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Everything posted by Zaibatsu

  1. I know I sprite too, it tough indeed pal.
  2. What characters is DevilRaptor offering to trade?
  3. What a waste of a MUGEN match, and who made Five Headed God Dragon? I'm going to kick their ass for crapily coding him.
  4. That's the Rinno I was talking about sorry I should have clarified myself there...>_>
  5. I just got a bad shoulder injury because a fat person pushed me into the tree when I was walking on the sidewalk.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GuyZero32k4


      Should have kicked em. What's he gonna do? Run? HA!

    3. GuyZero32k4


      Cause he's fat I mean...

    4. Mr. KOtik

      Mr. KOtik

      Did he actually shove you, or did his body size force you into the tree? Because if it's the 2nd, same thing happened to me and I ran back to him and smacked him in the back of the head.

  6. Just to give you all a heads up the non chi bi Rinnosuke by Yano seems to fight like a beta because there aren't much moves besides the cart special, the basic attacks and no supers. But Rinnosuke is a keeper I won a few MUGEN fights with him so he doesn't suck just to let you guys know.
  7. It's 5:10 AM here I guess I should call it a night? or morning? oh well! I'll just get some sleep.

  8. I'll give Luigi a try and hopefully I can help with some feedback...
  9. I don't where my friend on facebook found this, but he PM'ed me this about Super Smash Bros Wii U and 3DS news. I'lll post it below. It was taken 22 hours ago here in California timezone. Hey Zaibatsu did you hear the news on smash? I found some interesting information on the game have a look. **Today's Smash News** >Individual Character movies to be unlocked (I guess if you beat classic? or adventure?) >Campaign mode, not like the Emissary (Hooray! shorter campaign!) >Speed of the fighting aimed directly in middle of Melee & Brawl (Balanced gameplay?) >Not planning DLC but not opposed to it (Iffy on the DLC Idea, but if Sakurai forgot to add someone important he can just have them as DLC. and charge us $14.99 for disk locked content, I'm just joking) I have no idea where he got his Information from he wouldn't tell me so it might possibly be a lie, but hey one can dream right?.
  10. First off whoever started this topic you gotta rename it. Anyway I love how great SSB 3DS look cool with its cel shading. The Wiiu version looked even more awsome than Brawl's graphics! Let's hope this Game is better than Brawl!
  11. Should I move form MUGEN 1.0 to 1.1? I have like 1000+ characters... any screenpacks out there guys?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ryon


      Alpha 4.

    3. Zaibatsu


      @Ryoucchi Oh I didn't know that.

    4. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      Oh yeah my mistake...Alpha 4

  12. First of all we don't know right now if Crona is a boy or girl even Patti asked Liz if Crona is a boy or a girl. To my opinion Crona is possibly a Tranny. Here's are some anime characters I have been wrong about. Sakuya from Touhou series - When I first got into to the Touhou series I thought she was a guy, I don't know why I thought that... Maybe the lack of breasts... Inuyasha - When I first watched the anime I assumed long hair gave it away that he was a girl. Himura Kenshin - When I first watched the anime I assumed a person wearing a pink kimono is a girl, Unless I am seeing his kimono color wrong...(slighy colorblind) I don't know any more anime character from the top of my head but believe me there are more.
  13. Dear Toaster, What is up with the strange beyeonetta profile pic? The Lolipops in the eyes made my eyes hurt.
  14. @ Ryon and Wargame-Kun Thanks bros. Sorry to dirail the topic but I heard Mugen 1.1 was leaked, so I was looking for a big screenpack for it.
  15. It's going to be a dreading 10 days people...
  16. Sceurity guard Contract has gone belly up, I guess this means I'm outta the job... it's a crying shame that had to happen.

    1. GuyZero32k4


      That sucks major ass, I feel for you man. If you wish to continue with that kind of work, find private or in house security mang.

  17. What song is this?

  18. Working at my Security Guard job is tiring. phew! I'm sooo sleeping.

    1. llyyr


      lol, i know someone who does the same thing. hahaha

    2. Vality


      Ex is Doing that same work

  19. In my point of view I wish the story mode to be shorter, I don't want SSBB's story mode to return it was a HUGE waist of time! and the whole 54 kinds of enemies was ridiculous! It seemed more like Emissary mode was more developed then SSBB itself. I know in the first person shooter communites they go by the "Mutliplayer matters rule." so Sakurai I say go by thay rule! Aside from that junk I think I know who might return Mewtwo and Roy (Assumption because of there new looks.)
  20. I dunno I want to try it but, it looks like its colorlossed unless the sprite looks like that in general.
  21. Probably kids loggining in to download chars and stages and not posting. I used to do that to Mugenguild back in 2006 before I started making thing for MUGEN.
  22. NOTE: Screenshot from Photoshop PSD file. -Add the already Crows that have it before. -Find a better quality....Well the tables. -A better looking Ground (This one sucks =P). ???. -Make each of the panels changes of colors. -Add an overlay/tint of mixed colors. -Maybe a Video on the screen. (If i can fiigure out how to extract pngs or pcx from videos X_x). Thats all i have for now. Any help or ideas are welcome becuz iam out of them. I am somehow gettng a Lion King Pride Lands vibe off that stage of yours, I dunno why I just do.
  23. this samus is cool for a beta, I'll wait till its finished.
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