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Infinite Kyo

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Everything posted by Infinite Kyo

  1. you ever seen one of those internet ships where its so fucking weird but it actually kinda works? a good example is this or Dante and Bayonetta lol Bruh if this was a Screenpack id have so much fun making ports for it
  2. (Kyo and Morrigan watch as Lightflare and Oro attack Iblis with strong energy attacks but just then more of Iblis minions spawned in an attempt to surround them -kyo it seems we have company -goddamnit what cant these things just leave us alone -looks like I'll have to cremate them then (Kyo punches the ground and a giant flame like geyser comes out of the ground hitting all of them around kyo Morrigan then focuses on the ones who jumped into the air to avoid kyo's attack) -Soul Fist! (Morrigan shoots a barrage of soul fists killing the ones in the air) -such annoying pests
  3. haha thanks man guess I'll just have to have two dudleys wouldn't be that bad I have like 5 akumas lol
  4. oh never knew ansatsuken made a Dudley used his ryu and akuma so I'm guessing his dudleys gonna be just as good thanks for this man
  5. a good Dudley? was playing some 3rd strike on Fightcade earlier and was thinking of getting a version of Dudley don't care what version of him it is just as long as its good we could always use more Gentlemen in our roster lol so show me what yall got oh and thanks for reading this
  6. (Kyo stares at the man dressed in Black and begins to think to himself) -"is he the guy Angel was talking about? well he doesn't seem bad anyone who is helping us cant be" (kyo's train of thought is haulted however when he feels the ground shake) -the dude in black is right this thing isn't gonna go down easily and its probably pissed off after all the damage we did to it we need a plan and fast even if it means taking the bastard apart piece by piece (Morrigan begins to chuckle) -if you need me I am willing to help its not like I've got anything else to do at the moment anyway
  7. [Adult Swim] Samurai Jack 5th season 2017 the show will air on March 11th of this year AND ITS GONNA BE LIT BOI
  8. -oh Lightflare I knew it was you Id know that big blue energy blast from anywhere and also epic beard man (Morrigan then floats down and lands beside kyo) -oh you look strong and capable its nice to meet you mr lightflare
  9. I hope one day some will make Jolyne Kujo into Mugen that would be awesome

  10. any chance you could hook me up with that stage with Luffy on it? I need some one piece stages
  11. (Kyo and Morrigan rush over to the group to see what was going on they then see Argento's questionable behaviour ) -well he certainly isn't the friendly type is he -you know In this current situation I wouldn't be surprised if he was a little hot headed I mean we are fighting a giant monster here and all
  12. i know this is late as hell but Happy Birthday

  13. (while watching the battle intensify Kyo's phone begins to ring it startled kyo because he was so focused on the fight) -58 unread text messages holy crud (kyo answers the phone) -and just where the hell have you been huh? (Kyo was startled by Angels voice he had totally forgotten about their plans to get together and headed out after hearing rumors of Iblis) -oh its you Angel you had me worried for a sec there I thought Yagami got my new number he always sends me really weird messages like "I will kill you someday you kusanagi bastard" or something along those lines -yeah well despite the fact that you completely ignored our date I have something to tell you you remember Nests right? -how could I forget those assholes made clones of me and are probably still trying to hunt me down -yeah anyway apparently there have been more people escaping from the labs at their HQ one of which is a man who's dressed in all black and apparently has really unique abilities I don't know if he is still on the run or not also several clones have escaped as well I don't know if they are gonna kill you or not though tehee (kyo thought for a moment on how the hell did Angel know all this) -where did you get all this info from? -Maxima and K told me to tell you I don't know why all those guys seem to worry about is money and themselves -well I guess i'll owe them one which is gonna be a pain in my ass no many what anyway thanks for the heads up I promise i'll make it up to you once I get back (Just before Angel could answer Kyo's phone dies from lack of battery power) -welp she's gonna kill me (Kyo continues to watch the fight while Morrigan hovers in the air for a better view)
  14. -woah that Ultraman guy is kicking ass -yes indeed although it would appear that another battle is happening nearby -yeah I saw them before wonder what they're fighting about......lets just focusing on killing the monster for now (Kyo and Morrigan decide to remain on the sidelines and watch as the fight continues)
  15. yeah theres a whole Marvel Universe where all the superheroes became Zombies lol I wanna see zombie Deadpool in Mugen shit would be lit
  16. -alright guess i'll take a shot at it as well -are you sure about this? you can always back down if you want -heh what kinda man would I be if I backed down now (Kyo clenched his fist together gathering his flames into it he then looked toward the monster) -alright lets cook this asshole (Kyo then launched the Ura 111 Shiki : Ama no Murakumo the attack was about 3x as big as the one he used on the worms it hit Iblis straight in the back while the monster is in pain Morrigan seemed intrigued by kyo's attack) -wow that was huge now let me see if I can top that (Morrigan pulls out a demonic energy cannon out of seemingly nowhere) -where the hell did you pull that from? -that's a secret its called the soul eraser by the way isn't it cool (Morrigan takes aim and fires it at Iblis's back the same place that kyo hit him) -damn this women is insane I'm glad she's on our side now that I think about it who shot that big blue laser before I think I know someone who has an attack like that I just cant remember his name hmmmm
  17. (kyo and Morrigan keep running until they can see the monster in view) -heh its bigger up close and uglier too I'm not too sure if my flames will do anything against a monster that's made out of fire but I can try at least -hmm you aren't getting scared now are you? has all that bravado you had before gone away? -did you follow me just to be annoying? you really expect me to get cold feet now that I actually see the asshole in plain sight? -my you have quite a short temper I think we should stick back for abit there are other fighters around probably (Kyo and Morrigan then notice the ice spear that flies into the air and stabs Iblis) -woah that was awesome who shot that? -maybe one of the many people who have shown up to fight this beast I told you before you fool -we probably should wait for an opportunity to strike that big asshole must have a weakpoint everything has some type of weakpoint or weakness after all
  18. got my Mediafire account back today and holy shit I have a lot of stuff on here lmfao

  19. (while flying Morrigan noticed the mysterious man dressed in Black although she did wonder what he was doing she decided to follow Kyo) -hmm he looks suspicious but I don't get the feeling he is an enemy so In that case (Morrigan blew a kiss to the man dressed in black then continued to fly towards Kyo -what the hell why are you following me? -well I'm not getting in your way am I? I'm just going to watch you spectate you in other words you are much more interesting than anything I have found in this city -tch do what you want (Kyo decides to put up with Morrigan for the moment and they both head on further into the flame drenched city
  20. bruh you know the 2020 Tokyo Olympics is gonna be lit when Goku, Naruto, Luffy, Sailor Moon, Astro Boy, Shinchan (and a few others) are the official ambassadors lmfao that's awesome

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Infinite Kyo

      Infinite Kyo

      lol yeah I don't know what Doraemon wasn't there but a cat character from Yokai watch was it seemed a bit weird

    3. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      What's the fun in Olympics if USA always get most medals?

    4. StrongestPotato


      0/10 Ultraman and Ultraseven are absent

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