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Everything posted by NijikakuFan61

  1. Tommy: Well, I don't exactly know... all that I do know is that we got in here through a portal... G.T: Yeah, dis straight-up ain't a straight-up sick place... although, if mah scrillaz happy, then I be aiiight too! E.T: Well, as Tommy did say, we came in here through a portal... Apparently, we're supposed to be fighting this monster known as Medusa... seen her anywhere, yet?
  2. Tommy: Oh, no, I'm sorry! It's just that I... I must've thought you were someone else! G.T: Don't worry, dude, I thought tha same thang like a muthafucka... E.T: Welp. Guess I feel horrible now for judging you... sorry.
  3. Tommy: Say, I'm... very suspicious about you... just who are you, and how did you find us? E.T had bad feelings about the strange girl as well... E.T: G-gah! M-my head is... it hurts so much... Tommy, I have a bad feeling about this girl as well... G.T: ...Yo, just as long as mah scrilla be a-okay, thatz perfectly fine by me!
  4. Tommy: Ah, finally, a GOOD time to start fighting! Oh, this is gonna be fun! Tommy walked right through the portal, dragging G.T and E.t with him. E.T: Er, Tommy... I think you should really be letting me go...
  5. Yo, peep what tha fuck you say bout Deadpool yo. Dude might be buggin yo, but hey, he at least funky!
  6. ...Eh, I guess dat IS kinda true... But, still though, I don't exactly be thinkin dat E.T would appreciate if I wooped his dopest playaz ass... he might wanna blast mah damned torso off.
  7. ...Alright, I be bout ta... do dat right now! Although, I aint straight-up shizzle dat E.T wanna it if I did dis shit. But eh, whoever holla'd dat game was a rose garden?
  8. Look, mah accent make me screw thangs up, aiiiight, biatch? For example, I could say "don't pick yo' nozzle where it don't belong"... See, I holla'd at you mah accent screws thangs up!
  9. psst


    yo dawg, join them chat plz

  10. Alright, I guess I be bout ta peep ya later. Remember; no matta what, never smoke yellow snow.
  11. OOC: no pictures = iPad G.T: ...I stole it all. G.T shrugged. G.T: Eh, as long as any scrilla wasn't damaged, thatz perfectly fine by mah dirty ass. What brangs you here, anyways?
  12. A-ha! I found you now, you sneaky bastard hommie! Therez no goin back now, I'ma find you n' save any remainin leftovers! G.T walked right into his room... and he noticed his scrilla. ...M-my scrilla... straight-up... ruined... YOU BASTARD, YOU'LL PAY! ...Oh, shit, this is gonna suck...
  13. Tommy was getting pretty impatient. Tommy: I swear to god, let's just go now, I'll bloody kill somebody just to make us wait for a shorter amount of time. Tommy: Hell, I might even just rob a bank if this person you guys keep on talking about takes too long. Cue G.T slapping Tommy on the back of the head. G.T: Tommy, what tha fuck tha hell!, biatch? Thatz MY thang, not yours... Tommy: SHRUG. It was just a suggestion, y'know.
  14. Alrighty then, letz go! I be bout ta bloody find you, n' then I be bout ta tell EVERYBODY bout how tha fuck I found yo' ass muthafucka! You'll be shiverin up in yo' boots! G.T started looking around the halls. A-ha, I be thinkin I jus - Nope, thatz just a rock... FUCK! Where up in fuckz sake is you, you persistent lil bastard!
  15. Come back to chat... ;-;

  16. Chat plz.

    1. NijikakuFan61


      plz tho


      chat mang

    2. NijikakuFan61




      join dem chat plz

  17. Yo ass fool! Do you know whoz ass tha hell I am, biatch? I be tha muthafucka that'll blow yo' jaw right off without even hesitatin bout dat shiznit son! Show yo ass or I be bout ta snap yo' fuckin neck right off! Tommy glared right at G.T. Um, G.T... Don't be so harsh.
  18. Well, you might feel like you're being watched, then look around and nobody would be there, but... Fuck dat shit, Tommy, I feel like I be bein peeped like a muthafucka... maybe I might rob some scrilla from whoeverz robbin our asses yo, but all up in tha same time... G.T pulled out his pistol, just in case anybody tried to attack him. Alrighty then, if some muthafucka don't reveal theyselves up in 3, then I'ma fuckin' pull dis trigger... Um... G.T? Don't you think that's a little... harsh?
  19. 90sT: What's wrong? Is it the fact that I did something embarass -. 90sT noticed Clippy. 90sT: ...Oh, that's what's wrong. Clippy was still bouncing around with explosions appearing every time he bounced
  20. 90sT: Why, of course! It'd be a honor to meet everybody. Clippy got really excited. OoohmaybeI'llbeabletohelpeverybodyoutandthey'llsaythankyouandI'llbesoproudforthemsayingthankyouandthenthey'lltelltheirfriendsthatI -. Clippy was so excited that explosions formed around him.
  21. 90sT: Oh, that's a very nice name... almost a beautiful name, really. 90sT was crying THE MANLY WAY! Why, hello there, Blake! Is there any way I can be of assistance today, or maybe the day after that, or maybe the day after tha -. Okay, Clippy, I think she gets it.
  22. G.T: Oh, dis muthafucka right here is part of mah clique yo. His namez 90sT. G.T pointed at Clippy. G.T: And dis muthafucka right here is Clippy yo. Dude wants ta help dem hoes wit every last muthafuckin thang... even when they DON'T need his help. Oh, it seems like you need help with writing a - oh, right, you're not writing a letter.
  23. 90sT: Ah, Ruby Rose? Nice name. Say, Tommy used to watch a show on his computer that had a character named "Ruby Rose". Clippy: Oooh, can I help you with anything today, ma'am? Maybe you might need help with making a letter, or even... Tommy walked outside and noticed 90sT. He rushed right up to him and hugged him. Tommy: 90sT! You don't wanna know how long I waited for you to come! 90sT was blushing like hell. 90sT: Uh, Tommy... don't' ah think that's a bit too close fer contact? Tommy let go of 90sT. Tommy: Sorry, brother... anyways, who's the paperclip? 90sT: Aw, Tommy, there's no need ta apologize! Anyways, the paperclips name is Clippy. Tommy: Wait... Clippy as in "Microsoft Word" Clippy? 90sT: Yeah, ya got it, Tommy-boy! 90sT and Clippy clearly needed to be taken on a tour around the castle. Tommy: Anyways, 90sT, welcome to the Cosmic Castle! We hope you enjoy your stay, and remember to tell your friends about the experience you had, and maybe your friends will tell their friends, and then your friends friends will tell THEIR friends, and the - 90sT: Okay, Tommy, I got it.
  24. G.T: Well, Ruby, dis right here is 90'sT, he a lil' bit if a gangbangin' finger-lickin' dick. G.T pointed at Clippy. G.T: And THIS right here is the most obnoxious d-bag ever.
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