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Everything posted by Zaibatsu

  1. I didn't mean to offend you about ssf2 but their roster does have alot of anime characters they might as well call it JUS!
  2. I changed my Avatar to celebrate mech week!

    1. Laharl


      its not mech week till saturday!

    2. Zaibatsu


      well.. I'm just getting it started!

    3. Kanbei


      @laharl Same Here Got A Head Start!

  3. All of ricepigeon's characters, The AI blockwhores so much!
  4. why SSF2? Their roster consists of 90% anime/media party characters and very little game only characters. Plus I hate Sora in SSF2! Sora has a bad moveset thats a disgrace to him! Another thing I noticed about SSF2 is there is numerous glitches in it (falling in the gorund, overpowered characters) and a very boring loading time you that you can fall alseep by the time the game starts. Crusade is a win to me because they have a good roster and they respect the classic game characters which SSF2 doesn't and Crusade is a smarter dev team then SSF2, not a team of 12 year olds who flame each other over stupids things like sprites! SSF2 seems too poorly made to me sorry if it offends anyone!
  5. Good ol' youtube... failing it's users over music copyright problems...
  6. The coding and sprites are good but as for the voice... yeah..... it's gotta go! Rice Pirate F bombs too much! it's ridiculous for a DBZ character. I'm OP on Sabat!
  7. I think it was just a miku song called anger. I used it because it came with MOTVN's stage miku city. I didn't realize it was against their policy to use miku songs with mugen videos. Thats bullshit because I saw a guy use Metallica(sorry if I spelled it wrong) in one mugen video... so whats up with that? Am I going to have to delete the vid?
  8. I got this when I uploaded my video... Your video may include the following copyrighted content: ,and I said. "I believe this claim is not valid because I'm not making money off of it!". Their response, "Whether or not you benefit financially from using the content doesn't matter. Unless you have permission from the owner, it's not yours to use! So... WTF youtube? I was only doing a non profit mugen match! how many times does youtube have to change its rules? this is getting annoying...
  9. Why won't anyone comment on my youtube videos? Just wondering?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zaibatsu


      thanks for the tip!

    3. OskeinO


      didn't even know you made vids. o.o

    4. Zaibatsu


      I always did

  10. Oh my god! I was waiting for someone to post a topic about the Super Smash Bros. Crusade flash game! Its a very awsome flashgame with better control then Super Smash Flash 2 in my opinion. Personally the AI in SSBC is better than SSF2. I Personally love playing as Geno, Ridley, Marth, Waluigi, Mewtwo, Gooey, MachRider, and Tails! People! play this game! its awsome! it won't dissapoint you! Its totally worth the download! I also forgot to mention, it has Classic mode and Online mode!
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phTjoTuHGVc&feature=plcp I had some requests by some users at MugenFreeForAll for this match, so... I recorded this fight because I like Gill and I wish to fight Geese by Warusaki3. Sorry the Quality is bad its the best your going to get from my mugen videos...
  12. Xena was one of my favorite shows and so was beastmaster, I always remember watching those shows when I came home from Middle school! lol!
  13. Well... I remember Mugen infantry had a topic like this so I'll start it here too! Rule are below! Only post your own mugen website. (if you are a creator of something hosted on the site you may post the website as well). Only post websites that have mugen content. (tutorials, sprites, palettes, characters, fonts, screenpacks, stages etc). I'll start! Decided it was time to create a new mugen site. Check it out. https://sites.google.com/site/kanbeiszaibatsuheadquarters <--- My new website!
  14. I know! I have been annoyed by some other users like him asking about my Work in progesses, the whole is it done yet? and they give you less then a day to work on it lol!
  15. would Soul Blade (SEGA Pirated) characters be okay for mugen?

    1. Genderless Child

      Genderless Child

      I guess that won't hurt it all.

      We sure need a Soul Blade character. Whatever it's 3D or 2D sprites.

      For me, it doesn't matter.

  16. this stage reminds me of the arganan temple from Wii game,The Last Story.
  17. The Alladen Cave looks great but... FEEDBACK: 1.The background looks a tad bit blurry, use the RGB method (Photoshop) to fix it! 2. I also noticed some colorloss on the characters, use the mehtod I said above! 3.(Optional) It would be nice if the eyes had some sort of a glowing effect on them!
  18. Bootlegged games aren't usually made well! *cough* Lord of the Rings - Faithful King *cough* that was a crummy bootleg game made from Sango Fighter Sega Genesis rom. but this bootleg looks great! The gameplay reminds me of Samurai Shodown!
  19. well since Dry Bones is well.. bones... he can be easily sprited. Try taking him apart and spriting him, that way it should'nt be that hard to draw!
  20. The best Authors in my own Opinion! Chars: Ryon, Alexei, Seanaltly, Warusaki3, Cybaster. Stages: Noz, EXShadow, Flamekyo Lifebars: Ryon Music: WhizWhipWonderful
  21. Its a Devil Jin moveset you can use on a create a soul character!
  22. Hardest Bosses for me! Nazo No Mursamejou (Murasame Castle) GBA Port: all castle lords plus Murasame beast, spammed projectiles until your dead and you can only be hit 3 times Super Smash Bros. Melee: Event 51... If your not skilled your owned... Halo 2: Legendary difficulty, Brute Chieftan leader guy! STUPID HAMMER! Team Fortress 2: Horseless Headless Horsemen, very hard to kill even with 20+ people... Sengoku Basara Samurai Heroes: Nobunaga Oda on Hard, the constent reviving can drive you crazy! Chopper Attack 64: Alien Helicopter boss... the thing was super fast, hard to shoot, and even had a forcefield, I beated the thing yesterday! No More Heroes: Gene on hard difficulty, she dodges so much and she hits you so fast!
  23. Well... I would love to see a sequal to Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat I loved beating up those boss apes with the bongos! and a New Pokemon Stadium would be nice or a Pokemon Colesseum 3! I loved catching shadow pokemon! and last but not least, where are you Mischief makers!? Marina Liteyears!? Come back we need you! your game was great!
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