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A person

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Posts posted by A person

  1. CANDOR CITY: Northwestern Slums

    12 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

    1 of the cyber Knight's leaps onto the building and closes the distance on him and the card slinger...

    Just as he made his way onto the building, he could see the coattails of a tuxedo going off of the building on the other side.


    12 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

    The 2 cyber knights launch the projectile at the black knight and the girl. The other 2 leaped down and ran behind the building in an attempt to flank them.


    ???: These imbeciles will never learn...


    She slowed her pace slightly as she turned and swung her sword at the incoming projectile, it leaving behind a rainbow wave which reflected the projectile back at the knights. After doing so, she picked up the pace once more to keep up with the robot.


    10 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    BGM: Onward, Yggdra! -PSP Version- (Yggdra Union: We'll Never Fight Alone)



    Lucina: Haaaah!!


    Without any hesitation (or caution), Lucina broke through the knights and reached the group. With Falchion in hand, she decided to fight alongside them and help with any eventual escape, if that were to be the case.



    Lucina: Greetings. My name is Lucina. I have seen you were in problems with those guards and I decided to help.

    The robot quickly dashed by her, but the commander took a hold of her left arm and started to pull her along.



    ???: Well...that was much faster than fifteen seconds...



    ???: Surprised. It appears that they had picked up the pace after the prediction was made.



    ???: No matter; we have at least prevented a simpleton from getting herself killed. Lucina, was it? I am afraid there is no time for introductions because we all need to escape this area before it is swarmed with these simplistic knights' ilk. I do not wish to spare any more time on fodder, so I ask that you aid me in covering all sides from any sudden attacks.



    ???: Warning: Knights of the Forsaken are approaching fast. Suggestion: Take an alternate route.


    Up ahead, an alleyway leading straight towards the main road heading northwest to southeast could be seen.



    ???: They are quite persistent as well, it seems...no matter. I suppose we can simply go around.


    Without a need for a command, the robot dashed past the alleyway and turned right into another one ahead of it. The commander grasped Lucina's arm tightly and picked up the pace, following the robot into it.



    ???: For their sake, let us pray that they do not encounter us again. The results will be far more...satisfying, hmhmhm...


    MAGICAL KINGDOM OF VERVE: Barthmont Palace Interior

    10 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Elizabeth Bathory



    Lize: Are you sure you wanna go? Why do we need to look after him, anyway? It was his decision to play the crybaby.


    Idealis: Think about his reaction. If we leave him alone, I know he'll do one of two things. One, he leaves us and never comes back because he thinks we all hate his guts, or two, he tries to help Seraph and gets himself killed. I'd prefer if neither of those happened; we kinda need to keep the party together, y'know? Especially after losing a couple of members already.



    Idealis: So I'll just have to put aside my issues with his kind for now and deal with them later, and you're going to have to do the same until all of this is over with, got it? Because, at this rate, it's going to be impossible for us to get anything done together.

  2. 1 minute ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

    The 4 Cyber Knights block the swords coming back them with their shields. The larger projectile flies between the 2 other Cyber knights as they split in different directions. It hurls far out of the range of the battle and explodes without damaging the heroes of the guards. All 6 cyber Knight's switch from thermal to radar. 4 cyber Knights scatter behind the buildings to the right.


    ???: (All according to plan...)


    The two slid further away from the scene, the commander watching their movements closely.


    3 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

    The cards would connect with the guards and the car causing the cars to explode and send the guards flying to the ground, incompacitating them. 2 cyber Knights lock on to where the cards came from. They quickly dash around a building in the rear.


    ???: (Looks like it's time to move!)


    The sound of clothing rippling through the air could be heard close to the knights' location, just above them.


    5 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

    The 4 Cyber Knights leap into the roof of a building. 2 begin charging particle energy into their swords as the other 2 guard them.

    Noticing this, the commander snapped her fingers, and both her and the robot quickly dashed in the direction of the unknown being, the robot leading the way whilst the commander covered the rear.



    ???: Optimistic. We are not far from the being. Estimated time of encounter is in fifteen seconds.



    ???: That is very long in these circumstances; do you really expect me to cover us for that long?



    ???: Confident. Your abilities have improved by approximately 33% under your current status. You are more than capable of doing so.



    ???: Hmm...you really do know how to say the right things at the right moments...it was a good idea recruiting you!


    With her morale boosted, she readied herself for the onslaught of attacks to come from every direction. The Knights of the Forsaken owned this part of the city; if she could get this unknown person, herself, and the robot to the safety of the main city, they should be able to escape their iron grasp and regroup with the others.



  3. 1 minute ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Magnum Alexandria and Elizabeth Bathory


    As he tried to leave, he felt his scarf being held. He looked back at her.



    Magnum: If I'm not helpful, then why do you want me around?


    Lize: Ugh, getting overemotional over a stupid commentary that wasn't even directed at you. But oh brave commander, please forgive our horrendous sin. We never intended to insult your Excellency with our outrageous words. Oh, woe is me for doing such mistake.


    Magnum: ... Are you done with your theater?


    Lize: Pretty much.


    Magnum grabbed the disc thrown at him, knowing exactly what Yomi intended with it.



    Magnum: I'll wait in the city. Maybe even knowing I'm simply outside might end up bothering you.


    Lize: Talking seriously now, you're being such a brat with all this soap opera. It's not like we were so offensive, it's just the blatant truth, plain and simple.


    Magnum: Then why don't you say the truth in front of your Master and see what he thinks about it when we get back to Candor, Elizabeth? I dare you're even able to try.


    Lize: !!


    Magnum: Then again, he's different from us. Like you said, he's the only one who you can count between us three angels.


    He brushed off Idealis' hand from his scarf and continued to walk outside. Elizabeth got a little irritated by his comment.



    Lize: Playing a foul game like that... fine! I know that Agni will take that with the maturity that he doesn't possess!


    Idealis: (He only has one reason to act like this...)


    Without putting up a fight, she proceeded to let him go, watching him as he did so. Once he was out of earshot, she let out a sigh. It was one of many, but it was one filled with true disappointment.



    Idealis: I have a feeling I'm going to have to have a heart-to-heart with him to fix his little issue before you-know-who tries to take the spotlight...



    Idealis: ...well, at least it'll help me build some-


    A thought came to her head.



    Idealis: Someone needs to go out there with him. He shouldn't be alone.



  4. CANDOR CITY: Northwestern Slums

    14 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

    4 cyber Knight's split into 4 directions leaping outwards while slashing their swords and sending 4 particle slashes at the black knight. The 2 cyber Knight's simultaneously leap up and backwards simultaneously as if in sync with one another, as they hurl the large particle sphere at the black Knight. 

    Seeing the incoming attacks, the robotic knight proceeded to dash to the right to evade both of the incoming attacks, leaving the commander in their path.



    ???: (I shall thank you later for this wondrous opportunity...)


    She proceeded to swing her sword again, another rainbow wave forming in front of her. The projectiles would all come at her, and then be reflected right back at the cyber knights.


    14 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

    The swords missed the Cyber Knight's as they leaped out during the attack on the black knight. The other three swords hit the cars the guards were hiding behind but the cards connected with 4 guards exploding on contact and stunning the guards. 

    Another series of cards would go flying at the guards, this time 10 in number. Meanwhile, both the commander and the robotic knight began to back off from the scene, the robot's head pivoting around to scan the area.



    ???: Cautious. Unknown being currently approaching our location.



    ???: I am willing to spend a bit more time to entertain our new guest...



    ???: Judicious. That would be unwise. Current probability of unharmed escape is 50%. Probability will lower to 25% with prolonged stay. Suggestion: Meet with unknown being and escape.



    ???: Is it a guard? If we are attempting to escape, that would be the last thing we need to encounter.



    ???: Doubtful. Scans reveal a different structure from that of a Royal Guard and a Knight of the Forsaken. 


    The commander sighed as they slowly inched away from the guards.



    ???: Save one group of idiots, and you have to save them all, I suppose...I'll give the signal when the moment reveals itself.



    ???: Submissive. Affirmative, Commander.



    ???: Aren't we flattering tonight?


    They both slid into defensive stances, preparing themselves for the onslaught to come. Meanwhile, the robot's head continued to pivot around as it scanned the area for constant activity.


    MAGICAL KINGDOM OF VERVE: Barthmont Palace Interior

    11 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Magnum Alexandria and Elizabeth Bathory


    BGM: Zanarkand still playing


    She wasn't understanding why some of them were worried. Elizabeth just looked around.



    Lize: Well, it's not too good. And oh, the speckles of dust coming from this single room... how absurd.

    Magnum: ... Ungh...

    Lize: Oh!


    Magnum began to move again. Elizabeth just dropped him on the ground. The fall might have hurt him, but he didn't even complained about it.



    Magnum: Ugh... where am I...


    Lize: Good morning, sleeping dog. You're inside a castle.


    Magnum: Oh... so this is the inside of the Oracle's castle...?


    Lize: Yep! It sure is.


    She looked at Magnum, who was unconscious and somewhat hurt. For some reason, she felt worried. However, that certain feeling brought conflict upon Elizabeth...



    Magnum: ... Where's Sir Seraph?


    Lize: He... stood behind to fight another angel. The guy seemed like angry in levels to kill...


    Magnum: I see...


    Lize: Don't worry. He'll be back soon. You know Seraph's a tough piece, so...


    He fell silent and waited for their next move. Normally, he'd be more active, so Elizabeth asked him.



    Lize: Uh, Magnum? You don't need to fall mute.


    Magnum: I said it before, I don't feel like talking. I'll just be quiet, so that I won't bother you.


    Lize: Oh, c'mon! Just be a little more enthusiastic, like you always are! *tries to give a friendly pat*


    Magnum: *stops her hand* Don't touch me.


    Lize: ...


    Magnum: ... I'll just wair outside. Tell me about what the Oracle said to you later.

    Idealis quickly reached out to try and grab Magnum by his scarf. She would pull him to herself if she was able to do so.



    Idealis: You're not waiting anywhere, you're coming with us whether you like it or not.

  5. 1 hour ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


    The 4 rockets and the gunfire from the 4 guards hit their mark. The cyber knight connects with the barrier extending the crack. The other cyber knight strikes the top of the barrier one last time at the weak point as it shatters. The 3 Cyber Knights reunite with the other Cyber Knight. 


    1 guard tosses a grenade. The 4 cyber Knight's place their shields in front of them and leaped backward to join the 4 guards behind them as the grenade rolled between the leader and the robotic knight. 1 guard shoots the grenade. It explodes and smoke covers the battlefield. The 4 Knight's and the 4 guards switch to thermal vision. 2 of the guards fire rockets at the Robotic Knight. The 4 cyber Knight's stand beside each other,  2 Cyber Knights hold their shield in front while pointing their swords forward protecting the other 2 Cyber Knights. The other 2 Cyber Knights point their swords in the air touching them together as the charge particle energy. A large ball of energy forms. If the attack launches it will create a massive explosion creating a large blast radius if it hits an object causing damage to anyone caught the attack. If it hits anyone directly it will cause major damage to the target as well as minor damage to anyone around them.


    Backup arrives...


    2 more Cyber knights arrive and stand next to the other 2 guards with their shield I front and their swords facing forward.

    Barrier girl removed her sword from the ground with a huff, causing the barrier to sink into the ground.



    ???: Hehe, now I get to be even cooler!


    She brought her sword back, then swung it at the huddled knights, sending a powerful blast of wind at them which blew away the smoke and nearly threw the commander off of her feet, quite possibly also doing the same or even knocking over the enemy knights as well. Afterwards, she dashed away towards an alleyway, waving at them as she did so with a giggle. The robotic knight, meanwhile, seemed completely unfazed by the blast, and proceeded to quickly run to the left and towards the knights to both evade the rockets and close the gap between them at the same time. Focusing on the knights charging the attack, he proceeded to thrust his deadly weapon towards the knights in front, aiming to impale one of them upon the blade and impale one of the knights behind them at the same time. The commander proceeded to charge straight for them.



    ???: Good to see she knows my orders before I even say them. Now then...




    ???: ...I suppose we shall show you what forces you dare to reckon with!


    She held a hand up behind herself, summoning forth five arcane swords in the air similar to her own sword. She then held her hand out towards them as she continued her charge, sending the five swords at the heads of the other two cyber knights and three of the guards. She raised her sword as she did this, preparing to follow up her attack. If they were human, and it landed, they would be disoriented, leaving them open for her to end their miserable lives. But if they were robots, then she had an idea of what she could do after the attack if it didn't manage to damage some critical parts. The guards on standby would have a series of explosive cards thrown at their backs.



  6. 12 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:



    Yomi: Mana addiction? Doctor, diagnosis please.


    Jude: That really isn't a condition I've heard of...If it really was a thing, fighting Exodus Soldiers an year ago would've been way easier since people outside Rieze Maxia lacks a mana lobe. If it really was a real condition, I would say that not being used to the presence of mana would be the cause...


    Yomi: Meaning I should be collapsing by now...In that case, I would probably hire maids who are more willing to work... (Because of their unprofessionality, they would probably accidentaly blurt out a possible trap. If those guards knew that we were coming and not the maids, there's no way it could be a communication error.)

    Hera seemed quite surprised by this.



    Hera: Truly, Master Mathis? I have heard that it was quite a common occurrence among those within the northern areas! However, if that is so, then...perhaps it only affects those born in the north? Unless...


    While Hera was trying to figure out what was going on, Idealis had a very concerned look upon her face.



    Idealis: (This has got to be some sort of set-up...but why? What's so special about us? Are we that different from the people here?)

  7. CANDOR CITY: Norman Bank

    On 9/10/2017 at 8:48 PM, Agni Blackheart said:

    Agni Artwaltz, Anna Ametrine, Rokurou Rangetsu and 5T


    BGM: Mushroom Bank still playing



    5T: Sure, here they are.


    5T handled the coins to the banker while awaiting the results. In the meanwhile, Rokurou looked at Agni and Anna from the window.

    The banker removed a viewing tool from underneath the desk and examined the coins closely.



    Fancy Banker: These are very fine coins, and they are worth two-and-a-half Pompadillions each! So...


    A click could be heard, and then the banker revealed a single coin worth 50 Pompadillions.



    Fancy Banker: Would you prefer the amount as a whole coin, or divided into multiple coins?


    CANDOR CITY: Northwestern Slums

    17 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


    (Enemy at 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock closing fast...I have the 6!)





    (Then I have the 12...)


    The large Knight spins in place locks onto the barrier girl and fires a missile at her and barely has time to put his shield up from the incoming attack from the robotic attacker.


    The commander swings her sword at the incoming missile, a rainbow flash following the sword's trail which seemed to cause the missile to be deflected up into the air and into the barrier, earning a grunt from the barrier girl who was clearly already struggling with maintaining it. The robotic attacker would land his attack, however, his sword plunging through the shield as the metal around the blade turned into slag, followed by his helmet, and then his head (if he had one), the large construct taking him to the ground with it.


    17 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

    The cyber Knight covering the large Knight sees the girl charging and quickly sends a quick slash at the Large Black Knight standing in front of Hugh...

    Unfortunately, the attack would miss both the black knight and Hugh as both had moved from their positions already.


    17 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

    ...the cyber knight then rushes in front of the girl and puts his shield up to block the attack.



    The attack was successfully blocked without issue. The commander let out a sigh as she slid to a halt in front of the other knight.



    ???: I must applaud your ability to cooperate with one another, so I will honor you in the best way I know.


    Light shrouded her form for a moment, then a bright flash occurred, her body seemingly being replaced by that of another.



    ???: I suppose loosening my shackles should be sufficient. Now, fight me!


    She raised her free hand and gesture for him to come to her.



    ???: Unless you fear your inevitable, pitiful loss, of course. There is always the choice of another spineless coward...

    8 hours ago, Tony Redgrave said:



    Well, guess I'll catch you guys later. You better give them a hell of a beating for us!


    After that, Dante begins to sprint along with Hugh and Ludger, escaping the battle sight with them.


    ???: Watch for guards on your way out!


    MAGICAL KINGDOM OF VERVE: Barthmont Palace


    Clouds seemed to have rolled in and brought about a slow, but steady snow, but, fortunately, the guards up ahead opened the gates into the castle for them, a gust of warm wind slamming into them, causing Idealis to jump slightly before continuing on. 







    It seemed as though they entered in through a moonlit library. Castle maids were hurriedly rushing to clean up the area, whilst some others were busy attempting to make the candle light brighter with more candles. Hera chuckled as she went through a doorway to the right.



    Hera: I see that we have caught them off-guard...no matter; I am certain the Oracle is already waiting for us.


    Idealis got suspicious, however.



    Idealis: Hold on...didn't the guards already know we were coming?


    Hera nodded.



    Hera: That they did; it is just that the castle maids are notoriously lazy here. Some say it is because their jobs are easy, whilst the maids themselves blame it upon the mana in the air. I would not doubt the latter; some can become addicted to it, which, in turns, renders them sluggish.



    Idealis: If you say so...


    She wasn't willing to fully believe that, however. There was something fishy going on, to her, but she just had to find out what it was...




    4 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:


    Jude: ...


    Yomi: What's wrong doctor? Is it about Seraph or...


    Jude: To be honest...I'm kind of suspicious of Mister Enkidu.


    Yomi: That's...surprising...


    Jude: Still...I'm willing to give him a chance.


    Yomi: And...there goes the surprise...But then again, you've let the same guy betray your group many times.


    Jude: Because I knew he had a reason for doing it...And I could see him slowly changing everyime he returned...


    Yomi: I see...so unless their actions they prove their loyalty with actions, you don't have any problems.


    Jude: You can say that. I don't exactly trust him, but I'm still willing to give him a chance.


    Yomi: I'll quote Idealis and say that he's your responsability...if things go sour because of our new "friend".


    Yomi: My "friend" might have to make an intervention.


    Idealis: As long as the majority of us are suspicious of this guy, I'm happy. 


    Up ahead, a large castle could be seen by the party. There appeared to be large winged creatures circling around it in the air, their roars barely reaching the ground below.



    Barthmont Palace



    Hera: We shall be arriving at our destination shortly!



    Hera: However, once we arrive, I will have to depart from your group. His Majesty seemed rather...perturbed...by the topic he wished to discuss with me. I cannot guarantee that I will return afterwards as well, so do be certain that you are all sufficiently prepared to depart from here once you have finished what you were sent here for.


    Two guards stood in front of the path to the castle, but stepped aside as if they knew who was coming. Two robed figures stood alongside them as well, both dressed in white robes with red trimming on the edges. Idealis glanced up at the creatures in the sky.






    Idealis: A-are those...?



    Hera: Do not be afraid! They are the guardians of this castle, so they will cause no harm to anyone unless they intend on attacking the castle or those within it!


    Idealis gulped.



    Idealis: I-if you s-say so...


    CANDOR CITY: Northwestern Slums


    A hole in the barrier opened up for them to exit through. A voice called out from above the buildings.



    ???: I'll cover you guys on your way out, just make it quick so that they can't get a lock on you!



    ???: I'll be out there soon just to make it certain that you can get out of here alive!

  9. 21 hours ago, Mister Fael said:



    Ludger: Urgh...Let's retreat...


    Hugh: What do you mean retreat? I'm still not done with them...


    Ludger: Next time...


    Hugh: But...Don't you want to...


    Ludger: Yes I do...But if we're struggling against the fodder...how are we going to fare against the stronger ones in this condition?


    Hugh: ....


          Without saying another word, Hugh picked up Ludger.



    Ludger: Thanks...


    Hugh: Sorry...I got too hotheaded...


    Ludger: Oh, and thank you guys ((the reinforcements)) for helping us out. If possible, we'll make sure to repay the debt later.



    ???: Hurry up and go! This is no time to stand around and thank us!


    The barrier-using girl proceeded to nudge the other.


    ???: Incomiiiiing!


    The apparent commander of the group glanced in the direction she was looking in.


    13 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

    The valiant hero, Joseph...he layed on the ground. Pulled from his own world to defend another, a cruel l twist of fate. He smiled his last smile...as 2 rockets and a particle slash collide with his prone body. Joseph is consumed by the explosion...and meets his end. 


    The 4 guards focus their attention on the approaching Cyber knight. The cyber knight stops.




    He sees that that Joseph is dead. He motions to the guards and points at the barrier. He immediately turns around and fires a particle slash at barrier as he advances with his shield in front. 2 of the guards open fire on the barrier in a different spot then where the other Knight's are attacking so as not to hit any of the guards or Knights that are attacking the weak point. 2 guards maintain position and lock onto the enemy . They both fire 1 rocket a piece at the Barrier Girl and the Commanding Girl. If the previous attacks break the barrier, the rockets will continue on to their intended targets.


    Backup arrives in 2 turns...

    A multitude of cards fly at the knight and rocket at the front of the barrier, one striking the rocket and causing it to explode in the air once again, though the other would hits its mark and explode upon the barrier. The robotic being atop the building would jump down from his high ground and send himself down at the large knight, its glowing blade threatening to insert itself into his body.



    ???: Argh...they got one of them!


    The commander gestured towards the barrier girl, who nodded and sent her sword into the ground. Meanwhile, the commander pulled back her sword and charged straight for the larger knight. She growled upon hearing the card slinger's words.



    ???: Well, if you did your job right, then HE WOULDN'T BE DEAD, YOU INCOMPETENT APE!



    ???: How was I supposed to prevent it?! These aren't humans at all! They have to be robots or...CASTs or...something!



    ???: No more excuses, just focus on clearing a safe path for the remaining ones!


    She swung her sword at the large knight and cyber knight, sending a blade of arcane energy at them while he was busy covering the large knight's back. Meanwhile, it seemed as though the cracks forming in the barrier were slowly repairing themselves, but the barrier girl was completely focused upon it.





  10. 19 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Audience Team


    Elizabeth just shrugged and kept walking. As they progressed, Magnum was walking a little slowly, slightly behind Seraph. Suddenly, the gusts of winds become stronger.



    Seraph: The wind... this is...


    Magnum: Guh... I...!


    Seraph: !! Magnum!!


    Suddenly, something... or rather, someone rammed on Magnum. Because he was already in a weakened state, he was sent flying towards a tree. Once he hit it, he fell unconscious, without any energy left to resist.


    BGM: The Joker (Persona 4 Arena Ultimax)


    ???: Seraph!!


    Seraph held his weapon and stance while the other person forced his own weapon at him. As he held, she finally appeared. Elizabeth ran to Magnum, who was on the ground.



    Lize: What the- Magnum!!


    Seraph: How is he?


    Lize: He finally fell unconscious, but he's fine! More importantly... who the hell is he?!


    ???: You bastard... prepare yourself to die!!


    Seraph: Tch... so you're still held on that, I guess. You really don't want to let the past go away, do you?

    ???: Of course I don't, I'm not over with you yet! Your suffering has still a lot of ways to go on, just like mine!

    Lize: (He looks like an angel... but he seems to hate Seraph to his guts...)


    Seraph: *sigh* I guess this will continue on for a long time, Fang.


      Reveal hidden contents


    Rebel Angel of a Single Desire


    Once a commander under Seraph’s command, Fang left Heaven a long time ago. Bearing an aggressive personality, he has only the desire of taking a precious someone from the hands of his nemesis. He and Seraph used to be friends, however he only bears a grudge against his ex-superior now, under the guise of having a promise broken between both. Excessively unreasonable and with a tendency of recklessness, Fang won’t let anyone or anything stop him from fulfilling his wish: making Agni his little brother and having Seraph’s heart destroyed, just like his in the past.

    Age: 30.000 (30 in human years)

    Species: Angel

    Element: Wind

    System: ???

    Class: Soldier

    Weapons: Claw

    Universe: Summon Night/Altered Character



    Fang: Oh no, it won't! I'll make sure to decree your death today so I can finally have what I want. Do us all a big favor and just die, you son of a bitch!


    Lize: "Us"? What do you mean by "us"?! Don't pit me with you, pig!

    Fang: You heard the nonsense he spoke, didn't you? Still, I see that you possess some hatred for him in your heart. After all, a guy like him comes around and bosses you all as if he's all high and mighty. Doesn't it make you sick to the bones?


    Lize: ...


    Fang: You don't deny it, girl. So why don't you just join me and kill him for good? Maybe his death will do a good to us all.


    He tried to stab Seraph, who defended the advance with his katana. Fang switched to attack with kicks and punches from his left arm, but Seraph defended all of them and backed off.



    Seraph: ... Take Magnum with you and continue without me. I'll resolve this in my own way.


    Lize: Seraph, this isn't time to be proudful!


    Seraph: This isn't about pride. Like Seth said, there are far more important things than a bickering. Plus, after what just happened, do you really have it in you to fight alongside me?


    Lize: Well, if I am to be sincere, no... but even so, he-


    Seraph: Don't leave the Oracle waiting. Our mission is to meet with her. If I can't do it, you and the others can.



    Hera pointed her runeblade at Seraph, causing sparks of flame to dance around his katana.



    Hera: Do with that what you wish, Master Artwaltz. We shall await your return from victory!


    Quickly, Hera dashed along the path, causing Idealis to run after her.



    Idealis: Wait up! And Seraph, you better kick this guy's ass so that I can kick yours later!


    CANDOR CITY: Northwestern Slums


    40 minutes ago, Tony Redgrave said:

    After asking, Dante turns back to the girl.



    ...and are you sure you guys can handle this?


    The girl lowered her barrier and withdrew a sword that was quite large compared to her, nodding her head. It was a greatsword compared to her.



    ???: Yoooou betcha! Now...



    ???: ...make it quick, buddy! I've got a can of whoopass to open!



    CANDOR CITY: Norman Bank


    36 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    5T grabbed the coins that Rokurou had and went to the counter.



    5T: Excuse me, but what is the current value of these 20 silver coins I have here?


    The banker at the front counter bowed before the two men.



    Fancy Banker: Welcome, welcome! May I please take a look at them so that I may appraise them?

  11. 3 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:


    Lize: Nemesis, calm down. You're letting something so petty bother you.


    Idealis: I don't consider a strong chance to die "petty".


    11 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:


    Magnum: He... he did! More times... than you know...!


    Magnum stood in front of Seraph and even if he had not much strength, he held one of her katars with his hand.


    Magnum: We went on a mission to... hunt a monster... and when we reached the target, our whole squad... turned against him! Not only I had to watch and be unable to help... but I saw him fighting against all of... them and the demon... alone...!


    Seraph: (Magnum... to think you would rise your voice for me...)


    Magnum: I know... the scars he bears for... all of us angels. Sir Seraph is... cold... and he may not be the friendliest person ever... but I know him in battle and... he knows what he's doing...!


    Magnum: I won't let you... insult someone like him...!


    She slid her katars back into her sleeves and sighed. Seeing that things had calmed down, Hera continued on quietly. Idealis continued behind her.



    Idealis: Why couldn't you help him? And, may I ask; WHY would they even allow their angels to be so easily corrupted? The sheer thought of worrying about you two becoming just like them makes me doubt everything I know about your kind. As far as I'm concerned, you're all just like those that turned their backs upon you. And where I'm from, you wouldn't even be considered angels, no matter how powerful you are; with a will so easily bent, you'd all be considered humans, just like us.



    Idealis: You may fear and respect him like some sort of general in a holy army, but to me, he's just another person from a land unknown to me. And...part of the party...I guess.

    27 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:


    Seraph: Enough, Magnum. Don't overstep your boundaries.


    Seraph took the front this time. He stared at Nemesis, not raising his weapon against her.



    Seraph: I know betrayal, I know backstabbing... after all, the most feared and hated figure in Heaven would know well.


    Lize: Wait... hated? Feared? But aren't you the First General or something like that?

    Seraph: Between both Generals, I'm hated and feared while Agni isn't. If I had to count the times something like that have happened... I'd have stopped at 59.


    Magnum: 59?! I... didn't knew that... the number was that high...


    Lize: Then why do you keep trusting people so much? I don't get it. Betrayed 59 times and you're still willing to believe on people?!


    Seraph: There was a time I stopped believing. At that time, I was on a war with Agni in the world of humans. I killed so many enemies, but my sword also killed so many innocents... if he wasn't there to stop me, I'd have razed a whole town because I believed they were soldiers as well.


    Magnum: But there was... something he said... that changed your... mind, right?


    Seraph: "Even if I'm backstabbed, even if I'm betrayed, I won't quit on believing on people. I may be called as naive, as an idiot but I'm not changing my mind. I'll keep giving my belief, even if the other person doesn't. Its heart might change one day and my death might bring a chance for them to regret their choices. I'll kill them outside of my sword."


    Lize: That's something Agni would say alright.


    Seraph sighed. He already knew he wouldn't convince anyone with his story, neither tht would change the way they would think about Enkidu.



    Seraph: ... Well, I'll leave you to your judgement. You're free to hate me. I don't mind it. If even my soldiers hate me, fear me and betray me... but I'll still help you get back to your own world. I swore to do that, after all;


    He walked away, going in the direction Hera was leading. Magnum released



    Magnum: ... You have a... misconcepted vision of us... if you think that... we uphold in virtue... or something like that...


    Magnum: We're sinners... just like you all... and our forgiveness... won't come. Our judgement in... the end won't be... so easy.


    Lize: ... Look, you can't blame her. Angels are people coming from the glorious, oh majestical Heaven with the frilly gods and what not. Having you all understand humans is something hard to believe.


    Magnum: ... I see... so that's how... it works... then. Alright... I got it...

    Lize: Magnum?


    Magnum: ... I don't feel... like talking... I'll stay quiet from now on... and just go on... ahead.


    Lize: Idiot, you can't even walk! Here, I'll be kind this time and help you-


    Magnum: Don't... touch me... I'm not... like you.


    Weak and tumbling as he could, Magnum followed Seraph. He was irritated at how misconcepted they were and how they were judging ahead of even thinking about anything.



    Lize: ... Really, I think the only angel I can like is Agni. Those two are beginning to get on my nerves somehow.

    Idealis growled. They were clearly just gifted humans. A true angel would have been able to easily turn the conversation around and convince them otherwise. But this...this was just a disappointment.


    Idealis: All of this because of something they should've expected to come long ago...fine. If you're so determined to have this guy join us, just know that he's going to be your responsibility. Both of you. And if you slip up and he does something to screw us over, I'll kill you. And I expect you to do the same to me should anyone in our current party betray us. You're all my responsibility.


    She turned away and quickly whispered the last part of her statement so as not to allow them to pick up on what exactly she said.






  12. 1 hour ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Audience Team



    Lize: Glad that we can go along now.


    Seraph: Magnum, give me your shoulder. I'll help you walk.


    Magnum: Yes... thanks, Sir...


    They followed Idealis and Hera as they walked towards the castle where the Oracle was residing. The topic of the conversation was Enkidu, the mysterious man that appeared to offer prayers.



    Lize: Well, I do agree. That Enkidu guy was so weird... but this place's like some sort of Caster conglomeration...


    Seraph: Weird or not, he's offering his help. Turning it down will cost us one moment or another.


    Lize: We already have enough people. Besides, he's a complete stranger. Don't tell me that you can't refute people because you're an angel and you can't commit a single sin...


    Seraph: ... Do it as you wish then. Don't complain if you end up like Edward because your pride spoke higher.


    Lize: H-Hey, I was just doing a commentary!


    Seraph: Our conversation is over, Elizabeth. Keep walking quietly or talk with someone else.


    While carrying Magnum, Seraph distanced himself from Elizabeth. He firmly believed that refusing Enkidus aid would bring consequences, but decided to not comment anymore. He knew that just because he's a General in Heaven doesn't mean he orders on others.



    Lize: Harsh... geez, I can't believe someone like him can have a brother like Agni. They're so different...

    Hearing Seraph's commentary on the matter seemed to annoy Idealis. She let out a sigh. It appeared that even angels needed to learn lessons. She whipped around and pointed her katars at Seraph.



    Idealis: Tell me, Seraph; has an ally ever turned on you? Perhaps they left you in the dark in your time of need? Maybe stabbed you in the back when the battle was in your favor? Or maybe even decided to aid the enemy while you weren't aware and ruined your plans entirely?


    Hera gasped and, instinctively, withdrew her runeblade.



    Hera: Mistress Furtivus, what do you think you are doing?!


    Idealis glared at Hera.



    Idealis: What else? I'm teaching him something important.



    Hera: Do not be so foolish! This is no-



    Idealis: Either he learns now or regrets it later, and I'm not allowing the latter to happen.



    Hera: Then, if you try anything, I will be-



    Idealis: Forced to kill me, I know. But even if it kills me, he's going to learn, dammit!



    Idealis: (And besides, at this distance, it wouldn't take long for us to resolve any violent conflict...)



  13. CANDOR CITY: Northwestern Slums



    ???: Barrier! NOW!



    ???: Ooooon iiiiiit!


    BGM: Showdown


    In a flash, a dome of arcane energy formed around the area, blocking off Joseph, but trapping Dante, Hugh, and Ludger within it. The rockets shot at Ludger from the two guards would be blocked by the barrier, causing it to flash twice and for a hairline fracture to appear where they hit. A series of cards seemed to be thrown in Ludger's direction, but one hit the rocket coming at him, causing it to explode in the air. The others missed him entirely, a series of blasts being seen upon the back of the barrier. 



    ???: Can't miss when you have a lot of chances to hit...


    Another being launched itself in front of Hugh, seeming to block the particle slashes coming at him with a large sword similar to the ones the royal guards had.



    ???: Concern. Situation is unfavorable for target's quarry. Suggestion: Escape the area.


    A woman wielding a sword dashed out from behind a building and slid between Ludger and the cyber knights, swinging her blade skillfully to knock away both of the particle slashes. She glanced back at Ludger.



    ???: You idiots need to get out of here right now! More are coming, and it's not going to be pretty if you stick around any longer!


    Another ran over to Dante, huffing as she did so. She then noticed the barrage of missiles.



    ???: Whoaaaaa, don't do thaaaaat!


    She held out a hand, throwing up a rectangular arcane barrier to block the missiles flying everywhere.



    ???: That's just gonna raise more attention! You gotta go, buddy! Like, right now! 


    She looked like she was struggling to maintain the barrier.

  14. MAGICAL KINGDOM OF VERVE: Algor Cemetery

    On 9/8/2017 at 10:00 PM, Agni Blackheart said:

    Audience Team



    Seraph: Any assistance is welcome. If we ever need you, I'll make sure to inform it.


    Lize: Then we're done with this whole burial issue. Can we move on to the Oracle?


    Lize: And let's be quick before Magnum ends up fainting on us.


    Magnum: I'm completely... fine...! Don't worry... about me...!


    Lize: Your legs are talking the inverse, you idiot.

    Hera put away her tome and runeblade, then started to lead the way out of the cemetery.



    Hera: Very well, Mistress Bathory! Fortunately, the castle in which he resides is due northwest from here, so we shall arrive quickly.


    Idealis quickly followed behind her, obviously wanting to get out of there as fast as possible. Enkidu did pique her interest, however.



    Idealis: Is everyone in this place like him? I sure hope not...I think our party's as big as it needs to be as it is!





    The group would find themselves in what appeared to be a cemetery, rows of an assortment of headstones sticking out of the snow that covered the ground. Hera glanced around, looking for a groundskeeper. Her glance soon settled upon a male in a thick coat tending to a worn headstone. She gestured for the others to wait, and approached the male with the body in tow. Once next to him, she started to speak to him, though from a distance,  it was difficult to tell what exactly they were conversing about. The male gestured towards a cluster of spruce trees with no headstones around it, and Hera nodded. She walked over to the trees and set the bubble holding the body upon the snow. Raising her runeblade, the snow in front of her seemed to begin blowing away, clearing out a patch of grass underneath it. The grass started to sink into the dirt, which also started to sink further into the ground, a deep, rectangular hole forming below her. She pointed her runeblade at the bubble, and brought it around to the hole, the bubble morphing into what appeared to be a casket. The object slowly lowered into the hole and vanished from sight. Once this was done, Hera stomped on the ground, causing a headstone to rise up at the head of the hole. She walked over to it and, using her runeblade, began carving some information into it. After a minute, she was finished, so she stood up, bowed her head, and muttered something quietly. She turned her head to glance at the others, a somber look upon her face; the first time she had fallen into depression while with them.



    Hera: Would any of you like to say any final words?


    Idealis sighed.



    Idealis: Let's just...let's just get this over with, please...I hate moments like these.

  16. Eventually, the group would pass by the gates into the city, two guards throwing up a powerful arcane barrier behind them that repelled the creatures that were in pursuit. Whilst they clawed at the barrier in the hopes of getting at everyone within the city, the group would be able to finally take a well-deserved break from the running to take in the sights of the city. Idealis proceeded to do so, placing her hands upon her knees as she took some time to catch her breath only to have what was left of it taken away by the kingdom's beauty.



    Idealis: *Huff huff* ...wow...I...think we...finally made it....





    The Magical Kingdom of Verve

    A kingdom known as the sole place to go to for anything magical, it is a northern medieval-style town almost shrouded in an aura of raw mana, practically the entirety of the town having some grasp of magic. Despite many other cities being further ahead in technology, the harshness of Regalis Snowfield seems to have frozen this kingdom in time, and despite it also occasionally expanding, it still retains its medieval architecture nonetheless. The kingdom hosts countless shops that cannot be found anywhere else, and is also known for producing some of the most powerful relics that even the best technology cannot surpass. At the northwestern edge of the city lies Barthmont Palace, a castle most definitely shrouded in an aura of raw mana, known for holding an elite guard capable of using powerful magics. Travelers from all across the world often come here seeking advice for struggles in their lives from another famous figure known only as the Oracle, who is said to reside within Barthmont Palace. 



    Hera, who seemed to still maintain her composure, nodded.



    Hera: We have indeed successfully made it here alive and nigh in one piece.


    Her attention was drawn to Edward's body still floating in an arcane bubble behind her.



    Hera: Now, allow me to find somewhere to bury him; if you would all please follow me once more...


    She started to make her way to the northeast through the kingdom. As she walked by, what appeared to be a magical battle between two powerful witches could be seen above, a magical explosion seeming to blow the two away from each other before they once again flew at each other, ready to deliver physical blows to the other.

  17. 14 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Candor City


    BGM: Battle Field "Cisco Town" (Black Rock Shooter: The GAME)


    As he left the rift, he reappeared in an alleyway. He walked out of it and looked around the big, extensive city horizons.



    5T: Alright... this is Candor, then...

    Pod: Analysis: some of the functions are corrupted and unusable due to viruses present in the system. Proposal: hack into self and eliminate all viruses interfering with full functionality.


    5T: I'll do that once I reach the Warrior's Hangout. Right now, we need to move. Let's see if we can get directions from the people and see if we can reach there without the mini-map, Pod.


    He walked towards a man and decided to ask him about directions. This was something that he wasn't used to do. After all, mini-maps were made for that, but he had those functions disabled.



    5T: Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me where I can find the Warrior's Hangout?

    The man pointed towards a tower to the southwest.



    Man Of Mystery: Right over there. Shouldn't take long for you to get there from here!

  18. On 9/5/2017 at 11:10 AM, Sinjik said:


    These things are more intelligent than expected. I knew I should have killed it before they ever had a chance to attack.

    (Seth starts to flee with the rest of the group)


    On 9/5/2017 at 11:53 AM, Agni Blackheart said:

    Audience Team


    BGM: Forceful Step still playing



    Lize: Eeeeek!!


    She jumped backwards evading their charge. Soon, they heard Hera and saw the others rushing ahead.



    Seraph: This isn't good. You two, let's go! Quickly!


    Lize: Running?! OK, I'm super into this!!


    Magnum; Right behind you!


    They began to follow the rest, trying to escape the ambush of the creatures.


    On 9/5/2017 at 1:14 PM, Mister Fael said:



    Yomi: Running away is my speciality...So I'm not saying no.


    Jude: Just what is this place?


        Both Jude and Yomi started to flee as well.



    Idealis: I don't know, but I already hate it!


    They would be able to notice that their speed increased massively. Meanwhile, behind them, a massive ape-like creature could be seen barreling towards them.








    Fortunately, up ahead, a large town could be seen. It was difficult to see what it consisted of entirely from a distance, but they were closing in quickly.

  19. On 9/4/2017 at 10:26 PM, Agni Blackheart said:

    Audience Team


    BGM: Forceful Step (Under Night IN-Birth Exe: Late[st])


    They backed off once the rabbits began to attack.



    Lize: Seriously?! A battle in this freaking cold?!


    Seraph: Now's not the time to complain. Get used to the terrain and fight!


    Magnum: I'm feeling pumped! Let's blast those things! Ruin!


    Magnum shot a sphere of magic near a rabbit. It began to condense air, preparing to release it into a blast. If the creature went blindly at it, it's be launched in the air by the blast.

    The creature appeared to be wiser than the average prey, and proceeded to hop to the right of the sphere before continuing its approach towards Magnum, its ears bounding backwards menacingly.


    On 9/4/2017 at 10:26 PM, Agni Blackheart said:



    Lize: Hey, little raaaaabbits~ I'm gonna skewer you!


    Elizabeth blinked at them while throwing her lance between her legs at one rabbit.

    The rabbit would be struck by the lance, causing it to let out a shriek and reel backwards. Behind them, more clouds of snow rose up as if triggered by the rabbit's pain, five more creatures revealing themselves with growls.








    The creatures began to charge specifically at Elizabeth, displaying incredible speed. Idealis called out to her after standing up and revealing her katars.



    Idealis: Lizzy, behind you!


    On 9/4/2017 at 10:26 PM, Agni Blackheart said:



    Seraph: (My moves won't work well... I have to be prepared...!)


    Seraph: Type 0: Flash!


    Seraph proceeds with a quick sword-draw slash towards another rabbit. Once hitting, he would connect with another move.

    The rabbit let out a shriek as it was hit, a loud, deep roar echoing through the snowfield. Hera gasped.



    Hera: We must flee, Masters and Mistresses! NOW! Come; I shall ensure our escape! 


    She raised her runeblade, winds replacing the flames that once licked the enchanted metal. Idealis didn't hesitate to run by her. She obviously saw something that made her spine melt away.



    Idealis: Right, let's make it suuuuuuuper quiiiiiick!


  20. 15 minutes ago, Sinjik said:

    (Seth backed away from the rabbit-like creatures)

    ezgif-1-70bb316f3c.png R-Rabbits...

    Idealis chuckled at Seth's response.



    Idealis: What, are you afraid of rabbits? They're harmless!


    While Idealis was busy poking fun at Seth, one of them suddenly pulled its head back. Hera called out towards her.



    Hera: Mistress Furtivus! Get back now!


    It was obvious that she wasn't aware of the situation.


    Idealis: Huh? It's a ra-


    Its ears slammed into her leg, causing her to let out a cry of pain and fall down into the snow, holding the spot where she got hit. She was tearing up.



    Idealis: Ow, ow, ow, ow, owwwwww! 


    She quickly scampered away from the rabbits.



    Idealis: I'm not getting close to another rabbit! Kill theeeem!


    BGM: Snowstorm (Soundtrack Ver.)


    Hera's runeblade became shrouded in flames.



    Hera: An understandable mistake; now, to battle!


    The rabbits began to advance towards the group; those more observant could perhaps see something else peering out at them from a hole in the snow left behind by them.

  21. On 9/3/2017 at 9:29 PM, Agni Blackheart said:

    Audience Team


    BGM: The World of Ice and Snow (Tales of Berseria)


    The plains weren't exactly freezing but the cold was still strong as ever. They walked alongside the rest of the group, but Elizabeth was suffering a little because of her clothes.



    Lize: (G-Gah... I-I kinda t-take it back a-again... it's so c-cold...) Achoo!


    Magnum: Gesundheit.


    Lize: I-It was just my hair, don't mistake things... g-geez, are we that far...?


    Magnum: Well, I think we still have a lot ways to go, so I think we'll... take a while to...


    Magnum: Achoo!


    Lize: Wait, are you feeling cold wearing that armor?


    Magnum: It's... it was a snowflake, it fell into my nose and I sneezed.


    Lize: Y-Yeah, snowflake... uh huh... a...


    Lize: Achoo!


    Magnum: And you said you weren't feeling the cold...

    Lize: I-It was a snowflake!


    While they were trying to figure out sneezing reasons, Seraph walked alongside the more serious part of the group.



    Seraph: Percival is going to return soon enough. We shouldn't separate any longer or it's going to be troublesome.


    Seraph: And I agree with her. Death or life situations will come a lot of times, so we shouldn't held ourselves back because of the loss. It'd be disrespectful to his sacrifice if we were to give up now. Let's show him that his actions were not in vain.


    Idealis: That's right! Now, let's do our absolute best!

    On 9/3/2017 at 9:46 PM, Mister Fael said:



    Yomi: It's not like we were falling into despair...But thanks anyway.


    Jude: I-I'm a-also t-thankful...


    Yomi: Whoa doc, are you okay?


           She noticed that Jude's teeth where chattering, which contradicted his completely calm look.



    Jude: It's totally normal to start laughing when you're cold right? *nervous laugh*


    Yomi: (Aparently, that coat doesn't help him that much.)

    Idealis couldn't help but notice Jude's behavior. 



    Idealis: Hey, Hera...I think he needs some fire.


    Hera glanced back at Jude and chuckled.



    Hera: Flawless timing, Master Mathis! And it seems that he is not the only one in need of them.


    Her gaze settled upon Magnum and Elizabeth for a brief moment before she turned back around and started to chant.




    BGM: Snowflake (Soundtrack Ver.)





    Also referred to as Regalis Snow Plains, it is a snowfield said to be something out of a dream. However, its beauty hides a dark secret that many have found themselves victim to. Lined with various snow-covered hills, plateaus, and mountains, the only trees known to grow here are evergreens. It is considered to be one of the harshest areas due to the sheer number of hostile creatures that reside within it; despite this, many people still call it home and live in one of the many villages scattered throughout it. It is also the home of one of the primary kingdoms known as Verve, the kingdom of magic. The snow can pile up several feet during winter, and there is never a time when there is no snow on the ground here. 



    Upon entering the snowfield, they would suddenly see clouds of snow rise up as creatures began to burrow out from under it, soon revealing themselves to be five small rabbit-like creatures.









    They began to hop towards the group, seeming to have no intent to harm them. Idealis pointed a finger at them.



    Idealis: Are those rabbits? I've never seen rabbits that like humans!


  22. 5 hours ago, Mister Fael said:



    Yomi: Ah, snow! It's like Winter came early.


    Jude:  (That was fast.) Welcome back. Did you see Percival along the way?


    Yomi: No...Haven't seen him. (And I'm supposed to be the stealthy one.)


    Jude: I see...Well, all we can do now is move foward.


    Yomi: Yeah...Even if we are strong, that doesn't mean we can do everyting.

    Idealis glanced at Yomi.



    Idealis: Back so soon? And let me guess: no sign of our blue, shovel-wielding friend? 


    Hearing their moping seemed to trigger something within Idealis.



    Idealis: You two look pretty hopeless right now. Whatever his situation might be, we have to at least have hope that he'll show up again. If he doesn't, oh well, that's the way things are gonna be. I knew that not all of us were going to survive; hell, I'm guessing that I'll be the next one greeting Death, but we can't let ourselves get demotivated by this. We have to keep going with our heads held up high; if not for our sake, then for theirs! It's what they would want us to do, and it's what we would want them to do if, gods forbid, the roles were reversed. And on top of that, we have other people relying on us as well: the other team in the slums! We can't give up when we're this close to getting there!



    Idealis: And besides, I have a strong feeling that Percival's on his way right now! And everyone at the slums? I know for a fact that they've got everything under control and are probably waiting for us at the Hangout as we speak! So clear your minds, take in the scenery, and let's get this done, alright? And I refuse to take no for an answer!

  23. 7 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Audience Team



    Lize: Well, about the cold...


    Magnum: If you can't handle it, maybe you should head back and-


    Lize: What?! Are you making fun of me again?!


    Magnum: N-No, I was just being-


    Lize: I retract what I said! I don't mind it, let's go!

    Hera nodded her head slightly, smiling warmly.



    Hera: Very well, Mistress Bathory. However, if you do find yourself becoming chilly, do not hesitate to mention so!


    Further ahead, a group of beasts which looked almost like moose with four antlers could be seen slowly walking towards what could be presumed to be the west in the snowy plain.

  24. As the audience team made their way through the forest, the air around them grew colder, and spotty patches of snow were visible upon the ground. The lighting was also beginning to get brighter as the trees started to slowly become sparse. Wanting to carry out her duty as a maid, Hera proceeded to speak up.



    Hera: We are about to enter the Regalis Snow Plains; are you able to handle to cold, Mistress Bathory? If required, I may be able to use my flames to give you warmth. I also extend the offer to you, Mistress Furtivus.


    Idealis shook her head quickly.



    Idealis: N-no, I'll be fine, I promise! I've done this a million times!



    Hera: Mmm? You must imagine that I will do something...uncouth, judging from your reaction. Have you, per-



    Idealis: I'll be fine, dammit! 


    Hera let out a hearty chuckle.



    Hera: Very well, Mistress Furtivus; I shall no longer press the matter.


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