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A person

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Everything posted by A person

  1. When people dominate chats like this, it is very annoying: http://puu.sh/iXXby/6bd272170a.png 

  2. f10d33a4ef.png ...yeah, no.

  3. Being able to properly roleplay 4 or 5 characters from a game you've never even played is surprisingly pretty useful.

    1. SSBKing65✯


      Well, of course!. It all depends on your personality and voice skills I'd say.

  4. Happy 4th of July, everyone. Hope it's a happy and safe one. :)

    1. SSBKing65✯


      Happy 4th to you too, reuploaded that link to Morino if you still want her.

    2. A person

      A person

      Thanks, I made sure to download her as soon as I saw it!

  5. Very nicely done, as always!
  6. Morino-San's link appears to be missing. It only leads to her picture instead.
  7. A person


    I kind of liked the levels, but I guess there is a need for titles that are names instead of going by levels. Maybe starting from something like Lurker if you have no posts, to Greenhorn if you make a post, and then going all the way up to Sage or something. Not sure what to fill in the rest with, however.
  8. Oh boy, this collection was long needed. Very nicely done, SSBK65. Now I don't have to look around everywhere or make my own conversions!
  9. Updated 06/25/2015 http://www1.axfc.net/u/3492383 Seems like he redid the sprites and added/changed up her moves a bit. I'll see if I can find out what exactly is different. EDIT: Both parts of 2y can now hit downed opponents. 2x now hits downed opponents. 236x now hits downed opponents. 236y now causes the opponent to bounce off of the ground. This also applies to airborne opponents. 214x now hits downed opponents. 236236x/y's projectile now knocks over the opponent upon hitting Not sure if there's any other moves, but otherwise, the damage and hitflags are the same on everything else.
  10. http://puu.sh/iEHFN/c465a2f805.png Creepy advertisement.

    1. Flowrellik


      eeeeeeh I don't get it. its just a black screen with dots.

    2. A person

      A person

      Neither did I. It made me wonder if it was something that would actually track your webcam, but, fortunately, I don't use one. There were also clickable spots on it around the dots as well, but everything else could not be clicked.

    3. Flowrellik


      be careful if this pops up again. I suggest doing full scans on your PC in case of bullshit like malware or whatnot. I'd also advise the use of adblock software like adblock plus and whatnot.

  11. http://puu.sh/iFW5v/93bfe6e897.png "I might also be a bit insane but that doesn't bother me!" my face aaaa

  12. I know one of the characters I wish were in MUGEN is Queen Clara from DFO. I'd love to be able to summon chess pieces and use them against my opponent like she can. Her slap is also pretty good as it sends a whirlwind out. And then...her pirouette spin...that move would be so good in MUGEN.
  13. I'm actually kind of liking the new look.

  14. Aaaah, the statuses are all shortened on the main page now!

  15. It's like it's night time right now.

  16. (Oh boy, we've got a bit of a problem on our hands if all of the roleplaying threads are forced to be merged into this one!)
  17. I say we could use more RBO characters.

  18. Oooh, those are the sprites from the KFX Meiling someone made! Definitely grabbing it even if she isn't the same as she was in KFX.
  19. All things are in flux and nothing is permanent. (I suck at typing right now.)

  20. Nice! I've been waiting for a stage like this! Now I finally have a use for the Mt. Dedede theme from Smash 4!
  21. 0/10 I'm so tough, I took down an Alatreon, a Lunastra, a Chameleos, and a Dah'ren Mohran in the same night without getting hit once.
  22. Does anyone happen to have a link to the author's website(if there is one)? I think it would be best if it were possible to have it available since I would assume that would be the best place to watch for any updates.
  23. I know I'd be pretty happy after killing something like Legion.
  24. Looks MUCH better than the Athena edits. Already have high hopes for this one!
  25. WinRAR doesn't want to open any of the files containing Excham's stages.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. A person

      A person

      I'm not sure if it's actually the program itself as it can open up other RARs just fine, but it's saying that the header "???" is corrupt or something other.

    3. SSBKing65✯


      Then that means the archive is corrupt. You might be able to repair the it as WinRAR does have that feature.

    4. A person

      A person

      I actually tried that with one file, but there was an "unexpected end of archive file" whenever I tried to extract the files.

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