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Everything posted by NijikakuFan61

  1. The Dark Knight. "FAHKEENG BOOLSHEET!"
  2. Robocop. "It's just a flesh wound."
  3. Touhou. "Does he look like a bitch to you?"
  4. Tommy: Aw, don't worry, E.T! Did you hear about the guy that didn't have a spine? He lost it because it was holding him back! E.T: tommypleasestopthesepunsibegofyou
  5. Tommy: Actually, we were just talking to somebody, nothing else. Tommy: Besides, we don't want this fight to get any worse now, do we?
  6. Yeah, we should really stomach up some bravery! Hey, have you guys ever heard of the man that's friends with his own fist? I've heard he can be quite a knucklehead! guysthisisntfunnyitstheexactoppositeoffunnythisispainohgodpleasestop
  7. Tommy and E.T finally caught up with the others. Tommy: Oh, I do hope that we didn't keep you guys waiting for too long... guess you could say that - . E.T covered Tommy's mouth. E.T: NO.
  8. E.T: Oh, this'll be fun... E.T grabbed a lead pipe and threw it right at Agni, before sending five Gaster Blasters right at Rudra. E.T: These guys aren't as tough as we think they are, so everybody, contribute to the fight as well! We'll need all the help we can get!
  9. Tommy: N-no! ACTIVATE ATOMIC BARRIER! A barrier of fire appeared around Tommy, and Team Underworld as well , preventing them from getting harmed. Tommy: I'm not letting anybody die on my watch!
  10. Tommy: Alright, fine, I'll just fall down... Tommy fell down onto his back and then waved up a white flag. E.T: ...You... you can't really be serious. You can't really be serious! Tommy, I thought you never surrendered! Tommy: By the way, might I mention, you two guys are very skilled fighters.
  11. ooc: oh shit i'll change that. just changed it right now, hopes that seems more fair to you
  12. Tommy: ...Looks like I need to show you my true potential, then. METEOR SHOWER! Very large meteors began to rain on the two dragons, most of the meteors being aimed right at the two dragons Tommy: I'll see you two when Hell freezes over!
  13. Hey, I'm pretty sure we could actually be pretty GUTSY if we're brave enough! guysyoumovedontoorganpunsitsstillnotfunny
  14. ooc: i thought this one up just in case Tommy: Yes, they sure are... Tommy held up a button that had "Win Button" written on it. Tommy: It's just such a shame that they've also thought up with some pretty creative ideas as well... Tommy pressed down on the Win Button. Tommy: Automatic win for all of us! Good-bye... ooc: i am so, so sorry if that seemed unfair at all
  15. Of course we don't want there tibia a problem! We're pretty much BONED if the Pun Police don't find us too humerus! guysimgonnafuckingcleavemyskullinifyoutwodontstopwiththepuns
  16. Tommy: Sorry, death, but I have no plans on dying yet. Tommy sent a massive fire trail at the seven bubbles. Tommy: Maybe you fools do, on the other hand... E.T sent a massive trail of water at Agni. E.T: Alright, how about a best 1 out of 9?
  17. You know what, we should really just stop, these puns are really starting to get under everybodys skin... I guess you could say it's getting into their bones! pleasetommynomorethisisgoingtoofar
  18. Oh, don't worry, I'm starting to get BONE-tired from all of these puns as well! ohmygodkillmeplease
  19. That one tickled my funny bone! I liked it a skeleton! Don't think I'm done with the puns, though, because I've actually got a skeleton of them! What do skeletons say before drinking? Bone-appetite!
  20. Yeah, they sure are pretty PUNtastic! ...Tommy, stop with the puns, shouldn't we be playing MK: A right now? Sure, E.T! Just remember to put a little bit more BACKBONE into it!
  21. Gee, that sure was PUNNY! ...This isn't funny, guys... or, should I say, this isn't PUNNY, guys! Oh, gee E.T, that pun was pretty punny! Talk about somebody that makes some PUN-TASTIC jokes!
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