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Everything posted by RicePigeon

  1. Wasnt expecting this at all, but I'll do my best.
  2. Dont fuck with me, I'm the mightiest sorcerer of the lands...
  3. Giant Hurt Ball

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. RicePigeon


      ~From the office of The Emperor

    3. The Unexpected Visitor

      The Unexpected Visitor

      how can you say that you love her if you can't even eat her poop

    4. Roman55


      Round Pound

  4. Still doing the image roleplay, huh? Alright then... ... I put on my robe and wizard hat and cast lvl 3 eroticism...
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QMLIxbUBLM&list=UUjiqYgosf4MEHPfI1vGYY_g
  6. Um.. these checks/counters have been tried and true. Maybe youre just not using them properly? Kyurem-B IS a wallbreaker, after all. Its primary purpose in OU is to break down walls and other defensive Pokemon. Speaking of banning stuff, Haxorus is currently undergoing a suspect test for UU, so it may end up becoming BL. Oh and apparently some minor tier changes due to bans: UU -> BL UU -> UU (No Change) UU -> BL RU -> BL2 Shadow Tag -> Banned from UU and lower Drizzle -> Banned from UU and lower Drought -> Banned from UU and lower
  7. Reuploaded Weegee's Pachirisu: http://www.mediafire.com/download/c94dx1f2np11tcr/Pachirisu-Weegee.zip
  8. I feel obligated to post these: ^ Speaking of Witch Leyline, her stronger versions never did less damage in any of the fighters. ^ you completely removed any and all priority that this move had. Also 25 damage for the light version is REALLY underpowered.
  9. Kyurem-B isnt broken, and most Aegislash always run Sp.Atk investment so burn is a non-issue. Speaking of counters for Kyurem-B: I count a total of 21 checks & counters in there.
  10. Speaking of banhappy Smogon... http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/np-xy-ou-suspect-testing-round-5-ghost-of-perdition.3511596/ break the shield rust the sword! break the shield rust the sword!
  11. Looks like Volzilla's been permabanned from here kudos to Ryon

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MugoUrth


      I don't mean to sound dumb but... who was he/she again?

    3. Shinzaki


      Someone unimportant, Mugo. *shot*

    4. Dumanios


      Who else has been permabanned? Maybe we need a Hall of Infamy for this...

  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmMYjGb1F0c Trying something new
  13. At this point you wonder why they havent done Mega Pika/Raichu yet...
  14. Brawly redesign actually doesnt look too bad. Now why couldn't May get the same treatment? :p
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Zemilia


      Oh it gets better. Check the comments after Chucho's post.

    3. RicePigeon


      What am I looking for other than someone calling Chucho out?

  15. http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/xy-ou-suspect-process-round-4-voting.3511402/ Rest in Piss
  16. http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/hyper-dragonball-z-evo-2014-160767.0.html Guild's DBZ Fullgame just got a spot at EVO, what?
    1. Roman55


      Side thing really but yeah I don't get it either.

  17. They gave him 4, actually. 4 in the back, 4 in front, total of 8 (like a proper spider should)
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