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Everything posted by DuckMannnn

  1. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to ask this... : So I just changed my 1.1 screenpack and apparently every stages appears as 640x480 resolution instead of being zoomed to make it looks like 1280x720. I spent 4 hours trying to figure out how to convert them but then I messed up everything in the end. Can anybody convert these stages into 1280x720 for me? Thanks https://www.mediafire.com/folder/p4iw1y3iq6jm5/STAGES_TO_BE_CONVERTED
  2. "Let's eat some pizza!" *pulls out a dozen of pizza boxes*
  3. Happy Birthday! (you pervy little sh*t, I saw you upvote me when I showed the Hentai Kula XIII's link :D) 

  4. Why does most people use 640x480 screenpacks and not 1280x720 SPs?

  5. English please? :D (even though I do understand Spanish lol)
  6. Wow, I can't believe that my OC Nightwalker is getting more attention than expected. Thanks for the support guys

  7. Not the Kula from Days of Memories though ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  8. Tried to put some of Nightwalker's sprite into Fighter Factory. Took me a while to understand the software, but it was actually easy as fuck

  9. Within 2 days I got around 15 upvotes...

    Is it because of my Ainsley Harriot avatar?

  10. Apparently the internet is going crazy for a kawaii~ teacher called Ellen Baker from a japanese English textbook


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    3. Noside


      Went viral. :I

    4. SSBKing65✯


      She's another pawn for fanservice, but looks gorgeous though.

  11. Apparently the Internet is getting mad over an abnormally cute teacher from a japanese English textbook
  12. Nightwalker's sheet will probably be finished around late May/ June.



      Awesome man, looking forward to it.

    2. DuckMannnn


      I just hope that I will be able to have time to sprite since I have graduation exams at the end of the year...



      Take all the time you need man, I don't have a problem with waiting, it'll be worth it.

  13. There ya go: http://mugenarchive.com/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=15661
  14. Does anybody still has this? (RIP Reuben, you da man)
  15. Anybody has a working link of Reuben Kee's "Back Home" piano solo mp3 file? I can't find a working link (RIP Reuben)

  16. I told him that all the hate vids are unnecessary and he should stop doing it. Apparently, he LISTENED! @Weiss_Circal
  17. Anybody here has a Deviantart account?

  18. I know a Kula XIII that's compatible to hentai characters, should I show you guys the link?
  19. Well, nothing can be done about it, just let them fight each other :) They even made an Anti-you group on G+ : https://plus.google.com/communities/100292183393289832352
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