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Everything posted by Zaibatsu

  1. Nice I love Simisage! I wish you the best of luck on this stage!
  2. Shoot Mewtwo lags? forget that! I'll pass for now....
  3. I'm sorry Mr.Infinite I didn't mean to offend you! I was just a little upset because I lost against Gouken 2 outta 3 Times. You did a great job on making him! I'm gonna see if I can train ALOT more to try to beat him! again forget what I said about the damage dampener thing! That was VERY noob of me!
  4. I hope that smash 4 is good even with Takamaru not in it!
  5. I played as To-six's Casshern against Gouken and the the punk killed me in about 10-15 hits. There needs to be a damage dampener to balance this shit out! and also maybe cool down the AI a little... I don't like AI that beats the crap out of you and corners you!
  6. These Dee sprites look really great. I hope someone does some justice for him when he is created in mugen.
  7. The Nintendo samurai Takamaru? Awesome! I hope this shit is true! Most people don't know who Takamaru is! I really glad Takamaru got some recognition! For those that don't know who Takamaru is referenced in Nintendo Land and Takamaru also guest starred in Samurai Warriors 3.
  8. I somehow see Honnouji from Samurai Warriors in this. well.. I love Red Earth so I'm collecting!
  9. Argh.. Jury Duty...

    1. The Magic Toaster

      The Magic Toaster

      That sucks man. For what crime?

    2. Zaibatsu


      Unsure, they just chose me. I hope its short!

  10. the sprites are ripped, they are from Soul caliber Mobile I think.
  11. Edit Ichigo properly and listen to all the feedback! its very helpful! Best of luck to you Xasor!
  12. New MUGEN work in porgresses added on my mugencoder page!

  13. I'm glad its better than alexlexus' Gouken... that thing was glitchy! I'll keep this Gouken to hold the roster spot for Buckus' version. I dunno if it was just a rumor that Buckus was making a Gouken.
  14. Capcom has a plan for Megaman in 2013? I'm guessing another lame RPG Megaman game like Starforce! personally no matter how hard everyone bitches about it! I loved the Megaman X series, Playing as Zero made the game hard and worth playing. so people who say "it was terrible after Megaman x5!" are not Megaman fans, you are Megaman haters and suck at the games! I'm not trying to start anything I'm just trying to get a point across here! I'm just glad that Double Dragon didn't die like the Megaman games did.
  15. Wow! I just love what you did to Casshern, Marvel versus Capcomish gameplay! I'm glad Casshern had some justice done to him! The Only issue is the launcher misses sometimes!
  16. I agree I also hate that people think that too, I bought the awesome Wii RPG game; THE LAST STORY and there was amazing HD graphics for a Wii game, but what did the critics say? It was a ripoff of the Final Fantasy series... I say, lies! all lies! because THE LAST STORY had different gameplay mechanics than that of Final Fantasy. Basically I wish people would stop dissing on Nintendo! I remember back in high school I got bullied for owning a Nintendo GameCube and Nintendo Wii.
  17. I agree with most games these days being 70% Call of Duty shooters or killing zombies, but the original Wii lacked these types of games, again about the most games being zombie shooting games thing, you can blame Capcom for the "Let's make a new resident evil every 2-3 months, why? because we troll and screw the fans silly" It seems like a lot of Video Game companies follow Capcom's example because they don't want to lose to the competition being Capcom. Basically these days, it will feel like your playing the same video game with different changes, example Halo 4 and COD:MW3, both are almost the same exact control schemes with few differences. But as of now, its Just a Shooter phase for gamers one time there was an RPG phase so it wont be boring forever.
  18. Whats wrong with Arkahm city? and excuse me but, Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper brought back versus mode and all the dlc is free! I didnt buy any on my Xbox 360 version of Warriors Orochi because it was at rip off prices for one costume and stage!
  19. How many Idiots believe in the world ending?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Egnaro


      How many idiots have to make topics talking about shit we know about>

    3. DBScourge


      How Many Idiots have to name themselves after fruit

    4. Egnaro




      >names matter haha no

  20. You guys are missing the point about buying a console. I'm buying a Wii U not just for Smash! I'm buying the console for these cool games the reasons will be next to the titles! Mass Effect 3: New missions and things added! Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition: All dlc is free and included! Warriors Orochi 3 hyper : Wifi VS mode along 2 new chars, and many more stages added! Assassin's Creed 3 : Extra Missions added! Battlefield *Untitled*: I love that series! Lego City: Under Cover: Lego games are the best! Pikmin 3: C'mon its Pikmin the greatest game ever made by Nintendo! and the list goes on! Basically what i am saying here is the Wii U is worth the money expensive or not!
  21. Well... thanks to Alexei, I have Firefox its the best browser to use!
  22. Kanbei! you forgot one more fact! battle damage, yes... battle damage... you know ripped clothes and damaged armor! Proof here! at 6:30! he talks about battle damage! its true it was left in the game, but only Metaknight and Captain Falcon are the only ones presenting the damaged armor texture.
  23. Thank so very much! you don't know how many peopl were looking of it! Probly millions....
  24. Here I am doods! wheres the prinny party?
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