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Everything posted by DuckMannnn

  1. Thanks man, I wonder how would MFFA be like without you :D
  2. Title says all. It would be great if the stage is already HD res (which means it's already 16:9 res, no need to convert) and has music included
  3. Really dunno if I should use a 4:3 screenpack instead of a 16:9 one, since I'm too lazy converting stages to HD res but I want to play MUGEN in widescreen

    1. Laharl


      I would suggest not doing it if you don't feel like editing everything its why I stopped lol.

  4. Please downvote this post for no reason

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Kazagami


      We could warn you for these status updates dude, but just refrain from doing more for now.

    3. DuckMannnn


      @Ryoucchi Oh sorry, I'll keep that in mind

    4. Noside


      Fuck! I was about to do it.

  5. Please upvote this post for no reason

  6. @LightTheHedgehog Ya know, you could ask someone to provide you sprites. I've tried some of your other creations and they were pretty good Sometimes you can't be both a coder and a spriter :D
  7. "OOOOOOOOH You'll be pumping Ovaltine!" Indian Thriller - Girly Man
  8. I have 3 major exams coming next week... and yet I'm still sitting here eating Haribos and watching lewd animes

    1. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Chipotle and DC animated movies for free online is the ultimate mountain to climb. The gf calling yelling at you for not listening to her bullshit ass stories too. Batman dont wait for nobody's ho. And neither does hot spaghetti.

  9. ...Still waiting for someone to make KKK... that would be a funny joke edit
  10. Nakoruru by PotS? Haohmaru by Master Gouken? Both are CvS styled
  11. Went to MFFA's Facebook page. First thing I see is Athena in a sexy bikini suit in the cover photo

    1. Infinite Kyo

      Infinite Kyo

      yeah lol she is pretty much right in the middle 

    2. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ
  12. Normally MUGEN 1.1 will take some time to load the game unlike the older versions who would instantly open the game But if it took you forever... Buy a f*cking new computer :D
  13. Link to XXX Homura plz :)))))) it's for "educational purposes"
  14. My exams are coming in 12 days... wish me luck

  15. gifmaker.me isn't working for me... Does anybody knows a GOOD site that allows you to make GIF files? 

  16. You should ask for help by posting it here : http://mugenfreeforall.com/index.php?/forum/108-content-requests/ Btw, I don't think that this character is available for public, she's a private character I think (I've read it somewhere on the net)
  17. "Buy him a body pillow of Pyrrha and everything will be alright."
  18. I have more profile views on this forum than on my DeviantArt account despite making the latter 16 months earlier than this account's forum...

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