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Everything posted by thekillnator

  1. enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0-ayKhrhgc&feature=related
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5-wEFq-iX8&feature=related
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lHf7crmWVk&feature=relmfu
  4. Have fun watching this movie. XD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGGiBWe1R-w&feature=related
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMIVafe7y78&feature=channel&list=UL The 1991 Movie! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q46lLez60PQ&feature=related The 1993 Movie :( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y41GsEQG7kE&feature=related
  6. One of my favorite movies http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Csn1j65e7oQ&feature=related
  7. enjoy ^.^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJvlmiJS9zc&feature=related
  8. HI there Hazama i'm sure you have balls to stand up agaist a modadmin... NO HOMO.
  9. i hope you'll use your balls for great justice throughout the forums... NO HOMO. lol
  10. the 7th one is one of my favorite mario party games cause you have the mic and you use it for certain mini games. it was fun for me. ^.^
  11. plus can't there be an award for the the best signature in MFFA? it's just a thought.
  12. Ok ryon calm down i don't think it's an argument i think it's a normal conversation.
  13. Ouch this is a tough one, i'd say everybody is the best!
  14. i still have this game in my 64 collection and also the 3rd on. i was not real intrested in the second one. but anyway best game series ever.
  15. Yeah Ultra is the key that holds us all together.
  16. Yeah i'd never did anything to my systems but when i snap i can't controll myself. i got this problem from my mother. her side of the family had bad anger problems.
  17. now now settle down all you have to do is be good whenever laharl talks to you ok?
  18. Yay everyone is happy once more! let's celebrate!
  19. when i was 6 years old i almost beaten super mario world and i was that close too. when my sister told me to go to bed, we had an fight about it and i threw my super nintendo across the room and it got broke. yeah i had a bad temper problem when i was young.
  20. i'm sure mugen infantry will come back to life some day. at least i hope so...
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