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Everything posted by Zaibatsu

  1. Well, poor Nintendo Power... I'm not dissapointed because their reviews were so flaud and also with the,constent mistakes, typos, excedra. Nintendo Power lost it appeal to me after the first No More Heroes came out they clamed the game is "not safe for work", but they even went to the point of giving the Wii games "The Last Story" and "Samurai Warriors 3" a low score of... I think 5.2... What they said about "The Last Story" was that "They would rather play in the land of Hyrule rather then some unknown world". The Samurai Warriors 3 review really peeved me of! I mean they gave Samurai Warriors 3 a 4.8 out of 10 they said, "they liked Sengoku Basara Samurai Heroes better then Samurai Warriors 3." Claiming the games are like "equals" Which they are not! I mean Sengoku Basara's gameplay is like DMC not Samurai Warriors' combo system! and another thing that peeved me off they ignored The Famicom Game, The Mysterious Murasame Castle's 25th Anniversary, The main protaganist named Takamaru guest starred In Samurai Warriors 3 and even had a mode that revived the old game! But this isn't the first time they forgot a anniversary, they forgot Kirby when it turned 15! a fan sent a letter to them saying,"Why did you forget about Kirby's Anniversary?" their response was,"We are pretty tired of Kirby, we would rather celebrate Lolo's Anniversary" I dIdn't intend for this to sound like a rant sorry! i was just trying to say how Nintendo Power fell out of power!
  2. Looks Delicious! Like a tuna sandwich!
  3. Nice to see the site is back on! thanks Mugenfreeforall staff guys!

    1. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros

      glad to see u back

    2. Zaibatsu


      @ZombieBrock Thanks, and take good care of your baby boy! god blesses!

  4. Pass, just by the author's gives it away that its a bad character!
  5. Wow... a fighting piece of food thats priceless!
  6. I'm going to pass on Wenchu also, last time I battled his Bon Kure (Mr.2) I was Ko'ed in matter of 1 minute! and Bon Kure kept juggling me til my Mugen's time ran out. And another reason to pass would be his bad collisons and the winane AI. Winane is one bad AI templates to use for AI in Mugen, if not coded properly!
  7. Hey I know PsychoJolteon! hes my pal! I didn't know he made this stage, my favorite sonic stage, the ark nice!
  8. thanks for the edit, I'm gonna try it out and feedback it!
  9. wow a snowy mario stage! EXShadow always steals my heart for these stages great job EXShadow!
  10. Filecrop always worked for me Megaupload is useless to me!
  11. I dunno... an anime based on Sega vs Nintendo? seems like it will not last long to me no offense anyone, but video game animes never last long (aside from Pokemon) does anyone remember how long the Viewtiful Joe anime lasted? I think it was only a year or maybe less? anyway though the characters don't seem fitting to the nintendo and sega cast to me. also I can picture Gia getting alot of Sonic hate do to the fact how much Sonic is hated nowadays!
  12. Well I got this name from a gang called Zaibatsu in GTA2, plus it was may favorite GTA of the series! any GTA after that is stupid!
  13. I'm tripping? your the one thats tripping buddy! Griffth is from the horrible Sonic X anime! Ryan Drummond was the guy that was in sonic adventure 2 battle not griffith your the one thats trippinng!and Dream on! Griffith sucks proof here! Information from the sonic wiki Roger Craig Smith is the current voice of Sonic the Hedgehog in the video games, having succeeded Jason Anthony Griffith in the role
  14. Back when I was in shcool: I remember one football player tryed fist fighting me I fought him back but he fell off the second floor and broke his leg! the supension was worth it, he was so scared of me after that!
  15. Personally... I hate Gamestop! When I buy games like dynasty warriors those punks are all like "would'nt you prefer the gun then the sword?" and I countered back saying "what happens when the gun is out of ammo?" They are greedy and they rip you off when you trade in a game thats not popular like Mario or pokemon!. Heres my list I got rip off on! Xbox 360 Marvel vs Capcom 3 Original premium: $6 Xbox 360 Samurai warriors 2 empires: $1 Chibi Robo Park Patrol:$2 Kingdom hearts coded $1.55 Kingdom hearts 358/2 days : $2
  16. Oh shit for Wii u really? I thought I was dreaming! alright they brought back versus mode and added 2 more characters to the roster!
  17. Oh yeah! I totally forgot about the rapeist Shadow voice lol! Glorius 4kids...
  18. Dude! your so full of crap up to the sky if you think Griffith is a good voice actor! Brian Craig Smith is alot better then Griffith! The reason why Sonic got hated was because of stupid Griffith and his very poor talent at voice acting. It was Griffith's fault that I stopped playing Sonic games cause his stupid voice drove me crazy!. I recently played The London game and Smith sounds totally kickass compared to Griffth get your facts straight pal!
  19. Marth (fire emblem) Zael (the last story) Zell (final fantasy 8) Aqua (kingdom hearts BBS) Pit (kid icarus) Seiga kaku (touhou) Nobunaga oda (Samurai Warriors 3 rendered) Phoenix Wright (Ace attorney) Rockect Raccon (Marvel vs Capcom 3) Batsu (Rival schools) Terra (lost kingdoms 2)
  20. not to mention severe colorloss as well! because of him not ripping the pallete right!
  21. I agree to that as well, I tryed helping the guy he says "Your being mean to me!" and I was all like what!?!
  22. Not to get personal here, but being a christian this pisses me off the lord for christ sakes! googoo64 should have stayed dead!
  23. Gmspecter's sprites right? well looks great keep up the great work!
  24. I know it would be nice to see Mother 1+2 remade! Its sad to hear the producer got cold feet on the 3ds trilogy!
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