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A person

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Posts posted by A person

  1. 1 minute ago, Darkflare said:

    Suddenly, Edward would be grabbed on the leg by one of the Mech Hisui saving him from being impaled. While Frank was taking the photo he would be grabbed by the same Mech Hisui and pulled back. Flare proceeded to approach the group.



    "It's always the goddamn idiots that interrupt me."


    He pointed toward Reva.



    "You. Just because everyone must sign a release to be here doesn't mean you can endanger the lives of others like that, no mater what stupid move they make."


    He the pointed toward Tommy and Edward.



    "You two, get some REAL training before you get into a fight again."


    He then pointed toward Frank



    "And you, your concern for your friends is admirable but it doesn't give you a reason to interfere with their fight. That's considered a serious offense around here."



    "If it wasn't that obvious, let me tell you directly. This fight's over."


    If one were to look at some of the onlookers that gathered, they could spot that Ky was one of them.

    All too familiar with the enraged voice, Riva nodded solemnly and let out a depressed sigh. She shrugged.



    Riva: I suppose I should have expected as much...maybe next time, Mister Tommy!


    She chuckled again, looking back at the onlookers that had gathered, though her gaze fell upon Ky, causing her to stare at him for a few seconds too long before walking off, her sword dissolving in the air. She placed her hands upon her hips as she walked off, her usual smug look reappearing upon her face. 

  2. 11 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

    Edward flipped himself while in the air so he would hit the wall feet-first, then summoned a trampoline in order to send himself back to Riva, aiming himself headfirst like a human bullet.

    Riva proceeded to step to the right of his trajectory and held out her sword horizontally, putting him at severe risk of literally cutting himself in half.



    Riva: Too much gambling as well...maybe this is a lesson that has to be set in order?


    She was anticipating another attempted surprise attack from this duo; to her, they were something very familiar.

  3. Just now, NijikakuFan61 said:


    To serve as a distraction.


    Edward proceeded to attempt to crush Riva with an anvil; Tommy successfully missed the anvil, but ended up getting a scar thanks to Riva's sword.

    Riva laughed as she dashed to the right of the attempted crushing, retaliating quickly with a roundhouse kick sent at Edward's torso to knock him away.



    Riva: Oh, ho ho ho! How about I show you a true distraction next?!

  4. Just now, NijikakuFan61 said:

    Edward pulled out a fan big enough to direct the wind back at her.


    Edward: How does it feel to have your own weapon used against you!?

    Riva couldn't help but chuckle again as she swung her sword once again, sending the fireballs veering off in a random direction.



    Riva: Oh, hoho, brilliant! However, the wind will get you nowhere...if your friend is in danger!


    She proceeded to charge right at Tommy, keeping Edward in her peripheral. It was better to be able to see the both of them instead of relying on her other senses.

  5. Just now, NijikakuFan61 said:

    Edward: I'm gonna throw more then just that at you!



    S - she's pretty... good...


    Tommy proceeded to summon two cannons made out of fire, aiming both of them at Riva and sending fireballs out of both of them.

    Seeing the fireballs coming, but paying attention to the both of them, she proceeded to swing her sword at the fireballs, a blast of wind from the sword sending them at Edward.



    Riva: I wonder just what it is you have under your sleeves...

  6. 1 minute ago, NijikakuFan61 said:




    Tommy stayed down intentionally; the fridge was seconds from colliding with Riva.

    Displaying her awareness, Riva proceeded to dash further to the left, allowing the fridge to fly harmlessly by(and possibly hit Tommy?). Once the coast was clear, she would finally turn around towards the two, both of them now within her vision.



    Riva: Those are...very interesting skills, to say the least, Mister Edward. In all of my years in battle, I have never expected my opponent to throw something like that at me.

  7. 5 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

    Tommy ran right back at Riva; what she didn't know was that this was an attempt to distract her while Edward used his hammerspace powers to throw a fucking fridge at her.

    Instead of completing her charge, she proceeded to suddenly veer to her left, swinging her sword at his right kneecap in an attempt to clip his leg and cripple him temporarily.



    Riva: Perhaps a lesson in self-defense is to be set in order, as well as a lesson in an awareness of one's surroundings...

  8. 11 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

    Tommy immediately threw a fireball at her; if that managed to hit, Edward would proceed to grab her from behind by surprise, and slam her to the ground.

    BGM: Strania -The Stella Machina- Vower Side - BOSS 5


    Riva smirked as the fiery projectile came at her. She swung her sword around herself, seeming to catch the projectile upon the sword before stopping and sending it directly at Edward.



    Riva: Sharing is caring, as they say! And as for you...


    She proceeded to dash towards Tommy suddenly, her sword at her side.



    Riva: ...I shall make you my primary target!



  9. Just now, NijikakuFan61 said:


    Very well. Go easy on me, alright? In fact...


    Tommy aimed his sword at Riva.



    ...how about I tell you when enough's enough? As well as that...


    Tommy smiled.



    Maybe we could be friends after this? I've always wanted lots of those...

    Riva couldn't help but chuckle again as she fully stepped into the arena, her sword forming in her right hand.



    Riva: Good, good! Do be certain to ensure that you are sufficiently prepared to combat me; I am no mere fodder, and I refuse to battle you otherwise!


    She proceeded to plant the sword in front of herself and gaze at the two, a warm and confident smile upon her face.

  10. Just now, Darkflare said:


    "I have no interest in prey that won't fight back. Besides, weren't you eyeing Kiske earlier?"

    Riva's usual warm aura suddenly turned cold.



    Riva: For reasons beside wishing to fight him. After all, I imagine you may know how I feel about someone else being referred to as a king.


    The cold aura slowly warmed back up.



    Riva: But beyond that, he most certainly will fight back! In fact...


    She snapped her fingers.



    Riva: ...why don't you and Mister Edward fight me together, Mister Tommy? That way, you are not able to be easily overwhelmed, and you have someone you are used to fighting with by your side!

  11. 11 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:
    No thanks, ma'am... I don't fight ladies; I'm not willing to hurt them.

    This statement caused her to let out an even heartier, louder chuckle.



    Riva: Oh, hohoho! Believe me; I can handle far more abuse than you may be able to throw my way! Besides that, I have yet to come out of a battle with a single injury!

    6 minutes ago, Darkflare said:


    "Hm? He seems like an amateur to me, but I guess you wouldn't mind a warm up first."




    "Well well, I was wondering when you would visit us Light. I've actually seen you a few times in the city. Of course, I never told Flare. I assure you that this place will seem like heaven for someone like you."



    "Hmph, coward..."

    Riva proceeded to smile at the woman.



    Riva: Ah, training the novices is a necessity! After all, they will not advance if nobody attempts to set them upon the correct path!

  12. 1 hour ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

    Meanwhile, Tommy noticed one of the arenas was empty, and chose to enter it.


    BGMCherub Rock



    Well... this could be interesting...


    Tommy pulled out his one-armed scissor, fully prepared for any fights that would ensue.

    As Tommy sat in wait for a fighter, the familiar clicking of a certain someone could be heard approaching behind the woman that already entered.



    Riva: Mmm? All alone, are we? Do you require a partner to spar with, Mister Tommy? If so, I would be more than happy to be that special one!


    She chuckled heartily. 

  13. Just now, Mister Fael said:

    Streets of Candor



    Hinamori: ...Ah!


           With the guidance of the spirits, she managed to find Nemesis, saying a silent thank you to her invisible companions as she heads towards her direction.



    Hinamori: There you are Miss Nemesis. I've been looking for you. The others have arrived at the hangout.


    Hinamori: Yui was also worried about you.


    @A person

    Nemesis was currently headed in the direction of the hangout, but stopped upon noticing Hinamori. She seemed oddly distraught.



    Nemesis: Oh...really? Well...thanks...I guess. I found what I wanted, and...it's...


    She let out a heavy sigh. She tried her best to smile, but it was obviously forced and quickly turned into a frown.



    Nemesis: Let's just get back to the Hangout. I'll tell you what I found out when we get there.

  14. 26 minutes ago, DuckMannnn said:

    portrait_edit_idk_by_duckmann18-dbjeko9."(Is baggy clothes a new trend? Baffles me.)

    Kirimuri goes inside the Aromatic Corner cafe and was met with a warming, classy and tranquil sensation.



    He approaches the vendor and asks:

    kirimuri_close_up_by_duckmann18-dbk9kb4."It's a nice day isn't it? I'd like to have some vanilla frappucino, please. And you, Melina? What kind of tea do you want? The bill's on me this time."

    The elven woman nodded her head slightly at his comment, a slight smile matching her nod. 



    Elven Barista: Why, yes it is. And certainly; what shall the lady have?


    She waited quietly for a response.

  15. 48 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


    Lol! Fair enough. I guess that's what I get for living right here in Candor and not paying you a visit yet. But now seemed like a good time. I guess I do fill honored. Ren is a warrior if I ever seen one. But if Grant is gone and Ren is..."hunting" perhaps...then there is one other man I never got to meet personally but I've been told he's the king around here...his Royal Highness...


    ...Ky Kiske.



    But...I know that's out of the question. At least for a fight. But a warrior such as him is world renowned. And for  that... I have much respect for him. If HE trained here, then maybe I SHOULD give your methods more consideration...oh...and also because your "kinda" strong yourself.


    LightFlare smiles and gives a quick but light jab to Darkflare's bicep...


    Riva was visibly bothered by Light's comment, though she decided against saying something in response to it. She proceeded to pick her sword up, the blade seeming to dissolve into the air.



    Riva: Hmhm! I suppose I shall see you all within!


    With a wave, a wink, and her usual chuckle, she proceeded to walk into the hangout, though it was obvious that something was on her mind.

  16. 54 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

    LightFlare hears Riva's comments...


    Hello...have we met?

    Riva let out a defeated sigh.



    Riva: Perhaps I have mistaken you for someone I have seen here previously. Nonetheless, the new face has me interested; are you able to explain what is going on? It has be- *ahem* I have never seen someone in armor such as that before, and I can confidently say that I have explored every single inch of this planet! Nor have I ever seen anyone use such a...strange...choice of weapon...

  17. 41 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Agni Artwaltz, Magnum Alexandria, Elizabeth Bathory and Mirfah

    Location: Warrior's Hangout



    Lize: Interested? How absurd, dear Riva. As if I could get interested on watching little squirrels.


    Mirfah: (Was that an insult? Wait, men are pig and women are squirrels...?)

    Riva smiled at Elizabeth, though it was colder than a block of ice.



    Riva: Miss Bathory...you were staring at me, were you not? Would you care to explain your reason for doing so?


    1 hour ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

    LightFlare and SK take the bus to the Warrior Hangout. LightFlare and SK step of the bus...


    (Hmm..it's been a while. Time to pay a visit to my old friend...as well as my new ones...)


    LightFlare sees a very familiar face...and calls out to him..



    DarkFlare! It's been a while my friend! I see your popularity has skyrocketed! Lol!

    Hearing a set of footsteps approaching the scene, Riva's natural curiosity caused her to turn her head in the direction of the approaching people.



    Riva: Ah, at last: another familiar face!


    She couldn't help but notice the knight in blue armor also wielding a shovel.



    Riva: And it seems that you, too, have found someone new to bring along with you. Has something happened today that I am not aware of?


  18. 8 minutes ago, DuckMannnn said:


    kirimuri_close_up_by_duckmann18-dbk9kb4."50 Pompadillions? I guess I'll exchange... 5 silver coins then. Perhaps you can recommend me a nice café near this area too?"

    The banker nodded, taking 5 of the silver coins and setting down 13 coins. 



    Fancy Banker: Equivalent to twelve-and-a-half Pompadillions, good sir. And may I suggest going to the Aromatic Corner? The drinks and food they serve there are absolutely magnificent!

  19. 18 hours ago, Darkflare said:

    The doors slide open as someone steps out to take of the commotion. He was known as the owner of the place.



    "Huh, finally made the time to come early. Is it impossible for you to not announce your presence every time you come here?"


    The male's question had earned him a hearty chuckle from Riva, the...lady covering her mouth with the back of her hand as she laughed.



    Riva: Oh, ho, ho, ho, it seems you have caught onto my actions! If you must know, this is merely an exception; a large group of new faces always warrants a proper introduction!


    11 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Once Riva introduced herself and explained somethings they couldn't make heads or tails at the moment, she pointed towards Magnum, requesting him to introduce all of them.



    Magnum: Me? Uhh... OK? Angel Commander Magnum Alexandria of the Multiversal Heaven at your service. As for the others they are...


    *inserts a long introduction of all names*



    Magnum: And that's about everyone.

    Agni: Don't forget us.


    When Magnum looked back, there were Agni and Tommy right behind him.



    Magnum: AGH!! Agni?!


    Magnum: What are you trying to do, kill me with a jumpscare?! Make yourself noticeable!


    Agni: No. That aside, why did I have some sort of deja vu moment?


    3 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


    Yui: Hi there Riva. Nice to meet you!

    Riva nodded as their names were given to her, and proceeded to curtsy out of respect. She smiled at Magnum's reaction to the sudden appearance of his friends; it seemed that this one was very jumpy.



    Riva: It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Celest! Observing the way you each interact with each other makes me believe that I shall get along with each of you very well!


    3 hours ago, Mister Fael said:



    Hugn: Sparring partners? Are you here to pick up a fight with us or something?

    Riva chuckled again. It seemed as though she was very fond of chuckling.



    Riva: He he, not quite, Mister Maxy! I have yet to see what any of you are capable of as it is! (Although, I can sense that some of you hold great power deep within...maybe I will be fortunate enough to witness it!)

    10 hours ago, NijikakuFan61 said:


    Hey, guys! I'm back! Did you miss m -





    You fucking idiot! Don't just run away like that!



    B - but I -



    Do you have any idea how worried I was!? I thought someone had killed you!



    B - but I was just helping -



    I don't care! Don't run off like that ever again!

    Riva, though she appeared to not notice the argument between Tommy and Frank, still sent a glance in their direction.



    Riva: And it seems that you also care greatly about one another...I could have never even imagined such a bond forming between so many members! Perhaps it is fate that has brought all of you here!


    She sent another glance at the male who exited the building, and smiled warmly.



    Riva: I believe that they may be able to benefit greatly from this facility...do you not agree?


    11 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Agni Artwaltz, Magnum Alexandria, Elizabeth Bathory and Mirfah


    The sudden appearance of Riva has surprised them somehow. They haven't fully noticed her in the shadows and when she approached, the first one to think about her was...



    Lize: (What's with this girl? She's so weird... Oh god, I'm sounding like Magnum...!)


    Lize: (Hold on... is this the way how he sees me?!)


    Mirfah: (She's been staring at this Riva person for a while... is something wrong?)


    However, before she could continue the conversation she attempted to start with the mystery man, her attention was captured by a certain demon girl's staring.



    Riva: Hmmmmmm? Miss Bathory, have I, perhaps...piqued your interest?

  20. 20 hours ago, DuckMannnn said:

    portrait_edit_idk_by_duckmann18-dbjeko9."Come with me."


    Kirimuri leaves the abandoned church and heads to the main street. He can spot a fairly nice café by the intersection, but he decides to go to a bank to convert his money into the currency that this city is using.

    He enters the bank, approaches the banker then asks:


    portrait_edit_idk_by_duckmann18-dbjeko9."Excuse me... I come from a distant nation and I don't have any of these Pompadallions that you guys have, is it possible if I can get some by exchanging these?"


    He pulls out a pouch of money and proceeds to pour some silver coins on the table.

    The banker examined the silver coins closely, trying to determine whether or not they were counterfeit. After examining them, the banker looked at Kirimuri.



    Fancy Banker: Ah, good sir, this seems to be very high quality silver! An amount such as this could easily fetch for...50 Pompadillions!

  21. 1 hour ago, Mister Fael said:


    Hugh: Huh? What do you mean by that?


    Elle: Who's that weirdo?


    The mysterious person proceeded to step into the light, making themselves visible to the group. It was a seemingly young girl with sharp red eyes and long blonde hair with two hairpieces that looked to have red gems embedded into them. She was wearing rather revealing clothing for a normal citizen, though the warmth currently filling the air would give reason to wear such clothing. It, too, had red gems upon it, each one giving off a dim red glow, and seemed to be trimmed with gold. Draped around her, or, rather, floating around her, was a celestial robe, something only those of high rank or power were able to earn, alluding to her status. Her sword, which she had planted into the ground, seemed to be made of a mysterious golden material similar to the one her clothing had, though it seemed to have an entirely different luster as it sparkled like it was made of glitter instead of having a flat shine. Mixed in with it was a red metal as well, most likely painted to be that way, though the lack of luster made it difficult to determine what metal it was exactly. She sent a brief, but sharp glare at Elle before clearing her throat.



    ???: Oh, ho, ho! I see you are both unfamiliar with me! Allow me to properly introduce myself, then. I am...


    BGM: Mother Trinity







    Goddess of the Celestial Blade





    Rosalind: But you may refer to me as "Riva", if you so desire. That is a name I commonly go by, anyhow.


    She showed a warm smile to the duo.



    Riva: As for what I mean...you see, perhaps I simply came at times that were not very active, but every time I have come here, there was nary a soul in sight! The only company I have had are the maid robots who act as the caretakers for this place, and, allow me to say: they do not make for great sparring partners. So, I decided to come at an earlier time, and it seems I was not at fault in doing so!


    She then takes a glance at everyone's faces, a judging "Hmm" escaping her vocal chords.



    Riva: However, this also piques my curiosity...few of you look familiar to me to begin with, soooo...you there!


    She pointed a finger at Magnum.



    Riva: You seem like you are of the leading type...would you care to introduce yourself and your friends to me?


    She proceeded to repeat a previous action and show a warm smile to him, trying to ease the pressure she had just placed upon him.


    (@Agni Blackheart)

  22. Warrior's Hangout


    As the group awaited the arrival of the other party members, a series of footsteps could be heard approaching them, the clicking being more evident as they got closer.They cleared their throat, then spoke up with a loud voice, trying to speak over everyone else in an attempt to get their attention.



    ???: My, oh my, it seems that it has finally gained the attention that it deserves!

  23. 18 hours ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

    Tommy smiled, nodded, and walked over to the guard, trying his best to be honest about his apology.


    Tommy: Excuse me, sir? I'm sorry about being a jerk and making a total ass out of myself. I promise I'll bring the currency that works here next time...

    The guard nodded his head slightly.



    Burly Guard: See to it that it doesn't happen again, and everything will be fine.


    He proceeded to step away from the storefront and towards an intersection.

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