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Everything posted by thekillnator

  1. aww there so adorable ^.^ especally felicia.
  2. ok i got some more. Your birth certificate is an apology from the condom factory. Your so ugly Hello kitty said goodbye to you. Yo mama so fat when she jumped in the ocean the whales started singing we are family. With a face like yours, I wish i was blind. lol and that's it.
  3. i know right one of my all time favorite games gone forever. oh well maybe if i go to dimple records i think they might have a copy of the game.
  4. I used to play this game alot cause you know it's a mario game. but one day someone stole the game from me and i never saw it again. :(
  5. Best insult hmmm ok i'll try. you need to go fuck yourself and suck the biggest cock you can find in hell! cause your life means nothing to everyone around you! lol well at least i tried.
  6. Ok what's going on around here.

    1. ArtistofLegacy


      Osaed being an angryman for some reason.

  7. Sailor moon: Sailor Chibi moon azumanga daioh: chiyo-chan
  8. Yeah i guess i could, three heavy characters this time
  9. Iron Tager vs the incredible hulk Who will be the greatest heavy character of all time.
  10. Woot! pcsx2 released a 1.0.0 of there emulator. here's a link to there site and enjoy there major release. http://pcsx2.net/download/releases/windows/viewcategory/6-windows.html

    1. Annonith


      Meh my ps2 is still doin' just fine thank you.

    2. Otasira


      Nice! Thanks a million for sharing the news!

  11. Sorry this is taking so long with my character it's just that life was in my way and using the computer less often cause of our electric bill so have patience and i'll get back to her as soon as possibe.

  12. Now it's my turn to change my name!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. thekillnator


      ah not much just wanted to overhall my profile. :)

    3. Sir Lord Alpyne

      Sir Lord Alpyne

      annnnd juswhothahellreyouagain?

    4. ArtistofLegacy


      Seriously, everyone changing their name is starting to get annoying as fuck.

  13. The second and the third one are my all time favorites.
  14. I was browsing around and i thought i'd share some stuff i thought was very funny and maybe funny to you. Anyway all this came from the 404 time not found site.
  15. thekillnator


    Hey look it's Ryon's mascot for his tutorials I'll download this right now. xD
  16. Ok i'm back, CY you took the words out of my mouth she plays fantastic her gameplay's great. Her ai needs a little work but overall great character. I lol'd at her pantyless palette.
  17. did you sucessfully ripped pop chans sprites? if you did can i have them please cause i want to make her as my side project. xD
  18. Sure no prob i'll send her to you when my next update is out^^
  19. Well, i got time i'd love to be your beta tester. xD
  20. Ah knuckles, an ass as always, meh that's how we love him.
  21. WTF he's not going to be *beep* compatible! how can you say such a thing!? Jesus Crist you give me a headace sometimes!
  22. :O Wow i didn't notice that.I'll fix that in my next update.
  23. Yes that's right my very first WIP and it's a vanguard princess character.I'm using Ryon's mugen character tutorial cause without it she would never existed.Congrats on your videos Ryon keep them up so i can learn more about making characters.Well here's a screenshot of her. there will be more updates as soon as i get around. xD
  24. I think the best thing i got is when i went to dimple records and got a ps2 memory card i went home and pluged it in and it turns out it was modded with free mc boot and codebreaker installed on it and i was just planning on getting swap magic and a special disc cover that day lol.Boy i was lucky i got free mc boot.
  25. getting raped is not funny unless your being raped by a clown, now that's hilarious lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Okami


      Not funny either way, I hate clowns.

    3. Pershon


      ...I have no words to express the odd feelings I have for this message...

    4. Otasira


      What exactly is the clown doing committing rape? Is it part of the act!?

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