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A person

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Posts posted by A person

  1. 15 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:



    BGM: Yukimura Sanada's Theme still playing



    Mirfah: Tch...!!


    Mirfah tried to slash her, but his sword was blocked by her shield just in time. He backed off and his blades lost the energy they had before.



    Mirfah: C'mon, I'm your enemy now! Why don't you try to get me?!


    He ran back to the open streets. The alleyway was too cramped for them to fight.

    Seeing him run out of the alleyway, the woman proceeded to turn her attention to Tommy, and slid to a halt. She then turned around, placing the lance upon her back before charging straight at him, her lance out and her shield in front of herself.



    ???: Intercepting greater threat. You shall be exterminated first.



    26 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:



    Yomi: You're absolutely right.


    Jude: Let's hurry the pace then.

    41 minutes ago, Sinjik said:

    ezgif-1-c520fdd7c0.png Something's.... Near....

    As they continued on, Hera started to talk again.



    Hera: I have done some personal research into the condition of the slums...and I am correct in saying that his motives are indeed selfish, but there is no money involved; it is solely power he is after. What he wishes to do with that power, I do not know, but I know he is not alone in this endeavor of his. In fact, he has amassed quite an army since he has been tasked with keeping peace in the area, so mayhap there is a general contempt for the government within the people, the reason for which remains unknown to me; after all, the slums are the way they are because of the people which inhabit them.


    24 minutes ago, OxyontheWolf said:

    e7485e0369.png?width=251&height=250 Then a fight is awaiting us! be ready, because this could be a potential threat



    Hera: You are very eager to fight...but do you not fear what may hide within the darkness? The threat which lies within it is unknown to us!




    1 hour ago, Agni Blackheart said:



    BGM: Yukimura Sanada's Theme still playing



    Mirfah: Good... they're retreating...


    But before they could truly retreat, Tommy was grabbed by a red knight and being dragged to an alleyway.



    Mirfah: Tommy!! Get your hands off him, you crazy woman!!


    With his blades still enhanced, Mirfah went after her. He aimed to an overhead slash...

    24 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

    Tommy smirked. He proceeded to summon a fire explosion in order to get the woman off him.


    Tommy: You underestimated me, did you not? 

    Her attention caught by the voice yelling behind her, the woman twisted her torso slightly and raised her shield to block the swing coming at her, but found herself being pushed back slightly by the explosion, though she showed no other signs of damage. She withdrew her lance.



    ???: Multiple threats detected. Proceeding with extermination.


    She proceeded to charge at Mirfah, her shield in front of herself like an iron wall and her lance out like a deadly spike coming at him.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    They ventured through the forest as Hera explained the situation about the Slums. Elizabeth and Magnum started to get worried about the others.



    Lize: Look, I know we're supposed to see this Oracle or whatever it is, but what about the others? Shouldn't we head back and get them before we can actually go?


    Magnum: They're still haven't returned from the slums yet... I'll try to contact Agni and see if I can know their situation.


    Magnum used his own communicator, but he couldn't get Agni's signal back. He tried once more, but no response.



    Magnum: (No response?! Now I'm really getting worried...)

    Idealis shook her head.



    Idealis: Didn't they say they were only investigating the situation? Investigation can take a while; it took me a while to get back when I did mine. We should at least have some trust in them!


    Hera sighed.



    Hera: I am only to do as I am assigned by His Majesty; going to the slums is something that must be done on my own time, Mistress Bathory. I also do not suggest splitting away from us in an attempt to find them as you may find yourselves in trouble, either within the forest or within the slums themselves. That being said...


    Hera started to walk faster, opening her tome as she did so.



    Hera: ...we should move quickly, lest we find ourselves trapped in an ambush.


    A dark, malevolent presence could be sensed by all nearby, causing a sense of dread to wash over the area.

  4. 6 hours ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

    Tommy put his hands on his head and kneeled down.



    Damnit... I surrender... just don't hurt my friends!


    Tommy put his hands on his back.

    The knight proceeded to approach him and slid her lance onto her back, using her now free hand to grab him by his head and lift him up.



    ???: Enemy neutralized. Proceeding with capture.


    She forcibly turned him around and removed her hand from his head only to wrap it around his hands on his back and begin pushing him towards an alleyway nearby.

  5. 13 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

    Tommy grabbed the lance.


    Tommy: I... don't think so.

    She raised the lance up into the air as he grabbed it, then proceeded to swing him down at the ground with incredible power. The headband on her head expanded into something at least slightly more protective.



    ???: Neutralization in progress. Surrender now, and I shall only injure you.

  6. 3 hours ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

    The grenade exploded on Tommy. Tommy simply smirked, before creating a fire explosion massive enough to send any guards near him flying. He immediately got up, fire appearing in his eyes.


    Tommy: Heh... you've done it now... One Man Army mode activated.


    Tommy gave the guards a chance to back down, but any attacks that would hit him wouldn't scratch him in his incredibly powerful mode.

    Instead of backing down, a different guard approached him, wielding a heavy lance and shield and wearing very heavy armor.








    ???: Threat detected. Proceeding with neutralization.


    The guard raised her shield and lance, then charged straight for Tommy, aiming to impale him upon the tip.

  7. 1 minute ago, Mister Fael said:



    Jude: Very well, we will proceed with care.


    Yomi: I'll make sure to watch out for anything unusual.


    5 minutes ago, OxyontheWolf said:

    f9eac2d40a.png?width=273&height=250 (brings out his shovel) roger that, luckily I did pack all the relics I've obtained during my journeys, Miss Hera, so we're anything but short on weaponery!

    Idealis proceeded to reveal her katars in the sleeves of her coat.



    Idealis: As ready as I can be.


    Hera nodded as she continued to lead them.



    Hera: Good! Now, about that rebellion...



    Hera: ...there was already someone sent there to quell it, Mistress Mizu. A high-ranking member of the Royal Guard, Hakumen. However...both His Majesty and Her Majesty know that he is not performing his duty as required as there are still violent incidents occurring there on a daily basis at this point. It is almost as if he is doing something to exaggerate the situation far more than what it was previously.

  8. The audience party would find themselves exiting the city as the guards in front of the gates proceeded to open them, allowing them into a darker forest, the sky seeming to be dimming. It was starting to transition into evening, but the forest made it seem like it was darker.






    BGM: Track 15


    Hera quietly drew a tome and her runeblade.



    Hera: We are now out of earshot of the guards, so we may freely discuss the rebellion within the slums; however, do stay on your guard. This forest has been known for vicious attacks from the creatures that inhabit it.

  9. 5 minutes ago, OxyontheWolf said:

    another man walked up to Hera


    6ad7a63043.png?width=210&height=250 I am sorry for being late...I am Sir Percival Williamson, but everyone calls me Shovel Knight, and you should too, after all, I am but a helper of yours (bows) a pleasure to serve your queries

    Hera giggled once again.



    Hera: It is okay, Master Williamson! And it may be a while before I can properly refer to you as Shovel Knight, so, my apologies. And, may I say, your armor and weapon are things of amazement!



    Hera: Who could have known that a shovel could make for an effective weapon...

  10. 8 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:



    Jude: Not exactly a person, but a group of terrorists named Exodus. At first, their plan was to further the Otherworld Reactor plan, but after the Schism was dispelled, nowadays, they've been trying to end the peace negotiations with Rieze Maxia...And that involves getting in the way of Spyrite Technology.


    Jude: Their former leader was involved in that research and that was my first true contact with a spyrite...And he was using it as a weapon.


    Jude: I assure you, I'm the real Jude Mathis, and right now, Spyrite Technology is far from complete, we haven't even started tests with great spirits yet. If a person tries to use a Spyrite with a Great Spirit on it, that person is at great risk of dying from the backlash of mana since there's not a proper pact with it.


    Yomi: A slum citizen infiltrating the castle huh? I wonder if both cases are connected.


    Jude: What?


    Yomi: (Alright, I guess it's time to reveal my thoughts.) No, I'm sure of it. Maybe it happened more than twice.


    Jude: Wait, you don't mean...


    Yomi: I refrained to say this in front of Your Majesty out of fear he might kick all of us out for wasting his time...but I believe that there's someone from inside the castle that is providing resources to those rebelious people at the slums. And I believe those guys at Exodus wanted part of it so they decided to share about Spyrite as a trade coin.


    Yomi: Of course, this is just pure conjecture, but don't you think it's weird the supposedly powerful Candor hasn't been able to quell a small rebellion located in the northwest of the city? Your guards sure make a big deal of telling other people to not go there.

    Hera came to a halt and turned around, putting an index finger to her mouth. She spoke in a low voice.



    Hera: If they hear you, you'll be arrested...we need to get out of the city before we can talk in-depth about this, Mistress Mizu. Once we are in safety, I suppose I should attempt to explain the circumstance. After all; you two are here for more than simply aiding the others, correct?

  11. 1 minute ago, Tony Redgrave said:

    Audience Team



    I'm Shirou Emiya, but I'm often referred to through my class role, Archer.



    My name is Artoria Pendragon, and I'm a Saber.



    At this point, there really isn't much of a reason to refer to us by our class names. They're mostly kept out of habit at this point.


    Hera: Class names?


    She mused over it for a moment, then came to a realization.



    Hera: A way to sort yourselves from one another, then...interesting. 



    Hera: Though I am interested in learning more, I am afraid it will have to wait until after we arrive at the destination. But beyond that, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Master Emiya and Mistress Pendragon!

  12. 1 hour ago, Mister Fael said:


    Jude: Not only that, but it's also a way for common people to use spirit artes without killing spirits.


         He was perplexed, asking himself why would someone use his name to talk about Spyrite Technology in Candor.



    Jude: (Just what's going on here?)


    Hera: Ah, perhaps it is merely a case of mistaken identity, Master Mathis. The Royal Guard is not perfect, after all. 


    The guards standing at the gates leading out to the northern bridge proceeded to open them for them, allowing them to proceed into the outdoors.


    BGM: Skyscape Probe



    Hera: It would not be the first time it has happened. Previously, a slum citizen managed to find his way into the castle after identifying himself as a deceased member of a high-ranking family before news of his death made its way to the castle. Perhaps you happen to have a silent observer following you who has done the same?


    55 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    They followed Hera through the castle when she asked for her names.



    Magnum: Commander Magnum Alexandria of the Multiversal Heaven at your service! But please, no "Mister", "Sir" or something formal. Magnum is just fine.


    Hera: Please excuse my formal behavior, Master Alexandria; it is a habit that I find very difficult to drop these days, but I shall try my best, Magnum!


    She giggled.


    58 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:


    Lize: My name is Elizabeth Bathory. One day I will be an idol but right now, I'm a Servant under the command of Agni Artwaltz



    Hera: Wow, I had never imagined that I would be fortunate enough to meet an idol-in-training in person!


    Hera just had to stop and curtsy.



    Hera: I, too, had dreams of becoming an idol, so it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mistress Bathory! Perhaps I may be able to learn something from you if you are to ever visit the castle during your free time!


    1 hour ago, Agni Blackheart said:


    Seraph: I'm Seraph Artwaltz, First Archgeneral of the Multiversal Heaven.

    Hera curtsied for Seraph once again, this time out of respect.



    Hera: I must admit, it is quite rare to be able to witness angels in person, especially under my...condition, I suppose. Nevertheless, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Master Artwaltz!




  13. 3 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

    Edward didn't want his thoughts to be revealed.



    N - no... it's nothing. I'm fine.



    Idealis: Hmmm...if you say so.


    She turned her head to glance at Hera.



    Idealis: My name is Idealis Furtivus...


    It was pretty obvious that she was uncomfortable with sharing her name with anyone, even those she trusted. Hera was either completely oblivious to it or simply ignored it.



    Hera: Mistress Furtivus...now that is a name I would not expect! A fitting name, too!


    Idealis looked away nervously.


    2 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:


       The question got Jude by surprise. He was certain this was his first time in the castle.



    Jude: No...This is my first time in this place. Why do you ask?



    Hera: Strange...might you have a brother, then? 



  14. 3 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:


    (God, why does she even think that I'm a "fine person"? I'm not a fine person... honestly, there's almost nobody I care about other then my brother... I stopped caring about most things a long time ago after most of my family died...)

    Idealis took notice of Edward's behavior.



    Idealis: Something on your mind, Edward?



  15. Just now, Mister Fael said:


    Yomi: You will call me Yoru Mizu until further notice.


    Hera: Mistress Mizu, a name fit for a woman of mystery!


    1 minute ago, Mister Fael said:


    Jude: I am Jude Mathis. Nice to meet you.


    Hera: Master Mathis...have you, perchance, visited the castle previously? I recall someone with the same name visiting at an earlier time...

  16. Hera chuckled as she led the group out of the throne room and towards the north side of the castle.



    Hera: His Majesty most certainly would not mind your excitement! After all...he needs it at this point in time. But that is a story for another time, I suppose.



    Hera: Since I am leading you, I do not suppose you would be willing to give me your names, Masters and Mistresses? I feel obliged to refer to guests by the names they wish to have!

  17. Seeing that the party was up for it, Idealis had decided against saying no. She nodded.



    Idealis: I shall do my best, then, your Majesty; something like this is a chance of a lifetime! It would be an absolute honor!


    The queen smiled. The king, however, spoke up.



    King Randolph: Since you are all in agreement, it may be best to notify the oracle of the news. Hera!


    A low, feminine voice came from one of the three rooms.



    ???: Yes, your Majesty?



    King Randolph: Guide these visitors to the oracle in Verve. 



    ???: Right away, your Majesty!


    The middle door opened, revealing a face to go with the voice.






    The Horned Maiden

    A woman cursed with the horns of a demon, she was exiled from city after city due to her appearance, hunted by those who didn't like the way she looked, and beaten by those who feared her horns. Eventually, she would turn to magic, and would use it to cause wide-spread atrocities throughout the world as revenge upon those who wronged there until she was finally stopped by King Randolph and Queen Rupina. After being defeated in battle, she begged for them to end her life only for them to instead spare her, much to her surprise. Because of their actions, she has sworn her allegiance to them, and promises to serve them eternally, no matter what happens to them, or her. The books she carries upon her dress are a mixture of spell tomes and informative books, and the sword she carries is a runeblade which serves as a catalyst for any spells she may cast.


    Age: 78

    Species: Tiefling

    Element: Fire

    System: N/A

    Class: Mage

    Weapons: Spell Tome and Runeblade

    Universe: ???




    The horned woman proceeded to curtsy with a warm smile. 


    Hera: Greetings! I am the chief maid of the castle, Hera Nikitas, and I shall be your guide, Masters and Mistresses!


    King Randolph spoke up again.



    King Randolph: See to it that they safely arrive at Verve, Hera. Once you return, there are some...important matters...to discuss.


    Hera nodded her head quickly.



    Hera: A-ah, yes, yes, your Majesty!


    She walked beyond a guard standing at the side of the carpet, and headed towards the door out of the throne room. She turned her head to look at the group.



    Hera: Shall we?


    Idealis nodded, retrieving her coat from the guard she gave it to. The guard seemed to stare at her as she walked by, but she didn't notice.



    Idealis: Gladly!

  18. Just now, NijikakuFan61 said:


    Not exactly...


    Edward suddenly remembered something that he, in fact, did have.



    ...well, much like my fellow teammate Seth, I might have forgotten my powers...

    The queen nodded her head slightly.



    Queen Rupina: Of course...


    She then pointed her staff at Nemesis.



    Queen Rupina: And your name?


    Nemesis bowed once again. There was no point in hiding the truth any longer.



    Nemesis: My name...is Idealis. Idealis Furtivus. 



    Queen Rupina: And I assume that you, too, have lost something?


    Idealis nodded.



    Idealis: Yes, your Majesty. Unlike them, I did not lose my skills, but, rather, I have lost most of my belongings during the travel between my world and this one.


    The queen nodded her head slightly.



    Queen Rupina: Ah, do not fret; yours is a similar story to others. 


    She diverted her attention back to everyone in front of them.



    Queen Rupina: There are many others who have had the same experience as those three, and they have also come here in the hopes of discovering the reason why they are here.


    Her face grew serious.


    BGM: 07. 降りてきた神秘



    Queen Rupina: And, fortunately, we believe we have finally discovered the answer to that question. The answer lies within a kingdom to the north; there, resides a powerful oracle who has sensed that the world is in great danger, a danger that not even we are capable of handling alone. He was the one who has summoned everyone to our world. I must apologize in his stead; his decision was made entirely out of desperation, and though I am certain that your worlds are in no danger even if ours was to be destroyed, which is, unfortunately, inevitable, I believe he assumed that you would all be willing to aid us in protecting it. I understand if you are unwilling to; being dragged from your home planet without warning can be jarring, and the grief those close to you would experience must be unimaginable. I am certain that we can find a way to banish this threat without outside aid, but I suppose, since our enemy is unknown, we should attempt to gather as much aid as possible before a possible altercation. So, I ask you all; are you willing to join us in our quest to defend our world from that which threatens it?

  19. 3 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:


    My name is Edward Thompson, member of the famous Thompson family.


    Edward shrugged.



    Well... famous on my home planet, anyways...

    The queen couldn't help but chuckle to herself, earning her a gentle nudge from the king. She regained her composure.



    Queen Rupina: And have you, perchance, lost something?

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