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A person

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Everything posted by A person

  1. OOC: (It did help the story quite a bit, but I think if you had managed it more, it may have worked out a lot better.)
  2. So apparently the Steam Overlay works with Gleam of Force/Glove On Fight 2...the more you know, I suppose!

  3. OOC: (It seems like it's the road to Medusa now, but if you need filler fights, I can easily do that without having a fight that goes wasted...*glares at Agni*)
  4. OOC:(I'll take this time to mention that there is still the arm of an undead soldier grabbed onto "her" arm. Also, if "she" gets a firm stronghold in the group, I'll drop the quotes.) "Fiona": I am very happy to hear that. I promise, I will try my best to aid all of you in any way possible!
  5. "Fiona" turned towards the group, taking notice of them. Seeing how large the group was gave "her" more confidence for what was to come. "Fiona": Oh my, this is quite the sizeable group...hello everyone. As stated, my name is Fiona Mayfield. I am in no way a threat towards any of you; I would not hurt a fly unless it was a danger to me or anyone else! It is a pleasure to meet you all! "She" set "her" sword down, and curtsied. "She" felt more relaxed now that there was no noticeable danger lurking around...and the fact that "she" didn't have to hold up the sword for the moment. "Fiona": I am certain we will all get along very well and will put an end to Medusa's evil plans together!
  6. Characters with cheap pallette modes. Seriously, when you have it set to where the AI will randomly choose a color in Arcade mode, and you happen to fight a character with a cheap pallette selected, it tends to ruin the entire arcade run. Another one is characters who don't stay down when KO'd. This makes matches so much harder in Simul mode because the character might bounce around and attack you, or you'll be focused on the KO'd character as they're bouncing around, allowing their partner to attack you freely. M3's Angelia does this sometimes, and you can at least knock her away, but 2580shota's Steamboat Willie always does this and it can result in the team he's on winning because he can't be knocked down due to his super armor, you will focus on him, and he will loop the attack he's doing.
  7. Amazing work as always, @Dronekiller. Very fun to use as well, so that's also a plus!
  8. "Fiona" watched in awe as Necrox single handedly dealt with every single soldier, and did massive damage to the fallen angel before driving off. "Fiona": Who...who was that? I...I...I'm shocked...I've never seen such a great display of power in all of my life! On the inside, however, Jebediah laughed. Jebediah: Ahahaha, it's like he's trying to show some superiority or something! This is just shameful; I wouldn't even have to be so flashy to show my superiority! Ahh...I suppose some things will never change...oh boy, I can't WAIT to put him in his place! Alas, the clones will be the first to learn. OOC: (I know you like seeing Jebediah...so here's a bite of Jebediah for the next several posts.)
  9. It's their granted freedom to speak about religion in the way they want. I'm a Christian, but I don't get worked up when someone says that the Holy Bible is a book of fairytales; that's their opinion. They are entitled to their opinion, and I have to respect that no matter how much I disagree with it. It's the people like you that make us, the religious ones, seem like we're intolerant bigots. We shouldn't go around accusing people and persecuting them because they said something we disagree with; that goes against the religion. We're supposed to be a peaceful, tolerant bunch, not that crazed religious fanatic on the street calling everyone sinners and trying to condemn them to Hell. We're supposed to help people understand the religion, not drive them away. The fact that you think religion should be exempt from criticism, however, disappoints me. God is a loving god, he doesn't just send people to Hell because they mocked him once. He gives them a chance. Maybe you should learn from that next time instead of trying to persecute everyone that mocks your religion.
  10. "Fiona": Trying to take over the universe?! I refuse to let such a terrible monster have even a small chance at such a thing! I swear, no matter what happens, I will help you all prevent it, and anything that tries to get in our way will be crushed! She looked over at the two battling angels... "Fiona": You who is trying to stop us from preventing this monster from ruling over the universe... "Fiona": It would be very kind of you if you could please step aside and let us pass...no blood needs to be shed over this! OOC:(All eyes on you, @Agni Blackheart.)
  11. "Fiona": It is a pleasure to meet you, Malin. Since you are all a part of a group, I think I must meet the others as well... "She" set down her sword and curtsied. Afterwards, "she" picked it back up. "Fiona": Anyway, I was indeed lost. I...still do not remember exactly how I got here. I...just found myself here one day. I only recently stumbled upon Tommy and his clones...and I suppose the group as a whole. Might I ask why you all wish to kill Medusa? Other than the fact that she is a very terrifying monster, of course. That is...if the legends I have read about her are true...
  12. Happy birthday!

  13. My eyes...MY EYES!




  14. I don't even need a screenshot to see that this isn't going to be so good...first of all, there's a Niksput (NEWER).def and a BalloonBoy.def. I think I can already tell this isn't an entirely original character...
  15. Even while grabbed, the "girl" still managed to introduce "herself". "Fiona": Oh, hello! My name is Fiona Mayfield... "Fiona" And as you can see, I am in a bit of a tough situation! One moment... With a grunt, "she" pulled out of the soldier's grasp...taking an arm along with "her". "She" proceeded to kick the now one-armed soldier away, and smiled at Malin. The arm was still grabbed onto "her". "Fiona": Despite that it might look like I have trouble with this sword, I am actually really good with it! Now that I have introduced myself, who might you be, miss? Are you friends with Tommy and his clones?
  16. OOC: (They're at the border right now or something; where might the exit be? I'll have "Fiona" try and get everyone to follow.)
  17. "Fiona" gasped at the sight of Tommy seemingly exploding. "Fiona": Tommy! This left "her" open to being grabbed by a soldier...which it did. "She" struggled to break out of its grasp. "Fiona": Gyaaaaaah, let go of meeee!
  18. OOC:(It's because Fiona is actually Jebediah using Dammutabo, or a spell to take on the appearance of something else.)
  19. Seeing the fallen angel and the approaching mass of the dead, "Fiona" proceeded to lift up her sword. "Fiona": First there's some kind of fallen angel, and now the dead are rising out if the ground! "She" soon got an idea. "Fiona": Everyone, back away! I will take care of as many as I can! Grand Divide! "She" proceeded to swing her sword in front of "herself" in a wide arc along the ground, aiming to take out the legs of the approaching dead in an attempt to at least cause them to fall down for "her" next move.
  20. His words bolstered "her" confidence somewhat, but "she" was still very worried. "Fiona": Thank you...I'll try my best to protect you all as well!
  21. Seeing as how they were about to go up against a creature whose mere gaze could petrify them, "she" was justifiably afraid, and started to get weak in the knees. Nonetheless, "she" followed behind him. "Fiona": U-uhm...y-yes, I'm coming...I hope we can stay safe... Jebediah, on the other hand, was glad. Jebediah: Finally, I have a way and reason to kill her, and something is about to happen! I've been waiting for this moment for a long time... OOC: (Last thought of Jebediah for a while. No more inserting him into it!)
  22. "Fiona": Thank you, I'm just happy to have a chance to help someone in need! Jebediah was starting to get angry. Jebediah: I swear, when the time comes, I'm going to make sure I personally kill you three...and then I'll deal with Necrox and his three doofuses afterwards. The pain you're putting me through now is greater than any pain Necrox has ever put me through. Do as you wish for now, though; it will just make your deaths more brutal in the end.
  23. "Fiona": If it is for the greater good, then so be it! I will take the challenge! Jebediah was starting to get tired of talking. Jebediah: Why is nothing going on? What is there to wait for? Why can't they just go to Medusa directly and fight her? I'm really starting to doubt their potential if they're standing around in an area dangerous to them for so long, even with three or four loafing idiots acting as a sort of guard. Medusa could wipe them all out by now and they wouldn't even notice until the last second! And if this border is close to breaking...then it's probably going to be broken by the time they get to their destination! Hmm...maybe they're just as lazy as Harupia and I didn't notice until now.
  24. "Fiona": Oh, well, that's good. Maybe I could even help him stop entirely!
  25. OOC: (He doesn't steal the money...he kidnaps the people and leaves their money!) "Fiona": He steals money?! And they're your clones?! This...wow...I...I'm speechless! I never thought it would be possible for there to be clones of other people! And the fact that he steals money...I guess he must like it a lot!
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