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Everything posted by DuckMannnn

  1. "Hide and seek? Try to find me if you can!" *teleports faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar away*
  2. I have a weird sexual fetish for fictional 2-dimensioned japanese girls with big eyes,a cute voice and a nice pair of boobs

  3. OOC: Should I introduce Frost right now...?
  4. Dunno if I should be a footballer, a manga artist or have a gaming-related job when I grow up

    1. Doomguy


      Maybe you should add 'President of America' and 'Astronaut' to that list.

  5. "LET'S GO FASTER THEN!" Haruna pulls out her chainsaw and casts a magical spell that doubles the chariot's speed "THIS IS GOING TOO FAST! Even though I don't feel anything since I'm merged with its shadow..."
  6. Hello everybody, I'm planning to introduce my original character to MUGEN when I finish his sprite sheet (which is expected to be complete around mid-April/early May), and currently, I'm looking for soundpacks that are suitable for his voice and effect sounds. If possible, can you send me a link of a website that has soundpacks for use? Any help given would be appreciated :) Thanks in advance, DuckMannnn
  7. "You guys go ahead, I'll just bend space and merge myself to the chariot's shadow so I can save space" Dusk proceeds to use his Shadow Merge skill: to merge himself with an object/ living being's shadow (OOC: Haven't updated this yet, too lazy to do it lel)
  8. OOC: I'm slightly confused right now, are the 2 teams reunited or not?
  9. I'm planning to buy a PS4 this summer, which games should I buy? Already have Mortal Kombat X and KOF XIV in my wishlist


    (No COD games please, they are getting worse day by day)

    1. Big Fella

      Big Fella

      Dragon Ball: Xenoverse.


      It's pretty fun, you should buy Dragon Ball Xenoverse.

    2. Noside


      Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain on PS4 is a you must, 2015 game of the year winner.

  10. "This golden ingot is probably worth more than all of your scrillas... and besides, it is WATERPROOF, NON-FLAMMABLE AND CAN'T BE CUT INTO HALF BY A SCISSOR...It can also be a great makeshift blunt weapon."
  11. Check out my fabulous profile picture.

  12. The pulse was getting stronger and stronger. Right now, Dusk can confirm that an old friend of his is near him and the group. "(Oh boy, I have a bad feeling about this...)
  13. "Dude... why use money when you have gold?" *Pulls out a golden ingot*
  14. OOC : Crap, thought that Jebediah was in the Distortion
  15. Dusk notices a silhouette which looked like Jebediah. He couldn't clearly identify him however. "...Did I just see a rare Pokemon?"
  16. When life gets too hard, get a hammer and smash the f*cking thing.

  17. OOC: Sorry, I had a bug on my PC, your post was on the sitcom for me
  18. While walking with the group in the Distortion, Dusk suddenly felt a weird pulse. "What was that pulse? Is he here...?"
  19. "Well, I guess I'm gonna fight while being blindfolded." Dusk pulls out his staff and start swinging it, hitting several Iblis Biters. "HYAH!" Haruna cuts nearby Iblis Biters with her chainsaw.
  20. The group opens the door... and finds the Spanish Dusk in Deadpool's room, playing with the RWBY's plushies. "¡Hijas de putas! ¡Es muy habitación!" However, the English Dusk appears and reveals Deadpool disguising as the Spanish Dusk. "Testing: 1, 2, 3... Finally adjusted my volume. By the way Deadpool, don't disguise as my Spanish self, that's not cool at all"
  21. "That blurry scene earlier just literally gave me eye cancer. I need to rest my eyes..." Dusk pulls out a piece of cloth from his pocket and starts blindfolding himself with it. Haruna, seeing this perfect opportunity to troll him, tries to pull his pants down. "(hee hee hee hee hee)" However, before she could reach his pants, Dusk grabbed her hands. "Did I mention you that I can detect any movement around me as long as their shadow is present?" "Oh, I saw a bug on your pants earlier, I only wanted to chase it away~ (F*CK NO)" "...What was that weird cute tone...? You're freaking me out"
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