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Everything posted by NijikakuFan61

  1. Hey, as long as you tried as hard as you could, that's good enough for me.
  2. My old computer crashing, thus therefore making 3 years of character collecting completely moot.
  3. come back, plz... come back

    1. StrongestPotato


      @TotalDramaXtremist pls! I got back from my stuff!

  4. Tommy struggled to get out of the grip of the undead soldier which was holding him. Tommy: Let go of me, you goddamned undead freak! Tommy struggled more valiantly. Tommy: I said, let go! Tommy summoned a fire explosion right at the postition he was standing, using his mind and his mind alone.
  5. I think that the a Nijikaku characters are pretty overhated. Sure, they're fairly buggy, but they're just so creative and fun to play as!
  6. I honestly think Jarek needs to be a MUGEN character. Don't judge me.
  7. Tommy: Don't worry... Tommy: I'm not letting somebody as nice as you get hurt by ANYBODY.
  8. Tommy: Aw, you're welcome! Lets go now, shall we? Tommy and the 2 clones came off to fight against Medusa. Tommy stayed behind and waited for Fiona to follow. Tommy: So... are you coming, or what?
  9. Tommy: You're very determined. I respect that in a girl. Tommy patted "her" head. Tommy: I respect that in a girl.
  10. Tommy: Heh, maybe you could... Tommy: Just warning you though, it's gonna be... pretty hard.
  11. Tommy: Actually... he kinda wishes he could stop... Tommy: But, well, he's addicted to it... Tommy: Although, he's stopped doing it as often as he used to do it.
  12. Tommy: Well, the closest to a crime he really does is steal people from their money... Tommy wiped a bit of sweat off himself. Tommy: As for why we don't share similar personalities... I actually cloned these two guys a long time ago...
  13. Tommy: ...Yeah, I named BOTH of them... Tommy: And as for the word "Gangster", that means "somebody that likes to perform crimes"... and I think that fits G.T pretty well.
  14. Tommy: G.T stands for Gangster Tommy... Tommy pointed at G.T. Tommy: He likes robbing things. Now, E.T stands for "Evil" Tommy. Tommy pointed at E.T. Tommy: Don't worry, he's actually a pretty good person, I don't know why I put "evil" in his name.
  15. Tommy: Well, yes, actually... Tommy: We were born at the same time, and everything!
  16. come back ;-;

    1. StrongestPotato


      and just like Pyrrha Nykos, just like Ultraman Ginga, just like Sans on each continuity that changesI AM REBORN! (inb4 shitty explosion effects)

    2. NijikakuFan61
  17. Tommy: My name is Tommy... it's very nice meeting you, Fiona! Tommy pointed at G.T and E.T. Tommy: These two are my "escorts", G.T and E.T.
  18. Tommy: Hm... Tommy hesitated for a second. Tommy: Of course you can! You are such a polite young girl, has anybody ever told you that? Tommy patted "her" head very gently.
  19. Yeah! And... Tommy gave a thumbs up. We... like it, as well! Well, at least me and E.T like it... G.T, on the other hand, would rather just look at his "scrilla" all day.
  20. join chat plz

    1. NijikakuFan61


      chat please? ;-;

    2. NijikakuFan61
    3. NijikakuFan61


      cri cri, why did you leave, come back ;-;

  21. E.T: Oh... sorry! E.T helped "her" up. Tommy: ...E.T, please don't scare her like that again. E.T: Okay Tommy, you got it... heh heh... E.T: (This is kinda awkward...)
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