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A person

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Everything posted by A person

  1. "Fiona": How did you name them if you were all born at the same time? Unless...you are the most intelligent! But I still don't understand...and how come he likes committing crimes? It's like...you're triplets, yet you're all different people somehow... "She" was very confused now; "she" always thought that twins had similar behaviors, but these three sounded like completely different people sharing only appearance and name.
  2. "Fiona": So you all have the same name..."Gangster"? Umm... "Fiona": ...could you please tell me what that means? I've never really heard that word before...and- What he had said soon clicked in "her" mind. "Fiona": Wait a minute..."put 'evil' in his name?" Is that his nickname, or did you actually name him?
  3. "Fiona": Wow, that's amazing! This is the first time I've actually heard of anything like that as usually it's one after the other, but all at the same time? Wow! Having finished the introductions, "she" picked up her sword. "Fiona": Oh...would you mind if I asked what G.T. and E.T. happen to stand for? I don't mind if you want to keep it personal; I would understand.
  4. "She" curtsied towards the two, but couldn't help but notice that the two "escorts" looked almost exactly like Tommy. "Fiona": Nice to meet you, Tommy! And nice to meet you, G.T. and E.T.! I can't help but notice that you three look very similar...I'm guessing you're triplets?
  5. "She" smiled up at him. ???: Thank you! And yes, many people have. I come from a noble family, so politeness is a necessity! "She" then realized "she" forgot to do the most important thing: introduce "herself". ???: Oh, I'm so sorry! I completely forgot to introduce myself! "She" set "her" sword down upon the ground, and curtsied. "Fiona": My name is Fiona Mayfield. I grew up in a noble household. Though I'm...not the smartest, I'm still willing to help in any way I can! Might I ask what your names are?
  6. "She" looked up at him, and smiled, proceeding to take his hand and try to stand up, making sure to leave "her" sword on the ground. After standing up, "she" dusted herself off and curtsied towards him in thanks. ???: Thank you...I'm sorry if this was an inconvenience. "She" proceeded to pick up "her" sword. ???: Anyway, um...I was thinking about our situation and...I was wondering if I could travel with you three? We're all in a place unknown, so I think traveling together would be a better idea. "She" didn't seem to notice the others in the group, but Jebediah certainly did. He was especially focused on the three demons that followed Necrox. Jebediah: I still can't believe that they even follow him...they're more than capable of killing him together; how can they not understand that this is a world where you either kill or be killed? I hope they have other things planned for him...otherwise I'll have to do away with them myself just to teach them how things work here.
  7. Mentioning Medusa was probably not the best idea... ???: Oh, that's a shame...but Medusa? Do you mean the monster with snakes for hair that has a petrifying gaze? She's here?! ???: Oh no, I don't want to be turned into stone! She was scared now; she loved fairytales, but the last thing she wanted was for a monster like Medusa to turn out to be real. She started to pace, trying to think of an idea...and then proceeded to stumble over a rock on the ground. She tried to save herself from hitting the ground by using her sword, but she was too slow and proceeded to fall flat on her face. ???: Oww...
  8. Hearing their comments, she turned around and smiled at them. ???: It's okay! I would be cautious, too... ???: But...do you know where this is? I don't really know where I am or how I even got here...all I do know is that it isn't a nice place!
  9. The shadows soon faded away, revealing "her" complete appearance. "She" gasped out of worry, and politely bowed. ???: Oh, I'm so, so sorry! If I'm causing you pain, I'll leave! M-maybe someone else can help me... With that, she proceeded to begin walking off. Jebediah chucked to himself in his mind. Jebediah: This should be easy if I can pull on their heartstrings...if that fool Necrox is so gullible as to trust his friends entirely, then surely these humans will be just as easy to fool.
  10. MULTIVERSAL NETHERWORLD A shadowy figure carrying a large sword had followed the two clones into the portal. The sound of metal-on-rock from the sword dragging along the ground could be picked up by a keen ear. The figure soon lifted up the sword. ???: U-uhm...e-excuse me...
  11. So apparently Chuchoryu's Link gets I-frames while shooting his bow...

    1. Doomguy


      The infernal eternal beta streak continues...

  12. Kahrelimi lets out a disappointed sigh. She was hoping she would be able to participate sooner, but it appeared there was no chance of that happening without going to the Multiversal Netherworld, a place where she would be severely crippled in terms of magic. Kahrelimi: Well...I suppose the only thing I...no, WE can do now is hope for their safety and success...unless you have something planned? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SCARLET MEGALOPOLIS RUINS Jebediah watched him drive off, chuckling to himself as he did. Jebediah: Oh, Necrox...you clearly have no idea what I'm capable of. I've been holding back on you this entire time...you're really just not worth the effort. And besides, I don't want all of that power...I just get a kick out of messing with you! But you don't seem to realize that...oh well...maybe one day you'll get to the point I take you seriously, but until that day... Jebediah proceeded to actually land on the ground. A dark energy swirled around his body, causing his appearance to change. ???: I'll just laugh at you as we fight! Maybe one of your friends will be the one I take seriously... DAMMUTABO: An advanced version of Mutabo, the user of this skill shrouds themselves in a cloak of darkness, giving them the ability to change their outward appearance to whatever they want. Along with this, the user's abilities and skills will also change according to the form they take. The user can also use certain active and passive skills available in their normal form; those who are aware of illusions(Illusion Awareness) can see straight through it, however. The "new" person followed Necrox's trail, hoping to be led to the group. OOC:(I love tricksters, can you tell?)
  13. Kahrelimi: Two teams? Hmm...this makes things more interesting...but it sounds as though assistance may be needed in the Distortion, so would it be possible for you to take me there?
  14. Jebediah quickly flew underneath Necrox as he approached, flying underneath both the bullets and the punch, and flew back up behind him, looping around in the air . Jebediah: Of course you aren't going to chicken out! I already know how arrogant you are! It's just that you should be afraid that you have no power here. He swiped the claws of his bottom wings at Necrox's back with great speed, attempting to gouge into it. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Kahrelimi does so; though she found it unusual that she had to hold his hand before and now had to place her hand on his back, she soon dropped the thought and carried on. Kahrelimi: Hello there, Magio. My name is Kahrelimi. I'm wanting to know if I can be of assistance to you and your friends as I have heard of what your group is attempting to do. I'm hoping it won't be too much of a bother...
  15. B. B. Hood is a homicidal schizophrenic fueled purely by greed? My kind of character!

  16. Jebediah chuckled to himself. He decided to play his hand. Jebediah: Very well...are you ready? This is going to be a big one! He closed his eyes, a dark energy gathering around his body. He opened his mouth...then let out a chirp, causing his eyes to glow red and signifying that Spell Eater was active. The energy soon faded away, but his eyes were still glowing. Jebediah: There. My big attack. SPELL EATER: The user of this skill prevents the use of any spells, skills, and abilities within an area, including their own. All beings in the area are reduced to using only normal weapons and close combat to fight their opponents. He figured that preventing the use of his own, Necrox's, and his Esper's skills would be of huge assistance to him; since he was both fast and strong, this would make things a lot easier for him, though he knew that Necrox's skill with guns would still make things dangerous as the projectiles were very difficult to dodge. At least, he believed, the playing ground was leveled somewhat.
  17. Jebediah's barrier had finally faded away. He circled around him and the Esper in the air, eyeing them closely. He couldn't help himself but laugh; the words he had said previously had made him think that escape for him was impossible, but a barrier of his element? It was a dream come true for him. However, he knew that he was more than likely outmatched in a battle like this; though the air was his territory, the fact that he could easily summon creatures to aid him in battle would make things more dangerous. Jebediah: You know this isn't going to get us anywhere, Necrox...I thought you would've figured out by now that you and you alone are incapable of killing me, no matter what tricks you try using against me. Perhaps you think that that summoned creature of yours will make things different...but you would be dead wrong about that assumption. In fact...I would go so far as to say that you're better off without your little minions! There was a sparkle in his eyes. He was clearly preparing something.
  18. Jebediah's antennae lost their purple glow, signifying that Mimicry was now disabled. Protected by the barrier, he proceeded to fly up and out of the path of Yamazaki's attacks, the barrier just barely managing to survive the barrage. Jebediah: That's a bit too close for comfort! Since he was still protected by the barrier, he could either disable it or get up close to attack, both of which he didn't want to risk, so he decided to stick to the air instead.
  19. Seeing the beam approaching, Jebediah had thought quickly, then remembered the skill he copied from Tommy. He wrapped himself with his wings... Jebediah: ACTIVATE ATOMIC BARRIER! A large barrier had covered his body, protecting him from the beam. It was promptly reflected back at Alice by the barrier. Jebediah chuckled from within as he continued flapping his wings to keep himself in the air, still protected by the barrier. A skill orb had come from Alice's body and made its way to Jebediah, but he let it fade away. Jebediah: I can already tell this is going to be very enjoyable! Come on, you motherless dogs! Show me what you're truly capable of!
  20. I'd say The None's Giygas, but that's taken, so OMEGAPSYCHO's Infinity Phalanx; a tough but fun fight!
  21. These B.B. Hood portraits are amazing...I might have to use them! 




  22. SCARLET MEGALOPOLIS RUINS BGM: Spiral Tracker -Val Rodos- Jebediah had shot a death glare at Ichigo. Jebediah: I can tell that you have a lot to live for, soulless one. This is a matter that you shouldn't get yourself involved in. In fact... A powder started to fall from Jebediah's wings. He started to fly in circles above the group, causing the powder to slowly fall down upon them. Those who would inhale it would begin to feel drowsy...and would soon fall into a deep sleep. Jebediah: Sleep now...you will soon find yourselves in a better place. SLEEP DUST: The user of this ability will produce and scatter a dust about the area that induces exhaustion which shortly leads into sleep. Whatever the user can use to scatter the dust will be the source of the dust.
  23. Tons of talking pictures for roleplays on Pixiv...most of which are for females. I've found very few talking pictures for males so far.

    1. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      And they keep releasing various portraits of the same purple haired girl (specifically this one) and the blonde girl who looks like Call from Mighty N°9 (ahem...) for some reason. ((And the overload of touhou portraits as well...))

      I use this tag to search there, but haven't got anything this past few months 立ち絵

    2. A person

      A person

      Ahhh...those two are from the VOICEROID program thingy! Yeah, there's plenty of talking portraits for them, as well as Touhou characters. I use these two tags to find my pictures, though:


    3. TotalDramaXtremist


      I found some pretty useful ones for Rock Howard. They'll come in hand for the RP thread. :)

  24. OOC:(I plan on having him leave the Underworld along with the others when they attempt to escape the trap there, so there's a high chance of it happening.)
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