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Everything posted by NijikakuFan61

  1. Holy crap, I need that new version of Nijikaku! Judging by the appearance, there's been a lot of new characters added to it... Can you send me the newest link?
  2. Tommy was way too fucking scared to attack Iblis. Tommy: ...I'll just sit back and watch this escalate...
  3. Tommy looked up at Iblis, having finally reached it. Tommy: ...Oh... Tommy: ...Sweet... Tommy: LORD.
  4. Tommy: Yeah! We gotta move, and fast~! ET: ...you know, you didn't have to add the swirl before the exclamation mark, Tommy... Tommy: Let's just go! And stop demolishing the fourth wall!
  5. Tommy: What the hell was that!? ET: ...Preeeetty sure it was from Iblis, Tommy... GT: Maybe I can rob his ass n' loot all his thugged-out lil' precious skrilla! ET: Yeah... you wish.
  6. Tommy: Very well... I guess I'll watch my back more, then... Tommy: ...but then again, she doesn't seem like one to betray us... but it could all just be an act...
  7. Tommy: ...Really? She's that powerful? Tommy: Well... I didn't know that beforehand... thanks for telling me, I guess?
  8. Tommy put his dagger in his pocket. Tommy: ...Who am I protecting? And how exactly am I a fool?
  9. Tommy: Good choice, letting me go... Tommy pulled out a dagger and aimed it at Seth. Tommy: Now let's get this over with!
  10. Tommy's face went pale as he realized that he had let his guard down. Tommy: Oh... so... I... didn't win... Tommy: But that doesn't mean I won't surrender, er, Seth...! I've never given up a fight before! Tommy attempted to elbow Seth.
  11. Tommy: ...Did I actually win? Tommy's face lit up like a Christmas tree. Tommy: DID I ACTUALLY WIN!?
  12. Some of the slashes hit Tommy, cutting his clothes (with a few major cuts on his arms, too), but Tommy was still standing. Tommy: Let's see if you can handle this! Tommy threw two fireballs at the man, hoping for at least one of them to hit him.
  13. Tommy: C'mon, then! I haven't had a good fight in a while, and this fight might just be a cure to that disease! Tommy's firefists burned with more intensity.
  14. Tommy: ...Eliminated? ET: I told you something was up, bro! Tommy set his fists on fire. Tommy: I won't let you hurt her! If you wanna hurt her, you're gonna have to go through me first!
  15. Tommy: ...something special? What's this "something special" that you sense? Tommy's face became even more suspicious.
  16. Tommy: Now, exactly what are you suggesting we turn back for? And what exactly is wrong with wrong with the girl in particular? Unless... A suspicious look appeared on Tommy's face. Tommy: ...there's something that isn't quite right about her... and even then, she doesn't seem like the one to hide secrets from people...
  17. Tommy: That sounds fun! Tommy proceeded to put both of his hands in front of his body, firing a massive beam frying any worms that were nearby.
  18. Tommy: Okay... you win this one... Tommy: I... just haven't fought in a long time... ET: No shit, Sherlock! Let's just see how useful he might be and get to Iblis!
  19. Tommy noticed the strange figure in the distance as well. Tommy: ...I think we might have someone blocking our way... Tommy shrugged. Tommy: Oh well... he might be a decent challenge to face against...
  20. "Remember when Pearl Harbour bombed the Germans?" - Scott Steiner
  21. Wake me up, wake me up inside!

    1. Yagoshi_The_Yoshi


      F*** this sh**, i'm out. No thanks.

    2. NijikakuFan61


      lol, alright, kthnxbai

  22. I just changed my avatar a few seconds ago... to something I thought was a little more appropriate for MFFA...


    1. TMC55


      TJ Perkins, one of my favorite cruiserweight wrestlers currently.

    2. NijikakuFan61


      TJ Perkins is one of my favorites too!

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