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Everything posted by RicePigeon

  1. So apparently these screenshots have made their way around the web lately: Possible Rusturf Tunnel revamp (and return of walking Pokemon) or really good hoax?
  2. RicePigeon


    Or if someone just posts shit in general. Both figuratively and literally.
  3. RicePigeon


    Its not officially the shit thread until someone posts... shit. And I don't mean just shitposting, I mean posting literal shit. WARNING: Actual images of shit inside.
  4. I notice that her air hitboxes can still be a bit wonky, for instance: 6y -> 2z -> repeat Vertical hitbox size seems inconsistent in her stand to crouch and crouch to stand anims. As shes transitioning, she has a hitbox covering her entire hat, while her standing and crouching stances don't. Marisa can grab opponents out of their pre-jump frames: The tails on some of the stars for Meteoric Debris are rotated improperly: Star Sign "Meteoric Shower" is immune to enemy projectiles, even itself. It also returns number truncation debug: Polaris Unique seems to have a 2 second cooldown after the last projectile disappears before it can be used again, which feels odd
  5. RicePigeon


    lol hotlinking. And the only buttwater I know of is diarrhea.
  6. Nigger (450+200+3+3+145+400) = 1201 Jap (100+100+2) = 202 I swear this test is rigged >:(
  7. http://blogs.wsj.com/japanrealtime/2014/05/21/photos-of-hamster-rear-ends-are-hit-in-japan/ Enjoy dat ass
  8. i like to eat pie and drink blended pie. wanna help me catch the gingerbread man? and zat is ze end of ma story!!!!!!!!!!

  9. There is one way to exert control over IVs, and that's through breeding. Under normal circumstances, when you breed two Pokemon, the offspring will have a total of 3 IVs randomly inherited from either parent and the rest are randomly generated (in Emerald, Diamond, and Pearl, a bug exists where the offspring can potentially inherit the same stat more than once, leading it to only inherit a total of 1 or 2 IVs). Utilizing a Power Item on one of the parents such as Power Anklet will guarantee that that specific IV from that parent is passed to the offspring, unless both parents are holding a Power Item, in which case it becomes a 50/50 chance. In either case, the offspring will then inherit 2 random IVs from either parent before randomizing the remaining 3. The introduction of the Destiny Knot in Gen 6 makes this process substantially easier. The Destiny Knot increasing the maximum amount of IVs that can be passed to the offspring from 3 to 5, regardless of which parent is holding it. Since most Pokemon typically only utilize 5 of their 6 stats (the ignored stat usually being either Attack or Sp.Atk or, in some cases, Speed), it makes breeding for competitively viable Pokemon possible in a reasonable timeframe. Of course, the catch is that to breed for a Pokemon with 5/6 max IVs, you'll need several Pokemon (ideally Ditto) that already have the IVs you want. With the Friend Safari's IV generation mechanics, you're guaranteed to find a Pokemon with 2 max IVs, so it shouldn't take long to find the necessary parents for chain breeding.
  10. yeah balanced EV spreads like that haven't been seen since Gen 1-2, and only because those games didn't have a total EV limit and the way EVs were gained were based on the base stats of the pokemon being fought, rather than static values assigned to each Pokemon. It was a completely different system and part of the reason why Gen 2 -> Gen 3 compatibility doesn't exist. Chesnaught prefers 252 HP/ 252 Def anyway :p Its simple. For Gen 3-6, whenever you catch a Pokemon, the game randomly generates a value between 0 and 31 for each of the six stats. In Gen 6, certain Pokemon such as stationary Legendaries, wild baby Pokemon, and Pokemon caught in Friend Safari are guaranteed to have at least 3 (Legendaries & Babies) or 2 (Friend Safar) of their stats set to 31. These values are set in stone as soon as you encounter/receive the Pokemon, and cannot be changed without hacking. These values, in conjunction with the Pokemon's base stats and EVs, are used to determine the Pokemon's actual stats using the following formulas: HP stat = (IV+(basestat*2)+int(EVs/4)+100)*(level/100)+10 All other stats = ((IV+(basestat*2)+int(EVs/4))*(level/100)+5)*nature Assuming neutral natures, at level 100 these formulas simplify to the following: HP stat = IV+(basestat*2)+int(EVs/4)+110 All other stats = (IV+(basestat*2)+int(EVs/4)+5)*nature At level 100, this has the effect of essentially adding 1 stat point for each IV in that stat. A level 100 Pokemon with an IV of 0 in any given stat will essentially have 31 points less in that stat than if the Pokemon had the maximum value of 31. In Gen 1-2, the formula is more or less the same, except for the following differences: IVs only range from 0-15, rather than 0-31, so the IV is multiplied by 2 in the above formulas. Natures didn't exist, so there is no modifier Sp.Atk and Sp.Def use the exact same IV, as opposed to having separate IVs like in Gen 3 onward. This was done to retain compatibility with Gen 1. While the HP stat has its own IV, it is directly determined by the other four IVs in the following manner: If the IV value for Special is odd, add 1, otherwise add 0. If the IV value for Speed is odd, add 2, otherwise add 0. If the IV value for Defense is odd, add 4, otherwise add 0. If the IV value for Attack is odd, add 8, otherwise add 0. Because of the way the EV system works in Gen 1-2, the value for EVs that is calculated in the stat formula instead uses sqrt(EV)/4. The reason for this is due to the fact that EVs in Gen 1-2 ranged from 0-65535, as opposed to 0-255 in later generations.
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