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Everything posted by DuckMannnn

  1. Characters that does unlimited combos. And when I mean "unlimited", it means UNLIMITED YU-TOHARU's Kirino can do an unlimited chained combo by spamming her weak attack.
  2. Oh yeah, I forgot to add Oreimo's 2nd season, ending was like wtf? Basically Kirino and Kyosuke kissed each other then the next day they go back to normal siblings. Still don't understand why didn't him pick Kuroneko instead
  3. Apparently, the more lazy you get, the more successful you become.

    At the first trimester of school, I always did my homeworks and even had a private math tutor. But most of my marks were pretty average except English, Physics-Chemistry and Earth and Life sciences

    At the second trimester I started having an interest in animes. Stopped doing homeworks and attending private math courses. Then most of my marks got better

    Now I'm at the third trimester and so far my marks have been great despite not revising nor doing anything :D

    1. Doomguy


      School is sadistic that way.

    2. Ganbare-Lucifer


      *...then I must be a genius!

  4. (BEWARE, BOTH ARE VIDS OF ECCHI SERIES, SO IT'S SLIGHTLY NSFW. WATCH THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK) My favorite opening OST (it's making me cringe everytime I listen to this because of the tone) And here's my favorite ending OST:
  5. Which anime disappointed you most? Is it because of the irrelevant plot? Bad animation? Bad acting? Bad story? Personally, Akame ga Kill! and Sword Art Online disappointed me the most. AGK had a weird and stupid ending where everybody dies except the team's leader (which I forgot the name sadly) and Akame who barely contributed to the story despite being supposedly the main character by having her name in the franchise's title. Apparently the studio who was making AGK wanted to rush things by giving it an improvised ending since the manga isn't finished yet SAO's plot in the anime was too repetitive imo. Every episode was about Kirito this, Kirito that, and etc. I had to skip the last half of the anime's first season because it was taking me too long to watch. The anime didn't seem to have the "thing" that makes you want to continue watching it
  6. Nice! btw, aren't you this guy? http://pediastrum.deviantart.com/
  7. Am I the only one here who make sprites only on Paint?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shinzaki


      You tell me.




      Photoshop/help from others if necessary

    3. DuckMannnn


      I see... It's just that I see many spriters making sprites usually on Photoshop... I just dunno if it would be faster to make sprites on that software

    4. cldz


      i use ms paint

      coz i'm used to it

  8. This dude is making custom humanized Twilight Sparkle (yes, from MLP) sprites to create a MUGEN character. Looks pretty good



  9. I'm hit with tests and graduation exams for the next 2 months, my progress on Nightwalker will be massively slowed down until the end of June.

  10. My all-time favorite screenpack... The theme and the songs went absolutely well together... Shame there isn't a HD 1.1 MUGEN version of this :( If only I had more knowledge about MUGEN...
  11. http://mugen.wikia.com/wiki/Yukito_Town_Square And the MFFA Station (not sure if I should suggest this stage, but it has snow effects in the stage)
  12. "Well, that's weird. Lemme try this..." Nightwalker grabs his cat and places it on Dante's head. "Balance is the key in everything you do."
  13. Which character should I make after I finish making Nightwalker? I've been considering Seraphim from the anime Kore wa Zombie desu Ka? (Is this a zombie?)


    (those boobs... holy shit)

    1. StrongestPotato


      can you also make any RWBY characters? I would like to see how that goes!

    2. DuckMannnn


      @OxyontheWolf Maybe... I might make Yang after Seraphim but I gotta see if I have time and skills first :D

    3. StrongestPotato


      I would enjoy the main team in my roster, I approve :D!

  14. Anybody has this stage? The link is broken since Freett is closed http://mugen.wikia.com/wiki/Haruhi_Room
  15. "Y'all sucks. If you have a pizza, you have to eat it slowly and enjoy it instead of shoving all of it down your throats like a d*ck."
  16. I remember when I first started playing MUGEN when I was 11. After a few months I got bored of it and never touched it again until 5 years later
  17. Dude... you're stating the obvious thing here... I've already wrote that I'm NOT sure if this is allowed or not, and besides, it's not my fault if I'm illiterate about the stage stuffs. I already tried looking for help but I don't understand anything And people would help depending on what I asked and if they're willing to do it or not But yeah it's true that I'm requesting too much stages to be converted
  18. I think you should try start spriting with KOF or MvC-styled sprites, since SF3 sprites are pretty detailed in every pixels and movements
  19. I play a few matches of League of Legends before getting back to MUGEN Or I just work on my sprite sheet.
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