabeth had their attacks fully evaded. Seraph, seeing that it was the right moment, went back to attack. Unsure if Jude's attack would work, he used the light he left floating.



    Seraph: Type 2: Acceptance.


    He slashed the light in an upwards motion. It went up, transforming in a white sword. After fixing itself in the air, it flew towards the enemy, with Seraph following it.

    Fortunately, the slew of attacks would land without incident, the finishing blow being landed by Jude, which caused the creature to let out something sounded like it was supposed to be a yell, but it came out low and sounded more like machinery inside of it coming to an abrupt halt at the end of it. It fell backwards, then its whole body collapsed into a puddle of purple liquid. Idealis let out a sigh of relief.



    Idealis: It's finally dead...what was with that thing?!


    And she finally spoke about something else bothering her.



    Idealis: And why do you guys announce your moves like that? Isn't that...I dunno...kinda counter intuitive? Can't the enemy figure out what to do when you do that?


    It was apparent that she had forgotten all about Edward. Ignoring Idealis' commentary, Hera approached the puddle of liquid, and examined it, kneeling down by it to get a closer look. She did not touch it, however.



    Hera: ...so this was the result of their experiments...


    She stood up and looked towards the group.



    Hera: I believe we should continue, before another of those abominations shows up.


    She approached Edward's body and pointed her runeblade at it, an arcane orb forming around it and lifting it up into the air.



    Hera: I also believe we can find somewhere to bury Master Thompson once we arrive, unless you would prefer for the burial to be here.


    Being reminded of Edward's death, Idealis let out a sigh, her mood visibly slipping into darkness.

  5. 25 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:

    After being saved by Hera's fire attack, Yomi decided to back off and rethink her strategy.



    Yomi: I slashed it everywhere and It doesn't seem to have a weak spot...We're lucky there's only one of this thing.


    Jude: It's also reacting accordingly to our attacks...As if it had intelligence.


    Yomi: (I could use my thunderbolt gun...but that would require me to stand still for a while in order to charge it.)


    Jude: (Guess I'll have to use Final Fury...) My turn to attack.


         He ran at the monster in hopes of grabbing his attention.

    The monster's attention was grabbed as the fiery phoenix around it was dispelled. It started to charge at him as well, its saber arms gaining another frosty aura as the two came closer. Hera pointed her runeblade at Jude.



    Hera: Render it into nothing more than a pile of ash.


    His fist weapons would be enchanted with flames.


    Idealis slid into a sprinter's stance as she waited for an opening to strike once again.


    25 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:

    Seeing her genuine surprise as well as the apparent grief of being mind controlled, Yui didn't have any hostilities left. 



    Yui: I see...So I won't even have time to properly mourn for them...Very well. If I really can't help with the spell, can I at least have your name before I go? I'm Yui Lilly Celest.

    The knight started to run away from her.



    ???: Fly, milady, before-


    And the switch snapped on, the knight's face turning blank once again.



    ???: I am...Muireann...Knight of Chaos...my mission...neutralize all threats to the...Knights of the Forsaken...


    Her visor slid down once more, and she began to approach her.



    Muireann: Threat detected...proceeding with...neutralization...

  6. 23 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Audience Team


    Elizabeth managed to remove the spear, but was hit by the icy waves.



    Lize: YOW!! Cold, cold!!


    Lize: Alright, you little bastard!! Time to pay it back!!


    Lize: A-And don't look at me weirdly!! Vér Salgovár!!


    She turned around and extended her tail, trying to hit the monster with it. If he tried to defend, she was going to stun him.


    5 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:



    Yomi: Alright, It didn't move much from the place...time to spring my trap!


         The sigil's function was that of a short range teleport. Yomi had to set it first and watch the enemiy's movements before she attempted to teleport. She warped to behind the creature.



    Yomi: This is your end!!!


         Then, she performed a multitude of quick slashes at the creature.

    The creature proceeded to step to the right of Elizabeth's attempted tail smash only for it to be hit by a barrage of slashes, though it seemed to be able to shrug them off. It turned towards Yomi and sent a quick slash at her torso, showing no signs of slowing down, which seemed to bother Idealis.



    Idealis: Has anything we just did even hurt this thing?! It's like trying to kill a cliff!


    Hera used the opening between attacks to send a phoenix of fire at the creature whilst it was trying to attack Yomi, the phoenix wrapping itself around it and encasing it in flames, though they seemed to do nothing to it as well.



    Hera: Tch...I would have never expected such a creature to be so resilient...perhaps the damage is not visible to the naked eye? There are many creatures within this world with the same trait.


    While she was busy trying to rationalize why the creature wasn't showing any signs of being hurt, Idealis was able to immediately recognize the "new girl" that showed up to help them. She kept silent about it, however.


    2 hours ago, Mister Fael said:

     Yui was confused with her sudden change, keeping her stance just in case.



    Yui: What do you mean by that? You can't just forget what you did all of a sudden.


    ???: Just forget? But I-


    And then she noticed the bodies around them.



    ???: By the gods, I...I did this?! N-no, this was not me, I swear it! I was n- The spell, that is it! The spell that witch hath placed upon me!


    She started to back away from Yui.



    ???: You must fly, milady. I do not know how long I can control myself, but I shall resist the spell to the best of my ability. Now fly; do not attempt to rid me of this spell! It will only cause thee more grief...as it has caused me an everlasting grief.

  7. On 8/31/2017 at 1:07 PM, Mister Fael said:



    Yui: (An wide attack like that is going to leave her open...It's my chance!) HA!


         She did a high jump in order to dodge the swing, then, Yui pointed the spear at her opponent and used wind magic to boost her descent in order to strenghten the stab. ((Something like the Rising Falcon, but the tornado effect is behind her.))


    She raised her shield to block the strike, the shield pressing up against her head. Her headband seemed to return to normal from the power of the strike.



    ???: Threat exterminated. Moving onto...


    Suddenly, her voice changed, and a surprised look washed over her face.



    ???: ...wh...wha? What's going on?! How did I get here?! 


    It didn't take long for her to realize what she was in the middle of: a fight.



    ???: Please, stop! I mean you no harm! I-I don't even know what I'm doing here!

    On 8/31/2017 at 1:07 PM, Mister Fael said:



    Jude: Lize!


    Track:  Decisive Battle (Tenchu)


        Suddenly, a voice spoke behind Jude.


    ???: Seriously...those kinds of attacks you do in a place without obstacles...


    Jude: Who...


     Yomi: I'll take your place. Go help that klutz out.


    Jude: R-Right... (So, you've finally decided to fight...Yomi, The Moonlight Assassin.)


    Yomi: Now then...Time to finish this thing once and for all.



         She points her knife foward, making a sigil appear floating behind the creature, then, Yomi decided to walk slowly at the creature in order to watch its movements.

    17 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Audience Team



    Lize: KYAA!!


    She hit the trunk and even was sent into it. She got up quickly and tried to pull the spear out.



    Lize: G-Get out, you stupid spear!!


    In the meanwhile, Seraph saw the vertical frost waves being sent. He gave a single sidestep to the left and then another to his front in order to evade them.



    Seraph: Type 0: Stationary.


    He created a small light that stood immoblile in his front. He waited for the creature's next movement. Magnum, however, rushed at it.



    Magnum: I'll send you flying! Ionic Surge -20% Engage-!


    He charged himself with electricity and went at the creature.


    The mutant seemed to retain some semblance of intellect despite its transformation, and proceeded to step to the right of Magnum's charge, quickly turning and swinging its saber arms towards Elizabeth instead of the others, sending crossed ice waves at her. They looked to be quite sharp. It looked to be unaware of the glyph behind it, however.

  8. 13 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Audience Team


    BGM: Infallible Intelligence still playing


    The connection of all attacks seemed to be working. Seraph received the creature back and immediately connected into a grab move.



    Seraph: Move! Type 2: Power!


    He attacked with his palm and a light blast pulled the enemy away. Elizabeth, seeing the chance, tried to attack.



    Lize: Time to shine! Estet Repülés!!


    Magnum: Wait!! At this trajectory and angle, you're going to miss!!

    The creature slid back from the light orb, causing Elizabeth's attack to miss and for her lance to sink deep into the thick wood of a tall tree. In retaliation, the creature swung its saber arms at Seraph, sending two vertical frost waves in his direction.


    23 hours ago, Mister Fael said:



    Yui: Eh? Who's...


        She was still having trouble of identifying who the golden armored man was, yet the voice felt familiar somehow.



    Yui: (Whoever it is...It seems that it is "on my side"...So I might take this as an opportunity to find an opening.)


         Yui proceeds to sprint to the Knight's right side, even though Tommy wasn't in the spear anymore, she concluded that disarming the knight was still a viable strategy.

    Spotting Yui attempting to get into her blind side, the knight proceeded to swing the swordspear in a wide arc in front of herself, attempting to kill or seriously injure both Mirfah and Yui with a single strike.

  9. 31 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Audience Team



    Magnum: Sir Seraph!! Changing Paradigm to-


    Seraph: Type 0: Search.


    Seraph ran towards the creature but his form began to vanish as their distance began to close. Soon, he was nowhere to be seen.



    Lize: H-He's gone!


    Magnum: Wait... behind the creature!


    Seraph reappeared behind the strange creature, already holding his katana.



    Seraph: Type 2: Persevere!


    He quickly does a sword-draw sweep. If it hits, he would be able to connect into another move.

    The creature would be struck in the back by the attack, causing it to reel forwards.


    4 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:



    Jude: Dammit!!!


         This wasn't the first time Jude saw someone's death. But it was a Hera said, there was no time for mourning until the creature was destroyed.



    Jude: Demon Fist!


      Jude fired an energy wave that travelled the ground in order to hit the monster and support Seraph

    The wave of energy would hit the creature next, causing it to move back towards Seraph. Seeing it in a moment of weakness, Idealis leapt at it next.



    Idealis: Don't leave me out of the fun!


    She thrust her katars into it, knocking it closer to Seraph before quickly flipping out of the way and giving room for another attack from someone else.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:



    Even though Yui was in her aim now, Mirfah rushed and tried to attack with Vengeance once again.


    Mirfah (?): KILL!! KILL!! KILL!! JUST DIE!!


    He jumped and tried to attack with his claw once again.

    She shifted her body in his direction slightly and raised her shield once more, using it to try to once again block his strike. With the body off of the spear, she was able to raise it and spin it around in preparation for an attack.



    ???: Neutralization of threat impossible; proceeding with extermination.

  11. 14 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Audience Team



    Magnum: Monsters are coming! There are more of those guys around!


    Lize: They seem to be hard! What should we do?

    BGM: Infallible Intelligence (Blaze Union: A Story to Reach the Future)



    Seraph: Are your weapons exclusively for show? Is your resolve that weak?


    Magnum: N-No, but...


    Seraph: We were issued with this mission. I don't wish to fail, neither do you. So stop thinking and battle so that you won't die.


      Hide contents

    Seraph Artwaltz's Skill List

    Final Fantasy XIII: Paradigms (http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_Final_Fantasy_XIII_abilities)
    Commando: Blitz, Launch, Adrenaline, Blindside, Smite, Deathblow
    Ravager: Blizzaga, Froststrike
    Sentinel: Mediguard, Counter, Challenge, Reprieve, Fringeward
    Synergist: Enfrost, Bravery, Faith, Barfrost
    Saboteur: Dazega, Painga, Fogga, Imperilga

    Under Night IN-Birth: Skill List
    Aurora Slash Type 0: Flash: Seraph goes into position and does a quick sword-draw slash.

    1. Type 1: Reap: Seraph leaps and attacks with an overhead ice slash.
    2. Type 2: Sow: Seraph assaults the enemy with an light wave.

    Selene's Tear Type 0: Stationary: Seraph creates a small floating light that stands in mid-air.

    1. Type 1: Expulsion: Seraph slashes the light downwards and sends foes away with a freezing blast.
    2. Type 2: Acceptance: Seraph slashes the light upwards. It floats, becomes a sword and dives at the enemy's current position.

    Lost Prayer Type 0: Repentance: Seraph closes his eyes and stands into counter position.

    1. Type 1: Wisdom: Seraph grabs his enemy and immediately freezes him.
    2. Type 2: Power: Seraph attacks with a palm and shoots the enemy away with a light blast.
    3. Type 3: Courage: Seraph quickly retreats and attacks with Type 0: Flash. Can branch into Type 1: Reap or Type 2: Sow.

    Two Steps Type 0: Search: Seraph runs towards the enemy while vanishing, prepared to execute a reaction when needed.

    1. Type 1: Falter: An evasive tactic where Seraph simply appears behind the enemy. Can branch into Type 0: Flash.
    2. Type 2: Persevere: Seraph appears behind the enemy and does a quick sword-draw sweep. Can branch into Type 1: Wisdom, Type 2: Power or Type 3: Courage.
    3. Type 3: Pause: Seraph appears in front of the enemy and does a paralyzing slash. Can branch into Type 0: Stationary.

    Infinite Worth "Phantasm Type A: Erratic Frenzy": Seraph slashes his enemy and locks him in a snowflake. He vanishes and slashes the snowflake frenetically, finishing with a last slash that breaks the snowflake into dust.
    Infinite Worth EXS "Phantasm Type F: Selene's Inspiration": Seraph calls upon the moon goddess' power and four teardrops fall from the moon next to him. He draws his sword as four giant katanas rise around him. He converges all blades into one and stabs the ground, freezing him and his opponent. With a single slash, he breaks the ice and deals massive damage.



    Seraph: Changing Paradigm to Synergist.


    Seraph changed his Paradigm to something that would help more in the situation. Magnum and Elizabeth, feeling that they would fall behind, took their weapons and went to battle. He approached Nemesis, while calling her by the true name she possessed.



    Seraph: I hope this will aid you, Idealis. Enfrost.


    Using his magic, Seraph infused ice element on her katars. Now, she would have a way to deal another type of damage.





    Melina: Well, are you ready then? If you are, then please, lead the way so that we can begin.

    Idealis nodded her head quietly in thanks before peering out from behind the tree, just in time to watch the creature receive a direct hit from the fireball Hera threw, causing it to be thrown to the ground. It quickly flipped back onto its feet and charged straight for Edward.


    (Posting Edward's death due to the departure of TJ.)


    Without hesitation, the creature dashed by him, swinging its arms just before he had a chance to strike, dealing a fatal blow. Without an ounce of care in the world, it proceeded to begin making its way towards Seraph, its saber arms covered in ice. Idealis stared in horror at Edward's body.



    Idealis: EDWARD! Shiiiiiit!


    Since the creature was already occupied, she proceeded to take the chance to move in towards his body. Meanwhile, Hera raised her runeblade once again, gathering more flames around it.



    Hera: Do not falter! An ounce of weakness can be the end of us as a whole!

  12. 48 minutes ago, Tony Redgrave said:

    Audience Team


    Saber and Archer keep take the warning and their distance from the creature, and try to avoid the cold blast it fired.





    While at a range, Archer forms his bow, and shoots three red arrows, with the intent for them to home in on the target.

    The creature was hit by the arrows, each one sticking in its body, but it turned towards him suddenly and swung its right arm, sending a fast-moving frostbolt in his direction.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:


    Yomi: Don't worry, I won't go that far.


    Idealis: Just don't forget to yell if you get in trouble, then.


    It hurt to care about the others, but if she wanted them to survive along with herself, then it was a necessary evil to carry out.

    2 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:


    Jude: Roger that...


          Assuming it was going to explode, Jude decided to take her advice distance himself from the monster.


    The creature suddenly shot up, unleashing a cold blast in all directions, Hera quickly reacting and sending a fireball down at it as it recovered from its position. Idealis, meanwhile, proceeded to quickly take cover behind a tree.

  14. 9 minutes ago, Sinjik said:



    ezgif-1-c9ce42fd26.png Now is the time

    (Seth attempts to do a swift straight line attack on the creature)

    ezgif-1-e688bd3e0b.png  Soukou no Vengeance!


    8 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

    Edward took a step backwards. He then proceeded to rip another boulder out of the ground, before breaking it into two smaller rocks. He proceeded to throw one of the rocks at the creature, keeping the other one close to him in case he needed to use his Earth powers again. However, another thing caused him to be fairly concerned, not like that distracted him from the fight.



    (...why hasn't Tommy called me yet...? D - did something happen to him?)

    The creature tried to stand up, but found itself being cut by the straight line attack, causing it to fall back down, and then finding itself getting hit by a rock. It started to shake, frost coming off of its body. 



    Hera: A powerful buildup of mana...get away from it!

  15. 5 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:



    Yui: (You fool...) CYCLONE!!!


            She casts a powerful wind spell in order to stop the Red Knight's attack and send her flying.

    The blast hit the red knight directly, throwing off her thrust entirely and causing her to miss. However, she only went up a few inches from the blast before coming back down, which also slid the body up and off of her spear in a rather messy way. Upon landing, she would begin to slowly approach Yui again, raising her shield once more. It was as if the ability did nothing.


    8 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:

    Track: Life or Death



    Yomi: You said it...


    Yomi: Alright guys, I'm leaving this to you! Yoru Mizu is not the kind of girl to get into fights.


    Jude: Wait...wha-


    Yomi: I just have a favor to ask...If someone else shows up here, let her do her thing and don't tell anyone she ever showed up.


    Jude: (That look on her eyes...)


    Yomi: Now Chop Chop! Stop worrying about me because you have a monster to defeat.


        Yomi distanced herself from the party. Jude equiped his gauntles and took a fighting stance.



    Jude: Then, We'll hold the ground until this "someone else" shows up then...

    Idealis couldn't help but notice her sudden abandonment. 



    Idealis: Hey, where are you going?! You'll get lost!


    9 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:


    Jude: I'll try to get it's attention. Back me up if the plan works.


           Jude ran at the monster and did a low kick move called Aqua Sweep in hopes of tripping it.

    The creature would be swept off of its feet by the attack, though it would quickly retaliate by swiping its right saber arm at his left leg from its prone position. Hera pointed her runeblade at the creature and sent a fiery blast at it, throwing off its swing and causing it to hit the ground instead as she covered for him. She then raised the runeblade up, flames beginning to twist around it.



    Hera: Quickly, now is our chance to strike!


  16. 1 minute ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

    Edward aimed one of his hands at the ground, before pulling out a rock down from the Earth. He then proceeded to use his enhanced strength to throw it at the creature.

    The creature proceeded to sidestep the incoming boulder and turned its attention to Edward, beginning to approach him instead. Hera's sword shot out an electric bolt which hit the creature, causing it to reel back briefly before continuing and speeding up its approach towards them. Hera's runeblade began to get shrouded in flames.



    Hera: An actual challenge...


    Meanwhile, Idealis decided to sit back, thinking that they had everything under control. She let out a disappointed sigh.



    Idealis: (Maybe I should've tried learning magic, too...)





    Hera cleared her throat. The dark presence grew closer.



    Hera: ...I suppose it will make itself known to us, however.


    Eventually, it would reveal itself; a creature with an almost humanoid body that had two saber-like arms upon it that had a bright glow and lights upon its body that scrolled downwards, like a conveyor belt upon its body.






    The creature raised its arms and let out a strange gasping sound upon exiting the darkness of the forest. Noticing it, Hera backed away. It was clear that this creature was the source of the presence. It started to approach Hera directly.



    Hera: A mutated one...be on your guard! If we do not slay this creature...then it will most certainly try to attack Candor!


    She pointed her runeblade at it, an electrical charge building around the blade.



  18. Just now, Mister Fael said:

    Yui couldn't help but scoff at that remark. She started to charge a wind spell.



    Yui: That's odd...Your soldiers open fire without a single word even when we told them to back off...Then I see one of my friends impaled on your lance. Why do you think you're in any position to demand my surrender if one of your friends are going to "neutralyze" me anyway? Give Tommy back or I won't show any mercy.


    ???: You are in my way. Engaging multiple threats.


    The knight proceeded to slowly raise the spear, aiming the tip at Yui and causing the body to be cut further, her shield up and ready for any incoming attacks, then thrust the weapon at her torso, primarily aiming for the stomach.

  19. 23 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:



    Mirfah (?): DIE!!!!


    Mirfah attacked with his claw, but the knight had its shield blocking her. He clashed with the shield and tried to force it down single-handedly.


    13 hours ago, Mister Fael said:

    Back in the Slums



    Yui: Huff...Huff...Huff...


        She stops in her tracks when she finally reaches the battle scene.



    Yui: wha...


    On 8/27/2017 at 10:10 PM, Mister Fael said:

    Seila: I can't allow you to go any further than this...You'll just suffer even more with what you'll see ahead.


        Her cousin's words echoes on her head when she sees the scene. A Red Armored Knight was fighting a gold armored knight emanating a dark aura, which she failed to reconize that it was Mirfah. What really horrorized her, was seeing Tommy impaled the Red Knight's lance. Her entire body was shaking in disbelief.



    Yui: No...


        She felt like falling on the ground at any moment. Her wooden sword slowly slipped off her hand until it fell into the ground. Noticing the lack of her weapon, Yui slighty snapped back to reality.


    Track: God Spear of Creation


    Yui: Tommy...


        Then, she clenched her fists, the air around her started to for a small hurricane. Then, she summoned her Typhoon Spear, and with a shout as she ran foward, the hurricane was dispelled, spreading a strong gust of wind.



    Yui: GIVE HIM BACK!!!


        With tears in her eyes and a fierce look, she ran ahead without hesitation, Yui aimed a strike of her spear at the Red Knight's arm, in order to make her release her weapon.

    Noticing the approach of yet another threat, the knight proceeded to do what was best and disengage from the situation, managing to make a slight hop backwards and away from the two attackers, allowing her to evade Yui's attack, though it would hit the spear instead, and letting the front of her weapon drop to the ground and drag along it, creating a wider hole in the body upon it. Once she gained her distance, she proceeded to once again adopt a defensive stance.



    ???: Secondary threat detected. Leave this field at once, or I shall be forced to neutralize you.

  20. 14 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:



    BGM: Cleric Beast -FalKKonE Remix- still playing


    Mirfah walked slowly, leaving cracks on the ground as he walked forward. As he reached a close distance, he raised one claw..


    Mirfah (?): VENGEANCE... VENGEANCE!!!


    His claw was charged with dark energy as he went down at her, trying to attack her directly in the head.

    She raised her shield to block the strike, pulling her spear back in preparation for a counterattack. If her block succeeded, she would quickly thrust the weapon at his chest, aiming to cripple him quickly.

  21. 2 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:



    Mirfah managed to defend himself but Tommy still got pierced by the blade.



    Mirfah: No!! TOMMY!!!


    He began to relive his memories. Seeing his whole squad dying as he was the only one left alive. Abandoned by the Summoners' Hall, he never got a chance to ask for help neither to return to where he once belonged. Those memories brought rage towards his heart.



    Mirfah: You... you... yOu BasTARd!!!


    BGM: Cleric Beast -FalKKonE Remix- (Bloodborne)


    A pillar of dark energy rose under Mirfah. It consumed him as his form began to change. Suddenly, he grew and he gained a new aspect... no. It'd be correct to say that he returned to what he once was.





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    Mirfah (Demon)'s Skill List


    Demon Mirfah fights mainly with his claws. He's slow and has a very low defense, but incredible attack power. He has no control on a fight, so he can't determine who's an ally and who's not. His speciality is to curse, which blocks the usage of special moves for a determined number of turns, and to reduce defense.

    Brave Frontier
    Vengeance (Brave Burst): Mirfah attacks with a dark claw slash. 30% chance to curse enemies for 2 turns.
    Geno-Vengeance (Brave Burst): Mirfah attacks with a X-shaped claw slash. 50% to curse enemies for 2 turns.
    Demon Claws (Super Brave Burst): Mirfah leaps at his enemy and pummels him with his claws. In the last pummel, he sends the enemy away by launching them with his claws. 25% chance to curse enemies for 2 turns and ignores 15% of enemy's defense.
    Dragonbone Gleam (Super Brave Burst): Mirfah converts all dark energy in a sphere and shoots it. Once it reaches a certain distance, it explodes and releases dark jaw-shaped projectiles that homes at the enemy. 35% chance to curse enemies for 2 turns and reduces defense by 20%.
    Shadow Doom: Antenora (Ultimate Brave Burst): Mirfah's claws extend and grabs the enemy. He starts to fill them with all of his anger, despair and torment felt by being the last survivor. At the end, he raises his hands and smashes them into the ground, releasing a dark energy pillar. Curses enemies for 3 turns and reduces their defense by 75%.


    She slid back slightly from the transformation, but remained standing. She raised her shield and spear and entered a defensive stance. Despite his new appearance, she displayed absolutely no emotion.



    ???: Target has increased power. Approaching with caution.

  22. 32 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:




    Mirfah: Tommy, behind you!!


    Mirfah tried to extend0 his arm around Tommy and defend him with his yellow (Light) blade while defended himself with his red (Fire) blade. However, it's unknown if it's going to actually work so Mirfah was worried. Split-second reactions aren't his thing.

    Unfortunately, his block would miss, causing the spear to pierce through Tommy's back entirely, though he would find himself being pushed back and away by the weapon. She stepped out from the alleyway and brought the weapon back, with Tommy still on it, then thrust it at Mirfah's torso.



    ???: Target One neutralized. Moving onto next target. 

  23. 16 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:



    After running without looking behind, Mirfah eventually reached the streets, finally leaving the cramped alleyway.



    Mirfah: Haaah... damn, I think I'm not that used to my human body anymore...


    He looked behind him but didn't manage to see her following him. It seems she stood behind attacking Tommy.



    Mirfah: Huh?! Did she stood behind attacking Tommy?! Damn it, it didn't work!!


    When he looked with more precision, there was Tommy running towards him and the red knight following him.


    4 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

    Tommy managed to finally get close enough to Mirfah.



    (out of breath) Y - you gotta help me man... th - that knight... s - she almost caught up to me...

    The sound of metal hitting the ground could be heard close by. Suddenly, the knight came out of the alleyway they were once in and quickly thrust the spear at Tommy's back without warning, aiming to impale both him and Mirfah upon it in one thrust.

  24. 2 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

    Tommy noticed the spear.



    Gah... shit!


    Tommy did his best to dodge the spear; he did for the most part, although it did tear a part of his clothes. He immediately kicked off another fire boost once he got around the building, before noticing another alleyway.



    ...it's my only chance to escape... I better not waste it now...!

    The weapon proceeded to plant itself inside of a building's wall, the knight walking over to it and yanking it out before turning around and walking back into the alleyway she was in, then taking off down it.

  25. 10 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

    Tommy smirked, before running away from the knight.



    Consider this a bullfight; you're the bull, and I'm the matador.


    Tommy used a fire boost to speed himself up while running, disabling it to get around the building.



    Shit... can't let her catch up to me!


    The wounds Tommy had received slowed him down significantly, but he was far from being slow as a tortoise.

    The woman followed closely behind him, and, as he tried to get around the building, she proceeded to throw the lance at his back with full power, aiming to skewer him upon the blade.



    ???: Target is in flight; impeding progress.

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