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Everything posted by Zaibatsu

  1. what to do with 100 bucks I found?.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Ultiɱℯciɑ


      For some reason 3 different people decided to return the money they borrowed from me in the same week. Lucky me I guess

      And I'm also going to travel abroad soon, so let's save some dough for it

    3. Kanbei


      Give It To Me!

    4. Zaibatsu


      thanks guys!

  2. what to do with 100 dollars.....

  3. Super smash flash 2 is shit super smash bros crusade is totally way more developed than that piece of crap!
  4. You obviously don't understand that Video game character DO NOT become anime character for simply having one made. ALL of those characters have animes made LONG AFTER thier games. Weegee also proves you have no idea what you are talking about. On the other note... I rather keep smash free of anime characters, cause the backlash of mindless fanboys/girls will be too great if said anime character wasn't better then any other smasher in the game.
  5. I'll start the topic first list of warriors I would like to see in SW4 Yasumasa Sakakibara - Partispated in Anegawa, Migatagahara, and even Osaka Summer campaign, after thos battle he was in charge of kanto! Nabufasa Baba - The man protected Katsuyori Takeda's retreat. The man fought 70 battle barely scratched. Nobuyuki Sanada - The man married Ina and battled against Tadakatsu Honda Unique Non Playable Characters Terumoto Mōri - He acted like the I can't do it guy. He sided with Ieyasu at Sekigahara, but at Osaka he sided with the Toyotomi, but surreneded to Ieyasu by presenting Hideyori's Head. Yohikage Asakura - Ally to the Azai but died against his own men but hey he would mke a nice NPC! Yoshiaki Mogami - Ally to the date forces. great for an NPC. Kojiro Katakura - Masamune Date's Body Guard, we need more date forces.
  6. Rules 1.No fictional warriors! (EX BaoSanzang) 2.No guest stars! (EX ayane Ryu Hayabusa!) 3.True japan history! (No What Ifs!) 4.Put warrior's name and a little info on what they did in that period of time. 5.Go easy on the Create a warrior sysem! 6.Unique Non Playables are allowed but go easy there too! Hopefully everybody understands, now lets play nice and dream!
  7. Finally a better P_Ciel and at long last it dies properly! aside form that is tested it ad didn't notice any issues, worth the download!
  8. Hold on! no one is being enemies here! I was just trying to say he should have made Rayquaza more "bosslike" like doggiedoo's Red Dragon (Ai control only!) Sorry for the wrong message!
  9. Improvements for SSB4 1.SSB4 Assist trophies gone(or least make them hitable) 2. Stickers gone (those were stupid waste of time!) 3. Lower number on trophies (155 or less like 80!) 4. No subspace emissary HUGE waste of time! 5. Also I counted the subspace emissary enemies and realized there are 58 kinds of them, thats dumb they outnumber the roster it shoulda been the other way around. 58 chars 35 enemies. Characters that have to go 1. Ike (Roy replace him, Stupid how Ike was slow hes fast in path of raidance) 2. Wolf (Seems like he was rushingly added in there with no development, Fox and Falco only for smash!) 3. Lucario (annoying/very unblanced fighter) 4. Olimar (Not very useful moveset, he pretty much useless without the pikmin...) 5. Zero Suit Samus (She was severly weak not to sound sexest) 3rd Parties For SSB4 1. Megaman (For christ sakes fill in the captain N series! but exclude belmont!) 2. Sora (Face it he fits to be in there he like link in a way.) 3. Shadow the Hedgehog (Need a rival for Sonic/ Luigi) 4. Adam (Body Harvest) (Not too sure if hes 3rd party) 5. Geno (He was supposd to be in SSBB add him!) Nintendo Chars for SSB4 1. Takamaru (the Murasame Castle game turned 25 no one cared about it!) 2. Mach Rider (Bike Rider) (The game was awsome back in the 90s!) 3. Waluigi (Sakurai Said he was supposed to be playable in SSBB.... what a joke!) 4. King K Rool (We need a badguy to rival Bowser!) 5. Goku (Not DBZ the NES game Yuyuki!) 6. Samurai Goroh (that will fit the F-zero roster!) 7. Sakuramaru (The Sakura Samurai game was a huge seller according to critics!) 8. Giraheim (In Skyword Sword he was a ruthless badguy add him!) .
  10. Hi everyone! I just wanted to let you guys know what I've been up to. I've been trying to make an Original Fighting system for my MUGEN characters (I only have six thus far!) heres a list of the progress of my chars below, theres also work in progresses there too! Currently being Updated: 1. Smoker 2. Sanji 3. Traflagar Law 4. Mach Rider (Non Chibi!) 5. General Grievous Current Work in Progresses 1. Marluxia (30%) 2. Takamaru - Nazo No Murasamejou (89.9%)(Non Chibi!) 3. Marth (2%) (Non Chibi!) 4. Ridley (1%) (Non Chibi!)
  11. [PREVIEW] [COMMENT] Oh! I forgot to mention the problems I fixed on Captain Smoker here they are listed below! Again... feedback is hugely welcomed! 1. I added the Damage dampener code so damage is reduced! 2. I fixed the Tashigi helper better, this time, when she gets hit, shes sent flying rather than just flinching and running away! 3. White spark included as a new LV 2 super! 4. I added some more specials to Smoker! 5. I added intro agianst certain badguys, rivals,etc! 6 .Midight bliss, Shock, Freeze animations added! 7. I added a new LV 3 Super, Whiteout included! 8. I added a new assist Super, Super Tashigi helper! its LV3! 9. Download link is fixed, works in Mugen 1.0, has quotes too! 10. I added transparency on the Smokescreen smoke effect! 11. I fixed the character pallette, color is restored! [DOWNLOAD] Get him here at deathnintendo.webs.com
  12. Whos the Gargoyle? Can I have him?
  13. i could really use some tofu...

  14. The game is good, but except for the wi fi shitty requests! a zekrom lv5? really?
  15. Adam (Body Harvest) (Gun downed zombies and oversized mutant bugs!) Takamaru (Nazo No Murasamejou) (Took down the godly beast Murasame, and hordes of demon troops!) Travis Touchdown (No More Heroes) (Killed hordes of thugs and a ghost called Matt Helms) Sora (Kingdom Hearts) (Defeated 1000 Heatless and took down Xemnas)
  16. To fix the intro sound problem just put this in the playsnd code channel = 0 thats should help.
  17. well overall hes plays better than before thats for sure!
  18. I like this Idea I love Samurai warriors and pokemon so this is gonna sell!
  19. still being worked on, I'm currently updating all my old chars.
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