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A person

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Everything posted by A person

  1. Gotcha, do you want me to upload all of them? Well, the ones I have, anyway. EDIT: A link, just in case. http://www.mediafire.com/download/nzzxkxa2r2gsbsm/Chars.rar
  2. SCARLET MEGALOPOLIS RUINS The Winged Warrior had looked up to see the approaching massive shadow. He sighed to himself. Underworld -equilibrium- still playing Jebediah: I guess things just got somewhat risky...but I have to stay here for as long as I can, otherwise my cover is blown and I'm at risk for an attack... He followed the movements of the stragglers of the group, keeping a close eye on Giovanni specifically. Jebediah: I'll figure out exactly what you all are capable of soon enough, I suppose, even though it appears that it will be against my will.
  3. Kahrelimi: Mmm...so there's a possibility of some excitement, then? And to think I was going to have a bit more time to get adjusted to this world...oh well, I can't complain. Anyway...this Giovanni sounds very powerful...if he managed to assist LightFlare in traveling to another dimension, would it be possible for him to take me to him? Or are they...somewhat busy? Judging from what Oro had said, she thought it was more than likely they were busy having all of the "fun" for themselves. Of course, considering this was another world entirely, the definition of "fun" here may have been wildly different than what it was at the previous world she was in. She smiled to herself as she thought about what they were possibly doing.
  4. The girl nodded in acknowledgement. Kahrelimi: Ah, I see. I guess this is actually a really good place to go. It's peaceful and quiet, and any unwelcome visitors can be seen from far away. I want to meet this LightFlare person, too; if he is worthy enough for you to pass down your knowledge to him, then he's got to be a very interesting person! But what do you mean by "not under very good circumstances"? Did something happen between you two?
  5. SCARLET MEGALOPOLIS RUINS The other two monsters were already at the outskirts of the ruined city, searching around for the latest visitors to see if they were trying to make their way out of the ruined city. Meanwhile, Jebediah was silently observing the group from atop a ruined building in the distance, taking note of how many there were, what they looked like, and what they seemed to be doing. He started to think aloud, albeit to himself quietly. BGM: Underworld -equilibrium- Jebediah: This is a good point to observe them from. Let's see...there appears to be ten of them, three of which look exactly the same. Interesting...if only I could get closer without the risk of making myself get noticed, maybe then I could figure out just what they're capable of. The thought stuck in his mind for a while, but he had eventually decided against it as the potential risks were too great for him. Although, if he had seen some sort of display of power, he would've gladly gotten closer.
  6. IN THE NETHERWORLD Rumors had quickly spread about the latest "visitors" to the Netherworld. The trio of monsters had once again gathered together to discuss the latest and to plot out what they would do from here. BGM: Meta Knight's Scheme ???1: So, I'm certain you've both heard about what's going on, right? ???2: Real live humans here, meow! ???3: Wow, my hunch was actually correct. I honestly did NOT see that one coming. ???1: Don't let it get to your head, Jebediah. Anyway, I'm guessing that they're going to want us to deal with them, soooo...anyone have any ideas on what to do? ???2: We could always let them come to us, meow. ???1: And what, just sit here and let them wreak havoc?! Can't you do anything other than sit around and be lazy?! ???2: Mmm...nope, meow. ???1: -It lets out an exasperated sigh.- The strongest and fastest of us, yet also the laziest. Figures... Jebediah: I do have somewhat of an idea. Did anyone say where they were last seen? ???1: I heard that they were seen around the Scarlet Megalopolis Ruins.... Jebediah: Perfect, I should be able to spot them out from the air, then. I'll scout ahead to find out specifically where they are in the ruins. If they spot me, I'll be able to retreat fast enough and let you two know. In the meantime, I'll see if I can gather as much information about them as I possibly can. I want to figure out exactly just what they're capable of before we go in with our guns blazing. ???1: Hey, what about us? This is our chance to do something other than sit around and be useless! Jebediah: I want you two to also scout around the outskirts of the ruins. If they manage to escape my sight somehow, they more than likely won't escape you two. I also believe there will be others searching for them as well, so if you two manage to get yourselves in a dangerous situation, you should have plenty of assistance. The same goes for me, of course, though I will most likely be able to escape unscathed if things do somehow become dangerous. ???1: Sounds good to me. Let's go, Harupia. Harupia: I don't feel like it, meow. ???1: Too bad, you're going, so come on! Harupia: Whyyyyy am I ALWAYS stuck with Doukas, meow?! Doukas: Quit your crying and come on! The larger of the two monsters, Doukas, had proceeded to grab Harupia by the scruff and started to drag him to the Scarlet Megalopolis Ruins, the monster hissing and struggling the entire way. Jebediah thought to himself for a moment. Jebediah: Hmm...if this hunch was correct, then that might mean that these aren't just some run-of-the-mill humans that had the misfortune of stumbling upon the Netherworld. I think we'll have to be careful with them...which should mean that, if things do get dangerous, we're going to have quite a bit of fun. Heh...maybe I'll be able to learn something from them. With that, the Winged Warrior proceeded to fly off towards the Scarlet Megalopolis Ruins, preparing himself for what may come during the scouting mission.
  7. >Hears "Young Conker"

    >"Oh, so he's probably going to look like the Conker from Conker's Tales!"

    >Sees Young Conker




    He looks like an alien now! What did they DO?!

    1. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      She better close that mouth.

  8. Kahrelimi: Yes, it really is me! And yes, I have been training in the elemental arts. I think I've surpassed even my...mother...and father...and older siblings... She seemed to get choked up on those words. She still remembered what had happened that day in the city, almost as if it had happened yesterday. Kahrelimi: Uhh...anyway, I got here through the help of someone I know. I was actually hoping to land somewhere I was more familiar with, but I can't complain, especially since you're here! There's so much we need to talk about, like what you've been doing since we last saw each other!
  9. The young girl was soon broken out of her trance-like state after hearing a familiar voice not too far away from her location. Kahrelimi: Wait a minute...that voice sounds familiar! But I met him in the other world, how could he be... She turned towards the source of the voice only to be given a delightful surprise. She was shocked by who she saw. BGM: Airship Brigade Kahrelimi: Oro, is that really you?! Oh my goodness, you've changed so much since we last met! (OOC: Feels so weird posting the same picture for different expressions, but eh...only so much I can do with one picture!)
  10. AT THE OUTSKIRTS OF KALOS CITY BGM: Phantasy Star Online 2 - Frequent Current (OOC: Oddly enough, I can't seem to find a link for this track on YouTube. I can upload it to my puush if need be.) A young-looking girl could be seen making her way through the outskirts of the city. She may have stood out due to her strange robe-armor, but she didn't seem to care very much. It wasn't like there was anything around that could see her. Unbeknownst to her, however, she was slowly approaching someone she had known back at the place she came from... ???: How long have I even been wandering around here? There's clearly nothing interesting around here and yet, here I am, still walking around here...why did I even take up that offer? I could've killed HIM instead and he could've found out himself! Ugh, I'm so stupid sometimes...they're probably all worried sick about me by now, too... She let out a sigh, and continued to wander ever so closer to Oro. Her mind was drifting, filled with a slew of thoughts, it going over them one by one, and all the while, one thought stood out in her head: she should've told everyone what was going on before going through with it.
  11. Finally finished the base element magics for this group...now I have to work on the combination element magics...

  12. Same here. I've noticed that her attacks actually do have red CLSNs, but they don't show up for some reason. She can still be hit, though. I've also noticed that a lot of Incurable's characters seem to share some of the same issues, so it's really a bummer as this character seems like she'd be really fun to use and fight. I hope someone can make a fix for it...
  13. It happens on their Parace L'sia as well, but in that case, one of the files for skills was scrambled up. I'll see if this is the case for this character. EDIT: sys_ste.cns, sys_s.cns, sys_hel.cns, sys_-2.cns, ste.cns, pram_hel.cns, pram_-3.cns, art.cns, -1.cns are all in an improper format as everything in all of these files are mashed together in Notepad, similar to the aforementioned character's files. However, opening them in Notepad++ shows that they're in a proper format, albeit with no spaces between each state. Also, looking at the file, it seems that some lines require the character's position, so that might have something to do with the bug. EDIT 2: Looked at the sys_hel.cns, sys_s.cns, pram_-3.cns, art.cns, ad sys_-2.cns files, there are states that call for her current screen position so that might be the issue.
  14. MEANWHILE, IN THE UNDERWORLD... A conversation between a group monsters was occurring, both having a somewhat normal day...whatever normal in the Underworld is. Of course, they didn't know what was happening behind their backs. BGM: Warrior's Hideout ???1: All I'm wanting to do is get out of here and cause some destruction! Why can't I do that freely? Why do we have to be stuck here? ???2: What, you don't like having to do nothing, meow? ???1: I do, it's just that it gets boring having to sit around here every day! I want something new to do! ???3: Hey, I'm sure some idiot will come down here eventually...besides, who knows what's up there. ???1: What is there to worry about? They're probably all just sheep oblivious of the wolves around them up there, and even if they were strong, I could wipe them out easily! ???2: I hear some of them use magic, meow. Are you sure about that, meow? ???1: Of course! It's kind of hard to dodge bullets and beams, you know! ???3: What if that magic protects them from those bullets and beams? ???1: Well, I'll just fall upon you two, then! ???2: Pfff, I won't even go up there, meow! I'd prefer to stay down here, meow! ???3: Unlike you, I'm actually PATIENT when it comes to potential prey, so I won't be going up there any time soon. ???1: Oh, come on! You both know you'll eventually get bored of being down here! Why don't we do it today? Come on, it'll be fun! ???2: You two can go, I'll stay here and let Thanatos and Medusa know what happened to both of you, meow. ???1: I don't even think they'd care...in fact, I think they'd send you up there after us! ???3: Look, it's not even worth going up there right now. We don't know what it's like up there, we don't know what they have available... ???1: First-hand experience is the best way to learn! ???3: It's also the best way to die, moron! ???1: Oh, shut it, you overgrown moth! ???3: Whatever, you go on ahead and do whatever you're going to do. I'm certain you'll get really far with that rifle of yours. I hope it doesn't break! ???1: One of you HAS to come with me, though! I'm not going up there alone! ???2: I don't feel like it, meow. ???3: Not unless I find a really good reason to. ???1: -It sighs- Fine...I guess we'll just be stuck down here for another day... ???2: Good, it means we don't have to do anything again, meow! ???3: I have a hunch someone will come down here soon... ???1: You said that yesterday, and did it happen? No! ???3: Maybe it will today... ???1: I highly doubt it! Your hunches always seem to be wrong! And so the three monsters continued to talk amongst one another, waiting for something to happen eventually.
  15. Happy second birthday! What'd you get?

    1. yaminogun


      :OhYeah: sorry to disappoint you, but 28th feb is not my real birthday. but still thanks for your cares. maybe someday i reveal my real birthday to you. the purpose is to protect myself from hacker. its actually dedication for who born on 29th february http://www.kappit.com/img/pics/201510_1930_fahbe_sm.jpg

  16. It seems that Mugen doesn't like Websta's Seth and Hyde being teamed up against two opponents, because my Mugen just killed itself in the middle of them doing a combo.

  17. OOC: (Surely there has to be SOMEONE who can save the Neo Corporation from certain doom...)
  18. OOC: (Maybe they just haven't found the time to post yet? I'm itching to get involved myself!)
  19. Get that "current/previous year" excuse outta here! What the other two said stands true; I'll admit that Chuchoryu's sprites are top notch, easily some of the best sprites out there compared to others, but his characters usually play like complete crap. This Link is no different; it has its positives(nothing that makes him super broken) and negatives(has some exploitables), but overall it's not that great of a character, even for an alpha/beta release. If he wants something that's really good, he'd be better off partnering with a really good coder or something to create something that exceeds his previous..."creations", I suppose. I would hope that he would do that for this like, but I doubt it considering how his previous characters are and some other occurrences in the past.
  20. Awesome, this guy tops even the most OP character in my roster! Although, I did find an issue where sometimes when using the Y attack after getting put into a stun state by a character, he will get stuck in his sleeping intro.
  21. Well, it was in a previous version, but it doesn't look like there's any issues in this version that are blatantly obvious as the AI doesn't stop using Poison Breath after its head gets hit once and it doesn't use Bewitching Gaze once and then it's done. The infinite ChangeState has shown no signs of even being there, or at least there are no issues that cause Mugen to crash. As far as balancing, however, I'd probably increase the range of Shadow Flare if I were you as, on a normal stage, it cannot reach characters far away from the dragon's back, only characters close to the dragon. EDIT: Also, on that issue, the AI seems reluctant to use Bewitching Gaze despite me being in front of it. I've only had a few occasions where it did use it willingly, but otherwise it's a very rare occurrence. It's more prone to using Shadow Flare than Bewitching Gaze. EDIT 2: On a second note, this is all being done in 1.1, so I don't know if there is any difference in the 1.0 version. EDIT 3: I also found this little red hitbox that shows up after any status effect occurs to an enemy. So far, I've seen it occur with Disable, and it stays there: I've confirmed it also happens with Silence, but not Toad or Doom. It also occurs after Poison Breath lands, doesn't matter whether or not Poison is inflicted. I think these might be little issues, though, so it shouldn't be something that you have to worry about. I should also note, either on a rare occurrence or when certain conditions are met, a debug flood will occur where it seeks out P2's position after P2 is defeated in a 1v1. I've seen it happen twice, but unfortunately I haven't been able to grab screenshots of it yet.
  22. Holy crap...I never thought it was possible, but apparently Saitama can actually instantly kill Tiryu without having to wait for its summon time to expire!

    1. Solarflared


      It should have been obvious from the beginning.

    2. A person

      A person

      I tried doing it before. There's only one move he has that can actually instantly kill it, everything else does minimal damage. What's more is that that move heals the Gigante King fully.

  23. Well said...and chuchoryu suffers in the quality department. I'll check this Link out, but I don't have high hopes for it after his other characters... EDIT: Here's what I've found so far: -Boomerangs disappear when he turns around. -Light and Medium kicks do around the same amount of damage. -The bow is practically useless as it does very little damage and knocks over the opponent...if they're on the ground. If the opponent is in the air, they can be infinitely juggled with the bow AND it doesn't count as a combo, though the damage it deals is so low that you'd need a lot of patience in order to defeat an opponent like this. -Light Punch -> Medium Punch -> Heavy Punch works, but none of the kicks can be chained into one another nor can they chain into any of the punches. They can only chain into special abilities and the final smash.
  24. To those who roleplay...what do you find the most fun about it?

    1. A person

      A person

      Now that's a response I can agree with!

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