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A person

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Posts posted by A person

  1. 1 hour ago, Sinjik said:

    ezgif-1-87310ce289.pngI too seek answers. And maybe a way to return to are own dimensions.  I don't care if i have to kill somebody to do it...


    28 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:


    Track: Supremacy



    Jude: (Seeing Nemesis face like this reminds me of the time I had an audicence with Gaius. I could barely look him in the eye when answering his questions. He always had such a strong a resolve...and he still does, and I always respected him for that.)


    Jude: I'm also in search for answer. Anything that can help my friends out of this situation.


    Yomi: We've pretty much ran into a dead end, and the only option we've found so far was to request your assistance Your Majesty.


    King Randolph: So you are all here to achieve the same goal.


    King Randolph glanced at each of them, giving a chance for the Queen to speak, which she swiftly took advantage of.



    Queen Rupina: And you have attempted to follow every other route to its end? You do know that there are far more important matters to concern ourselves with at this point in time, do you not? Or have you not seen or heard the rumblings of a rebellion within the chatter of the townsfolk?


    Her tone was sharp and judgmental, an obvious impatience prevalent within her tone. After a brief pause, she continued.



    Queen Rupina: Were it not for your circumstances, we would not have wasted our time with this matter. That is to say...you are certainly not alone in the matter of how you have found yourselves here.


    Her comment seemed to be directed towards Nemesis, Seth, and Edward.



    Queen Rupina: Your situations are alike to many others that have occurred all around the world in that they were brought here against their will by transportation via portal opened either intentionally or unintentionally. 


    She glanced at Seth, then pointed her staff at him.



    Queen Rupina: You...what is your name?

  2. Eventually, Nemesis would finish explaining the situation, then would nod solemnly. 



    Nemesis: ...and that is where we are at this moment, Your Majesty.


    Her words hung in the air, both the King and Queen remaining silent as they let her explanation register in everyone.  Finally, the king proceeded to speak up.



    King Randolph: So, it is answers that thou seekest...


    Nemesis nodded again.


    Nemesis: That is correct, Your Majesty. We are here to discover what you know, not only about the portals, but also about the cause of these creatures that seem oh so intent on attacking the kingdom and its inhabitants, if you are so willing to bestow your knowledge upon us.


    The king nodded his head understandingly.



    King Randolph: I see...what of thine allies? What is it that they seek along with thee?


    Nemesis turned her head to look back at them, a pleading look upon her face for once.





    The doors into the next room opened, presenting them with an absolutely massive throne room. At their feet was a gold-trimmed red carpet upon a marble floor leading straight to the two stone slab steps which led up to the two thrones upon them. To either side of the carpet were marble pillars linked by a stone archway which held more pillars upon it. Beyond those, to the left, was a row of windows that allowed in the bright afternoon sun, allowing the light to splash onto the floor and carpet. Beyond the right set of pillars was a row of three doors; where they led was currently unknown. The thrones were somewhat high off of the ground, the seats themselves being in the shape of a flattened C with two large armrests, one on either side, and red cushions with purple embroidery woven into the sides of them. The tops of the thrones were also decorated, both having a black stone symbol with three rounded points, the top of which was the largest and held a large, red gemstone of some kind whilst the two lower points were smaller and held small, but still large, purple gemstones in them. Behind the thrones was a cobblestone wall with four banners draped upon it: two longer banners hanging down with the same red/purple coloration as the throne, each having a vine design embroidered in its center with a purple trim to match it, and two smaller, but wider banners each draped slightly higher than either larger banner and above each throne with the same red/purple coloration, though this time each had a symbol depicting an angel embroidered in its center, a purple trim woven in at the edges. At the top of the cobblestone wall was a stained glass window with the single image of a sword within it, the multi-colored light splashing down upon the floor below, though it was blocked out by the stronger, undiluted sunlight from the other windows.. To the side of each throne was what seemed to be candle rods, each with three lit candles upon them. Upon each central pillar was a rod holding a banner which depicted the same vine pattern as the banners upon the back cobblestone wall. Above them was an arched ceiling with chandeliers hanging from them; it was hard to tell if they held actual candles or fake ones. Standing on either side of the carpet were more guards, at least eight, with their hands behind their backs, and sitting atop each throne was the king and queen, the king upon the left, and the queen upon the right. They both stood up upon noticing the entry of the group with the guards, the guards stopping the group at the entrance, and the king spoke first. 



    King Randolph: Come.


    He spoke with a voice that shook the very atmosphere; a deep, commanding voice that all were compelled to obey, no matter who they were sided with or what they thought of him. The guards slowly led them to the King and Queen, Nemesis proceeding to remove her coat and hand it off to one of the side guards before adopting a more respectful walk. The king seemed to be examining each of them quietly, which gave the Queen a chance to speak after him.



    Queen Rupina: So, these are the ones that were spoken of...


    Nemesis nodded as she approached them.



    Nemesis: That we are.


    Once the guards brought them in front of the King and Queen, Nemesis bowed without hesitation.



    Nemesis: If I may spend some time to explain our situation to you...


    Right then and there, she began to explain everything to them so that they may be able to hear the full story.

  4. At the end of the bridge was another gate leading into the castle, two guards wearing black armor with blue lights in it. Their weapons, this time, appeared to be strange guns with white canisters where the ammunition clip should've been. They approached the gates and pulled them open, allowing the group to enter and revealing four guards standing at the entrance. Their armor was black with white lights, and they seemed to have an assortment of weapons on them. One guard approached them.



    Concerned Royal Guard: Please follow us; we shall escort you to His Majesty.


    Without another word, the guards began to walk ahead, Nemesis following closely behind them. It was visible that she was very nervous at this point. She glanced back at the others.



    Nemesis: ...


    It was clear that she wanted to say something, but was unable to find the words(or the will) for it. She proceeded to turn around and continue following the guards.



  5. The guard finally approached the audience group, gesturing towards the other guard before stopping to face them.



    Intelligent Royal Guard: His Majesty has allowed you to speak with him and Her Majesty, so make sure you do not waste their time; few are given this chance.


    And with that, both guards approached the gates at the bridge and opened them, allowing them to safely cross the bridge. Nemesis nodded towards the guards and gave them an actually genuine smile.



    Nemesis: Thank you so much for this. I promise that I shall not squander this time away with useless banter.


    She proceeded to take the lead in crossing the bridge, the guards now standing at each side of the gate and staring forwards in silence.





    BGM: Shironia (Calm)


    The audience squad had finally arrived to the front of one of the bridges leading to the castle, two guards in armor that threw red light all around the area, their weapons having the same glowing blades as the ones at the gates, though, unlike the armor, it was instead orange. They slid their weapons in front of the group, preventing entry.



    Protective Royal Guard: Unless you all wish to seek an audience with the king and queen, you have no business here. 


    Nemesis slowly approached the guards.



    Nemesis: We are here to seek an audience with His and Her Highness. Allow me to explain our circumstance...


    She proceeded to explain to them everything that had gone down up until then, and added in what she knew, hoping it would be enough to convince them that it was very important. It worked. The two guards nodded.



    Intelligent Royal Guard: Very well...allow me some time to contact them about your current situation. 


    The guard proceeded to step aside for a moment, speaking into a communicator of some kind. The discussion seemed to be long-winded, so Nemesis glanced at the others.



    Nemesis: I hope Darkman was right about this...otherwise, I don't know what else we can do.

  7. When everything was said and done, Nemesis proceeded to respond with a nod. She exited the hangout and began to make her way to the castle in the distance, eager to learn what awaited them on their future journey. 



    Nemesis: Let's try to make this as thorough as possible; this might be one of the few chances we have to find out all of the answers we seek. And if he's been blessed by a god, then he should surely know something that nobody else does.


    Her exterior exuded confidence, but her interior was filled with worry; one misstep could mean the end of this attempt at a questionnaire and possibly the journey as a whole, so there was a lot riding upon this moment..


  8. Just now, Agni Blackheart said:

    Location: The Warrior's Hangout - Lobby



    Seraph: I see. In that case... Agni, have a look out on Mirfah.


    Agni: OK.


    Mirfah: Why me?!


    Lize: You have a bad sense of direction and you're also a loudmouth.


    Mirfah: Hey, I resent that!!


    Lize: ... I need a silver tape. Does someone have a silver tape?


    Melina: ... We are going to have a lot of troubles if we head there in a big group like this. I suppose. We should divide the group. A part of us goes to investigate the Northwest Candor and the other part goes to the audience.


    Seraph: Melina is right. Let's divide ourselves in two groups.


    This was indeed an issue. But it was easily settled.



    Agni: I'm up for investigating the northwest.


    Melina: I wish to continue the investigation of the town, so I shall head there.


    Mirfah: If you guys don't really want me meeting the king, I'll just go with Agni and Melina.


    Lize: I will meet a king?! Oh my gosh, I'm so into this!!


    Magnum: I-I hope I don't embarass myself too much.

    Nemesis sighed. With all of their excitement, she was almost certain that someone was going to mess up somewhere. And the thought alone of what would happen depressed her.



    Nemesis: I'll lead the group to the king...

  9. 10 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:


    B - b - but he's my new friend!



    Lemme go before I put a bullet in your brain, goddamnit!


    That somehow distracted Tommy as he thought just how a bullet would hurt him. Kyosuke fell face first to the floor, but got back up.




    Nemesis let out a sigh. More responsibility...she turned to Darkflare.



    Nemesis: Do you know where a hospital is? I guess he needs to get his face looked at...



  10. 7 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

    Tommy ran over to the others carrying a mysterious-looking man by the hoodie.



    H - Hey! What the hell are you doing!? Put me down, goddamnit!






    T - two guns!? Are you a complete dumbass!?

    They didn't need another one. She shot a sharp glare at Tommy.



    Nemesis: TOMMY, PUT HIM DOWN, NOW.

  11. 28 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Seraph got back on feet and looked at Darkflare.



    Seraph: Darkflare, is there anything peculiar about the king you can say? How was your meeting?


    Nemesis seemed to be confused by his question. Of what importance was a quirk?



    Nemesis: Huh? Why does that matter? Do you think there's going to be some kind of problem?

  12. Nemesis cleared her throat.



    Nemesis: Just keep in mind that, if we DO go through the slums and get rid of the fake guards, we probably shouldn't kill any of them. Yet. We need to find out as much info from each of them as we can before we even think about getting rid of them just in case they have some kind of connection to this portal incident. Oh, and so that we don't wind up with citizens and guards coming for us.

  13. 25 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Location: The Warrior's Hangout - Lobby


    Seraph looked at the situation. It seems that they were all on the same boat, riding aimlessly at an uncertain horizon. He'd prefer not to involve other people, but since they were already involved.



    Seraph: It seems as if most of us are in the same condition. I suppose we should begin to work together. Like she said, we can't leave every stone unturned. Clues are lying in every part and we must find them.


    Seraph: Our issues with trust will be resolved in the way. What I can affirm you is that I will get to the bottom of this.


    Lize: I agree with him.


    BGM: Non sola sum (Puella Magi Madoka Magica Portable)


    Out of everyone, Elizabeth started talking. She seemed to not care much about it, though.



    Lize: Well, to be pretty frank, I really... don't care. All I want is to become an idol and make my very own success. I was forced to join this whole shenanigan because of that damned Victoria...


    Lize: But since I'm in this, I'll make the most of it. Who knows, maybe my success awaits me here!


    ... At the very least, she was being sincere. Through her convinced words, Elizabeth affimed that she would work together with them.



    Mirfah: You know, I might be a dumb and hot-head idiot, but I really want to know what's going on. If there's a chance I can help again, I won't even stand back watching.


    Mirfah: We're all returning to our homes! I'll make it happen, even if I'm not that smart!


    Melina: ... There are many things right now that bother me. I will not even say them because of my manners. But I would like nothing more than return to my uncle.


    Melina: I have no choice, either way. I shall lend my ability to you all.


    Magnum: You don't even have to ask. Of course I'm going! I'm a commander of the Multiversal Heaven, after all!


    Magnum: Plus, I won't back down on a fight! Not until the bell fully rings!


    They smiled at each other. If it was a real or a fake, no one would know. But at the very least, they agreed to work together instead of bickering between each other. Seraph was satisfied with that much.



    Seraph: Well, glad that you managed to reach a decision. What about you, Agni?

    Nemesis stared at them, a confused look upon her face.



    Nemesis: U-umm...s-so, that...makes...another addition to the party, then...?


    25 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    *BGM ends*


    But he received no response. His brother didn't say "yes" or "no" and not even a commentary of how cheesy the routine was.



    Seraph: Agni?


    BGM: Conturbatio (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)



    Agni: (Again... they had to cover for me again... why did I stood quiet like that... why didn't I say anything? Every single time... someone has to step on forward because I'm afraid of hurting someone by saying no...)


    Agni: (It's just like back then with Magio...)



      Hide contents

    Multiversal Heaven



    Agni: A mission...?


    Magio: Yeah. A search party has gone missing in another world. Before I can continue my travels, I'll be going there to investigate it.


    Agni: They went missing? How?


    Magio: I don't know and that's what worries me. They might have been attacked. I want to get there and make sure they're fine.


    Agni: I see. Well, then I'll grab my things and-


    Magio: There's no need, Agni. Lucina and Argento are already coming with me. We'll be fine.


    Agni: But what if something happens? Don't you think four people are better?


    Magio: You're already busy with your things here as the Second. I don't want to bother you with more worries.


    Agni: E-Even so, that still leaves me-


    Magio: *hugs Agni* I'll be fine. Believe in me. I'll get back and tell you how it was in detail. So do your work here well.


    Agni: Magio...


    "OK, I'll leave it to you three then."




    Agni: (If I hadn't spoken that, Magio would be definitely here... and Lucina wouldn't have to risk herself throughout the worlds... it's all my fault, just because I said it was OK...)


    Agni: (I, the Second, can't decide by myself! What the hell is wrong with me?! Am I to repeat the same mistakes from before?!)


    Agni closed his face and stood quiet thinking. The guilt was taking upon him and he felt weak. Having to be defended without being able to defend back... doing nothing and leaving things as it is instead... unable to do things alone... if those things were wrong or not, he didn't know for sure. At the moment, they felt like the worst thing possible.

    She noticed Agni's behavior, concern soon forming upon her face.



    Nemesis: Is something wrong, Agni? You look...upset. Which one of them got on your bad side?

  14. Just now, Darkflare said:


    That's easy, because it's in Slum Village. Hisui probably warned you not to go there, right? It's a dangerous area because all the scumbags tend to stick around there. Our government has been trying to fix that problem, but it's roots are pretty deep. Doesn't help that the rest of the city views it as a waste of resources even if at least their efforts have kept the scums from spreading further."



    "By the way, M'lady. You wouldn't happen to have a way to communicate with me when you're further away, would you? The hangout attracts people from all over and they tend to bring information every once in a while. Perhaps eventually there will be some that will know about what's going on."



    "And Light? Seriously? Slum Village? You ARE aware there are affordable places outside of Slum Village, do you?"

    She shook her head.



    Nemesis: Unless you want me to use a carrier pigeon, I've got nothing.

  15. 1 minute ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



    Sure. I don't know much about this place, but I know the my neighborhood is called Slum Village. But the name is quite misleading. It's actually a decent looking neighborhood. In comparison to the rest of the city it's not as extravagant, but an OK place to live none the less. It's name comes from the "upper class" people, who veiw it as "beneath them" and thus gave it the nickname "Slum Village." I'll admit, there are some thuggish individuals that hangout there, but most them harbor resentment for the rest of the city that seemingly shuns them. 



    When I parted ways before, I went home to check up on things. Of course I wasn't expecting Shovel Knight to accompany me, but I'm glad he did. He helped me avoid some unneeded confrontation. Although we couldn't avoid it all...heh.  What we found were some strange soldiers patrolling the area. They attacked us on site. Which leads me to believe that they are not city soldiers. Perhaps some rogue group composed of the locals fed up with the rest of the city. I really don't know. I only moved here a few months ago and I haven't been home much. 



    I'm a fighter. And that's how I make my money. So I travel this world and compete in high level fighting tournaments. So even though I live here, I'm hardly ever home. There are many kinds of "beings" walking this planet. Humans. Extraterrestrials. Humanoid Beasts. I faced them all. But I came here to try something different. I've moved around all my life. I really don't know how long I'll be here in Candor City, but so far so good.



    But like I said, I'm a fighter, not a historian. 

    Nemesis nodded in understanding.



    Nemesis: It was worth a try, I guess, though the tournament thing sounds pretty interesting. And the fake guards attacking you...I wonder how they managed to get away with it. I could swear that I saw at least five guards around no matter where I was!

  16. 4 minutes ago, Darkflare said:


    "Any fighting here is strictly in the arena."



    "Fraid I know about as much as you in this matter, m'lady."



    "The only anomalies we've detected were those portals you guys came from. As to what caused them and why, I'm about as stumped as you are. So much crazy shit happens around this world that it's hard to be surprised by anything. We don't even know if other portals appeared and dragged more people here."

    She figured that would be his answer. She nodded solemnly. 



    Nemesis: Well, that still helps...thanks, though.


    She decided to wait upon a response from the others before making a conclusion on what to do.


  17. 3 minutes ago, DuckMannnn said:

    more_battle_portraits____by_duckmann18-d"My bad."


    Kirimuri puts his twin batons away.


    more_portraits_i_guess_by_duckmann18-dbk"But I'm still allowed to use my fists in case if anything happens... Right?"

    Nemesis let out an audible growl.



    Nemesis: Could you do me a favor and shut up? If you keep talking about it, something is most definitely going to happen at this rate. It's just going to provoke them, not calm them down.


    She glanced at Darkflare.



    Nemesis: Anyway...I'm wondering if you, too, know anything about what's going on.

  18. 10 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Location: The Warrior's Hangout - Lobby


    BGM: Who's There? (Persona 4)



    Melina: (Time to unmask you two.)


    Mirfah: Wait... you guys are angels, right? Then... you both...!!


    Angered by that fact, Mirfah grabs Agni by his collar



    Agni: Geh!!


    Magnum: Agni!!


    Mirfah: Are your gods set out against humanity again?! Is this your way of throwing us altogether so you can kill us all at once?!

    Agni: N-No, I would never-


    Lize: Mirfah, don't jump to conclusions! Let Agni explain it-

    Mirfah: In my world, gods descended to kill humans!! That means the angels fought too!! You two... are here to eliminate all of us, AREN'T YOU?!


    Melina: His story is the same of mine. My home has been invaded and destroyed by the gods! I escaped... but my brothers and sisters... they all...


    They were set into a corner. Now the blame was being deposited under them. It didn't seemed intentional, but because of circumstances it would be natural to doubt them.



    Lize: ...


    Magnum: As if we'd ever do such a thing!! *pushes Mirfah away*


    Mirfah: H-Hey!!

    Magnum: We came here on our own!! We have our own mission to achieve, which no other angel soldiers were charged with!!

    Melina: Words coming from the lower are fruitless without proof... why not we ask the higher head instead?


    Melina walked forward towards Agni, looking directly into him.



    Melina: Second Archgeneral of the Multiversal Heaven... Agni Artwaltz. You do understand the situation that falls upon you. Right now, the accusation of trapping us into this world falls upon your very hands.


    Melina: I will ask once again... are you the one responsible for doing this to all of us?!


    Agni: ...


    Mirfah: You coward, what are you so quiet for?! Say something!!

    Magnum: He owes no explanation to anyone!! Agni would never do such a thing!!

    Seraph: Enough. You're asking the lower level.


    BGM: Revenge Blues (Disgaea 5: A Promise Unforgotten)


    He spoke before the questioning could ever continue. Melina was caught in surprise, as her plan to put everyone against the duo was put into a halt.



    Melina: W-Who are you?


    Seraph: First Archgeneral of the Multiversal Heaven, Seraph Artwaltz.


    Mirfah: You're... the first?!

    Seraph: What are the complaints again?


    Mirfah: What are the complaints?! Simple! You angels took out those search parties and teleported us here!

    Seraph: And what proof do you have of it? The same comment you did, Princess Melina, I copy.


    Melina: E-Eh?!


    Seraph: A two-faced traitor like you should stay quiet. It's true that the gods attacked and destroyed your home, but nothing you did to defend it. You simply left it there as a target while you ran away.


    Melina: What?! Why you...!!


    Seraph: And you, Mirfah.


    Mirfah: H-How do you know my name?! And more importantly, if you're the first, then-

    Seraph: Stay quiet. I don't need you bothering me with you questions while I explain. Am I clear?


    Mirfah: Geh...!! (I'd rebound it, but his frigid voice...!!)


    Seraph himself walked and stood in front of Agni and Magnum. He looked directly at Yomi, the one who questioned her credibility.



    Seraph: This incident has no relation to us, angels of the Multiversal Heaven. In the past four years, we never sent any search party at any world. And in this case of the disappearing search teams, I have taken the responsibility to solve this matter alone. As for Agni and Magnum, they were sent to search for me and another soldier of Heaven, who had stopped maintaining contact for the last two months.


    Agni: (Seraph...)

    Seraph: Still, if you clearly wish to deposit the blame on us, feel free to do it so. It doesn't change what we came here to do.


    Nemesis held her head down, letting out a long, drawn out sigh, then shot her head to look at the group.



    Nemesis: The last thing we need is for the party to turn upon one another. Whether or not they did it doesn't matter right now; the only thing that does matter is if this has been going on before, and from what Hugh said, it sounds like it has. Now, I'm going to put my trust into them and assume that they're innocent, but there's clearly other forces at work that are beyond their knowledge if even the gods themselves don't know what's going on.


    She waved Lightflare over.



    Nemesis: I think it would do us some good if you told us what you knew about this place, too.


    She pointed at the angels, and then the search party.



    Nemesis: As well as you, and you. I'm leaving no stone unturned until we find some sort of conclusion to these events, and I don't care how long it takes for us to find that conclusion or what it even is, just as long as one is found.


  19. Finally, seeing that nobody else was going to be coming any time soon, Nemesis cleared her throat.



    Nemesis: Okay, everyone, gather around; I'm not going to be yelling this stuff out so that everyone and their dog can hear me. Anyway, while you guys were apparently busy fighting each other and...well, wasting time, I was going out and gathering information about this place. What I found out might interest you, but it's a lot, so I'm just going to keep it simple and tell you all everything I've learned.


    BGM: Revealing



    Nemesis: Starting with the most asked question: where the hell are we? Well, to answer that, we're on a planet called Vecordia. It's a planet filled with a variety of fauna, flora, environments, resources, and everything else in-between. From what I've been told, a lot happens here. There's been giant monsters who raid cities often, invaders from different planets who try to make it their own, people who show up out of nowhere and throw everything out of balance...if you can think of it, it's probably happened at some point. It's a beautiful planet; I saw a lot of pictures of various places; it's actually really beautiful! But I guess all that beauty does is hide the ugly interior.



    Nemesis: Onto Candor itself. If it wasn't obvious, Candor isn't quite a city, but a whole kingdom ruled over by two people...



    Nemesis: King Randolph, a man gifted with supernatural powers supposedly bestowed upon him by a god, though I don't believe that...




    Nemesis: ...and Queen Rupina, a former royal knight and guard for the previous rulers. Both are capable of defending their kingdom and are known for joining their forces in battle when it is necessary to fight. They also happen to have a son and a daughter...



    Nemesis: Prince Hideki, also known as Lepus due to his...um...affinity with rabbits. He's a favorite of the people, but I heard he has a style that doesn't match a boy. And, of course, the princess...



    Nemesis: ...Princess Hideko. By all judgments, she is the most gifted of the two, going so far as to surpass her parents in almost everything they're capable of. However, she let that power get to her head, and soon found herself exiled from the kingdom. But some people say that she's still within the kingdom, and took on a different name and appearance just so that she could observe everything going on within until the day that she is needed. I don't know if it's valid, but I'd probably be on the lookout if I were you.



    Nemesis: Candor was established as a main kingdom meant to protect anyone who pledged their allegiance to the king and queen, though, as we can see, it slowly evolved into a full-fledged city filled with many, many different people. It isn't the only "city" or kingdom on this planet, either; there's many more. There's only three of them that have any ties with this one, but the others are unknown as far as the citizens here are concerned. I guess a lot of information doesn't really get beyond the walls here. 



    Nemesis: Next, the "infected creatures". I asked an alchemist about them, and what I found out is...they're not "infected creatures" entirely. They're failed experiments performed by what is known as a Royal Alchemist, each thrown away to keep the alchemist from ever realizing their mistake. However, all of that experimentation is now biting them in the ass since, now, the creatures are swarming the forested area around, and the guards keep having to kill them down as they try to get into the city. I was told that there were at least one hundred thousand experiments done by several different Royal Alchemists, but I don't know the exact number, so it's probably a really bad idea to swear yourself to killing every single one.



    Nemesis: I also asked about those creatures that we ran into as we exited the forest. They call them Silva Shadows, since they can't be seen in darkness save for their eyes. They're not mutants, but they are dangerous; if they attack once, but you fend them off, they won't attack again. But if you kill one of them, they'll wait until your weakest moment to steal your life away. And since they're always hiding in the shadows, you're not going to know it until it's too late. I don't know about the Silva part, though.



    Nemesis: Since I didn't want them to be curious about me, I decided against asking them if anyone else was dropped off here by portal and if there was a way back. Of course, my search wasn't completely safe from people with ill will...



    Nemesis: ...I found some arrogant bitch in the street who wouldn't answer my questions. She kept saying the answers were "common sense" and that I should know. I guess I should've said something about my current condition, but...she made me fly off the handle. 



    Nemesis: What I did to her, I know she won't forgive me for, so...whatever happens involving me and her in the future, I'm sorry for it.


    Nemesis took a deep breath, relieved that she finally got all of that off of her chest.



    Nemesis: So, you're all caught up now, I guess, but I wanted to ask the people who were here before us something in return for all of that: do you know anything about people being dropped off near the city with portals? A cause or something? It's been bothering me ever since I came here, and I think it's something that all of us need to know.






  20. 58 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Agni Artwaltz, Magnum Alexandria, Elizabeth Bathory, Mirfah and Seraph Artwaltz

    Location: The Warrior's Hangout - Lobby


    BGM: Pascal (NieR: Automata) still playing


    The elevator door opened and they came out of it. Everyone was reunited in the lobby, almost not having that much space.



    Agni: We're back.


    Lize: Agni! I saw your match, you were incredible!


    Agni: Ah, uhh... thanks.


    Mirfah: You weren't bad as well, Magnum.


    Magnum: Heheh. Thanks, Mirfah!


    Seraph: (So many people here... from Heroic Spirits to spirit masters... what reunited them, I wonder.)


    Agni: Is... something bothering you, Seraph?


    Seraph: Ah no, don't mind me. I was just thinking a little.


    As Agni looked around, he saw that Nemesis had returned. He went towards her and asked her the usual.



    Agni: Oh, Nemesis! Where have you been? I haven't seen you in a while.


    Agni: I was kind of worried that something might have happened. Are you alright?


    Nemesis: Fine...just fine..where's everyone else? I have something important to tell everyone concerning these..."events"...

  21. 15 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


    Location: Aromatic Corner Café


    BGM: Elegant Summer (Melty Blood)


    The café's interior was beautiful and relaxing. It reminded her of how beautiful her dining hall was back at the Bariura Castle. Either way, she cut all ties with the royal family by betraying them, so that wasn't something important.



    Melina: I'd have some black tea, please. And thank you, Sir Kimimuri. (@DuckMannnn)

    The elven barista nodded.



    Elven Barista: That will cost you a total of 5 Pompadillions.

  22. Just now, Tony Redgrave said:

    @A person



    I was wondering where you were. The others showed up, but you were nowhere to be seen.



    I didn't realize there'd be this many others along with you guys. Some of them are turning out to be...interesting, to say the least.



    Well, at least that means things won't end up being too uneventful.



    Anyways, so you say you have some information for us? That'll be interesting to hear. Hopefully it'll answer some questions that have recently arised.


    Nemesis: I can assure that it'll answer most of them, but not all of them. I figured that the people here might be able to fill those gaps if I tell what I know to them as well.

  23. Just now, Mister Fael said:



    Hinamori: Um...Well...


         Then, Yui notices their arrival and rushes to their location.



    Yui: Welcome Back Nemmy! Where have you been?


    Hinamori: Good timing, Miss Nemesis wants to reveal some information she was investigating.


    Yui: I see. I guess she can tell Mister Darkflare. He's over there.

    Nemesis nodded her head slightly. It was obvious that she was down in the dumps.



    Nemesis: Hi again, Yui...I was looking for that info the whole time. I'm...going to wait until I know everyone's ready to hear it. If I talk about it now, I doubt it's going to be taken as seriously as it needs to be...



  24. Finally, both Hinamori and Nemesis would arrive at the Warrior's Hangout, the latter of the two walking in, her attention immediately caught by the fighting going on around them. She managed to pull herself away from the fight-loving part of herself and return her attention to the more serious matter at hand: the information.



    Nemesis: Sorry for taking so long, by the way, Hina; I had to find out everything I could before I returned, and, simply put, it was a wild goose chase the entire time! 


    She sighed again, and started to think aloud to herself.



    Nemesis: Anyway, should I wait until they're all finished, or should I tell just you...hmm...


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