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Everything posted by DuckMannnn

  1. Dunno how to show vids immediately so I'll just leave this here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96z2cD2pf_E
  2. Not related to the character... but what lifebar (if not screenpack) is this? :D
  3. Is it normal that most people on this forum are around 25 years old?

  4. "Leave it to me!" Frost forms an ice ball and proceeds to throw it at the disguised Thanatos
  5. Happy Birthday!

    damn you're old :D

  6. ATHENA DOESN'T LOOK RIGHT :( At least Kula still looks hot though ayyy
  7. "Anybody has Iblis' exact location? I'm starting to feel a strong aura from nearby. Man, I hope I don't pull off my Nightwalker* skill in the fight, last time I did that I fell into a coma for a few months" "Keep your cool bro. I'll help you" NIGHTWALKER: Triggered when Dusk reach his anger limit, gains power to infect an enemy's shadow and supernatural speed which could even make him faster than his own shadow. However, Dusk will subsequently run out of life force and will fall into a coma for an indefinite time
  8. I have a dream

    That one day

    I will get magically transported into the anime world

  9. I have AnT's Akame, everytime when she does a successful attack (with her sword), the whole game lags until her attacking animation is finished. Does anybody know how to solve this? I don't think it's my laptop's fault, it's working pretty stable and well
  10. Does anybody know a good 1280x720 HD screenpack? The only ones I know are E.V.E and Hatsune Miku : Project MUGEN extend lol
  11. OOC: Crap, sorry for that, there are too much characters in the RP which is getting me a bit confused
  12. Dusk's voice comes out from the chariot's shadow (which was merged with Dusk before) "Welcome Fiona. My name is Dusk. You can't see me yet because I̶'̶m̶ ̶J̶o̶h̶n̶ ̶C̶e̶n̶a̶ I'm currently merged with the chariot's shadow to save space. That blue hedgehog wielding ice is my friend, Frost, and that magical girl wielding... a badass chainsaw is Haruna."
  13. Lol, this is what I wrote to him: "LOL, what's wrong with the negative feedbacks, she has the right to express her opinions you know If you think that people who gives criticisms are haters then I suggest you grow up for a bit People learn from criticisms. If you can't stand reading them then you're really a 7 year-old " And this is what he wrote to answer me: "Yes I can read her comments that is negative about Dark Chaos creations AND I AM NOT BLIND! Also don't make me do a punchbag of YOU if are going to be my enemy" He's making me laugh :D oh well just ignore this guy and report some of his vid, he'll eventually disappear
  14. You can watch some spriting tutorials on YouTube. Shading is pretty easy though, you only need to imagine that there's a lamp in front of your character. The parts near the lamp would have brighter colors, while the parts that far from the lamp has dark colors
  15. Just ignore them, can't believe some kids take criticisms as an insult
  16. This is a recolored Amy... shading is also a bit horrible but hey at least he tried
  17. "She makes me hard... if you know what I mean"
  18. Broomsticks are the new cancer


    1. Ryon


      Totally... anyone who thinks its something perverted... needs to get there eyes checked.

  19. In case if photoshops are considered fanarts, here is my magnificent crossover between To Love-ru and Shaq, Kevin Hart and Ainsley Harriot :D
  20. "Sure, just wait a moment please. I need somebody to cover me though, since my ice-generating speed takes time" Frost proceeds to freeze an area in order to create a mini iceberg. Haruna and Dusk covers him "We got your back..." "DIE YOU INSECTS!" *saws off some Iblis worms* "STAY AWAY FROM ME BEFORE YOU CHOP ME INTO 2 PIECES"
  21. OOC: Why do you keep mentioning Fiona in commas like "her", "she" "Fiona", is "she" a cross-dresser or what...?
  22. Dunno if this works I just typed "Mugen animated character portraits" lel http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/animated-select-screen-portrait-trick-145920.0.html
  23. While fighting the Iblis army, Dusk noticed some Iblis minions getting frozen from behind. Dusk could see a very familiar figure that looked like an old friend of his... "Wait... isn't that... Frost?" "Yo Dusk! I've been looking for you everywhere, didn't expect you to be in this place!" *freezes an Iblis Worm* "Great to see you! But how did you find me?" "I found a portal..."
  24. "For the moment, I think we should ignore Argento... We're gonna do this without him, he's a pain in the ass anyways"
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