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A person

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Everything posted by A person

  1. Kahrelimi: Very well...this isn't of any trouble to you, right? If it is, I think we should stop for now. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SCARLET MEGALOPOLIS RUINS Jebediah quickly flew out of the way of the reflected beam, narrowly avoiding heavy damage. However, a skill orb had come from Tommy's body and flew to Jebediah, giving him a copy of the Atomic Barrier ability. He was disappointed with the result of the attack, but he was at least happy something went down. He flew out from the top of the building, looking down at the group from high in the air, and shouted down at Necrox. Jebediah: I knew they'd go down easily. They always seem to disappoint me greatly...oh well, why don't we see which one of us is stronger now, Necrox? Perhaps you'll be surprised... Just make sure nobody else tries to get involved, or I'll have to give them my..."personal"...treatment. Of course, he more than likely wasn't going to stay for long. He knew Necrox was a force to be reckoned with, but dealing with him alone would be difficult. It would also make things more difficult if his other "friends" had gotten involved, so he had to think carefully about his actions.
  2. SCARLET MEGALOPOLIS RUINS Jebediah watched in awe at the beating the dragon was taking. He felt somewhat bad for it...which had given him an idea. It was a gamble, but it was worth seeing what would happen if he did it. Jebediah: It's time to turn their own skill upon them...but afterwards, I'm going to have to go far away. BGM: エキゾチックAMATSU Jebediah proceeded to conjure an orb of darkness, and fired it towards the sun. Afterwards, several orbs appeared, and sent rays of darkness into his body, causing him to radiate with a dark energy. Taste the power of darkness! Dark Filament! With that, Jebediah proceeded to fire a massive beam of darkness down at the group below, including the dragon. He didn't care what happened, as long as something was badly injured or even killed in the attack. As he was using it, however, he could feel his knowledge of the skill slipping away. So it's a one-time use...a shame; I was hoping to be able to use it more! No matter...I'll just find something more...permanent...next time. He knew that what would come afterwards would force him to flee, so he had steeled himself for what was to come.
  3. Great character, I like it a lot! Also, remember that posts about characters you've made go into the Releases forum! The News forum is for characters made by other authors.
  4. Kahrelimi: -She lets out a sigh.- Doesn't sound like it, unfortunately...but it sounds like a very interesting place. Is that Giovanni there with you? Maybe that other Traveler? Perhaps I could convince them to allow me to help you...
  5. Kahrelimi: I see...I'm certain you'll be able to make it out of there, considering what Oro has told me about you. As far as I go, my name is Kahrelimi. I'm an old friend of Oro's. We met...mmm...I don't really remember how long ago now! But we've met before, and we knew each other very well. Anyway, if I were able to go to your location right now, I'd gladly assist you in the situation you're in. After all, all I've done here so far is wander around mindlessly and mingle with Oro, so a little bit of excitement wouldn't hurt! However, I should ask...where exactly ARE you?
  6. Kahrelimi nodded, and held on tightly to his hand. It was a firm grip, but not something that could potentially hurt his hand. Soon, her voice came through. Kahrelimi: Hello, LightFlare! How are things going for you?
  7. SCARLET MEGALOPOLIS RUINS Two skill orbs were headed towards Jebediah, one from Giovanni and another from Necrox. Seeing how powerful the Dark Filament skill was, he immediately took the skill orb, replacing Zonde with Dark Filament, and letting the other skill orb fade away. Jebediah was both overjoyed and terrified at the same time. Jebediah: Their power is beyond anything I've ever seen...but now I have a fragment of that power and they don't even know it. Hmm...what to do with this... Mimicry remained active, but it would take an even stronger skill for him to replace the one he currently had...and he had hoped a stronger skill would soon show itself. He was curious as to how the others were doing as well, considering he had lost track of part of the group.
  8. Her eyes widened as she listened to the story. She seemed to enjoy the story quite a bit, though it sounded very familiar to her as if there was someone she knew with a story like it. Kahrelimi: Wow...I didn't think it'd be so interesting. It might just be me, though, but that story sounds vaguely familiar...I can't put my finger on why, but it just sounds as if I've heard something like it before. Anyway, now that I've heard his story...I just have to meet him now! Tell him to hurry up and beat down everything there, he's got a very nice guest waiting for him! She seemed overly excited, but considering what LightFlare had learned, her reasons for being excited were probably more than just wanting to know him on a personal level. She also seemed to not even be worried in the slightest about his well-being...she seemed to think he was more than capable of taking care of himself.
  9. OOC: (If he's in the Distortion, he wouldn't be able to find him. If he's in the Underworld, he'd be able to see him. I'm not sure where Dusk is, but I remember Tommy not wanting to be teamed up with him.)
  10. Kahrelimi: Ahh, well, I HAVE learned many things since we last met! I would show off my abilities here, but I think they're best preserved when the time comes. I get the feeling that that time will come soon, though, so maybe you'll be able to see me in action once again! Anyway, this LightFlare pupil of yours...would you be able to tell me more about him as well? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SCARLET MEGALOPOLIS RUINS After Tommy had pulled off his incredible ability, a small skill orb had come from him and quickly made its way to Jebediah. Zonde was about to be replaced by Burning Knuckle. And though Jebediah had gained a new, more powerful ability, he was displeased with two things: one, the skill was meant for close combat, and two, the chunk he intended on slowing them down with had been destroyed in a single strike. Jebediah: Yes, another ability! This one is much stronger, but I'd rather not have to get close...I'll have to drop the ability for now and stick with this lightning ability, but now I know that debris won't be enough to stop them. The skill orb that came from Tommy had faded away, meaning Zonde was still the mimicked ability. He continued watching the group, keeping a close eye on them to see if everything was all clear. He especially kept an eye on Tommy and Wizrock as he had copied their abilities. OOC: (The skill orbs are visible to the one using Mimicry and the ones whose abilities have been copied. And it's fine; that wasn't unfair in the slightest as it was expected.)
  11. SCARLET MEGALOPOLIS RUINS After Wizrock had casted Lightning, a small skill orb had come from the rock and flown all the way to Jebediah, granting him a copy of the Lightning ability called Zonde, but Mimicry was still active. BGM: Underworld -chaos- Jebediah: Hmm...I think I'll try and gain another ability, but I suppose I'll keep this one at the ready. I could also have some fun with it! Zonde! Jebediah had used the newfound ability, aiming the bolt of lightning at a ruined building near the group. Upon impact with the destroyed building's side, a large chunk of it fell off, threatening to crush anyone standing below it. Afterwards, the Winged Warrior had quickly flown to the rooftop of another building nearby and stayed low to avoid being spotted.
  12. Kahrelimi giggled along with him. Kahrelimi: Well, at least you get a bit social, hehe! Anyway, other than what's happening as we speak... Her ears perk up as she says this and her eyes light up, hinting that she was getting excited. Kahrelimi: Has anything else big happened previously in this world while you were in it? I'd like to know more about it as well.
  13. Kahrelimi's eyes light up with excitement. It appeared to her that fun here may have been the same as fun there. Kahrelimi: Ooooh, an intense battle, you say? Do you know if anyone else with him? Do you know where he is exactly? Does he need any help? She soon calmed herself down, restraining herself somewhat to prevent bombarding him with questions. What was more important at the moment was trying to catch up with Oro completely. Kahrelimi: Excuse me...anyway, I guess you can tell that I get a bit excited when I hear about combat, especially now since it's a been a long time since I've actually tasted true combat. I should set the focus back on you since it's been so long, so what do you do while your pupil is away?
  14. Drumsticks are very deadly weapons.
  15. Steam has overlay support for MUGEN 1.1b1, not sure about the other MUGENs.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ryon


      it does?!

    3. A person

      A person

      Yes! Add it to your library and try it out!

    4. jenngra505


      Doesn't work on Mugen 1.0

  16. One of these days, I'm going to try out both the KFX version of these characters and the MUGEN version of these characters to see just how accurate they are, heh heh heh...I don't doubt your skill, however; I'm just curious since you did add a few things that actually make them better than their KFX counterparts IMO. The Eight Marbles characters, though...eeeeeeeeeh naaaaaaaah...not really a fan of that game...
  17. This is good. I'm very glad I wasn't the only person who believed that everything should be shared as I do find it very silly for a creator to not share their works with anyone(looking at your chespin and victini, @GarchompMatt, as well as many others with "private characters"). If I actually had the skill to make characters like others here in the MUGEN community, I'd gladly share all of them, from WIPs to completed characters. One of the few people I know that is like that is Chuchoryu; even if a lot of his characters are unfinished, he still shares them despite their status, and even if they feel rough, I still respect the fact that he willfully shares them with the entire community, despite the amount of flak he receives for their quality. Thanks for this share, @PZT, and hopefully more creators follow this method of sharing everything with the community.
  18. I actually found out that no modifications needed to be made to my mugen.cfg, which, at default, had these settings: AfterImageMax = 1024 LayeredSpriteMax = 256 ExplodMax = 1024 SysExplodMax = 1024 HelperMax = 56 PlayerProjectileMax = 1024 However, replacing every instance of ProjEdgeBound=999999999 with ProjEdgeBound=99999999 had apparently fixed the issue. The fixed version is right here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/tj3d3qm2ibsi4x1/pram.rar If there's any other issues, please let me know.
  19. Oh, it's not a problem with the lifebar, but the attacks. None of them seem to do any damage, or even land any hits! In fact, none of them have their red CLSNs! Also, this is in MUGEN 1.1 in 16:9 or 1280x720. I'll see if it does anything, though!
  20. SCARLET MEGALOPOLIS RUINS Jebediah had finally gotten what he had wanted; a chance to see what they were capable of. Seeing this, he chirped twice quietly, his antennae beginning to glow a bright purple. Jebediah: Mimicry enabled, now to just sit back and watch closely. Hopefully they don't manage to die to it...because I want to fight them myself later. MIMICRY: The user of this ability will be able to mimic the exact movements, gestures, and words spoken by the user of a spell or ability. The user can only mimic one ability at a time, but it can be kept for an indefinite amount of time. The user does not have to be attuned with the same element(s) as the user of the ability mimicked, but using it will drain the same amount of energy from the user as it would from the original user of the mimicked ability. For some, this ability is triggered by simply watching someone closely, but some may have to perform special gestures for it to be active. He was no longer watching the battle itself, but the people fighting Gomorrah in the hopes of attaining a powerful ability.
  21. "Don't think to Bother me. if you dare."

  22. Glad I could be of assistance.
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