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Everything posted by Zaibatsu

  1. [Preview] BGM: Yes SUPERJUMP: Yes [comment] Hey everybody Today I released Murasame Castle Stone Soldiers download in the stage page and enjoy! I would like to hear feedback! Credits: Yzan for storm background sprites and canyon/mountain sprites! [Download] deathnintendo.webs.com
  2. [PREVIEW] [COMMENT] - Hey guys I updated Mach Rider so now he fights better in my point of veiw, but I want to here it from you guys, feedback is welcomed! [DOWNLOAD] deathnintendo.webs.com [COMMENT] - get him in the characters section page!
  3. [Preview] [comment] - Hey everybody! I made this stage because it was one of my favorite stages in SSBM, so here it is! [comment] - Feedback Welcomed! [comment] - Its High Res only so your gonna need Winmugen plus or something else! [comment]Get the Stage here! [download] deathnintendo.webs.com
  4. [Preview] [Comment] - Yeah thats right its Morshu's shop for MUGEN now we can all enjoy a CDI Zelda stage! [Preview]Gameplay of the stage: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Klf5vcY8fw&feature=channel_video_title [Download]Get the Stage here! deathnintendo.webs.com
  5. I wasnt to sure where to release this at is there a stage release topic?
  6. its pretty cool that Neku and sora are both in kingdom hearts now!
  7. [Comment] - Hey Guys Enjoy theses are stages. 2 are from Scarlet Weather Rhapsody, 1 being my server and, the last one being twilight town! II;d love to here feedback! [Preview] [Download]Get them all here deathnintendo.webs.com
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