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Everything posted by NijikakuFan61

  1. Little did everybody know that Tommy was hanging on behind Mech Hisui the whole time. (quietly so that nobody can hear him) ...those are some nice panties...
  2. My name is Thomas "Tommy Gunn" Thompson, but you can just call me Tommy; that's the name I prefer to be called by, anyways. Has a certain ring to it, dont'cha think? Tommy smirked in a joking matter. None other then the greatest of all time, don't you think? Tommy chuckled slightly. Heh. Just kidding. Of course I'm not the greatest of all time... not like I'll accomplish anything other then being the last of my kind... even then, that's not something I'd be proud about...
  3. Tommy noticed what Nemesis and Shovel Knight were doing and turned over to them. Woah, woah, hey! Can't you two try to negotiate with them peacefully? That's what I've tried to do most of the time... Tommy cleared his throat. However, do whatever you want... just try not to start anything that could get yourselves hurt.
  4. Thank you. Tommy looked at the cup. Don't worry, sir; it'll heal eventually, but I'll take it anyways... besides, I'm starving... Tommy politely took the bottle of red liquid.
  5. Tommy simply stood up, the dagger still attached to his head. ...there's something in my head, isn't there? Unfortunately, yes. Oh... that explains why I feel like my head got stabbed... Tommy didn't even react to being stabbed in the head; it was almost as if this were a normal thing for him.
  6. ...you do know that he'd survive that, right? Edward crossed his arms and started tapping his foot. But go ahead, keep on acting tough and stab him in the head; I'm not going to stop you.
  7. Tommy's crying got even worse, both out of fear and sadness. Woah, woah, hey; calm down! No need to get so violent!
  8. That just caused Tommy to cry even more. WHY DO YOU ALL HATE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!? (groans) Nice job making him even sadder...
  9. Tommy still didn't understand what was going on somehow. Oh... why does everybody want to find out where we are...? I thought we would be pretty used to this place by now... Tommy looked at his guitar and a tear ran down his cheek. ...is it because you guys think I suck at the guitar? Tommy... that's not why... IT'S BECAUSE YOU GUYS THINK I SUCK AT THE GUITAR, ISN'T IT!? Tommy dropped his guitar to the ground, got down on his knees and started crying. TOMMY... (sigh)
  10. Tommy went back to playing on his guitar, too distracted to pay attention to anything else at the moment. BGM: Backwater And when I wake up in the morning... to feel the daybreak on my face... Tommy... can you please pay attention to more important matters that don't involve your guitar? Tommy ignored Edward and continued to play on his guitar. There's a blood that's flowin', through the feeling, with a knife to open up the sky's veins...
  12. Nice backstory; allow me to tell you mine. Frank cleared his throat. When I was just five years old, my father bought me a camera because I had always wanted one since I was a toddler. My dream had finally come true, and in what other way then through a Christmas present? I started doing the photography job when I was about 10 years old; I decided I had to take pictures of something. I finally got my big break in fame at thirteen years of age when I successfully managed to do my first scoop. It was big news all over the place; who would've known that taking pictures underwater was possible? I managed to get successful enough off of that to continue my career; I'm still a photographer to this day.
  13. Alright, I'll bite; I'm not actually human, although I was raised by some. Tommy cleared his throat. I'm actually an alien; my race got wiped out and I was left as the only existing member of my race. My "brothers" found me and decided to raise me by themselves. There; he just saved you two hours of pointless narration.
  14. I used to live in a different planet before I came to Ear - DUDE! YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO TELL HER THAT! But she wanted to know where I originally came from! BEFORE YOU GOT SUCKED INTO THE PORTAL, YOU IDIOT! But - NO. I - NO. But I - NO.
  15. ... Don't even think about it. Does that mean I can sing, then?
  16. Tommy, Edward and Frank followed Nemesis' lead, and decided to pull out his guitar so he could play a good riff or two. (putting on headphones) Well, let's see what I could play this time around... BGM: Backwater Well, this one feels fairly easy... maybe I could even perform a few lyrics on the way ther - Please... we already know what happened the last time you tried singing... you ending up causing someone to fall asleep...
  17. Yeah, I agree with this woman; the quicker we get moving, the quicker we'll find out where we are at the moment... Wait, are you actually having logical thinking for once in your life!? Who are you, and what have you done to Tommy? ...what's "logical thinking"? (sigh) Never mind.
  18. Tommy uncrossed his arms. Oh... I see... Tommy looked down in shame. I guess I owe you an apology in that case, ma'am... sorry.
  19. Tommy crossed his arms. Well, in that case, I'm sorry for breaking up a battle that could've been potentially life-threatening. Tommy looked at Saber angrily. I guess when I get in a potentially life-threatening battle, you're not going to save me either now, are you?
  20. You don't know who I am!? Tommy cleared his throat. I see. My name's Thomas "Tommy Gunn" Thompson - but you can just call me Tommy. And I'm here to break up this fight that you two seem to have started. @Tony Redgrave, @OxyontheWolf, your calls!
  21. Tommy noticed the fight going on, and ran over to SK & Saber to prevent it from getting worse. Hey! You two! Cut that out, please! I don't want any of you getting hurt! @Tony Redgrave, @OxyontheWolf, your calls!
  22. Yeah, no kidding; you think!? This kid's been through having most of his race wiped out and he still stays as cheerful as ever... Wait, what? I didn't have most of my race wiped out... that's just a rumor... and even then, there's no proof that it really happened... dudedontblowmycoverlikethis.
  23. Trust me, nothing makes this kid shut up. I bet he probably talks even during his sleep... H - hey! I don't talk in my sleep! No, you do; I watch you when you're sleeping! YOU WHAT!? YOU FREAKING CREEP! Hey, I can't help it; I have the pictures and everything, man!
  24. Oh... my life must be so interesting that you feel asleep from the interesting-ness... No, you idiot; your life is so boring that he fell asleep. Say what you want; being correct doesn't mean that you're right!
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