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Everything posted by NijikakuFan61

  1. Edward pulled out a fan big enough to direct the wind back at her. Edward: How does it feel to have your own weapon used against you!?
  2. Edward: I'm gonna throw more then just that at you! S - she's pretty... good... Tommy proceeded to summon two cannons made out of fire, aiming both of them at Riva and sending fireballs out of both of them.
  3. Damn! Tommy stayed down intentionally; the fridge was seconds from colliding with Riva.
  4. Tommy ran right back at Riva; what she didn't know was that this was an attempt to distract her while Edward used his hammerspace powers to throw a fucking fridge at her.
  5. Tommy immediately threw a fireball at her; if that managed to hit, Edward would proceed to grab her from behind by surprise, and slam her to the ground.
  6. Very well. Go easy on me, alright? In fact... Tommy aimed his sword at Riva. ...how about I tell you when enough's enough? As well as that... Tommy smiled. Maybe we could be friends after this? I've always wanted lots of those...
  7. Look, I don't believe that you're weak; in fact, you could probably do me in in just a few moves. The thing is, I already have somebody that I'm planning to fight. Edward walked into the room. See?
  8. No thanks, ma'am... I don't fight ladies; I'm not willing to hurt them.
  9. Meanwhile, Tommy noticed one of the arenas was empty, and chose to enter it. BGM: Cherub Rock Well... this could be interesting... Tommy pulled out his one-armed scissor, fully prepared for any fights that would ensue.
  10. Tommy sighed. Very well. Tommy put his guitar away, then went through the registration gate.
  11. Tommy decided to find out if there was any area where he could play his guitar. Um... excuse me, ma'am? I don't mean to sound stupid, but... do you know any place in here where I could play my guitar?
  12. Tommy had never been so excited at being somewhere in his life. Hmm... I wonder if there might be a place where I can play my guitar... there has to be a place where I can do that...
  13. Yeah! I love training! Training is one of my all time favorite things to do! Tommy had never felt so grateful in his life. Thank you, sir; you're the best! I'm forever grateful!
  14. Tommy reached into his own pocket; just like last time, Tommy had no money... so he decided to ask the nearest person to him. (trying to not sound like a total moron) Excuse me, sir? I know this is a stupid question, but I'm broke, can I have some money?
  15. Oh... okay then... Tommy looked on the bright side of things suddenly. Well... at least I can still play my guitar in the hangout... and maybe even take a bite out of something... Tommy went back inside the hangout, his guitar in one of his hands.
  16. Tommy heard what was said and immediately came back outside. ... (sigh) And I thought that I was done looking for teammates... Tommy crossed his arms. I'll go find her myself... she can't be too far away...
  17. (as cheerful as always) Don't worry, sir; I can handle myself when it comes to fighting! Tommy smiled. Although, I wouldn't mind grabbing a bite as well... Tommy came into the building. Edward followed suite to make sure Tommy wouldn't get hurt.
  18. Hey, guys! I'm back! Did you miss m - SLAP. You fucking idiot! Don't just run away like that! B - but I - Do you have any idea how worried I was!? I thought someone had killed you! B - but I was just helping - I don't care! Don't run off like that ever again!
  19. Tommy smiled, before pulling out his guitar. This one's called "1979"... one of my all time favorite songs... BGM: 1979
  20. Tommy smiled, nodded, and walked over to the guard, trying his best to be honest about his apology. Tommy: Excuse me, sir? I'm sorry about being a jerk and making a total ass out of myself. I promise I'll bring the currency that works here next time...
  21. ...that was a stupid move. Tommy shrugged. Guess I'll just get the CDs somewhere else, then.
  22. Tommy walked outside of the store before he could get escorted. Ha! Joke's on you!
  23. No, wait! You don't understand! There's no reason for this! Tommy gave back the CDs.
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