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Everything posted by Zaibatsu

  1. Well I remember somewhere on MFG Darkflare said "If anyone says this is there first character I oughta strangle the life outta them!" no joke! This was on the Brain Griffin MUGEN character release topic!
  2. I know this has nothing related to the topic, but I'm wondering where did you get that stage?
  3. Here I am I must say I'm pretty nerdy!
  4. Sonic being gone I guess its for the best, I perosnallly hated him because they used Griffith of all voice actors and his moveset and stage were garbage. so I say it was oringally a nintendo all star bash stay that way!
  5. I wish Nintendo would remake these 4 games! 1. Nazo No Murasamejou (Mursame Castle not ported in Samurai Warriors! maybe a Legend of Zelda approach) 2. A new Sukapon for WiiU 3. Kung Fu Master probaby for WiiU 4. Mach Rider for 3DS because of the Gyro control!
  6. This stage reminds me of the abandoned train yard from final fantasy 7, but its an awsome stage of course!
  7. Probably everyone of WalanmaniaX's characters patched by aperson98, and Alexlexus' Gouken patched by NEJI's Street Fighter 3 system! thats all that come to my mind!
  8. Again I'm proud of being an Xbox360 user Sony always fails!
  9. My favs here! http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2hzfMrwQH0 http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLj1OY-5O64 http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZHZmMBUgFU http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=30c9m2rMe9A http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlH7pRnxbPg
  10. Uh... Moiky I guess, right? yeah he makes wierd things with big breasts correct me if I'm worng?
  11. This is better than Yasai's Version, its a keeper!
  12. I'm trying to contribute as much as I can, But what more can one guy do? And Ryon there are people contrubuting how about these people? Kanbei Aperson98 Duraceleur Exshadow Alexei Laharl Ryon
  13. I hade numerous dream heres a list. 1. I had a dream I was sleeping with a wolf girl (Holo: Spice and Wolf) and I had no idea what she was doing there. 2. Alien Invasions. 3. Zombie Apocolypse. 4. Holocust 5. Sword Fights.
  14. Under a new Alias! Hi everyone its me the former Omegabros6 now its Rakensen!

  15. I like all three smash games but, Brawl was just dissapointing thats all... I still have my brawl I love my Mars Lowell of course!
  16. Yeah... at least N is a challenge! Cynthia was just compiled shit for a character all black and no color? what?
  17. Funny I'm going to be 22 in Aug 22! too many 2s lol! heres ya present laharl! http://gelbooru.com/...view&id=1308530
  18. I like the wasp have is very hilarious I had Kuma (Bear form tekken) attack it! lol!
  19. It looks like you too little to no time coding this....
  20. Hello fellow Mugen players! I would like to present to you Dager's Jecht and Emporer Mateus English packs by me. Download and have fun fellow mugenites! Download links below! Emperor Mateus' SND: http://www.mediafire...du9wshc6x9lawex Jecht's SND: http://www.mediafire...6i0s46360s65g9q P.S. I forgot to mention that Jecht's file is VERY HUGE! so bare with me please!
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