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Everything posted by NijikakuFan61

  1. A - actually, if I remember correctly, he's with me at the moment... don't know why he's not responding though... @Agni Blackheart cmon bro don't just get tommy arrested like this
  2. U - um... can you at least wait for a few minutes while I get one of my friends to pay for them?
  3. L - listen, I'm a big time music fan... that's why I'm buying so many CDs... Tommy was still confused. L - listen, there has to be some kind of mistake...
  4. W - what!? B - but I - I don't even live here! Tommy looked at the clerk, just as confused. C - can't you just l - let it slide this one time?
  5. Tommy's bag was filled to the brim with CDs. But I have to finish paying for them! Tommy handed the clerk 200$. Alright, now we can go!
  6. Tommy was doing the same, following Agni... until he got distracted by a nearby store that had tickled his fancy. ...give me a second, please. Tommy pulled out a bag from his pocket and walked into the store, fully intent to buy as many albums as he could.
  7. Got it! Tommy proceeded to slam Mirfah from behind back-first, before lying on his back. Stay down before I smash you on the back with my guitar.
  8. Tommy used the opportunity when Mirfah was distracted to sneak up on him from behind, before attempting to hold onto him from behind in an attempt to calm him down. Calm down before I have to smash you on the head with my guitar.
  9. Mirfah's insults at Tommy were so harsh that he went onto his knees and started crying. O - on the bright side, f - for my help, will I still be able to know more about Agni's marriage?
  10. If you had been dropped head-first onto Earth from a million lightyears away, wouldn't you be stupid as well?
  11. Hey, guys, can we please look at the bright side? Tommy smiled. At least we found Mirfah...
  12. Oh, he did!? I'm so proud he made a new friend! Tommy jumped into the air victoriously. YEAH! WE FOUND MIRFAH!
  13. Yeah! I can't wait 'til we find Mirfah! When I find him, I'm gonna come over to him, and I'm gonna give him a big hug!
  14. Tommy chuckled back, although he didn't exactly know why Nemesis had chuckled. Yeah; the quicker we can find Mirfah, the better!
  15. ...so that means we should be close! Tommy smiled. Thanks, sir; you've been very helpful today!
  16. Yeah! I think that would be a good idea! Tommy was still enthusiastic about helping his other teammates find Mirfah.
  17. Okay! Tommy walked over to the man. Sir, do you know where someone named Mirfah could've gone? Me and my friends have been looking for him for a long time...
  18. I'M GONNA DO IT! I'M GONNA DO IT! Tommy started jumping up and down out of excitement. I'M GONNA DO IT JUST FOR YOU!
  19. Alright! Let's go! We've wasted too much time! Let's get back to the main objective!
  20. Tommy sighed. Sorry... it's just... Tommy immediately went back to being his upbeat self. ...well? What're we waiting for? Let's find Mirfah before we end up never finding him again!
  21. Tommy pulled out his guitar. In the meantime, who wants to hear some guitar to brighten up their day? Tommy was still slightly upset after getting yelled at. I sure know I do...
  22. Nemesis' yelling scared Tommy, to the point where he started crying slightly. O - okay! P - please don't yell at me like that!
  23. Hey! Let me go! I was only going to have something small to nibble on before we went back to our mission! Tommy turned back to the waiter. You'll still bring me the extra large pizza with fries, right?
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