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Everything posted by thekillnator

  1. Huh what is Ucoz? is that some sort of dairy product? hmm. really that site is super dead to me i can't go there unless i'm desperate enough...
  2. aww thanks and yes this place is way better than guild and >( ''ESNIPS!!''
  3. this character is real intresting you should check her out. [Preview] [Download] http://www.4shared.c...nn/jamband.html [Comment] Well i don't know where this character came from i think she came from some music maker in japan.
  4. Thanks zombie for the character. i'm downloading this.
  5. wow rbbt glad to hear your a manager at dunkin donuts. plus i'm also glad your life is on track right now.
  6. ooh i'm going to download this stage! Congrats vegaz you rock man.
  7. .............*no comment* ........ *goes out the door*
  8. Yes that one. he has some hyper moves that rare akuma has.
  9. This of course is another cheap character. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PumGvaxS_kQ&feature=relmfu [Download] http://www.mediafire.com/?u1h9bpcrx2w1p8g [Comment] This is one of the cheap edits of Mizuchi/Orochi. when he is in 12th pallete he auto fights and sometimes he instantly kills you.
  10. This is a old release so use at your own risk. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aiFNueEBic [Download] http://www.mediafire.com/?gd5dyaccghqapp1 [Comment] This character is by far one of my favorite cheap characters and if you fight him in his 12th pallete you'll get your ass handed to you.
  11. yes we cannot fall for celest's black magic.
  12. celest is lacking reputation so he created this topic with his ultimate weapon boobs to hypnotize everyone to give him reputation points. lol
  13. 265 mgs!? OMG the biggest stage ever! here a +1 for you. i'm not worthy to play in this stage! it's to good to be viewed.
  14. O.o i never in my life expecting jungle book to make it here on mugen. i mean my mind is blown away by the time i saw that.
  15. My recommended place to get some game and then some is dimple records. here you can find the games you want plus some old playstation games and some old nintendo games as well. so screw gamestop go to dimples. lol
  16. I got one Taokaka from blazblue vs wolverine from X men
  17. i'm going to get out my legendary pokemon card!
  18. Hi rbbt i'm rebecca but you can cal me killnator. it's nice to meet you. XD
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