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Everything posted by thekillnator

  1. i mean wow i can't believe celest can do such a thing.
  2. What's his alter accounts name? and raremew i agree with you on that just be yourself laharl and if people don't like it then they can go piss off.
  3. He tried to make another account!? that the lowest thing anyone can ever do.
  4. Hmm ''i wonder why'' maybe he likes the old you better.
  5. celest can't you think of laharl in a positive way. no offence but saying that kind of stuff like ''I'm going to knock the shit out of you!'' is like a baby crying for a bottle.
  6. Wow thanks laharl i'll take those words to heart.
  7. I think my thanks for your kindness topic could be of use for you laharl.
  8. YEAHH!! bang will always be epic forever!
  9. I already have the mp3 version of the song and i listened to it for the past Hour! YEAH!!! EPIC BANG!
  10. Well anyway Good luck on your intro dude XD.
  11. Here you go LightFlare!
  12. Well BlazBlue can be a button masher at times but not all the time.
  13. Yes the weekness is working! is your face melting raremew?
  14. Your text needs to be green for mew's weekness to take affect! lol
  15. Green text in spanish....now i know raremew's weekness lol
  16. I don't know why donalddesu's characters don't work on 1.0
  17. I'm back from arcade! :D

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. thekillnator


      yeah it was really fun!

    3. Otasira


      Say, what was the Arcade called? The one I have here is bland, but it did have GG and a run down MvC2 mech.

      Was there anything memorable inside the arcade?

    4. thekillnator


      well not really i barly won anything.... -_-

  18. Alright then all is forgiven. i just don't want you to get banned that's all.
  19. I highly agree with raremew buddy please be more careful next time ok?
  20. Hi crono we never met before but call me rebecca or killnator if you wan't. welcome back to mugen bro
  21. Ok i'll wait until the len collection is complete. :)
  22. Hey Hey settle down he just didn't like your idea that's all.
  23. that's a really Cool stage and can i have that len edit that's in that image?
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