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A person

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Posts posted by A person

  1. Defense Team


    Penelope's barrier shattered as the Lightflare Cannon connected with it. There was nothing more she could do to stop it.



    Penelope: (Looks like it's nap time...)


    She was struck by the attack and sent backwards into a wall, the shock from the arena paralyzing her soon afterwards. Maybe dodging would've been a much better idea, after all.


    Offense Team


    On 2/26/2018 at 10:20 PM, Sinjik said:


    Byakuya: (This situation gonna be hard to get out of, getting rid of some of them should help)


    Byakuya:(Lets just see who's are next victim)

    (Seeing Emillia coming in from the right gave him an idea)


    Byakuya:(Heh, I'm sure putting it right here won't hurt)

    (After laying the nest, Byakuya started to charge towards Emillia)

    Emilia glanced at the foe before her, now alert to her surroundings as she was, in a sense, now in unfamiliar territory.



    Emilia: A wielder of eight blades? Hmm...this shall be an entertaining fight. Come!


    She raised her sword, preparing herself for combat; however, she was aware of the trap laid nearby. The odd silence alone was enough to tell her that his allies would be coming out of the woodwork at any moment, so she had to set herself in the right position to turn the tide, though the stone wall placed in front of it would be somewhat of a hindrance. But since she knew who was most likely responsible for the earthen wall, she decided to shift herself towards it slightly, anticipating an attempted surprise attack using either the wall or hidden spots between the walls close to her location. The excitement coming from the left flank worried her somewhat.



    Emilia: (We have come this far...please, do not fail us now...)

  2. Defense Team


    The rain of rockets from above had thrown Penelope off. Her original idea was to create a barrier to block them out and allow her and her teammates to laugh as they tried unsuccessfully to penetrate it, but now she had to save as many people as she could from an explosive surprise.



    Penelope: Sorry guys, but I gotta do this right now!


    Penelope sent her sword into the ground summoning a barrier around herself that would protect her, those around her, and the maid from the onslaught of blasts around them, though it was clear that the damage was taking its toll on her.



    Penelope: How are rockets even allowed?!


    Tracking Penelope's Barrier




    Offense Team



    Emilia: (Thank you, Agni! I shall not squander this chance!)


    However, the recklessness of his action gave her cause to worry about the future if they were to all work together. But that was a bridge to be crossed later. She proceeded to advance further into the flank, glancing around as she did so to avoid falling into a trap.



    Emilia: Their defenses have been penetrated! Now, tear down that barrier and retrieve the maid!


    She was aware of the risk involved in issuing commands during the heat of battle, but she was ready to engage any challenge that may approach her.


    Tracking Emilia's Movement



  3. Offense Team




    Emilia: (So the enemy has deduced our location without forewarning...is this your work, Penelope?)


    On 2/8/2018 at 5:17 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:




    LightFlare looks at Hugh, Rokurou and Emilia. He cuts his eyes and motions his head toward the rear and suddenly dashes towards the left entrance in the rear...

    Emilia sent a sharp glare at him and shook her head, instead diverting her route towards the right flank, expecting the others to divide into their flanks. She gestured for them to execute the plan despite the enemy seemingly being aware of their locations, scanning the field for any signs of a prepared defensive maneuver or members in hiding. If the ranged support performed their duties properly, they could quickly seize the maid during the distraction and escape with a swift victory.



    Emilia: (Agni, Ludger, do not let me down...)


    Tracking Emilia's Movement:





    Defense Team


    Penelope did as she was told, and remained near the pod. However, she picked up on the approach of Lightflare.



    Penelope: (Aww, why so soon?! Guess I better get ready...)


    She closed her eyes, focusing on the individual sources throughout the arena. She didn't need to place a barrier just yet, but the time was approaching quickly. If she was too early, then it was going to be destroyed quickly, and if she did it too late, then they would be protected as well. She hoped her teammates would move to hold them off before they could get within range. She flipped her sword in anticipation, pointing the wooden blade down at the ground.



  4. Offense Team

    On 1/14/2018 at 5:53 PM, Agni Blackheart said:


    Agni: Best if I work as a buffer and shooter. Maybe I'll help more like that, right?


    Emilia: That will be quite useful once we engage the enemy, but do heed Hugh's words. Do not make yourself the sole supporter; our goal is to ensure that we all survive and succeed.


    1 hour ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:




    Emilia...if your friend uses a barrier, I may have a technique to break it. I wont have any problem getting past it without it, but I'll be all alone on the other side. So if she creates a barrier...it must be broken. Your instincts are sharp.



    So i know you'll be ready...


    Emilia: I expect no less, but do keep Hinamori in mind as well. Two users of the magical arts that are capable of conjuring arcane and earthen barriers, respectively, will surely be the greatest hindrances in achieving our goal as they will most certainly be capable of walling us in.


    With that being said, Emilia proceeded to split off from them and exited through the right side.



    Emilia: We are coming within earshot of them, so we shall end our discussion here. Take this time to prepare yourselves for a possible surprise attack


    .Defense Team


    20 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


    Joyce: Put one when you think it's a good time, just like the previous round.


    Penelope: I'll get 'em when they least expect it!


    Penelope proceeded to slide behind the cover of the small construct at the northernmost point of the defense area, wanting to keep close to the maid to try and wrap her in a barrier when the time came.




    Tracking Penelope's movement:





  5. Offense Team


    Emilia begins to advance towards the right exit.



    Emilia: Divide into your teams as we exit the area, but converge in the center and approach together. Once we are beyond the two vehicles, we shall divide into our teams again and proceed with the assault. If there are any questions that you have, ask them now, before we are within earshot of them.


    Defense Team


    Penelope proceeded to advance towards the left entrance, her sword at the ready.



    Penelope: How about I put up a barrier? There's no way they'd get beyond it, and if we put another at the right side, the game's all ours!

  6. 13 hours ago, Darkflare said:

    Tapping a few commands, Flare sets up communications in the waiting rooms.



    "Break time's over. Report to the arena immediately for the second round. Anyone that doesn't arrive in the next 2 minutes, well...I don't think your teammates will appreciate starting the next round with less than a full team."

    Team 1

    Emilia nodded silently in acknowledgement, making her way towards the arena.



    Emilia: Remember the plan and your targets, everyone. I will hammer it into your heads if it helps everyone retain it!


    Team 2


    Eager to begin, Penelope ran straight for the arena, giggling.



    Penelope: This is gonna be an easy win!

  7. Team 1

    15 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


    Hugh: You see, Right now, Yui's body is being controlled by the spirit of her holy sword.


    Ludger: Wait, that can happen?


    Hugh: Yes, and from what I heard, she's way more skilled with a sword than Yui will ever be, so trying to eliminate her, or him early isn't going to work this time around.


    Hugh: But, since a sword can't wield itself, she can't use her light magic and is overall slower, so Emilia can still target her.


    15 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


    Hugh: Hina will surely use her earth magic this round since it's a more reliable defensive tool.


    Ludger: That's where I enter, right?


    Hugh: You got it. I'm sure she'll see a squall shot coming, but we can still use it to keep her busy. If my guess is correct, she'll use a big spell to try and scramble our team to give her teammates a chance to pick a target that gives them the advantage, and we can't let that happen.

    Emilia nodded as she took in the information.



    Emilia: This knowledge will certainly prove useful in the coming battle. Thank you, Hugh. 



    Emilia: I should also present some information on Penelope in turn. She is primarily a defensive fighter, so she can aid her team in establishing a nigh impenetrable field using her arcane arts. The downside is that she has to be completely focused on it, and if she has to perform any action, bar talking or looking around, the barrier will be dropped. Attacking the barrier also seems to harm her, so perhaps she can be eliminated in that fashion if she manages to put it up before engaging an enemy. She is also lacking in swordplay because of this, so trying to stay close to her should be more than enough to throw her off.


    She cleared her throat.



    Emilia: Now, since our plans are firmly established, we should use this remaining time to study the area and find possible positions they can adopt and use as vantage points as we did not do so previously.


    From her vantage point in the offensive area, Emilia tried to spot out potential blind spots from a distance, beginning to take into consideration possible assaults the defensive team could deliver.


    Team 2


    7 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Arena Trial 001: Waiting Lobby


    The plan seemed to be good enough for them to hold the maid until the time limit would run out.



    5T: If I can say one last thing is: don't follow the plan to a T.


    13P: Wait, what? That doesn't make sense.


    5T: Don't be confident that the targets I assigned will be exactly the same for their side. I have my point of view towards the others and it's different from anyone else's. I'm sure each of us will be targeted by someone different than I have imagined, so you need to be ready for any sort of surprise.


    Penelope: As long as everyone's protecting the princess, we should be fine! That, and I do have some tricks up my sleeve to make sure we win, but I think I'll only need a barrier to capture a win! Buuuut, if it doesn't work out, then I'm ready for whatever!


  8. Team 2


    15 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


    Joyce: You did great.


       Joyce also raised her hand to return the gesture.


    Penelope: YEAH!


    Their hands clasped against each other, the high five sending resonating waves through the very heavens themselves. At least, that's what Penelope wished would happen.

    14 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    All of them returned to the teams' waiting lobby as their pause time still ensued and the arena was being currently cleaned. The Offense Team were in commemorating spirits.



    13P: YEAH!! We did it!!


    5T: Indeed we did. Honestly, I've never expected a trick like this coming from you, 13P.


    13P: If I never played dirty, we would've lost. I had to do it.


    5T: Yeah, but the same trick won't work twice in a row, so scrap it away for this next round, got it?


    13P: Alright, I won't do it. After all, I doubt everyone approves what I did back there.


    Penelope: Yeah, I thought this was supposed to be a simulation, not a game where you can cheat!



    Penelope: Because, trust me, if I knew we could do that...I would've done it at the beginning, hehe! I'm all for dirty tricks, so let's see if we can use 'em again to win!


    Despite what she said, once 5T started to go over the plans, she did listen intently.


    14 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


    5T: Now Emilia. She's someone who you can't afford to doubt. I find it hard to outmatch her on logic and that transformation of hers is definitely more trouble than what I have thought at first. We haven't seen much of what she can do, but this will be the opportunity we'll need to get glimpses of her true skill. I was going to put someone else, but you're her target, Joyce. I think you're able to handle her well, transformed or not.

    Following up on what 5T said, Penelope let out a sigh.



    Penelope: You should be reeeeeeeally careful with her, Joyce...she's got a ton of tricks up her sleeve, both in transformation and out of it! You've already seen some of what she can do, but that's hardly even scratching the surface!


    14 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


    5T: Ludger's multitude of weapons gives him an array of advantage since he can take both close and long range. He was only eliminated out of luck, since Light's plan messed up with him. However, I doubt he's going to let this be his impression for us. We need someone that can cover those issues. Penelope, I suppose you have an array of magic at your disposal, so we'll need them to hold Ludger at all costs.


    Penelope: You got it, boss!

    14 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


    13P: So what do you all think? Do you guys agree with your targets?

    Penelope ran down the list of targets for everyone in her head, and then recalled a huge issue.



    Penelope: Umm...what about the whole "defending the maid" thing? Are we just gonna leave her out in the open? She probably can't fight; she's only good for cleaning stuff!


    Team 2


    Emilia shrugged as she made her way back to her team, exiting her transformation along the way.



    Emilia: You win some, you lose some. That is the nature of battle.


    11 hours ago, DuckMannnn said:


    Kirimuri: I think... for the next round, we should adapt a plan to the team instead of doing the other way around.

    Emilia flipped some hair out from in front of her face.



    Emilia: Agreed, but we should not let this defeat demotivate us. This is, as Rokurou stated, meant to be a friendly battle, so do not let this defeat dampen your spirits, or else we may have an even worse situation going into the next round. Now...


    The gears in Emilia's head began to spin. After observing as much of her opponents and allies as she possibly could, she was able to at least roughly determine what target each attacker should deal with.



    Emilia: We are changing positions, so I hope that you all at least know which positions are viable and which are vulnerable. If not, take this time to study the entirety of the area while you still can. I do not want a repeat of the last round.





    Emilia: And I do not want anyone to attempt planting themselves behind enemy lines again. 


    She looked at Kirimuri, as if directing her statement at him.



    Emilia: Since we are now Offense, our goal will be to retrieve the hostage and take her back to our own area successfully. Though going in as one group would allow us to take out a majority of them and capture the maid with minimal casualties, it would also allow them room to attempt a counter-strike via the other side we entered from. Along with this, stealth attacks are out of the question as time will be against us, so a few staying behind to incapacitate the defenders who manage to get around us will also not be viable. Therefore, I devise that we put our abilities to work. We can still exit the attacking side as one group, but as we move closer to the center of the arena, I propose that we split into two groups. Group one, moving in from the left side of the area, will consist of Lightflare, Ludger, Rokurou, and Hugh. Group two, moving in from the right side of the area, will consist of Etomo, Agni, Kirimuri, and me. Ludger shall use his Squall Shot ability to cover the area in gunfire, preventing the defenders from attacking right away. If you happen to encounter a water wall, Lightflare should be able to destroy it with his slew of abilities. Once the gunfire ceases, they should be distracted enough to attempt to focus upon the left side, and that is where Hugh and Rokurou will come into play, along with Ludger and Lightflare providing cover fire for them. In group two, Kirimuri will use a baton to throw up a smokescreen to obscure view of us, but also alert them to our presence, possibly causing them to either advance towards it or launch a spray of ranged attacks towards it, allowing me to deflect their attacks or, if I am transformed, which I most likely will be, reflect them back at them to send them back, allowing us to advance once more. From here, Etomo shall take the lead with Agni, both fending off those defenders who were not distracted by the approach of group one whilst Kirimuri uses his cloak to move in and quickly steal the maid as both groups converge upon the defending area. Meanwhile, I shall aid in the efforts of fending off the defenders with the others. Should the maid not be on the right side, Lightflare should advance and attempt to capture the maid whilst Ludger, Rokurou, and Hugh fend off the defenders who attempt to stop him. Once the maid is in our possession, we should once again form a group to lower the chances of the one who captured her being eliminated and quickly advance back towards our area, Ludger, Kirimuri, Lightflare, and Agni once again providing the necessary cover fire to fend off any remaining defenders.


    Emilia took a deep breath.



    Emilia: Phew...and there is still more that must be said. Should the need arise, we must also determine who should target whom.



    Emilia: Now, as you may be aware, their side consists of mostly strategy-oriented fighters who attempt to read their opponents before deciding upon an action. The only one I know is not so capable of fast-thinking would be Ryuko, but what she lacks in intelligence she makes up for in sheer ferocity. 


    She glanced at Lightflare.



    Emilia: Light. Your ferocity in battle maybe be matched by her own, but you also seem to be able to think quickly when necessary. Therefore, I believe that you may be best fit for taking her down, so I will leave eliminating her to you.


    She then glanced at Agni.



    Emilia: Agni, judging by your looks, you have a variety of skills under your belt and can play multiple roles if necessary, making you the perfect candidate for dealing with 5T. His "Pod" acts like another person, so having the ability to change skills depending on the situation would be very useful against him as neither him nor his "Pod" would know what to expect next.


    Next, she glanced at Ludger.



    Emilia: Your prowess in combat has not escaped my notice, Ludger, so I believe that you may be best for dealing with Penelope. She may be skilled with swords and magic, but your control over a multitude of weapons would no doubt overwhelm her.


    She moved onto Rokurou.



    Emilia: You brandish that sword as if it were an extension of yourself, Rokurou, and I have no doubt that Hinamori would be an easy target for you. She seems to have a control over magical abilities primarily, but most likely cannot handle herself in close combat, so your ability should dominate hers without any issue.


    Her attention shifted to Kirimuri.



    Emilia: Kirimuri, your natural affinity with stealth could be quite useful against 13P. As he is similar to 5T in that he, too, has a "Pod", you must take great caution in battling with him, but I have no doubt that you will be able to easily disorient him and eliminate him.


    Next in her sights was Etomo.



    Emilia: Your skills with the martial arts are astounding, and you seem to be capable of overpowering a foe extremely quickly, so I will leave Joyce to you. She is a skilled sword user and is capable of using magic, but I am certain that if you manage to charge her down and force her into defending, she will be no match for you.


    Lastly, she focused on Hugh.



    Emilia: Hugh, your quick wits and versatility will be of great use against Byakuya. He seems to be a clever one, but I am certain that you will be able to outmatch him in a battle of wits and strength. 


    She took another deep breath.



    Emilia: And finally, I shall be the one to handle Yui. She seems to have a grasp on both the magical arts and swordplay, so she would be a perfect opponent for me to test myself against. Remember, though: this is for the case that our plans fall through. Capturing the maid should be our sole priority. Now...are there any objections? I would like to hear all that everyone has to say so that we can perfect our plans and come out victorious. 

  9. Team 1


    Emilia effortlessly blocked both attacks with two swift motions of her sword, a smile upon her face.



    Emilia: Tell me...have you truly re-


    The announcement fell upon her ears, and it didn't take long for her to realize what had gone awry.



    Emilia: Damn...!


    She proceeded to hop back from the two, a look of mixed emotion upon her face. The strongest one among them, however, was anger.



    Emilia: I shall remember to eliminate you first, knight, for I shall not allow your transgression to go unpunished!


    And with that, she turned away, headed back towards her own team.


    Team 2


    Penelope let out a sigh of relief, thankful that such a heavy load was finally lifted from her shoulders.



    Penelope: Phew...that was a close one! Didn't think I'd still be standing!



    Penelope: Oh well, a win's a win, and I'm takin' whatever I can get! Goooooo team!


    She raised a hand towards Joyce, as if wanting her to give her a high five.

  10. 13 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


    Joyce:  Heh...It's seems you're just pretentious in your boasts as I am...I keep telling myself that my flames will forge me into something that will make me stronger than anyone...But that didn't stop me from losing against someone.


    Joyce: Even still...I'll cling into such a claim and defeat you!


       Joyce takes an fighting stance, holding the sword with just a hand, waiting for Emilia's first move.

    Defense Team vs. Offense Team


    Emilia laughed as the arcane swords spun themselves around, their pommels now facing Joyce.



    Emilia: Then please, show me everything you are capable of, because you will need it!


    However, instead of sending all of the swords at Joyce, the swords seemed to change their directions to face a certain target. Two(2) of the swords had their pommels pointed at Joyce, two(2) more were pointed at 13P, and the last was pointed at Penelope.



    Emilia: How about something simple to start us off, hmm? Perhaps, if you prove yourself, I shall make things more interesting!


    She put her sword upon the tip of its blade, sending the swords pommel-first at their intended targets, the two swords headed for 13P needing to pass through the water wall in order to have a chance of getting at him. Penelope, meanwhile, proceeded to use her sword to block the incoming sword, being pushed back slightly from the force.



    Penelope: Yikes, she's already starting with this! I've got something for her, though!


    Countering the sword attack, Penelope proceeded to leap at Emilia, swinging her sword down at her.



    Penelope: With me, Joyce! We can overwhelm her if we attack together!



  11. Defense Team

    23 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


    Joyce: (So we got another strike in...but finally lost one of ours. While 5T's idea ended up having us capturing the maid, they shouldn't have gone in without proper backup...And now 13P is surrounded...I have to at least keep Emilia occupied so that she doesn't go after him.)


       The wooden sword was enveloped in an flame-like aura, increasing its reach, then,  she dealt a downwards diagonal slash at Emilia in hopes of at least keeping her busy.

    Emilia's eyes caught the surprise attack coming in from her peripheral, so she put her sword in the path of the incoming fiery swing to block it.



    Emilia: Damn it...are we truly this outnumbered? 



    Emilia: No matter...I shall snatch this victory from the jaws of defeat.


    A bright light soon enveloped Emilia's body and vanished, revealing a new version of herself. There was a newfound confidence in her voice.



    Emilia: And now everything is even. I will take every single one of you on!


    She proceeded to disengage from Joyce and jumped back from the expanded sword, using the brief moment to raise her free and and summon five arcane swords above herself which looked clones of her own.


    Offense Team


    Penelope laughed as her attack struck and, subsequently, took out Agni.



    Penelope: Haha, scratch one bogey!


    However, her attention was soon brought to Emilia's transformation.



    Penelope: Oooooooh...booooooooy...umm! Everyone, we should deal with her right now! If we don't, she's gonna be reaaaaaaally annoying later! No shooty stuff, though!


    Despite it being obvious that she was anything but confident in her ability to take down Emilia in a transformed state, she still charged at her, her sword at the ready.

  12. 26 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Arena Trial 001



    13P: Alright, we don't have time! How are we going to reach her?!


    5T: We don't need to get close to her. Also, get ready to run!


    13P: What do you mean?


    5T: Pod, do it! Bring her up close!

    5T's Pod: Affirmative. Releasing gravity field.


    The Pod released a gravity field towards the other flank. As it opened, it pulled the Mech-Hisui towards it. Finally understanding the plan, 13P dashed towards the other flank's exit while 5T ran towards the maid herself. Feeling the approach, Agni got out of hiding and pointed his gun, but...



    Agni: Damn angle, I can't shoot or else I'll hit her!!


    5T: *grabs the maid* It's ours! Now let's hurry and retreat!!


    With the Mech-Hisui in their control, 5T dashed towards the exit. He gave her to 13P.



    13P: Let's get out right now!!


    Agni: No!! I won't let you-


    5T: Not so fast! Shoot and she's out of the equation!


    Agni: Tch...!! Damn it!!


    13P: It's our victory, Defense!


    Party Trial: Defense Team


    Emilia suddenly dashed out from her hiding spot at the two androids and the maid, using the pull of the gravity field to move herself towards them far faster.



    Emilia: You are both far too confident for your own good! Allow me to make utter fools out of the both of you!


    Emilia pushed herself to her limit, charging at the trio with a near-blinding speed and swinging the blunt side of her sword at the head of 5T as she closed in.



    Emilia: Hugh, intercept the carrier of the maid now! I shall provide back up!


    Attack Team


    Penelope was completely aware of what was going on in the flank, so she quickly ran towards the flank of the warehouse.



    Penelope: (Craaaaaap, I completely forgot about the real objective!)


    Noticing Agni attempting to stop the two androids from snatching up the maid, but also seeing Emilia as well, she decided to go for the closest target and swing her sword at Agni, sending a fast-moving arcane wave at him. 



    Penelope: She's all ours, kiddo! You gotta get through me if you wanna stop 'em!







  13. Party Trial: Offense Team


    Noticing that Light managed to slip away without getting caught in the slew of attacks, Penelope couldn't help but take note of the power behind the attacks thrown at him...the unnecessary amount of power used against a friend.



    Penelope: (Geez, they're acting like they wanna kill him! I thought they were friends!)


    She slid out from her hiding spot in the box, keeping a mental note of the unknown energy sources around her. If someone were to try and catch her by surprise, they would find themselves surprised by her sudden reaction. She projected her voice, not caring who could hear her, but knowing that at least most people in the arena could hear her.



    Penelope: Guys, this is getting nuts! We shouldn't be trying to vaporize each other, we just need to get a good hit in! We gotta tone it down, or someone's gonna get hurt really bad, and that's not gonna be a good thing in the long run! Save that frustration for the knight guys, not your friends!


    Defense Team


    Emilia could hear the androids approaching the area, and tensed up, preparing herself for the assault.



    Emilia: (Two people...approaching fast...I'll have to match their speed if I want to take them out before they capture the maid. I hope Hugh is ready...)

  14. Party Trial: Defense Team


    Emilia could hear the chaos going on in the middle of the battlefield, something she absolutely knew was going to happen, and something she also dreaded greatly.



    Emilia: (Those absolute fools...if we are the only ones left to defend the maid, we will surely be outnumbered! And with both paths open, we may not be able to use the original plan effectively...I have to think of a way to pick each one off before they can get her...)


    The gears within her head were set in motion as she came up with a plan for each person based on what she knew. It was hardly something to go on, but at least it was something. She could just as easily rework her plans should their true abilities be revealed to her.


    Offense Team


    Penelope peered out at the chaos from her position within the box, picking up her sword and causing the arcane bubble to pop quietly. She chuckled to herself.



    Penelope: (Just a liiiiittle bit more, and victory's in the bag! Hmm...actually!)


    Penelope raised her sword, pointing it in the direction of the source of the barrage of projectiles.



    Penelope: (This miiiiight reveal me, but maybe I can catch him off-guard and take him out!)


    Feeling the buildup of energy(or mana) in the air, she prepared herself for the next big attack to come. Considering the number of people defending the maid having been severely reduced, there were only a few possibilities remaining, and since it seemed as though the current was going onto the box, it was safe to assume it was an ally. She waited for their attack to be launched so that she could send out her own attack and overwhelm the pea spraying guy, her wooden sword remaining stationary.

  15. 7 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:





      Reveal hidden contents


    The fighters close in on each other. Meanwhile, LightFlare holds his position behind a large box. He surveys the battlefield with his mind as well as his eyes...





    (Kiri is heading toward the east. Good. He can assist Rokurou and Etomo. Based on his fight with Melina, he seems to fight best when cornered...)



    LightFlare can sense the others moving close to his position. He peeks around corner to get a visual confrontation...



    (Penelope. She's getting close. She moving west...possibly towards the large metal box...)



    LightFlare sees 13p get into position...



    (13p...possibly covering Penelope...or...)


    Just then, LightFlare notices Ryoko and Joyce closing in on him as well...



    (Ryoko...and the girl from the Ancestor Family as well. And a...small "robot?!" Is it for recon? Or can it attack too? Either way...I need to dissable it. My next attack will most certainly do that if it connects...




    (Good...she went for the metal container...that works great. Just a few more and I'll be ready to strike...)




    (They didn't take the rooms...wise move on their part. If my plan doesn't work then hopefully the others will hear the commotion and flank the other team from behind...Kiri seems like the type who may seize that type of opportunity and encourage the others to do the same...I hope he's paying attention...)




    (What the...?)


    Before LightFlare could make his move, Ryoko intentionally gives away her position. LightFlare turns to wave back Ludger but is too late....




    (No...I should have trusted Ludger with my whole plan! Some leader...guess that's what this excercise is all about...)




    (They've got him cornered! But i can't miss this chance...Ludger...I hope your reflexes so car aren't a fluke. It's time to put my trust in you to the test...)


    LightFlare charges his Light Burst shot....






    LightFlare immediately fires a Light Burst shot at the edge of the water, just in front of his position. Because of the V-Trigger, the projectile has electric properties and hits 3 tumes. If it connects it will send electricity instantly across the area covered in water. Anyone standing in the water will be shock. They will not die, but it will count as 3 clean hits.



    Red=Floor area covered with water

    Penelope could feel a sudden change in the air, towards the way she was facing. Was someone starting something up?



    Penelope: (Hmm...I sure hope they're okay out there, but just in case...!)


    She sent her sword down at the floor of the metal box, sending out an arcane barrier which filled the entirety of the space within, like a big bubble of water taking the form of a container it is trapped within. With a full barrier surrounding her, she wouldn't be able to react to any surprises immediately, but she would be protected from surprise attacks.


    And just in time.

    33 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

    Joyce lands on the electrified box and is caught in the surge of electricity...

    She could feel the electricity rapidly striking the barrier from the outside. She managed to save her own bacon this time, and Joyce's, as the barrier would stop the electricity from going above ground level. At least the doors didn't fly open and spoil her plans!

  16. 9 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    13P, after listening, nodded and equipped his bracers for combat.



    13P: I'm going after Ryuko. Joyce, you and Penelope stay here as a surprise assault. I'll leave my Pod behind to help.

    Penelope nodded.



    Penelope: Ehehe...on iiiiit...


    Sliding into her new hiding spot, she closed the doors into the container and sat in wait, leaving a slight crack between them to allow sounds from outside to enter it.

  17. Party Trial: Team 2, Right Flank

    11 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


    Joyce: Let's check the container and the wall first. If there's nothing behind them, we'll engage in combat with those four.


    Penelope: I'll go take a peek in the big metal box! 


    Penelope started on her way towards the box, an arcane shield forming in front of her. By how dim the purple mana which it consisted of looked, it was clear that it was a weak barrier, good enough for maybe one or two hits from physical attacks.


    Party Trial: Team 1, Maid Defense Squad


    11 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


    Hugh: It's a more concrete plan than just moving her around. Alright then, let's go with it.


    Emilia: Very well. Now, let us quickly get into position before our guests arrive.


    Emilia proceeded to guide the maid over to the wall in front of Hugh's hiding spot, then, without considering that it would've been better for Hugh to guide the maid instead of her and after she managed to get her there, proceeded to quietly run to her hiding spot behind the small room towards the southern-most point of the warehouse.


    Path taken:


    Green = Maid's placement

    Blue = Hugh's hiding spot

    Purple = Emilia's hiding spot

  18. Party Trial: Team 2

    4 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


    Hinamori: I have this feeling she would be on to you. Besides, since they are the defending team, they would be more observant about traps...Or be the one preparing them. It would be best if we relied on your defensive skills.


    Penelope: Ehehe...I know I haven't seen everything she can do, so she definitely hasn't seen everything I can do! 


    4 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


    Hinamori: Right Flank Group, with me.


    Joyce: Remember, one strong hit and you're out. If possible, only shield yourselves with a barrier or improvise. Now Let's go!


    Penelope: Let's get that princess back to the castle ASAP!


    Penelope followed behind Joyce at a distance. Were anything to happen to the leader of the left flank, she would have a chance to save herself if she didn't notice an incoming attack before she could shield her.



    Party Trial: Team 1


    4 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


    Hugh: Oh? What do you suggest?


    Emilia: It is simple, really. We give them what they desire...


    She started to move the maid towards the bottom-right wall. She then noticed Kiri's smoke and let out a sigh.



    Emilia: ...a rather short-lived plan, I suppose. Luckily, I have another in mind. I can work with his smoke.



    Emilia: With the others on the front line, they will be able to hold off many of them, but not all of them. Therefore, I believe we should keep the maid hidden behind this wall. Those who manage to penetrate the front line defense and make it back here will most likely scan the area, so I suggest that we hide behind the crevices created by these walls and this room behind the wall the maid is posted at. Since you are more viable up close, I suggest that you hide here. 


    She pointed to the hideout in the bottom right corner.



    Emilia: Meanwhile, I shall hide there, since I know that I'll be able to the cover the distance between me and the maid fast enough.


    She pointed to the slim room towards the back of the area, more specifically, another, smaller cubbyhole.



    Emilia: With this, they will only have one way to come from and go to in order to retrieve the maid, and we will both be hidden from view at the same time. So when they come to retrieve the maid...you will be able to take out one or more, and I will be able to supplement that and most likely catch them off-guard due to the most easily satisfied of their team. I know that it relies upon the intelligence, or lack thereof, of their team, mostly, but since there are only two of us, and there are many obstacles in their way,  it is likely the most viable strategy. What do you think?

  19. Party Trial: Team 1

    Emilia, a plan slowly forming within her head, made her way towards the Mecha-Hisui, brandishing her sword as she stayed close to it. This round was most likely going to be disastrous for both sides, so formulating a proper plan for the next one would aid them greatly.



    Emilia: With no plan, they are only relying on luck. And with so many spellswords aiding the enemy, I doubt luck favors them in even the slightest way...let us hope that they somehow bring a swift halt to their assault before they reach us. In fact...I have an idea.


    Emilia proceeded to take the left hand of the robotic maid.



    Emilia: Some of them seem to have the capability of considering our possible plan of action, and I do not doubt that they have concluded that many of us will be in hiding. Now, considering the fact that they are surely rushing here as we speak, how about we try something...out of the ordinary, Hugh? 


    Party Trial: Team 2

    20 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


    5T: Ryoko, 13P and Joyce, you can take care of Etomo, LightFlare and Rokurou. Penelope, since you're definitely the most accostumed of us, we'll leave Emilia to you. Byakuya, you're in charge of surprising Kirimuri before he has a chance of surprising us. Hinamori, you'll stop Ludger since I have a feeling he's a problem that most of us can't exactly handle while I have a feeling you'll be able to. You can leave Hugh to me while you'll be targeting Agni, Yui.


    Penelope: Eeeeeehh....Emilia's reeeeeeally good with a sword, and she's got magic, too, like reflecty spells and stuff...I can hold her off for a bit, but I can't take her out alone!



    Penelope: Buuuut...I bet I could lure her out and use traps to get her!


    The gears in her head spun into overdrive.



    Penelope: Eeeeeven better! A lot of you guys can use shooty stuff and magic to distract 'em while I lay some traps down in the central area the sword and fist people can deal with the big guys during that, and when I'm done, we reel 'em right into Boomtown! How's that, huh?


    Penelope: We've still got plenty of time before we gotta charge in, so lemme know what ya guys think!


    Despite what she said, she started to get into her previously assigned position, seemingly pulling a large wooden sword that was nearly taller than her from the air and grasping the hilt, holding it at her right side. It was as if she knew her plan was going to be immediately shot down.

  20. 3 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Agni Artwaltz, 5T, 13P, Rokurou Rangetsu, Lucina and Anna Ametrine

    Location: The Warrior's Hangout - Underground Arena



    Agni: Seems the formation has changed. 5T, switch with me.


    5T: Fine, if that's how he wants.


    After switching places, the teams were already formed. 13P gave 5T a pat on the shoulder while smiling.



    13P: We ended up stuck with each other, huh?


    5T: I wasn't planning this, though I need to check our synchronization. In any case, what I said to LightFlare extends to you five. Aside from my own actions, I'll follow your orders diligently. (@Mister Fael, @A person)

    13P: Same to me. But all in all, let's just enjoy the match.


    Emilia: I concur. This shall be a most enjoyable battle!


    3 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


    Rokurou: You said it! Speaking of matches...


    Rokurou was about to ask Light when he came to request a sparring himself. Once hearing that, Rokurou grinned.



    Rokurou: Oho, I was thinking on asking you the same thing. I want to see how strong those fists of yours actually are. I've heard you're pretty damn tough, and fighting guys like you is what I need to become the best swordsman. (@LightFlare_Da_Realest)


    AgnI: (Seems they decided on it already. It makes me a little glad, since I won't be the substitute.)


    13P: Alright then, seems like we need to run a review on our abilities, since not many people know how we fight.


    BGM: Assailant (Melty Blood: Act Cadenza)



    Agni: This bracelet in my hand is my weapon, the Arsenal. Through it I can call upon guns to help me and attack. I can use magic through my Paradigms. In short, I'm pretty much balanced, though I cover long range better than close.


    13P: Like some of us here, I use my fists and kicks to fight, with my Pod covering long range. I don't make much use of it though, so I won't shoot a lot. However, don't expect me to back off from close combat. I'm ready to deliver very strong blows, even though I don't have any sorta magical schtick.


    5T: Unlike 13P, I use a sword as my weapon. I can fight physically too, but I tend to attack on the distance with my Pod. I may have a lack of power, but my speed makes it up for it. That's all you need to know about me.


    Rokurou: I fight with my trusty dual blades. The third one here has an specific use, but I'll leave that as a surprise. I'll use all the artes from the Rangetsu style to defeat you, so be ready for nice, fierce brawl against me.

    Agni: That's for our ability rundown, I guess. Someone else needs to do it?


    Emilia: We had already given a brief description of our abilities before you three arrived, but I suppose it would not hurt to go over them once again. I am a user of swordplay, and happen to have a grasp of the arcane arts, mostly of the offensive type. I am capable of attacking both up close and at a distance, but I prefer close combat as that is where I excel the most, though I would not call myself the best nor the fastest sword user.


    10 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


    Yui and Ryuko: HIIIIIII!!!!


    Joyce: Seems like you're going to have a rough time Hina.


    Hinamori: I know Yui takes things serious when she wants to...Not sure about Ryuko and Penelope though.


    Joyce: (Maybe I should help them with "cover fire.")


    Hinamori: Alright then, time to review what we each of us can do. I specialize in long range magic attack of different elements. Currently I have Darkness, Earth and Water. I can only use two at a time and switching between them takes a while, so for the defensive round, I'll be using Earth and Darkness, while in the offensive round, I'll be using Darkness and Water. I also have a short sword, but I'm not really keen on using it.


    Yui: My turn! I primaly use a spear, but since we're just trainning, I guess I'll go with my wooden sword. I'm also adept at wind magic, though, I'm not as skilled as my brother and Saika, I guess I can still get things done.


    Joyce: I specialize in fire magic, though I can also do well up close, specially when I use my Super Mode: Valiant Knight.


    Yui: You have Super Mode Joy? Cool!


    Joyce: Though unlike most Super Modes from Ancestor Mages, I have to use an incantation, so it's better for me to stay in the rear with Hina until I get that charged up.


    Yui: Oh... (I heard that my family can also do that...Since I have the Holy Sword, maybe I can do it too...)


    Yui: (No...it's still too early for me...I get exausted pretty quickly when I use Light Magic after all.)


    Ryuko: I punch and kick stuff. Plain and simple.


    Hinamori: The usual brute force then huh?


    Ryuko: Yep! If you saw my fight with the Doc, you would be really awed.


    Ryuko: Even though this is just a drill, I won't show any mercy!


    Penelope: My turn! I fight with a huge sword up close and use magic at a distance, though I'm really good with protection and stuff, so don't hesitate to come to me if you want a shield or something because that's what I'm best at! I'm ready to get in there and show them just how awesome I...no...WE are!


    9 hours ago, Darkflare said:


    "These teams are acceptable. Get into position. First team on defense, second team on offense. You can plan all you want as you go, not that it matters as no combat plan ever survives actual combat.


    Penelope: Let's go, go, goooo! 


    She started to make her way to the northern side of the arena. She was ready for this, especially since she would be able to kill two birds with one stone if they happened to win.

  21. 1 hour ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



    Heh...good. I hear you're quite fast. That speed of yours may be an asset. Kiri, your smoke skills will definitely be a valuable asset. @DuckMannnn

    Maybe now is a good time to discuss our skill sets...



    I'm a martial artist. I'm skillled at close combat but i have a variety of ranged attacks as well.  I'm not extremely fast but i get the job done in that department as well. How bout the rest of you?


    @DuckMannnn @A person @Mister Fael


    Emilia gestured towards Penelope, who nodded and proceeded to split off from the team and move towards the other one. Afterwards, Emilia proceeded to speak up.



    Emilia: I am fairly skilled in swordplay and have a grasp of the arcane arts as well, mostly with offensive abilities. I do not consider myself awfully fast, but I do have considerable speed with my weapon. However, I feel as though using any kind of weapon would be...unfavorable. Will we not injure each other if we are to do so, even if one strike is all that is necessary? 


    As Penelope was making her way to the other team, she proceeded to wave at them and shouted.



    Penelope: Yoooooo!

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