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Everything posted by NijikakuFan61

  1. "Does he look like a bitch?" - Samuel L. Jackson, Pulp Fiction
  2. "What does any of that have to do with babies!? Mario, I don't understand!" - Luigi, Adventures of Mario and Luigi Episode 1
  3. "b0rf" - Odie, Garfielf Joins the Gatlantic Empire
  4. Clippy by The_None - 2 Guile by Exclamation_Question - 2
  5. Samurai by Taichi_Tanukida - 1 Boomy the Cat by MelvanaInChains - 1
  6. Tommy: oh pyrrha... i hate cynder Tommy: cynders a meanie... she killed you Tommy: i hope cynder goes to hell. >:-(
  7. Tommy's nose started bleeding. Tommy: yeah, baby... give it to me, alright... Tommy: yeah... oh pyrrha, you're so fine... you're so fine, you blow my mind hey pyrrha PLEASE STAND BY. NT: Okay, so, there seems to be a really long wait time for the other characters to finally appear, so... A REALLY fast barrage of pictures of the other characters appeared. NT: aaaaaand there we go!
  8. Tommy: w - waifu girl... Tommy: waifu... waifu pyrrha live... Tommy: embrace the pyrrha waifu... gunnkos is best shipping!
  9. E.T: Of course I know what THAT means! EYEBROW RAISE. Then, ET activated the baby monitor
  10. QUITE A FEW HOURS LATER... Tommy was in his bedroom. Tommy: Well, guess it's time for some precious Z's, gotta get some rest for tomorrow... And then Tommy went to bed.
  11. "IT IS TIME FOR THE ANTI-FUN!" - Bad Time Simulator
  12. Guns don't kill people... uh uh...


    kill people... with guns pow...


    Guns don't kill people... uh uh...


    kill people... with guns...

  13. Happy Birthday, Glaciacloud! Your creations never cease to amaze me.

  14. SHRUG I told you about those banana peels... they can pop up at anytime, anywhere...
  15. Bionicle. "I TOLD YE YE'D BE FINE, DONKEY!"
  16. The Real Ghostbusters "Don't touch it! That's the "History Eraser Button", you fool!" "So... what'll happen?" "That's just it! We don't know! Mmmmaybe something bad? Maaaaaybe something good? I guess we'll never know! Because you're going to guard it! You won't touch it, will you?"
  17. Command & Conquer "Ladies and gentlemen, please do not panic, but scream! Scream for your lives, and the tingler is loose in this theater!"
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