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Everything posted by DuckMannnn

  1. "Un momento por favor, tengo un problema tecnico..." Dusk disappears and reappears moments later. "Désolé, j'avais un petit erreur... ah putain de merde! Veuillez attendez un moment s'il vous plait." Dusk disappears again and reappears again. "Testing, 1, 2, 3... Finally! Sorry for that, had some technical problem with the language settings...I came here to tell you guys... to go f*ck yourselfves. Bye!"
  2. "No hablo inglés... soy español! ¿Porque hay un gordo aqui?"
  3. OOC : When did Tommy said rude stuff to Dusk? Went through 5 pages and didn't find anything
  4. After a moment of argument between the night hedgehog and the Magiclad girl, both has decided to go to the Distortion. "Me and Haruna are going to the Distortion."
  5. "Yeah! Let's go!" "I'm too tired..." Suddenly, Dusk's phone rings. He picks up his phone and answers. A familiar voice answers : "Yo Dusk, it's me. Where have you been? You weren't at your apartment since a week. I tried to call you but you didn't answer me. You're worrying me man..." "Oh hey, sorry if I worried everybody, I had some "unexpected" business out here-" The conversation unexpectedly ended, and when Dusk checked out on his phone, he had no signal. "...Dude? What's on going on? Oh crap, there's no signal. That's pretty logic since I'm in a different world... but how did I got the reception earlier?" "Dusk? Answer me! What happened out there? Damn, I have to find him..."
  6. "Guys... mind if you help me?" Dusk's legs was trapped in the debris after he tried to move Haruna (who was still unconscious) away to prevent the explosion from harming her.
  7. Does anybody has a link of Ash from KOF XIII which is compatible to MUGEN 1.0? I could only find the ones that were only compatible to MUGEN 1.1 ... Thanks in advance
  8. OOC : Still RPing from my phone, can't load images nor do quotes Dusk : "I can sense moving shadows from nearby... ZTAR is not far from us. I can sneak on him by teleporting to his shadow, but it's a bit too risky..."
  9. OOC: RPing from my mobile phone, can't make Dusk's image link works Dusk: "This isn't good at all... We're being attacked again." Dusk is completely unharmed due to the fact that he is wearing a mask to protect himself from the poisonous gas. He is carrying Haruna, who is unfortunately unconcious after exposing herself to the gas. Haruna : "Ugh... I don't feel very well... I can't move either..."
  10. "What the f*** just happened? Did I miss something important?" Dusk walks into the castle's destroyed courtyard. "Oh hey Dusk. We were just fighting some bad guys." "Why didn't you call me earlier then? I wanted to try my new technique on someone..."
  11. OOC: Oh damn my mistake but she can change her clothes instantly by using her chainsaw which is pretty similar to a magical wand though
  12. OOC: What advice again? Sorry haven't got many sleeping time recently so I'm having a slight memory loss
  13. Haruna appears, in her Masou Shojo uniform, carrying her chainsaw Mystletainn "TIME TO KICK SOME ASSES!"
  14. "Magio's world invaded by strangers? Power Rangers? Floating eyeball? Blue human? What the f*** is going on now?"
  15. "Don't. We don't know what it's capable of, could be the shapeshifting eye that f*cks the sh*t out of people (referring to Kuromaru :D)"
  16. Great character considering that you only need to spam the punches to win :D
  17. "How many people left do we have to recruit again?" Dusk appears behind Malin and sees Lapis. "Oh hi Alice. Did you calmed down yet? If not, I can leave right now..."
  18. "My apologies but hey, at least I don't moan about everything like the arrogant dude that you mentioned"
  19. "And how are you guys gonna do that, by killing her?"
  20. "Eh... who's is he and why is he naked? Dusk points at Silver, who isn't wearing any clothes apart a pair of shoes unlike Dusk, who is wearing a pair of blue trainers and black sweaters. Haruna charges at Silver, knocking him down then she starts to punch him. "EW YOU FRIGGIN SHAMELESS PERVERT GET OUT OF HERE"
  21. "Wish I still had my staff... lost it at the Distortion." "Don't worry, I'll get you a new one!" Haruna takes out her chainsaw and casts a spell. A pink portal opened and then a bunch of staffs fell down from it. "There ya go! You better take me out for a good meal next time." "Wow, those are great handmade wooden staffs...Wait a second, isn't that a vibrator??"
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