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Everything posted by RicePigeon

  1. RicePigeon


    Your spelling of the title implied this, though: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inbaRja7iXY&feature=kp
  2. RicePigeon


    What the fuck is Blasta Masta?
  3. Aegislash doesnt give a fuck about burn nowadays since all of them carry Shadow Ball now. And Charizard X's higher viability is due to the fact that Charizard Y is extremely one-dimensional whereas Charizard X is a bit more unpredictable between Offensive Dragon Dance, Bulky Dragon Dance, and Bulky Will-o-Wisp. You really dont have a clue about the metagame do you?
  4. Over a year ago, February 27, 2013, 10:47:48 am, to be exact. For anyone who is confused, this post was made under an alt account after he his main account got banned from guild for pretty much saying shit along the lines of "jews, niggers, and gays are subhuman creatures because the bible said so" and calling it religiously protected speech, so he created an alt account that posted the exact same thing which you now see before you in the OP. Hes not fooling anyone with his crying wolf.
  5. Its not god that he's seeking, I'll tell you that much...
  6. Just open the air file in notepad, simple as that.
  7. Yeah this shit didn't work the first time over on guild. What makes you think it'll work this time? Troll harder next time.
  8. I guess Air Balloon Spin Rotom counts for nothing then :p Anyway, viability rankings are a more accurate representation of how good a Pokemon is rather than their usage tiers. Sure, Hippowdon is UU, but he's A-rank in the OU environment which is pretty damn high, especially for a UU Pokemon. Then you have OU Pokemon like Espeon, Togekiss, and Goodra who occupy a C+-rank and lower. And D rank is pretty much everything that you shouldn't be using and shouldn't even be ranked except for stuff like Hawlucha, who's banned from UU so they have no choice BUT to rank him. EDIT: Just realized Hawlucha was C-, which is still pretty damn low.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8i-oW0TEII
  10. Out of the three Kalos starters, Delphox is the only one that is completely unviable in OU, so the claim that hes the weakest has merit. Chesnaught may be UU, but he stops Aegislash cold, and has that nifty EdgeQuake resistance, which nobody other than Breloom can claim, so he still has a place in OU despite being a lower tier mon. Delphox just gets torn apart by the highest ranking threats, and its psychic typing isn't doing it any favors at all in a gen dominated by dark type attacks.
  11. You havent faced enough Protean Greninjas to make an informed statement about that then
  12. Gen 5's exp system wasn't that horrible. I actually welcomed it. Other MMOs use a similar system (Maplestory and World of Warcraft, just to name a few). Though why they scrapped it for gen 6 is beyond me. It would have balanced out the now horribly broken exp share been an interesting change of pace.
  13. Gamefreak hates us and lets us know it by deliberately not allowing us to hear that track during normal gameplay. >:(
  14. Source: http://www.serebii.net Fucking Aegislash everywhere.
  15. The translated game dialogue disproves this though. Rather, she IS Meiling... her future self rather. Just pointing that out.
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