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Everything posted by thekillnator

  1. Here you go laharl,found a site with a few good boss characters http://omegapsycho.webs.com/bosscharacters.htm
  2. heres another thing i hate.characters that are a shitty sprite swap of the original ones.
  3. speaking of weired i found something on aiko when i was messing with her yesterday. if you look a little closer on aiko you see that when she taunts her mouth turns green.
  4. bad pun:if you can't tune a piano you can always tuna fish. :)

  5. ^.^ yay another update i'm downloading it right now and once again good work toshio.
  6. I also hated mugen characters based off of real life people they are mostley stupid and horrible.
  7. has anyone seen any good youtube poops latley?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Toxic


      I haven't seen one in a looong time.

    3. Person_Unknown


      Good Youtube poops? Look up OrpheusFTW. Those are pretty funny.

    4. thekillnator


      look up waxonator,Gloin1994,Themysteriouspirate,Spritanium,IAmThaGang,

      JitteryDragon.there funny youtube poop makers.just look up there channels

      and you won't regret watching there videos.

  8. ^ don't sweat it laharl. you just didn't see the character that's all.
  9. maybe this video can prove that iran sonic's a character
  10. Yay my first topic. Alright i know there's a bunch of good mugen characters out there but i like to know is, what is your most ''HATED'' mugen character of all time. mine is the iran sonic. omg that character is awful!
  11. my mom gets pissed everytime someone fogets to fill up the ice trays.

    1. RAMza


      mom: Y U No fill up tray?

    2. Sir Lord Alpyne

      Sir Lord Alpyne

      my momz was like that, lol. hell, to this day she'll still chew some1 out if tey touch her ice!

    3. Hahakomma1


      Ice :O I want some. Why did you say that XD I get pissed to when no Ice is at home

  12. my kittens are a month old now.and they are cute as hell. :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ryon


      there cute now, but give them a year, you'll be groveling to there feets

    3. Sweetfire13


      They sound delicious.

    4. RAMza


      ^ especially with salsa and cheese.. :))

  13. I wonder how many melty blood edits are out there?
  14. wow he looks awsome just like all the other akuma edits.
  15. That stage looks cool i'll download it right now.
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