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Everything posted by RicePigeon

  1. WCS/VGC uses the Doubles format, which Aegislash is perfectly fine in and nowhere near as broken as he is in singles (for now). Because Nintendo/Gamefreak doesn't care about singles, other than the fact that all the main series games have used Singles for in-game (aside from Colosseum/XD, seriously why dont they just do that again?) EDIT: Speaking of doubles, went ahead and added Smogon's Doubles tierlist (only Ubers, OU, and UU exist atm). Also fleshed out the Singles tiers to include banned and restricted moves/items/abilities.
  2. Thread title was misleading. Went ahead and changed it for you.
  3. RicePigeon


    More like Leviathan from Devil May Cry 3
  4. In the interest of getting this thing off the ground finally, Pokemon Showdown will be allowed as a substitute for the 3DS games (in which case the replay posting requirement still applies, except you'll be using showdown's replay links instead of the 3DS's video codes. First post updated to reflect this change.
  5. You mean I'm NOT a gap youkai OR a Night Elf Mohawk? At least until they start offering species reassignment surgery while using scrotum skin to craft dorsal fins in order to complete your transformation into a dolphin.
  6. Mega Gengar doesn't even rely on Hypnosis + Dream Eater. Protect and Perish Song is more like it, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. What makes Mega Gengar so threatening is that, unlike Wobbuffet and Gothitelle, it has an excellent movepool, so you can pretty much customize it to whatever specific threat your team cannot handle and it will eliminate that threat 100% of the time (often leading to Extreme Killer Arceus sweeps) and there's nothing the opponent can do about it.
  7. So remember when Mega Gengar got banned from OU? Well, for the first time ever in history, we may end up getting a Pokemon banned from ubers... EDIT: Just completed adding the tier lists for UU, BL2, RU, and BL3
  8. Made a separate thread for serious competitive discussion: Take all your talk about tiers and Aegislash getting banned from OU over there.
  9. Adding tier list and resource pages to the first post. Ubers, OU, and BL are done. Everything else is still WIP.
  10. To get things started: 1.) Smogon just released the July 2014 issue of their online magazine "The Smog", which can be viewed here. Has an interesting article on Greninja and Talonflame use in OU, as well as some theorymonning stuff (like if Gen 6 kept permanent weather). 2.) Suspect voting on Aegislash will begin this Saturday, July 26th
  11. This thread is for serious competitive discussion only. Just to clarify, this thread isn't exclusively about the OU metagame. Discussion of other metagames (Ubers, UU, RU, NU, VGC, Doubles, and even Triples) is allowed. Common Terminology: Tier - A term used to describe a categorization of a Pokemon species or form based on their competitive "worth". These are usually decided by how often a Pokemon is used on a team. It should be worth noting that Pokemon with more than one forme will have each of their forms tiered separately from each other. Each tier also consists of its own metagame. Metagame - The overall environment of competitive Pokemon. Each tier has its own metagame, which are dictated by that tier's top threats and playstyles. Each tier's metagame will permit the use of Pokemon found in lower level tiers (with the exception of the NU metagame, as there is no tier lower than NU) while simultaneously restricting Pokemon belonging to higher tiers (with the exception of the Ubers metagame, which currently allows all Pokemon). AG - short for "Anything Goes", AG is the spiritual successor to Ubers before it became its own tier instead of a banlist. As the name implies, anything goes. This means that nothing is banned and there are no clauses. Currently only one Pokemon exists in this "tier", which is Mega Rayquaza. Ubers - Derived from the german word über (lit. "above" or "over"), this tier was originally a global banlist in earlier generations before it evolved into its own tier in later generations. The Ubers tier consists of Pokemon that are typically broken, and consists of predominantly super legendary Pokemon (i.e.: Mewtwo, Lugia, Rayquaza, etc) but may also include Pokemon that have been banned from the OU tier for being either too powerful (i.e.: Mega Kangaskhan) or uncompetitive (i.e.: Mega Gengar). While the ubers tier consists of as little bans as possible, certain moves and abilities that are deemed uncompetitive (i.e.: Moody, OHKO moves) may still be banned from time to time. DUbers is the Doubles equivalent of Ubers, which has its own tier list separate from Singles Ubers. OU - Short for "Over Used", this is the default tier that many competitive players play in. Pokemon that belong to this tier are based on their usage in the OU metagame, which allows for the use of any Pokemon not belonging to the Ubers tier. Any Pokemon that has at least a 50% chance of appearing at least once out of 20 teams in the OU Metagame (or 3.41% of all OU teams) belong to the OU tier. Those Pokemon who do not make the 3.41% cutoff will then be allowed in the UU Metagame, where the process is repeated to determine their tiering. DOU is the Doubles equivalent of OU, which has its own tier list separate from Singles OU. In Pokemon Online, the OU cutoff is raised from 3.41% to 4.0% BL - Short for "Borderline". BL is not a tier, but a banlist for the UU metagame. BL consists of Pokemon that have failed to achieve 3.41% useage in the OU Metagame, but have been explicitly banned from UU for being either too powerful (i.e.: Mega Heracross) or uncompetitive (i.e.: Gothitelle). Pokemon that are BL cannot be used in the UU, RU, or NU metagames, and thus is treated as an extension of the OU tier. In Pokemon Online, the OU cutoff is raised from 3.41% to 4.0% UU - Short for "Under Used". Pokemon that belong to this tier are based on their usage in the UU metagame, which allows for the use of any Pokemon not belonging to the Ubers, OU, or BL tiers. Any Pokemon that has at least a 50% chance of appearing at least once out of 20 teams in the UU Metagame (or 3.41% of all UU teams) belong to the UU tier. Those Pokemon who do not make the 3.41% cutoff will then be allowed in the RU Metagame, where the process is repeated to determine their tiering. DUU is the Doubles equivalent of UU, which has its own tier list separate from Singles UU. In Pokemon Online, the UU cutoff is raised from 3.41% to 4.0% BL2 - Short for "Borderline 2". Just like BL, BL2 is a banlist for the RU metagame. BL2 consists of Pokemon that have failed to achieve 3.41% useage in the UU Metagame, but have been explicitly banned from RU for being either too powerful (i.e.: Tornadus) or uncompetitive. Pokemon that are BL2 cannot be used in the RU, or NU metagames, and thus is treated as an extension of the UU tier. In Pokemon Online, the UU cutoff is raised from 3.41% to 4.0% RU - Short for "Rarely Used". Pokemon that belong to this tier are based on their usage in the RU metagame, which allows for the use of any Pokemon not belonging to the Ubers, OU, BL, UU, or BL2 tiers. Any Pokemon that has at least a 50% chance of appearing at least once out of 20 teams in the RU Metagame (or 3.41% of all RU teams) belong to the RU tier. Those Pokemon who do not make the 3.41% cutoff will then be allowed in the NU Metagame. In Pokemon Online's tiering system, the RU tier is replaced with the functionally identical LU tier. LU - Short for "Lesser Used". Pokemon Online's equivalent to Smogon's RU tier. Pokemon that belong to this tier are based on their usage in the LU metagame, which allows for the use of any Pokemon not belonging to the Ubers, OU, BL, UU, or BL2 tiers. Any Pokemon that has at least 4.0% usage on all LU teams belong to the LU tier. Those Pokemon who do not make the 4.0% cutoff will then be allowed in the NU Metagame. In Smogon's tiering system, the LU tier is replaced with the functionally identical RU tier. BL3 - Short for "Borderline 3". Just like BL and BL2, BL3 is a banlist for the NU metagame. BL3 consists of Pokemon that have failed to achieve 3.41% useage in the RU/LU Metagames, but have been explicitly banned from NU for being either too powerful or uncompetitive. Pokemon that are BL3 cannot be used in the NU metagame, and thus is treated as an extension of the RU & LU tiers. In Pokemon Online, the LU cutoff is 4.0% instead of RU's 3.41% cutoff. NU - Short for "Never Used". Essentially the bottom tier of competitive Pokemon, Pokemon that belong to this tier are those who have failed to achieve at least 3.41% usage in all metagame tiers above NU. The NU Metagame allows for the use of any Pokemon not belonging to the Ubers, OU, BL, UU, BL2, RU/LU, or BL3 tiers. PU - Short for "Partially Used". A new tier that was first introduced as an unofficial tier in Gen 5, and later adopted as an official Smogon tier in Gen 6. Pokemon in this tier are those who have failed to achieve at least 3.41% usage in the NU Metagame. The PU Metagame allows for the use of any Pokemon not belonging to the Ubers, OU, BL, UU, BL2, RU, BL3, or NU tiers. Note that Pokemon Online's tiering system does not include an equivalent to the PU tier. LC - Short for "Little Cup", a format that was first introduced in Pokemon Stadium 2 and later in Pokemon Battle Revolution. Pokemon used in this format are all Level 5, and consists of Pokemon that are capable of evolving, but have not yet evolved. Currently, the following Pokemon are banned from use in LC: Additionally, the moves Sonic Boom and Dragon Rage are banned from use in LC. Counter - A counter refers to any Pokemon that is able to reliably switch in against a specific Pokemon 100% of the time, while also being able to beat that Pokemon or put it into a disadvantageous situation where it has no choice but to switch out. Examples: vs : Magnezone is a counter to Skarmory, as it can reliably switch in to any of Skarmory's attacks and reliably defeat it. vs : Chansey can reliably switch into any of Mega Charizard Y's attacks while healing more HP than Zard Y is able to deal in damage, forcing Mega Charizard Y to switch out, risk running out of PP, or die from Toxic damage. Check - A check refers to any Pokemon that cannot reliably switch in directly against a specific Pokemon 100% of the time, but when it does, it can beat that Pokemon or put it into a disadvantageous situation. Unlike a counter, these Pokemon require either more prediction to beat the Pokemon they are meant to check, or switching through an indirect switch such as through Volt Switch, U-turn, or after another Pokemon has fainted. Examples: vs : Tyranitar cannot reliably switch in directly to Mega Charizard Y as it risks being OHKOed by Focus Blast. However, Choice Scarf Tyranitar will be able to outspeed and OHKO Mega Charizard Y with Stone Edge. vs : Greninja is too frail to directly switch in to any of Terrakion's attacks, but it can reliably outspeed and OHKO any Terrakion that does not have Choice Scarf. VGC - Short for "Video Game Championships", the official Pokemon tournament that is held every year by The Pokemon Company International, which was first held in 2005 (when it was then known as "Journey Across America"). While the VGC format uses Double Battles, it is substantially different from regular Double Battles, as you are only allowed to choose 4 of the 6 Pokemon that you bring with you. While the Pokemon that are allowed at VGC differ from year to year, the VCG format usually bans Legendary Pokemon that are version mascots, as well as Event-only Pokemon. As of VGC 2014, only Pokemon that appear in the Central Kalos Pokédex from #001 to #150, Coastal Kalos Pokédex from #001 to #153, or Mountain Kalos Pokédex from #001 to #147 are allowed, and the following Pokemon are banned: Competitive Pokemon Resources: Smogon - The oldest go-to website for competitive Pokemon play. Many players play by their rules and tiers. Although their primary focus is Singles OU, they do provide information on other metagames as well. Nuggetbridge - Founded by former Smogon members (as well as a former Smogon admin), Nuggetbridge is to Nintendo's official VGC competition as Smogon is to OU Singles. Site includes various articles on Nintendo's official format. Pokemon Showdown! - Web-based multi-generation battle simulator, that currently supports all 6 generations of Pokemon games. UPDATE: Now supports Gen 6 Triples as of 7/14/14. Pokemon Online - Alternative battle simulator formerly supported by Smogon which predates Showdown. Currently supports Gen 5 and Gen 6 battles. Pokemon Laboratory - Formerly known as Shoddybattle, a simulator that was formerly supported by Smogon during the DPPt era. Currently only supports Gen 4 battles, it has now been superceded by other simulators such as Showdown and Pokemon Lab, the former of which also supports Gen 4 battles. Pokemon Netbattle - Originally programmed by TV's Ian and Smogon's founder chaos, Netbattle is one of the oldest Pokemon battle simulators, dating back to the GSC era, where it supported both Gen 1 and Gen 2 battles. Gen 3 support was later added, when it became Smogon's official battle simulator at the time. It fell into disuse when Diamond & Pearl was released, where Shoddybattle (later known as Pokemon Laboratory) became the preferred simulator. An unofficial update known as Netbattle Supremacy was later released with Gen 4 support, but has fallen into disuse. GSBot / RSBot - An old, text based battle simulator, GSBot was a script created for mIRC that was used to host Gen 2 battles over irc chatrooms. Unlike most simulators, GSBot was purely text based, and utilized command lines to initiate, as well as conduct, Pokemon battles. It was later updated with Gen 3 support, where it was then renamed RSBot. It fell out of use when Netbattle, the only competing battle simulator at the time, also added Gen 3 support and later became Smogon's official battle simulator. Porygon's Big Show - The oldest Pokemon battle simulator to date, PBS is a web based Gen 1 battle simulator. However, it does contain various inconsistencies with the Gen 1 games. For instance, Focus Energy uses Pokemon Stadium's mechanics, while Hyper Beam still uses the original RBY mechanics. Despite its age and inconsistencies, it was still used, causing it to receive an update in 2010, nearly a decade after its initial release. However, it currently does not support any Pokemon games other than Gen 1.
  12. If I recall correctly it had to do with character feedback most likely, but I haven't touched any of Werewood's stuff in a long time, nor do I recall specifically what it was that I said.
  13. That or Laharl is just fishing for suitable mods who are willing to leak Orochigill's IP address. :p On a more serious note, grats you two.
  14. Due to recent events and after discussion amongst the staff, the have been revised a bit regarding derailing threads and going off topic. This message is to serve as a reminder to all that requesting any M.U.G.E.N content outside of the Request Station, other than the character in the news/release thread in question, is considered going off-topic and, thus, a violation of this rule. In addition to this, this is also quite disrespectful to the thread creator. Warnings WILL be issued should such posts continue to arise. Just to illustrate to get the point across, asking for author of the Ken that appears in a screenshot of a release thread about someone's Ryu will not be tolerated.
  15. Another thread derail that was split off from the Man Scorpion thread. Nothing to see here. Lesson learned: dont ignore mod warnings, and don't derail release threads.
  16. Seeing as they were mostly releases (and not something that was actually added to the collection), I split off all of Night's palettes to its
  17. Split this off from the Chuchoryu's Cammy release thread. Try to keep those threads on topic guys.
  18. So me and a few others started thinking: What if every fully evolved Pokemon that wasnt already OU or has a Mega Evolution has its base stat total no less than 480? Would that affect their current viability? Just to provide some examples: HP: 70 -> 75 (+5) Atk: 120 -> 125 (+5) Def: 40 -> 40 (+0) SpAtk: 95 -> 100 (+5) SpDef: 40 -> 40 (+0) Speed: 95 -> 100 (+5) Total: 460 -> 480 Assuming even spreads (480 - 460 / 6) = 3.333 = 3~4. Just to give an idea of how this affects the max stats at level 100 (assuming neutral nature, max IVs, and max EVs): HP: 334 -> 344 (+10) Atk: 339 -> 349 (+10) Def: 179 -> 179 (+0) SpAtk: 289 -> 299 (+10) SpDef: 179 -> 179 (+0) Speed: 289 -> 299 (+10) And another (this one a bit more streamlined since Gamefreak/Nintendo likes to work with multiples of 5): HP: 50 -> 60 (+10) Atk: 50 -> 60 (+10) Def: 120 -> 140 (+20) SpAtk: 80 -> 95 (+15) SpDef: 80 -> 95 (+15) Speed: 30 -> 30 (+0) Total: 410 -> 480 (+70) HP: 304 -> 324 (+20) Atk: 199 -> 219 (+20) Def: 339 -> 359 (+40) SpAtk: 259 -> 289 (+30) SpDef: 259 -> 289 (+30) Speed: 159 -> 159 (+0) EDIT: HP: 48 -> 69 (+21) Atk: 72 -> 102 (+30) Def: 48 -> 69 (+21) SpAtk: 72 -> 102 (+30) SpDef: 48 -> 69 (+21) Speed: 48 -> 69 (+21) Total: 336 -> 480 (+144) HP: 300 -> 342 (+42) Atk: 243 -> 303 (+60) Def: 195 -> 237 (+42) SpAtk: 243 -> 303 (+60) SpDef: 195 -> 237 (+42) Speed: 195 -> 237 (+42) Give this thing a Choice Scarf and.... Hidden power? IDK
  19. We all know that Chuchoryu's stuff lacks in quality, but there's a stark difference between pointing out flaws in a character and making posts like these: This is a general warning to everyone: This thread is about the character. If you have nothing productive to say, do not bother posting here. If you're going to point out how bad chuchoryu's characters are for the Nth time, at least keep civil. Passive aggressive insults and off-topic image macros won't be tolerated.
  20. Lol, I was actually expecting this to be honest:
  21. No, Godzilla needs to stay in the ToHo movies where he belongs.... .....
  22. I don't think any productive conversation can come from this. Locking.
  23. Conglaturation I guess?
    1. Doomguy


      Hah. AVGN/Turrible NES Game reference.

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