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Everything posted by Zaibatsu

  1. Son of a bitch! Well like Ricepigoen said thanks to Fairy type we can break those stupid Spiritombs. But Entei can learn Sacred Fire? Cool nice to know.
  2. Aw man you are so lucky!!! Cyndaquil is one of my favorite GS starters! Anyway with the hacks not being properly blocked does this mean there is going to be Spiritombs with Wonderguard on the wifi battles in X and Y? Fuck! That's exactley why I stopped battling online. I'll admit I hack but I don't do game breaking shit like that I only do things like money, leveling up my mons, or getting an event I missed nothing like that at all.
  3. Konata's sprites look nice. Good luck with your Work In Progress.
  4. Oh my mistake you meant that you didn't want the game to be an Dynasty Warriors engine clone? oh... I see. One Piece Pirate Warriors was sort of a clone game.
  5. Not to sound like an asshole here but do you even look at the collections section?
  6. I just looked up Rosalina a rule 34.... JUST KIDDING! Wow she looks so beautiful in the trailer, nice to see another side by side character.
  7. Dude really? The game ain't even a finalized product yet and you hate it why? I know you said part of you was interesed in it, but not all of Tecmo&Koei's products are meant to be hated bro their profits suck here in the states give them a chance. in general Zelda games don't deserve hate, sorry if I flew off the handle but that pisses me off when someone says they hate on the Zelda series. Anyway... I wonder if there is going to be a 70+ playable roster of Zelda charactes? I want to play as Tingle and destroy all those enemies too. Judging from Dynasty Warriors 8 I bet there is a Chaos mode (My favorite difficultly) in that game. and so the hype begins...
  8. Thank you so much good sir, two +1's for you!
  9. I would sprite myself like one of those 1920 gangsters with two tommyguns, and I would also use a katana to combo the hell out of my foes.
  10. Where is that portal stage? Who made it?
  11. lol I forgot she is called nine sometimes huh? that's hilarious
  12. Chucho updates his stuff but very slowly (about a year for just one small update.) I will admit I like some of Chucho's stuff but you guys are very correct about him having limited stuff in them.
  13. Dina hear me now! your are nothing more but a Feminazi! (The worst name I can call a stupid feminist.) and you deserve to be hated for trying to kill Keiji Inafune's work. I be would EXTREMELY pissed if this bitch destroyed Might No.9 because of her Feminist bullshit. Sorry for using such extreme words/language guys that just pissed me off reading that.
  14. Noob, Banana, Blue Flame, Zemilia and Xan added.
  15. I tried Chris Redfield. here's the low down. The Good + Sprites are wonderful + Air Combos are smooth to pull off + His supers are very close sourced to UMVC3 + Some ground combos are smooth The Bad - A lot ground attacks seem to miss a lot (This was against KFM). Some of Chris' Specials miss like when he says "One! Two!" neither of them land a hit. - The super where Chris hits you with his knife twice, only the Knife hits everything else misses. - Chris' flamethrower misses when it's close to the opposing foe. Overall Nestor did pretty good on this one last time I tried his Ryu and Leo they both weren't all that good I give it B+, Why the B+? fix the attacks that keep missing Nestor.
  16. lol people say Action Replay/Gamesharked pokemon are bad. Zaibatsu's Pikachu used Ice Beam. A bit disappointing that Latios and Latias share the same color I was hoping Latias could still be red, oh well. Volacanion Looks badass and so does Diancie. I think Volcanion is Water and Fire odd...
  17. Yeah I was a bit disappoited to see him return I would have preferred a better 3rd party like Sora, Simon Belmont, or Beyonetta. I mean one outta then three.
  18. It's pretty funny that Nestor released Chris Redfield and he couldn't finish his Batsu, Oh well... I hope it plays good because last time I downloaded something from him it played like it was unfinished like his Capcom Fighting All Stars Leo and Ryu.
  19. I forgot about Thief being a TM.
  20. Oh! that's pretty awesome. Oh and I caught Xerneas!
  21. The only thing I don't like about the game is that it boots you offline when you press the home button on the 3DS.
  22. Here's my code guys register me! 2852-7408-9420
  23. Here's my friend code. 2852-7408-9420
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