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A person

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Everything posted by A person

  1. Seeing that he was still struggling, Agni proceeded to go for another bite, this time towards his head. Agni: You WILL learn what a grave mistake you've made, human! Rudra, on the other hand, had to fly up and out of the way of the attacks, the knives cutting off a bit of his fur. Rudra: That human you bit is still alive, Agni! Let me fix that...Bullesco! Rudra proceeded to spit out several large bubbles that started to make their way towards Tommy. BULLESCO: The user of this skill will summon forth several bubbles which will seek out a target. Upon being near the target or colliding with an object, the bubbles will explode, sending out a powerful blast of water in all directions. This blast is capable of breaking bones if a victim is close enough to the explosion, and can knock the victim far away. The bubbles can be nullified by a spell of equal or greater power. Rudra: Perhaps I'll have to take a bite out of YOU instead, human!
  2. "Fiona" gasped and charged at Tommy, giving him a big hug. "Fiona": Tommy, you're alive! Thank goodness, I thought we had lost you forever! Despite the bad pun, "she" still giggled at it. "Fiona": Still as amusing as always!
  3. Agni, having been protected by the barrier Rudra placed upon him, stared at him for a moment before wrapping a blazing hot hand around his body and arms. The barrier was slightly damaged, but still remained. Agni: Do you think speedy strikes will save you? Haha, you're very funny! Do you REALLY think you can fight us alone?! If so, allow me to teach you otherwise! Agni proceeded to lunge down at Yamazaki's neck, aiming to sink his fangs into it. Rudra scanned the area, watching out for any other unwanted guests. Rudra: And if anyone else dares to interfere, I will make sure they regret it!
  4. "She" giggled. It made "her" feel more comfortable knowing that he was prone to minor mistakes like "she" was. "Fiona": It's okay; I sometimes find it difficult to remember the names of others as well. My last name is Mayfield.
  5. "She" let out a sigh of relief. "Fiona": Thank you so, so much. If it wasn't for you, he may not be with us anymore... "Fiona": ...but what did you mean when you said "Ms. Wakefield"? Might that be someone you know?
  6. His words gave "her" some hope. "She" soon stopped crying, and immediately tore off a part of the ribbon on the back of "her" dress. "She" handed it to him. "Fiona": I do not know if this will be good enough, but I am hoping it will at least do something!
  7. Agni turned towards the newest opponent, and swung his arm at him, sending a wave of fire in his direction. Agni: No interlopers allowed! If you ignore me, you will regret what you will cause. Rudra decided that taking to the air would be the best plan of action, and did so, flying higher into the air. Rudra: Haha, he thinks he can actually do anything to us! Here, Agni, I'll make things easier for you! Coclea! Agni's body was now shrouded in a shell of light, temporarily protecting him from attacks up to a certain extent, but also allowing him to attack and use magic against his opponents. COCLEA: The user of this skill will create a shell of light around an intended target, protecting the target from an amount of damage proportional to the amount of damage they can handle. While under the effects of this shell, all attacks will not affect the target until it is broken, meaning the effects of all non-piercing attacks(physical and magic) will be absorbed by the barrier. Piercing attacks will deal more damage to the barrier. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "Fiona" looked up at Elias, hopeful that he would be able to do something. "Fiona": Please, help him...I don't want him to die...
  8. As the battle ensued, "Fiona" had quickly snuck in and grabbed Tommy's body, dragging it out of the chaos. "Fiona": Someone, anyone, help! Tommy is injured badly! I am not sure if he is even alive! "She" proceeded to set "her" sword down, and examined him closely. Tears welled up in "her" eyes. "Fiona": If only I was able to help... Jebediah was going mad on the inside. Jebediah: Kill...kill...kill, kill, kill KILL KILL KILL! KILL THEM ALL! KILL EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM! END THIS TORTURE, PLEASE!
  9. Brothers in Arms still playing. Agni and Rudra looked at the two new opponents. Agni scoffed at them. Agni: Rudra, it's the two traitors. Rudra: Those rats? Hmm...where's the third? I would've loved to have been able to take a bite out of him! Agni: Maybe you'll get a chance to take a bite out of one of them. How about...we make that possible now? Rudra: Gladly! Unda Gelu! Rudra proceeded to slam a paw onto the ground, sending out a wave of sharp icicles along the ground at the trio in front of them, attempting to impale them upon them, or at least heavily damage them. UNDA GELU: The user of this skill will slam a limb into the ground, causing a wave of icicles to be sent out in a wide arc in front of them, the icicles growing in size the further the wave goes. At the end of the wave's distance, the largest icicles will come out, dealing the most possible damage. Stronger versions will cause enemies to also be frozen to the ground upon being hit by this. Agni ran in an arc at the trio, staying out of the path of the icicle wave coming at them. Agni: I've been waiting for this moment for a long time...Kogorou and Nero. Show me what you're capable of! And as for you, human...you had best stay out of this if you want to live.
  10. The fireball was consumed by the beam, which Agni hopped out of the way of. Rudra seemed relatively unfazed by the blasters. Agni: So you're NOT the human I just killed? Because I actually enjoyed the free power he gave me. Anyway, Rudra, let's show this human something nice, shall we? Rudra flew down to Agni's side, and turned towards E.T. Rudra: Certainly, Agni! They both opened their mouths, and aimed at E.T. Celsius Blast! A powerful blast of blue, extremely cold fire exited their mouths, the blast heading directly towards E.T. and growing larger the closer it got to him. CELSIUS BLAST: A skill requiring the combination of fire and ice, the user(s) of this skill will send out a massive blast of fire known as Celsius Fire, a blue, cold fire that freezes anything it touches along with burning anything it touches, making it a very dangerous fire. As the blast goes further away from the user(s), it will expand, making it more difficult for an enemy to evade it. However, it will fade away after traveling a good distance.
  11. Agni proceeded to spit a fireball at Evil Tommy. Agni: I thought I killed you! How are you still alive?! Rudra, unaware of the imminent threat, proceeded to unleash the attack he was preparing. Gigrants! Rudra proceeded to fire off concentrated rays of light from his body in all directions, their power amplified to an even greater level due to the power absorbed from Tommy's Divine Retribution attack. Even looking at the dragon for a second as he used this attack was enough temporary blind anyone, and getting hit by the rays would cause massive damage. GIGRANTS: An advanced version of Grants, the user of this skill will send rays of light in all directions from their body, each ray causing burns to those they hit. Observing the user as they are using this skill can cause temporary blindness, and getting hit by the rays can cause confusion to someone who is unaware of what is going on.
  12. Unamused by this silliness, the dragon proceeded to sink his fangs into Tommy's neck. Afterwards, he proceeded to begin shaking him around by it and eventually throwing him towards the group. Agni: Which one of you spineless cowards is next?! Rudra was still charging the attack. Agni was watching the group closely to make sure there were no surprise attacks.
  13. Agni sank his fangs into the shield...and then yanked it out of Tommy's grasp, tossing it away. Agni: I said that's enough. He proceeded to lunge down at his neck again, going for another neck bite. Rudra proceeded to fly up into the air, and began charging a powerful light-based attack. Rudra: This is going to be fun...for me!
  14. Rudra: Moron! Absorption! The beams of light were absorbed into Rudra's body, causing him to begin to radiate with a brilliant glow. ABSORPTION: The user of this skill will absorb any energy related to their primary element(s) into their body, causing them to be temporarily strengthened depending on how much energy was absorbed. Agni proceeded to wrap a seething hot hand around Tommy's body. Agni: That's enough of that from you. Agni proceeded to open his massive maw, and lunged down at Tommy's neck, attempting to sink his seething hot fangs into it.
  15. The two dragons proceeded to charge at him simultaneously. Agni: I sure hope your friends can help you out of this one, human! Rudra: And if not...well, I'll be happy to put "He tried" on your headstone for you!
  16. Seeing the situation they were in, the two proceeded to use a combination ability. Swap! The two switched positions, Rudra now being in front of Tommy and Agni now being in the air...briefly, until he fell down. Rudra proceeded to redirect the water back at Tommy while Agni's flames grew even more. He looked like a flare now. SWAP: The user will switch positions with another user of the skill. The two must be a certain distance from each other for the skill to take effect. It has no effect if only one person uses the skill. After landing on the ground, Agni began to circle around Tommy, to his left. Agni: You really are an imbecile, you know that? You don't fight two dragons alone, ever!
  17. Agni: Then do it! Agni continued to eat the fireballs, the flames coming from his body growing more and more intense each fireball. Even after getting hit by a few here and there, he was entirely unscathed. Rudra circled around to Tommy's back, and prepared another blast of water. Rudra: Maybe you should go back home before we destroy you, child! I'm certain mommy and daddy miss you dearly! Unless you want them to miss you even more, of course! Proluvies! He proceeded to fire off the water blast at Tommy's back.
  18. Agni held his mouth open as he swallowed each fireball, one after another. After doing so, he shut his mouth. The flames protruding from his body were now more intense. Agni: Delicious! Mind giving me more? Rudra proceeded to charge up a powerful blast of water in his mouth...then unleashed it in Tommy's direction. Proluvies! PROLUVIES: The user of this skill will charge a powerful blast of water either on the tip of a weapon, in their mouth, or from a hand, and will unleash it. This blast of water is capable of heavily damaging some of the strongest metals, so a human body might not fare very well against it.
  19. Brothers in Arms still playing. Agni proceeded to grab the fireball out of the air. Agni: Haha, let me show you how to use that fire! He proceeded to eat the fireball. Afterwards, he spewed out a powerful blast of fire directed at Tommy. Rudra remained in the air. Rudra: You should really stop moving...Glacio! Rudra proceeded to spit a ball of ice at Tommy's feet. If it hit, he would be frozen in place for a while, rendering him unable to move. GLACIO: This skill can be used in two ways. The first method is where the user will enchant their hands with the power of ice, allowing them to place bodies of ice on the ground or freeze a victim upon touch. The second method is where the user will conjure a ball of ice, and will send it at either a victim or the ground, allowing them to place bodies of ice down and freeze victims from a safe distance.
  20. Agni proceeded to grab Tommy's dagger hand as he went in for the stab. Agni: So squishy, so fragile...it's going to be fun to toy with you! He proceeded to lift Tommy up by his arm, and slammed him face-first against the ground with great force. He then kicked him away. Rudra soon turned his attention to Tommy. Rudra: Agni, don't kill him just yet...I want to have my fun with him later! Agni: Very well...just don't take too long! Agni proceeded to conjure a large fireball in his right hand. It slowly grew in size until it was the size of a basketball. Rafoie! He proceeded to lob the fireball at the group, aiming to cause as much damage as possible. Upon hitting someone or the ground, it would cause a massive explosion that would knock everyone away, along with causing massive damage and possibly setting some people ablaze if they didn't get away in time. RAFOIE: The user of this skill will conjure a massive fireball which can be lobbed. Upon hitting the ground, the fireball will explode, causing massive damage and destruction in an area. This will also set those in its range ablaze, dealing damage over time. This can be charged up to 5 times, the 5th charge having the largest area and doing the most damage. Rudra proceeded to follow this up as a bright light shrouded his body. He was focusing on Tommy. Holy Shower! Concentrated rays of light shot down at Tommy from Rudra's body. These rays were strong enough to severely burn Tommy if he was not fast enough to get away. HOLY SHOWER: The user of this skill will begin to glow, bright light radiating from their body. Afterwards, concentrated rays of light will shine from their body, each ray aimed at a given target. These rays are capable of causing severe burns and can even permanently blind someone if the rays hit their eyes. Just looking at the user as they are using this can also result in temporary blindness. "Fiona" proceeded to dash away as fast as "she" could due to the fireball. Despite Tommy being there, "she" could only save "herself". "Fiona": Tommy...please survive...we're counting on you!
  21. BGM: Brothers in Arms Agni noticed Tommy and let out a hearty laugh. Agni: You must be the idiot of the group! Well, let's see what you're capable of, human! Agni stood his ground, getting into a defensive stance as Tommy approached. Rudra flew into the air, and proceeded to unleash another attack. Ice Storm! A cold blast of air came upon the group...followed by a rain of icicles from above. ICE STORM: The user of this skill will call upon a freezing wind which summons icicles from the air above, causing icicles to rain down upon an area. These icicles will not only damage those they hit, but they will also temporarily freeze those they hit, leaving them defenseless and less resistant to fire-based attacks. "Fiona", after blocking the two blasts, had proceeded to cover "herself" with "her" sword. "Fiona": Oh, if only I could hit him out of the air!
  22. OOC: (Not scripted, so I don't know, but I'm hoping to force them to escape.)
  23. OOC: (Stop, filler time!) As the group prepared to go to Medusa herself, yet another threat introduced itself in the form of two dragons. ???1: Nobody's going anywhere... ???2: ...because this is where your your quest ends...forever! Agni, let's not wait...and deal with them now! AGNI: The flaming twin of Rudra, this dragon is considered to be one of the most powerful in all of the Underworld, only tied in power with his brother. His powerful flame attacks are known for rendering anything that stands before him into nothing but ash, so he is feared greatly. Agni: Certainly, Rudra! Flame Blast! RUDRA: The icy and holy twin of Agni, this dragon shares the reputation of being one the most powerful dragons in all of Underworld with his brother. His freezing attacks will turn any unfortunate victim into a block of ice, and his holy attacks are capable of smiting anyone, making him very difficult to deal with as an enemy. Rudra: Freezing Blast! The two dragons sent out their attacks simultaneously, Agni from the left side of the group and Rudra from the right side of the group. FLAME BLAST: The user of this skill will send out a powerful blast of flame from their body, either from the hands or from the mouth. This will send out a wave of fire capable of burning even the most flame-resistant items if strong enough. FREEZING BLAST: The user of this skill will send out a cold wave of frost from their body, either from the hands or from the mouth. This wave has the capability of freezing anything it touches; this also has the added effect of making anything frozen by it more susceptible to fire and burns. "Fiona" hardly had any time to pick up her sword before she could use it as a shield. "Fiona": They didn't even give me the time to prepare myself! I have a bad feeling about this...
  24. OOC: (Oh, and I'm going to temporarily slim down the character count when the big baddie comes to Kalos, since Kahre needs to get back to the world she was at before, and there's only one way she knows will work.)
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