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Everything posted by RicePigeon

  1. The DS was already dead and BWB2W2 was its pulled life support.
  2. Considering they pretty much announced X&Y immediately after Black 2 & White 2 were released, yeah, expect a rush job, only more refined due to it using X&Y's engine. Also, you guys DO know what the release of these games means, right? Move Tutors...
  3. Gastrodon got kicked out of OU since October, what meta have you been playing?
  4. And Mega Blaziken will still be broke as fuck. Here's to hoping for some kind of balancing out Mega Lucario and stuff at least, even if indirectly. EDIT: just realized that since the Hoenn remakes are in the same gen as XY, this effectively means that XY takes place during the same time period as the Kanto and Hoenn games, which means they're prequels to DPPtGSCHgSs.
  5. Heatran was (and still is to some extent) a top dog Tyranitar is a top dog Lucario WAS a top dog (both figuratively and literally) Gallade? nah
    1. llyyr


      Good Job there but I assume webs did everything for you.

    2. PlasmoidThunder


      Big Secret Thingy?! Oh Rice, you're such a tease :P

    3. Darkflare


      That big secret thingy has been there for a loooooong time though.

  6. Byakuren updated. Changelog added to first post.
  7. Gallade was never a "top dog". The highest tier Gallade was ever in was BL in Gen 4, all that means is that statistically he was UU, but was too good for the UU environment so he was banned from there. And even in Gen 4 OU, he's currently at a C-rank viability, which isn't too great (at least hes not D rank like Hawlucha is). so yeah, Gallade was never a "top dog"
  8. April useage statistics for OU are up Confirmed Rank Changes (based on past 3 months): UU -> OU UU -> OU OU -> UU BL -> UU Potential Rank Changes (subject to May useage stats): UU -> OU UU -> OU UU -> OU UU -> OU /OU -> UU OU -> UU OU -> UU OU -> BL (was previously banned from UU back in December)
  9. Banned by the NBA

    1. Darkflare


      What did you do to piss off the NBA?

    2. RicePigeon


      My bimbo GF told them I hated negroes :(

  10. http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/wireStory/british-actor-bob-hoskins-dies-71-23528205 Yeah.. THAT Super Mario... Sucks though, RIP.
  11. Then one jolly Christmas Eve, Santa came to say...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kanbei


      All of you think ya better then me. *burp*

    3. Darkflare


      Five-Dollar Footlongs©

      I didn't have a good card for this one, ok?

    4. PlasmoidThunder


      *insert Robo-Santa quote here*

  12. Supers give back power on hit. Throw super has improper bindings all over the place. No damage dampening Throw and Suplex are able to hit both airborne opponents and opponents still in hitstun. Animation timings on his normals are wonky. For instance, 5y has 0 recovery frames while j.5y has only 1 startup frame. Hitboxes also seem to be wonky. For instance, he has lower body invincibility on his standing jab?
  13. Witch Leyline still counts as an attacking state during the recovery portion, which creates false positives against characters with Counterhit detection. You made 5z an overhead, but its only 7 frame startup, which is too fast for a grounded overhead. I dont get why 2y can hit OTG? Her grab can whiff against smaller crouching opponents
  14. Just found this while meddling with her j.2y close to the ground. Oh, and the effect is misaligned with the hitbox it seems: j.5y effect stays bound to her in the idle states if done close to the ground. Final Spark will cause opponent to try to block it, even though it's unblockable.
  15. And some additional stuff that was found: Meteoric Shower sometimes causes the combo counter to reset, even when the opponent hasn't gone back to an idle state yet. This is caused by the helpers destroying themselves too quickly Due to the velocity, 2y's pushback gets cancelled out.
  16. A good ton of her normals have 0 recovery frames, which not only render them unpunishable, but also absurdly high frame advantages as well (+11 on hit for her 5y, for example), which lead to...Seems like only her j.5z and j.5c have 0 recovery now. Infinites. Tons of them, including, though certainly not limited to: 5x -> 5y 5x -> 5y -> 5c 5b (this one still exists, but is much harder to do now) 5c 5a -> 5y j.5b 5a -> 5b in corner causes 5b to whiff. It works now, but now it leaves them at +8 on block. While not an infinite, j.5z can lock an opponent in the corner indefinitely on hit, especially since it can cancel into itself. Speaking of j.5z, it can do up to 247 damage just by mashing the button, which is absurd for a normal. 133 now, but it still has that lockdown issue. j.5x can be spammed almost infinitely on an airborne opponent for up to 120ish damage. She seems to get power back way too quickly. Her 236a (Spinnin About), for example, gives her a total of 223 power on hit, 175 on block, and 130 on whiff. This leads to her easily spam her supers with impunity. 236y (Komachi Twirl) has only 1 frame of recovery, but shes completely invincible during said recovery. The move also has a ridiculous frame advantage of +15 on block. If you cancel anything into this, you pretty much have an infinite blockstring that whittles the opponent down with chip damage until KO or time over. In fact, the Komachi Twirl is an infinite blockstring by itself since it only has 5 frame startup. The invincibility and recovery frames issues have been resolved, but now its +8 on block, and still an infinite blockstring in the corner.
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